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Short, Speculative Theory On Sentient Combat Strategies (Two Words: Tuning Forks!)


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Okay, so this just popped into my head and I'm not really looking to make more out of it, but I just considered something.


In the "Tombs of the Sentient" trailer, some of the Sentients (or Sentient assault drones, whatever they are until further notice) are wielding what can unabashedly be described as "tuning forks". A while back I considered the possibility of the Sentients using sonic weapons as a new damage type, though ultimately I discarded the idea that would be horribly bothersome in the greater elemental system.


But, recently (read: just now) my brain made the connection between sonics (ala the tuning fork-looking sentient weapons) and the transmission that was being played out across the area in Dark Sector, keeping the Infested in check and ultimately contained in the singular area, with another single being sent out by the gain antagonist to counteract it and gather the Infested together.


Now, whether you believe that the Warframes are made of Tecnocyte or (in my humble opinion, incorrectly) that the Tenno themselves are Infested with Technocyte, consider this:


Could it be that the Sentient will employ something similar against us in combat? A sonic weapon to weaken us that we will have no possible defense against? Perhaps even stun us mid-combat if we aren't careful enough about dealing with them in a certain way?


It would make some sense for them to have a weapon like that as well, and the bit where the transmission starts messing with Ordis during The New Strange already shows they have some kind of "mess you up" transmission technology. If they were defeated by us all that time ago and then were given the reprieve they needed by us turning against and slaughtering the Orokin, they surely would have taken the time to develop technology to combat us - and if they have access to Warframes like The New Stranges seemingly suggests.


Thoughts? Or am I just completely mad?

Edited by Morec0
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+1 but maybe not a new elemental but how about them having a combined elemental like corrosive or blast


The sonic idea seems cool but then DE will have to make a new weapon for tenno and tomb of the sentients will be delayed


Maybe the sonic idea can be used for us(new weapons :D)  later, as the sonic element can be the ONLY weakness to the senients(you can do dmg but sonic dmg will do alot more) because it will be the only real weapon the can hit the sentients glowing energy thing



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+1 but maybe not a new elemental but how about them having a combined elemental like corrosive or blast


The sonic idea seems cool but then DE will have to make a new weapon for tenno and tomb of the sentients will be delayed


Maybe the sonic idea can be used for us(new weapons :D)  later, as the sonic element can be the ONLY weakness to the senients(you can do dmg but sonic dmg will do alot more) because it will be the only real weapon the can hit the sentients glowing energy thing




Well, then that raises the question of "how would WE make it?"


The point of this thread isn't to suggest "hey! maybe they'll be using a new elemental damage type" but to say "hey, maybe this would be a story means by which they are a massive threat to us?"

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Makes sense, but the thing is game mechanics that outright disable player control (disabling movement being the most sinful) are more frustrating than challenging. I wouldn't mind if the signal that these Sentient units would use simply disable your warframe's ability to channel powers by confusion or even prevented certain types of attacking, but outright stunning would be a slap in the face.


But I think if they can make it a good game mechanic, it'd fit quite nicely. Given what happened to Mirage, I wouldn't doubt if the Sentients have found a weakness to exploit. In fact, we found the message from the Sentients in the Arcane machine around infested; who's to say the Sentients haven't been experimenting?


The more I think of it, the Sentients seem more and more to be a puppeteer race, rather than a mimicry race like I initially thought.

Edited by Krion112
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The Infested are already not in control of our Warframes--we are. I don't know the story of Dark Sector, so maybe I'm misunderstanding, but it seems to me that trying to use sonic disruption to prevent us from following the hivemind wouldn't work.


I never attempted to say that the infested were in control of our Warframes, only we're made of the same base technocyte material.


And it's not the EXACT same result being tested for, but if the Infested can be controlled by different types of frequencies than it stands to reason various frequencies could do various things - be it contain or harm them. I'm imagining a scene with a Sentient attacker using such a weapon and our Tenno just keels over as his Warframe screeches in pain with an effect making it look like it's trying to flee comes off of him.


Probably more extreme than anything that would happen, but still: sonic frequencies as a means of harming Technocyte creatures is the point.

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Banshee is a sonic warframe


Nyx is mind control..

We don't know enough about The involvement successes and failures of the technocyte in the old war.

In your op you say you don't believe the suits nor tenno are technocyte infested

I think they are a part of us.

The sentients look to me like a cephalon in a combat harness

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Makes sense, but the thing is game mechanics that outright disable player control (disabling movement being the most sinful) are more frustrating than challenging. I wouldn't mind if the signal that these Sentient units would use simply disable your warframe's ability to channel powers by confusion or even prevented certain types of attacking, but outright stunning would be a slap in the face.


But I think if they can make it a good game mechanic, it'd fit quite nicely. Given what happened to Mirage, I wouldn't doubt if the Sentients have found a weakness to exploit. In fact, we found the message from the Sentients in the Arcane machine around infested; who's to say the Sentients haven't been experimenting?


Could be in an AoE, either in an area around the Sentient or a targeted area. Could be avoidable, or could simply mean you have to kill that type of Sentient first; enforcing a kill order would already set them apart from other enemy types.


As for the location of the "skulls" - yes, that's actually an interesting point. Though one wonders what that makes the Arcane Infested, though.


Banshee is a sonic warframe



There's a difference between a yell and a dog whistle.

