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Psychic Bolts Has To Go De


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I say it could certainly use a damage buff, but I feel if it was just damage it still wouldn't see much use considering her theme. 

On the contrary, PB should be an effective damage dealer because Nyx already has 3 CC abilities.  Theme doesn't matter; only that abilities function properly in their purpose.

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On the contrary, PB should be an effective damage dealer because Nyx already has 3 CC abilities.  Theme doesn't matter; only that abilities function properly in their purpose.

Exactly , its main goal is damage  so it shoudl do some and not become usless so fast.


damage should be in enemy HP percentage or something

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Thing is, PB will never be an effective damage dealer unless you massively overpower it, because power strength is Nyx's dump stat. Of course, if you massively overpower it, then Nyx will start stacking power strength and it'll become OP.


How about getting away from both CC and damage entirely, and replace PB with a restorative ability? Maybe Psychic Drain, every bolt that hits an enemy restores 5/10/20/30 energy in a radius. The augment can stay the same.

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How about getting away from both CC and damage entirely, and replace PB with a restorative ability? Maybe Psychic Drain, every bolt that hits an enemy restores 5/10/20/30 energy in a radius. The augment can stay the same.

Still not worth it like this.


If it's to restore energy it sould be in greater amouts but  would have some kind of cooldown or recast time. It can break the game really fast.


Might as well replace PB if it's to change its purpose completely.


I"m gonna try and post a revamp concept later 

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>"close to perfectly balanced"

lol not really. Instant invulnerability reflect ult, long duration strong CC on 3. If not for the S#&$ty state of balance of the rest of the game, she'd be OP. But there's other more glaring issues in this game's balance.


You want close to perfectly balanced, try Banshee.




Anyways, I would definitely agree the augment should be part of the ability. I'd feel less bad about liking it if it was.


The rest are really just kinda lame. 4 is fairly OP due to its stupidly low cost, 1 is amusing but kinda meh unless you can grab an Eximus or Infested Healer or Napalm/Bombard/HGunner or Osprey, and 3 is rather OP because its duration is nearly half a minute with no mods.

Absorb is only "OP" when enemies don't do much damage. The second that ceases to be true, Absorb is just a waste of energy if you maintain it more than 2 seconds. At high levels, it's just a knockdown tool. You want "OP"? Radial Disarm says hi. Several times.


Her 3 is good only when you cut the duration as much as possible, because it's not spammable, like say Radial disarm (again), and waiting for 30 seconds for that last enemy hiding somewhere to stop being affected to be able to recast kinda sucks. This ability is more an ult than Absorb is in its current state as far as I'm concerned. I know quite a few players who agree with that.


Psychic bolts are bad, plain and simple. They tend to go wherever they want, they do crap damage, but then again, one could argue Nyx is a CC frame, damage is not her "thing", except they also have zero utility. And don't get me started on that joke devs dare to call "augment". Chaos is much better, for only a bit more energy.


The devs have turned Nyx into a one and a half trick poney. Thanks for nothing dear devs.


EDIT : Yes, I am very biased when it comes to Nyx, she's my favourite.^^'

Edited by Marthrym
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I do find it a problem when it's a power that only deals damage, on an utility frame who has 3 skills that doesn't use power strength.

The augment mod makes it a lot better, but what bothers me is the target acquisition that it has. Some times it doesn't home into the enemies at all and they are on the screen, some times it homes at enemies miles away and they aren't even visible, so many times it ends up stunning enemies that I don't need to be stunned, and not stunning those that are in my face, shooting at me. Another problem is that how it's the augment mod that makes it good. Right now it's not that bad, but when the Chaos augment comes out, bye bye Pacifying bolts.


Absorb uses power strength...she only has 2 abilities that don't use power strength.


>"close to perfectly balanced"

lol not really. Instant invulnerability reflect ult, long duration strong CC on 3. If not for the S#&$ty state of balance of the rest of the game, she'd be OP. But there's other more glaring issues in this game's balance.


You want close to perfectly balanced, try Banshee.




Anyways, I would definitely agree the augment should be part of the ability. I'd feel less bad about liking it if it was.


The rest are really just kinda lame. 4 is fairly OP due to its stupidly low cost, 1 is amusing but kinda meh unless you can grab an Eximus or Infested Healer or Napalm/Bombard/HGunner or Osprey, and 3 is rather OP because its duration is nearly half a minute with no mods.


Sounds like someone has had a bad experience with a nyx player. Anyway, trust me, she's not op at all, chaos often gets prolonged by its stupid duration because a drone is sitting in a corner somewhere, making it so you can't cast it in rapid succession to actually rely on it for any protection.

