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Coming Soon: Devstream #51!


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Is their anything in the works for an Orokin/Void Themed boss fight?


Aside from Vor, which serves as a miniboss the Corrupted have no formal boss fights in game. Is their any plans to create an 'Orokin Assasination" similar to Derelict assassination where we fight a Corrupted Boss or perhaps even the Neural sentry?

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Have you ever considered going back and doing something about the Phobos boss fight? There's a number of things that seem off about it, including how the Lotus talks as if you've already fought both Vor and Kril, when logically you've never fought Kril before, as you're likely to do Phobos long before you ever reach Ceres. It's also never explained how Vor goes from Mercury to Phobos seemingly unscathed. The guy literally explodes at the end of your first encounter, yet he's completely intact at Phobos like it's no big thing.


It also seems like a missed opportunity to give the two of them unique interactions/combo attacks that would make the fight more than fighting two preexisting bosses at the same time (For example, say Vor uses his key to supercharge Kril's hammer).

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Since prime Warframes have really become direct upgrades from their classic versions, and most players delete the classic frame after they acquire the prime, are there any plans to make alternate helmets look better on prime Warframes? Currently most alternate helmets look terrible when equipped on a prime warframe.

Also, are there any plans to completely seperate arcane buffs from cosmetics? Many players have already been wearing the same helmet for years, and we were hoping with the new arcane system that maybe there would be a shift to not tying them to cosmetic items. We don't want to have to wear the same syandana for years as well.

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My questions:


- A long time ago, when Wyrm and Shade were the only Sentinels, there was mention ( during Devstreams ) of Sentinels possibly hacking things for us. Has this been abandoned, forgotten, or just a low priority?


- Why do we give samples of Orokin technology ( Forma, Potatoes, Prime parts ) to Syndicates/Baro Ki'Teer? How does this maintain the Balance?

Please give me a lore-related reason to do this, even if only a little ingame queue of the Lotus giving me the OK to help out these Syndicates and/or Baro Ki'Teer.

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Could you guys bring back the Ruk's awesome T pose of death? I miss that one :(

But really, will the new bosses drop frames and weapon parts that were removed from drops? If prime parts are going to drop outside of the void, maybe I wont have to pay a kazillion to get a frost set any more :)

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For the boss reworks i just remember this:


I think this was ether the melee boss or firehammer boss but the thing i hated about these boss fights was you can go hide in a corner and take no damage while unleashing bullet fury onto the boss !

i forget its been so long but it is in the grineer tileset i know for sure.

Edited by Kaiservadin
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r u guys (speaking to the DEv team) rly happy with the way the raid/trial turned out? especially considering that basically nothing changed regard vay hek? ie the 'boss' himself has no new interesting changes/mechanics and the entire raid is just 3 modified 'fetch' quests back-to-back [well 1 bomb run, 1 hijack, then 1 more bomb run all with 'you must stand still on these switches to open doors' all throughout] (IMHO the double-stand-still to open doors mechanic is REALLY hamfisted forced-co-op and doesnt fit/belong in a game like Warframe... its like the friendship doors but 10x worse =[...)


what does the DEv team really think would make the boss designs and encounters more engaging and interesting for the players? it seems like some changes (saladv pretty good, hyenas too, but they need a unique tile) have worked a bit better, while others (sargas unique tile is not great, and his invul mechanics are awful, nevermind his 'must-be-fire' design is/was lackluster =/)


ran across a couple of interesting articles about boss design recently :








18 months or so ago, i really hoped that DE's main focus was to replace all 'placeholder' content ingame ASAP and work on adding new stuff afterwards, but it seems like it is a very slow process, are we looking at 2016 or 2017 until all existing placeholder bosses/content is finally unique units/models/etc?


in years/months past, the livestreams would hint/tease at the next stuff around the corner and then we would see this content ingame fairly soon afterwards, ie the sargas ruk remake ; why has the current phase of boss reworks taken so long and why 4 at once instead of 1 at a time? also why 'disregard' all the effort put into events/lore/etc with the older boss reworks, ie after the new Hek rework, Sargas Ruk has basically been completely forgotten by DE for all it seems... =/


clearly DE has an overfull plate atm, but any preference order on the remaining boss reworks? 


is phobos going to be reworked? maybe even given the grineer asteroid tileset, and then mars given the current phobos tileset? and the dual Vor/Kril fight, going to be given lore/canon or have a new unique boss added? maybe even have more dual boss fights with other bosses down the road on other tilesets/planets/nodes?


