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Coming Soon: Devstream #51!


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Will we ever get clan-tech only weapons again that can't be bought with plat? and maybe have a proper mastery rank tied to it? This leads to my next question.


Will we ever get real rewards from the mastery system besides loadout slots and a higher daily reputation limit thingy? And will weapons ever get tied to an appropiate rank because a Boltor Prime or Soma prime shouldn't be available to rank 0 and 2 already, being two of the most powerful weapons in the game.


Will melee ever get a buff  damage wise to be up to par with all those wepons like Soma and boltor and what have you?


Maybe any sort of buff for going melee only? Sprint boost? shield boost? yada yada?


Will prime stuff ever get an additional color slot for the gold trim? it get's really problematic with the old prime items, now that they are slowly getting the option to color the gold trim as well, many players will have to rework their color scheme and less customisation is one thing Warframe DOESN'T need, also, how about we get that exact gold trim added to our color palettes?


How do you feel when you hear that something has been datamined again? will you leave everything so easily accessable or will you change things around? or is is it maybe even intended?


Also, Focus system, anything you could tell us about that we don't know yet? When will it finally come?

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Now I may be alone in this, but I vastly enjoyed being able to unlock the ability to fight a boss before having said boss be farmable. I'm not talking about keys for every boss but let's look at Mutalist Alad V, he has a cool story around his infestation and fall that is told through a quest, could we see upcoming quests for other bosses to both flush out lore and the bosses character? I'd really like to have a quest related for every boss even if it meant I'd need to wait a bit to get my nose to the grindstone.

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I wouls like to say that I love what you have done with Chroma. Its abilities are unique and the mecanics behind this frame are awesome.

However, since there are four different elements that are determined by the color of the energy, are you considering the possibility of adding a fourth color slot so that it is less tedious to change Chroma's color?

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The Tenno have been asking about numerous weapons and when they will be fixed. For the most part the modifications required to fix them are ssimple. But they arent being fixed.

Bo Prime in PvP.
*Numerous others

Also the stalker remains a whimp. I can kick his face in with an unranked frame and an Mk1 braton, when his is rank 35 that shouldnt happen. I should have to work for my kills.

Edited by Olivionic_Gearhart
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Will each and every boss fight potentially receive a unique weapon BP that could be dropped? First vor can drop the seer pistol or cronus bp, the boss fight on phobos can drop a twin gremlin BP, and assumably the new tyl regor will receive a sword and board BP that may drop. Is it a possibility that every boss might receive this?

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There are several types of bosses you've introduced into the game. Boss nodes, sabotage bosses, rare boss spawns, and now two colossal bosses. The introduction of sigils gave veteran players like me the desire to go back and play all these bosses. Before long though there won't be much of a reason to play them. I know you are working on many boss reworks, but still, I will be burnt out on them within a week. Have you put any thought into infinite boss rewards that would benefit players looking to find their end-game limitations? (Like arcanes) And are there any bosses from ANY game that you'd wish to emulate the satisfaction of beating? For example: the long sigh of relief when your perfectly timed throw of Bowser makes him gently slide off the edge into oblivion for the final time.

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Are you guys planning on doing anything with Vay Hek's moments of disengagement? Especially the beginning, where if he isn't laughing at you with his mask open, there's... nothing to do. It feels like an awkward conversation when you're fighting Vay Hek, because there's no way to turn off his invincibility.


Also, can bosses get their own level designs? The few boss tiles implemented aren't really much (they are quite outdated), and I think the level design crew could have some more fun incorporating the environment into the boss fight (like the upcoming J3 Golem rework).

Edited by wtrmlnjuc
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1. Any chance these re-worked bosses levels can scale similar to the way that Vor does?


2. Any chance you can diversify their drop tables against either different level versions of those bosses or different difficulty versions of the missions they are in?

It would allow players of all levels to enjoy the same general level of challenge from these bosses but differing grades of rewards over time.

Level banding their drop tables would allow for more items to be placed on the same boss while potentially keeping rng chances quite trnasparent.

This would be an awesome place to put event mods/stances that aren't actually in the game presently while locking them behind more challenging boss content.


3. Can we expect to see modifications to the maps/zones they are located in?

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Whats your plan to make the Bosses not only playable for farming parts of warframe?
My idea its When U play X amount of missions on the same planet, automatically the next mission is in boss area.


Another Idea its For Example making random appears on every X amount of missions in the same planet like a "Warning Tenno u are Long away from your Liset Now" A type of warning...

Another Idea its X amount of Time get a Random alerts for bosses making invasions and you are bound to do it, otherwise you are going to get a CoolDown Until Next chance to fight him on his plannet.


Another Idea its Putting all of the warframes inside the Tenno Laboratory in Dojo, and make Bosses fight with random appears in all start chart.
On Faction Invasions, making it a Finnal boss?
Whats your plan about the Bosses and Tenno Laboratory in the dojo? Are whe going to get more warframes Inside?



Random question: are we going to get more dojo colors? like Black and white? Im still waiting :c

Edited by Grimlock-
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Can we expect that there is Lore associated with these reworks?


Will the rework of the bosses reset the "clear" status of boss nodes on planets so we have to defeat the reworked boss to complete the planet, again? (not that I'd mind that; I plan to go fight the reworked bosses as soon as they come)


Will Phobos continue to have two bosses that don't exactly work with the current Lore as we know it?


Is there a possibility that maybe when Phorid spawns on a planet, that we will have to defeat both Phorid and that world's boss, also while Phorid and that world's boss are trying to fight each other?


Will the J3 Golem have its own sigil and unique Archwing mod drops?


Will all the boss reworks cause all bosses to have multiple stages to have to go through in order to defeat them, also causing them to have invulnerable moments (like General Ruk or the Raptor)?


Is there potential for getting boss-related weapon skins?  (After seeing Tyl Regor's sword and shield, I was kinda wondering if defeating him would allow us to get a Tyl Regor skin for our Silva-Aegis.  Maybe even expand this to Lt. Kril with that hammer.)


Are their reworks going to include new dialog?  If so, who's doing the new dialog for each one?  I vote Sheldon for J3-Golem's dialog!

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Prime vs regular frames.

Do the developers still stand on the concept of making primes and regular frames both valuable and worth?


Related to the fact that primes do have some superiority on some stats and default polarized slots, that does make the regulars feel inferior and less desirable to play with.

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Do you plan on adding notifications for Sanctuary Targets or Sanctuary in general so more players will be in the know about it? Such as notification about hunting new synthesis targets when logging into the game

When U16 launched the only way anyone wouldve known about sanctuary and synthesis targets is if theyve been to the forums at all or watched the devstreams

Also what is the eta on the next update to the Relays? A few devstreams ago you showcased progress on the statues for the Concourse and we havent heard anything about Relay updates since then

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Why are daggers so weak?


I have payed many Rpgs, Hack and slash and many other genres that have daggers in them and in all of those games daggers have the lower raw damage but the higher critical chance (for example DA: origins daggers have 4.80 crit chance and Longswords have 3.20 crit chance and of course daggers in DAO have the higher crit chance among all weapons types).


A way to solve this would be nerf the raw damage and increase the Critical chance to 30% just to make them more viable since as of now those weapons (​that aren't may to begin with) aren't worth using whatsoever.

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