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I never attempted to say that the infested were in control of our Warframes, only we're made of the same base technocyte material.


And it's not the EXACT same result being tested for, but if the Infested can be controlled by different types of frequencies than it stands to reason various frequencies could do various things - be it contain or harm them. I'm imagining a scene with a Sentient attacker using such a weapon and our Tenno just keels over as his Warframe screeches in pain with an effect making it look like it's trying to flee comes off of him.


Probably more extreme than anything that would happen, but still: sonic frequencies as a means of harming Technocyte creatures is the point.

Fair enough. I'd imagine the damage type would just be blast though, similar to Banshee, but who knows.

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I could go for something like they can't stun or disable you if your shields are up, as shields would probably be designed to repel unwanted waves, just like how real-life shield research is being theorized to do. Plus, it'd be more fair to the player, as you'd have to have been out in the open and sufficiently weakened before any stunning attack could occur. This would be essentially punishing the players for being out in the line of fire for too long without having done any significant damage to the enemy, which I would perceive as difficult rather than frustrating.


The Sentients are seeming more to be a puppeteer faction. Their designs even make me feel like this is the intention.

Edited by Krion112
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So Sentients confirmed to be Noise Marines?





Shields exist for a reason.

Assuming Sentients were really entombed, they should not have any new means of taking us on.

It will be the same as before, except this time we will not be backed up by the Orokin.


Shield so easily bypassed by toxins and slashes?


That IS a valid point, though, the "entombed" bit. Even the trapped can plan, though. We'll have to wait and see.



Inb4 Sentients have a Silence-like ability that stunlocks our character in a "bend forward holding head" animation.

Wait, no, don't give them ideas.


As long as it's a sort of punishment for screwing something up and not a go-to ability, I think it's a fine idea.

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Shield so easily bypassed by toxins and slashes?


That IS a valid point, though, the "entombed" bit. Even the trapped can plan, though. We'll have to wait and see.




As long as it's a sort of punishment for screwing something up and not a go-to ability, I think it's a fine idea.

Sound, which is Blast in this game, does not bypass shields. Creating a new damage type at this point would destroy the game.

For your theory to work we would first have to assume that their arms are indeed tuning forks (not used to conduct electricity or charge energy)

If they do receive a power similar to this it would have to be a new form of CC similar to mind control, and would only work while a frame's shield is down.

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Sound, which is Blast in this game, does not bypass shields. Creating a new damage type at this point would destroy the game.

For your theory to work we would first have to assume that their arms are indeed tuning forks (not used to conduct electricity or charge energy)

If they do receive a power similar to this it would have to be a new form of CC similar to mind control, and would only work while a frame's shield is down.


The Sonic Boom ability deals Impact damage. Not a far cry from blast, no, but, once again: there's a difference between a yell and a dog whistle. A targeted, specific type of sonic wave could potentially bypass shields. Although, not being able to avoid damage to keep your shields up COULD be that "playstyle enforcement" stipulation I mention.


And yes, a CC ability IS what I'm suggesting, NOT a new damage type. What part of "I ultimately discarded the idea" aren't people understanding?

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They will have instan aoe knockdown if engaged in melee, 25m energy disrupt aura, fast firerate energy weapon that shoots through walls, toxin and radiation immune heavy armor with double as much shielsds as the corpus have.


Oh yeah and the whole faction is immune to any warframe power....

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The Sonic Boom ability deals Impact damage. Not a far cry from blast, no, but, once again: there's a difference between a yell and a dog whistle. A targeted, specific type of sonic wave could potentially bypass shields. Although, not being able to avoid damage to keep your shields up COULD be that "playstyle enforcement" stipulation I mention.


And yes, a CC ability IS what I'm suggesting, NOT a new damage type. What part of "I ultimately discarded the idea" aren't people understanding?

In the end, no matter what, sound is just a vibration. Your theory is plausible, but sound being the method is not the way to go about it.

The Sentients had an effect on Ordis, who doesn't even have a physical body. The method they are using seems to be quite different.

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In the end, no matter what, sound is just a vibration. Your theory is plausible, but sound being the method is not the way to go about it.

The Sentients had an effect on Ordis, who doesn't even have a physical body. The method they are using seems to be quite different.

Doesnt have to sound, as any kind of vibrations can work.

Vibrations that resonate with our frames and making us powerless.

Highly unlikely as Tenno were the weakness of Sentients, not other way around.

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Could be in an AoE, either in an area around the Sentient or a targeted area. Could be avoidable, or could simply mean you have to kill that type of Sentient first; enforcing a kill order would already set them apart from other enemy types.

As for the location of the "skulls" - yes, that's actually an interesting point. Though one wonders what that makes the Arcane Infested, though.

There's a difference between a yell and a dog whistle.

Sonar resonance ...

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words words words

The Tenno definitely contain Technocyte. Every Warframe has a part that is made with Plastids, and quite a lot. Whether the Plastids control a Frame or the Frame controls the Plastids is where no one is sure.


In my eyes, they don't necessarily use the vibrations themselves to weaken/turn technology. Rather, the vibrations are data being received by the technology and act as a computer virus that changes how the technology acts. Assuming all Sol System tech has computers in it, this would explain why improving technology was dangerous. Meanwhile, weapons like the Paris or the Tipedo couldn't be turned because they were safe. I'm probably missing something, so please respond.

Edited by AlchemistMute
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