ambulas and raptor are both still just moa/osprey reskins, hopefully there is going to be a concerted effort into spending more time on the corpus as a whole faction and giving them more robots/proxys , would really like to see some great/awesome/unique robotic designs for both of them


are we ever going to see non-boss/mini-boss/heavyunit versions of the jackal/hyenas "IN THE FIELD" like lotus has been telling us for years now? we've even seen the grineer tile with dismantled parts of jackals and the lab in the dojo, it would really be a great addition for the corpus to have these 'heavy unit' robots be a part of their entourage and not only hidden on their respective boss nodes

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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Q1: During Devstream 40, you stated that J3-Golem, former boss of Jupiter, would remake his appearance as a full-fledged boss of an Archwing mission. Now as cool as this sounds, how would this be worked in as? How would this be possible, would J3-Golem have some sort have Archwing like ours, would he spit out a high-pressured toxic gas to move around, or something other that would make him mobile in space?


Q2: Will there be more "massive-like" bosses like Lephantis? lephantis is most likely the biggest sized boss in Warframe and the time to kill him takes awhile, will there be more of these "mega-sized" enemies to face?


Q3: Is there a reason why it seems like the Grineer bosses we kill are more "important" than the Corpus bosses? Like, Captain Vor plays a big part in Warframe Lore, Vay Hek now has his own Raid mission, and so on. As for Corpus, Ambulus is just a robot, so is Raptor and Hyena Pack, the only "important" Corpus boss is Alad V, who eventually becomes an infested freak. Is there a reason for this? Does this connect to a big Warframe Lore?

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Would DE consider making changes to any existing bosses? such as replacing annoying long invulnerability phases that some bosses have and replacing them with more interesting mechanics?


personally I would prefer health sponges rather then multiple phases of invulnerability (looking at you lech kril!!)





Would DE ever consider giving bosses drop tables, consisting of unique weapons or cosmetics other then sigils?

Edited by RIOTx
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1) will the new bosses follow the imune system untill sertain creteria have been met?


2) which of the current boss fight systems are you most proud of and why?


3)will high damage dealers - high mastery rank players still be able to 1 shoot the boss when they join low rank players in public matches?


4)maybe you concidered altering the drops on some of the reworked bosses? for quite a while now (update 7 and on since I've been with you) bosses drop mods that are not really that important and killing them doesnt feel rewarding. Even the boss sigil hunt was more exiting than trying to farm for example shock absorbers mod that is only droped by the jackal. So is there a chance to include more exclusive mods droped from these bosses?

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Hi Everybody who works at Warframe,


                          Will Warframe ever get another Katana or Dual Wielding Full Size Katana's I think that would be an awesome addition to this game like the Dex Dakra's were. Also will we ever get another Archwing Weapon like Dual Wielding Full Size swords while we are in archwing missions would be really cool or put in the game Oversized Katana's for Archwing use would be really cool thanx for hearing me out, I love Warframe alot (I've put over 750 Hours into Warframe since beginning of January 2015) :)


                                                                                                          Yours Truly,


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Join us this Friday, April 24 for Devstream #51! We've got a lot to discuss on all things boss reworks & more!

Who: Scott, Sheldon, Geoff, Steve & Rebecca!  

What: Prepare for updates on all things boss reworks! So far we've discussed and revealed bits and pieces of the overhauls of J3-Golem, Kela de Thaym, Tyl Regor, and Nef Anyo. Tune in to Devstream 51 to learn more about how these coming threats will be making their mark on the Solar System, and more!

Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes!

Where: Find us at: www.twitch.tv/Warframe

When: Join us Friday, April 24th at 2 p.m. EDT! Time Zone Converter: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

This thread closes at 10 a.m. on April 24 - Get your boss rework related questions in! 

Can we have a little preview for parkour 2.0? People are exited about it, plis? :3

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I know this stream questions are supposed to be about the bosses, but i really want to ask something about sentinels, kubrows (companions) so here we go. We have 2 kinds of companions in the game and they are awesome, but I feel that they have been a bit side tracked. First: since realease Kubrows haven't got any update or even any improvments (except the skins). Secondly: sentinel have been around even longer and they have got even less updates/upgrades...I know that the design council Grineer based sentinel is in the works so any update on that?


And for the last part: is there any new kind of companion in the works...cause there are alot of fan concepts on the forums that would fit into the game and they also have a nice lore base surronding them...for example The Hunhow concept from ZeroJackdaw which is really detailed and done really good, also the design fits into the game really good and i think it could provide a nice piece of lore to the game. 

Edited by ShadowWalker013
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