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Coming Soon: Devstream #51!


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So far we have Alad V as a reliable source of Neural Sensors and Sargas Ruk as a reliable source of Orokin Cells. Do you see any of the reworked bosses becoming a reliable source of Neurodes? (As opposed to Lephantis who is key-locked, and Vay Hek who moves around like a six-year-old on a sugar rush)

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This is not a boss rework related question, but it's been on  my mind for a while now.


Will we see the return of accidentally release mods, like the elemental resistance auras or the sentinel mods Looter and Sacrifice?

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QUESTION: What happened to the old intense PHYSX effects, like the ones in the Nvidia preview video, and will we ever get them back?


QUESTION 2: Will Arcanes be buffed in any way? As they stand, most of them have a super low chance of happening on something even rarer, like a finisher, which makes them not too useful except for special scenarios.

Edited by Sorez
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Not sure whether they'll answer this since Rebecca might not take it since its not a "boss rework related question".


Hope they do though, will be interesting to know what Scott wants to do with Frost after they change Excalibur.

Yeah I was adding an edit in after seeing the OP again :/


I hope so too as surely they can't just take boss related questions. I've been meaning to ask this the minute the next Devstream thread was posted after the last. I was a bit slow in posting though.

Edited by Naith
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  Wonder how you guys are going to improve Golem, also, you guys could fix that "Golem Nav Coordinate" and name it "Lephantis", since Golem is not Lephantis anymore :/


  Edit: Are there prizes on this things? Nice to see that the DE aren't actually focusing only on making money through platnium and actually giving it away :3.

Edited by aaayu
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I'm very excited for Tyl Regor! Is it true that the new sword and shield that he will wield will be a player-weapon as well, which seemed to be hinted at in Dev stream 50?


If yes, is this a model (boss weapons as loot for players) that will be considered in future boss reworks? I quite liked the idea of wielding Vor's Seer, even though it sadly isn't too great stat-wise.

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Will the re-works include different boss fight mechanics instead of simply periods of "dps on" and "dps off"?


Can there be things like:

  • A knockdown period where players have a chance to get one finishing stab in and speed up the fight
  • An "active resist" period where players have to repeatedly tap 'E' to keep from being subdued
  • An "adds" period where the boss is not present, but very tough non-boss mobs are

Will we be able to interact with the boss in melee instead of spamming combos until he's in a "dps on" period and dies?

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As much as I'm interested in the upcoming boss reworks, I would also like to know about the "boss arenas".


When Vay Hek was redone and you fight him in his Terra frame on Earth the arena had a few intractable elements, most of which were fairly trivial ( exploding pipe to air launch you across the map or exploding barrel to and a new platform to the area).


So my question is will there be and map elements that could be used to fight these bosses, maybe some things can knock them out of invulnerability phases (cause we all love those)?

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[size=2]EDIT: These are not boss related questions, but answering at least one of them (emphasis on the first one) would still make me a happy Tenno.[/size]



1. Can we expect the bleeding mechanic to get a rework? It is both frustrating and counter-intuitive to be killed by an unstoppable DoT proc that additionally ignores BOTH armor and shield. Theoretically speaking, bullets and blades bounce or slip when impacting something as solid as a Warframe's shield. Would you please consider either:
     - Giving us a way to block bleeding damage? - something that is NOT an ability limited to only a few warframes, but is instead available to every warframe (we used to be able to do this by simply blocking with melee);
     - Preventing bleeding procs from passing through shields? - Bleeding would only occur when the target's (or a warframe's) shields are down to 0, but it would NOT be stopped when the shields start regenerating.

2. Some time ago (before Volt was featured on PA), a question about Volt's Overload ability popped up in Community Hot Topics - Is a rework for Overload On-The-Horizon™?

3. When will the sniper rifles get a buff? They suffer from a fairly obvious flaw - they are not reliable, because they cannot achieve a 100% critical chance. Currently we cannot expect our sniper rifles to always deal as much damage as the installed mods let them.
Can we also hope for an adjustable zoom feature for all scoped weapons? This could be done by simply overriding the mouse wheel's set functions to zooming in and out while holding Aim and only if the weapon possesses a scope.

Edited by Redstoneman
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It seems that when a prime or syndicate version of a weapon comes out, it renders the original weapon obsolete. Why craft a Burston, much less invest a catalyst and forma into it when the Burston Prime is superior in every way? Is this intended design or will considerations be made to bring older weapons closer in line, perhaps through rebalancing or augments or some other way?

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My Questions are:

1.) The Corrupted Heavy Gunner in the void is not weak verus Corrusstive damage on my weapon even though it saids it is on the Wiki i find out there REALLY weak verus Slash and Pun. but other status like toxic proc less, what are your thoughts about this DE ?


2.) Will we get any stance mods for guns ?


3.) Will we be able to make custom mods ?


4.) Will there be any missions where we just fetch items and not fight at all ? , like go to said planet and make a item and leave ...


5.) Will there be a cap increase for frames since i know we had that blackout 3 mission with level 80 enemys but frames can't handal stages like that solo you get instant killed !!


6.) What do you want added DE staff ?


7.) Can we get potatos and forma for lower level alerts ( Potatos that double your points and forma for swap ) Since i don't think a lot of people can take on level 40 enemys just to get blueprints if this will make the game unbalance just switch them to NON blueprint ones so it would be worth it .

Edited by Kaiservadin
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will syndicates get there own melee and primarys


will syndicate ever be involved with clans as a whole


what's the ETA on clan sigils


what's the ETA on J3 golems release 


when will syndicates get new weapon augments


when can we expect a new warframe to be released


will the stalker be revamped and when he does will he get new weapons and drops?


will dojo decoration be able to be colored 

Edited by Crusifiction
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Q1: Will any of the bosses be hidden behind a grind-wall, or will they just be a regular mission node?

Q2: What will happen to the boss drops, if any?

Q3: If something happens to the boss drops, what will be new drop?

Q4: Can I haz Nef Anyo hover chair?
Q5: Can I haz Tyl Regor's ape-fist/sword n' board?

Q6: Will they finally get opening cinematics? If so, on a scale of 1 to bad***, what will the cinematic be?

Q7: Will Tyl Regor come with sharkwing, or is sharkwing its own thing?

Q8: Will Tyl Regor be tied in with the G3 or manics?

Q9: Is J3 coming with new infested archwing enemies?

Q10: Will J3 be behind a new event, new assassination node, or a grind-wall worse than hydroid's?

Q11: Can I haz platinum?

Q12: Can I haz moar platinum?

Q13: What's the ETA on kubrow armor and the cloth syandan, if they don't come for 16.4

Q14: When will kubrows get new collar options?

Q15: Will kubrow energy colors ever be changeable? I don't want my first kubrow to be doomed with pink-eye for all eternity.

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