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Option To Slap Void Trader


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"Do have a look, who knows, you may turn into a paying customer someday."


We need an option to slap the Void Trader. Simple as that. Whenever the arrogant little elitist opens his trashy mouth, how many of you have a sudden, uncontrollable desire to punch your computer screen? Anyone who has ever visited Baro Ki'Teer when not equipped with prime gear should have experienced this.


"All my wares come from the Void. Perhaps you'll get to visit sometime."


I've already thought about how it would be implemented. Whenever he spouts off an elitist remark, a button prompt should come up saying "Click to slap". You can hold down left click to charge up your slap, simply tapping it to give him a reminder not to tick you off again, or holding it down for longer to inflict true punishment. You could use your mouse to aim the slap so as to strike different parts of his face, inflicting damage where you want and adding an element of skill. If you charge it up for long enough and aim your slap correctly, you should even be treated to breaking his jaw!


"I underestimated you Tenno. I do hope you didn't put yourself in a hole for this?"


Do you have any idea how irritating it is to be confronted by an insufferable elitist that you do not have the power to physically abuse? We need that power in Warframe.





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Wait, this is a thread about doing violence in Warframe, and we had a string of TF2 spy memes, but no Stalker backhand gif!?





Omfg, did no one get my reference? Dx


Well, I'm sitting here wondering why, and as consiquence what, you would feed a martian jellyfish.  If its in a condition to feed, it certainly is poorly prepaired. 

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I'd love to see this option, but only if slapping him doubled prices for the slapper for the next 3-5 rotations.

Can hugging him halve the prices?

Or maybe I can get a larger discount by equipping a female frame and doing... something special...

Like baking him cookies!

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Can hugging him halve the prices?

Or maybe I can get a larger discount by equipping a female frame and doing... something special...

Like baking him cookies!

Or bake him potatoes, since those are more valuable.

Heck, be an Ember!

And bake HIS potato instead!

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