Her ult is anything but op, due to it's terrible range. sure, you can insta-tank anything, but ranged targets often leave the radius if you use it long enough to do decent mid-high level damage (probably around 10-20 secs).


Well, with regards to a "complete rework" I'd rather see "Absorb" removed from her skill set and some more telepathic attacks/abilities added in.  It never felt like something that belonged in a mind controller's abilities.  Maybe generically psionic or telekinetic style.  But Nyx seemed to be more focused on mental powers and mind control and psychic attacks.  Not physical blocking.


I mean, not that THAT would ever happen


Not so much a theme of mind control, but using the enemy's power against them. Psychic bolts not only throws this out the window, but it sucks. shuriken is better in every way for 25 less energy.


Absorb is only "OP" when enemies don't do much damage. The second that ceases to be true, Absorb is just a waste of energy if you maintain it more than 2 seconds. At high levels, it's just a knockdown tool. You want "OP"? Radial Disarm says hi. Several times.


Her 3 is good only when you cut the duration as much as possible, because it's not spammable, like say Radial disarm (again), and waiting for 30 seconds for that last enemy hiding somewhere to stop being affected to be able to recast kinda sucks. This ability is more an ult than Absorb is in its current state as far as I'm concerned. I know quite a few players who agree with that.


Psychic bolts are bad, plain and simple. They tend to go wherever they want, they do crap damage, but then again, one could argue Nyx is a CC frame, damage is not her "thing", except they also have zero utility. And don't get me started on that joke devs dare to call "augment". Chaos is much better, for only a bit more energy.


The devs have turned Nyx into a one and a half trick poney. Thanks for nothing dear devs.


EDIT : Yes, I am very biased when it comes to Nyx, she's my favourite.^^'


What, do you run an oe build or something? absorb does great damage into high levels, assuming you actually hit stuff with its pitiful range. However, for leech eximus and all those fun enemies, a double tap of 4 does a great job of giving a quick, inexpensive knockdown. 



I agree with the OP though, I think bolts needs to be scrapped, nyx's ability set revolves around taking the enemy's strength and shoving it right down their throat, from making them fight each other, to redirecting their own damage back at them. Psychic Bolts ruins this, even with pacifying bolts it still doesn't quite fit in. Personally I would prefer some kind of a more mobile, less invincible support version of absorb, like a version heals nyx and restores the energy of teammates when its used or something.

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if you would go through the trouble of farming the augment you would know how incredibly strong it is, it turn PB from S#&$ to amazing, really!


I agree though taht no Power should need an augment to be viable, a buff that makes it much more viable on it´s own is much overdue!

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But that would be kinda reduntdat considering Chaos


Why cast this when chaos has way more range and reliable effect duration ( 

Because Chaos is not re-castable and enemes will spawn after you use chaos, it would be a way so do a soft lockdown on unaffected targets.

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But that would be kinda reduntdat considering Chaos


Why cast this when chaos has way more range and reliable effect duration ( 


Lower energy cost, recastable, faster animation, affects smaller number of targets. I could definitely see casting this while on the move through an extraction missions, since Chaos isn't recastable and has a duration, you don't want to use Chaos while you are running between points as you might not be able to cast it when you need it.

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Thing is, PB will never be an effective damage dealer unless you massively overpower it, because power strength is Nyx's dump stat. Of course, if you massively overpower it, then Nyx will start stacking power strength and it'll become OP.

Having to trade-off a little bit (aka no Overextended, imagine that?) to get a more effective PB is fine.  People who want the extra direct damage potential can have it and people who don't care about it can continue to maximize her cheesy CC potential.

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Welp, Nyx definitely won't be next. Frost was confirmed to be next. 

Well sure but that's no reason to not discuss other frames. 


On topic. I'm not sure Psychic Bolts needs to be completely scrapped, it just needs to figure out what it wants to be. As someone else mentioned Nyx is all about turning the enemy's strengths on themselves, either by making them fight each other or reflecting their damage.


What does need to go is the augment mod being required to make the ability worthwhile, that's not what augments should be used for. However I will say it does illustrate just how useful having a CC effect on the bolts is and how PB could be useful if it had something similar in the base ability.


I agree with the idea of PB inflicting radiation procs as a base effect and changing the augment to either be a full loki-style disarm or something else. If PB could be used as a soft Chaos/midway power between MC and Chaos. It would be a great tool for mobile missions or taking care of new enemies that show up while Chaos is still in effect. 

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