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Coming Soon: Devstream #51!


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Awesome :)


My questions is :


1. Just wondering if Void will get its own assassination mission? Maybe we need to see some 'orokin' themed boss XD

2. Is there any plan to make a boss fight with a spesial terrain / room related to the boss abilty? Bcause it sounds more challenging that way. For example, a lava river at Sargas Ruk boss fight?? Haha that would be cool

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Ok, so boss related questions not related to mentioned above bosses :)

1. Raptor, Ambulas, Phorid? When can we expect them to be reworked, 'coz they are not rly a boss fights right?


2. Any thouching on Alad V boss fights? 'coz both encounters are .... well let's tell the truth they are lame and MUTUALIST assassination seems like if it was done in the rush (no real introduction cutscene, no specific boss arena, few special boss attacks/animations and only a 1 mechanic/strategy to know before the fight .... it's not making a boss fight for me).

3. Don't you think Lech Krill seems outdated now even though he has been reworked alrdy?

4. When Phobos will get it's own specific boss? Giant Desert Skate maybe?

5. Many new boss encounters are coming and I hope these will be amazing and pretty challenging however, boss fights like Sargas Ruk, Alad V(Corpus), Jackal seem to become more outdated with each new boss/rework you release.
Their models are ok, however their attack patterns, few aniamtions (i.e the Jackal) and maybe even fight mechanics are making them feel dull and old with each update. Players want a challange and also a "fresh" feel for Warframe boss fights like it was for the Dark Sector bosses. If there will be a need or community demand will you once again look upon those bosses to make a few additions to them?

(last question is a b**ch I know but I hope the main problem of the question can be seen)

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(Q) Can you forgo invincibility phases and just dramatically increase the amount of hp a boss has? I'd rather they be bullet sponges and have interesting gameplay mechanics than be weak with short periods of vulnerablility.)


 Bosses in Warframe are all stale and boring with little point to them beyond the rewards they provide. They are weak and provide little in terms of engaging gameplay. 


 Invincibility phases are just a cheap way to prevent people from insta-killing bosses but it doesn't work because they still have very low health relative to our possible dps/dph. Not to mention that invicibility phases are done completely wrong as there is no way for us as the player to counter these phases forcing us to wait until the boss decides that we can attack him.


 You have created periods where the player literally has no means within their control to progress the fight nor do they have anything engaging to do. Your bosses do not challenge us during their invincibility phases all they do is auto-attack using over damaging attacks that cannot be avoided relegating us to just running around avoiding attacks waiting for the boss to be vulnerable. 


 The bosses in warframe should draw their appeal from the gameplay, not the rewards. Otherwise you will see the players actively avoid these missions once they have everything they need from the boss  due to the boss itself not being fun. Rewards will never keep a player coming back to a boss node if the boss is annoying or not fun.


 Let's use the hyena pack as an example and a standard from which bosses should be built from; they are a fun boss because they actively challenge you, they don't passively attack you until they are vulnerable, they constantly move and attack with various avoidable attacks as well as co-operate to take you down. This is how a boss should be.


 You should design their hp pools around the intended fight duration when using the most powerful weapons and a squad of 4 so that the boss can never be killed instantly. That way the whole squad feels like they are fighting the boss instead of the squad fighting each other about who get's to kill it. The boss should have engaging attacks that require you to think about how to avoid them as well as when to move in and attack the boss without risking yourself. We should feel like we can use our powers and that those powers help progress the fight.


 They should not rely on cheaply design invincibility phases rather these phases if needed should be designed intelligently and add to the fight rather than act as a barrier to the fight. Invincibility for the sake of invincibility should never last more the a few seconds and anything longer should have a purpose. For example vors shield let's assume it worked like this; lasts for 15-30 seconds depending on level unless you kill all the spawned grineer. It has a purpose forcing you to focus on reinforcement units while the boss takes a break creating an intense moment as you are suddenly surrounded by troops; also if you do not defeat them in time you have two threats to worry about.


 This is an example of an invincibility phase that has a purpose and a counter. A boss should never spend any more than 10% of a fight in an invincibility phase ever! They should alway be open to attack the challenge should come from finding the right times to attack as well as actively avoiding/countering the bosses attacks. Also the boss should react to warframe powers; say you use snowglobe the boss should then either start using powerful attacks to dissipate it or rush inside to attack the tenno, or if it's banished it should perform a maneuver to remove the effect and start attacking the limbo.


 Stop being afraid of bullet sponge bosses because the only thing that can make this this strategy fail is badly designed boss mechanics. And do not design bosses around the idea of rushing for resources; you should never be able to rush a boss and if the players feel the need to rush through a boss then it's either too weak or badly designed!

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Will every boss have it's very own boss room in the level? (To give an example you are fighting Sargas Ruk on a platform in the smelting room, surrounded by fire and hot metal. You need to fight him while dodging falling metal and smelters.)

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Here my Boss related questions:


- How much work and time goes in 1 Boss rework? (e.g. Tyl Regor)


- Where do you get ideas/inspiration for a boss?


- What about a Void-boss?

So far we only have Void-Vor (which isn't reeeaaaally a complete "Void"-Boss) Do you have any w.i.p Concepts about a Void boss?


- Do you plan to rework the other "Minibosses" like the Harvester or G3 too?

You stated in 1 of the last devstreams that the stalker will get a little rework, but what about the other "Minibosses" (Harvester and G3) ? 


- What are your thoughts about invincibility phases in Bossfights?

I really love some of the new-ish boss-designs (for example Vay Hek on Earth: great look, interesting multiple parts of the boss fight, drones, own little fight-area at the end) but sometimes the invincibility phases on a boss can be....well.. kinda boring (because -in my opinion- an average player just needs to stand there during the invincibility phase of a boss and wait until he can attack the boss again...)


- What is your current favorite Boss? Why?


yepp, I think that's it ^-^

Edited by Fabpsi
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Firstly, as an Excalibur fanboy, you people are AMAZING! I can't wait to see how he turns out, it sounds like major fun!


Secondly, and I've seen this question pop up often, will there be more 'boss-specific' weapon drops? I know it could be tedious to build a weapon drop for every boss, but I do believe I speak for my fellow Tenno when I say that it would be a few miles past Epic :)


And Lastly, will we be seeing more Orikin based bosses? Like maybe a special key that needs to be crafted (like for Mutalist Alad V) to go to a Void Assassination Mission? Just a thought :D


Thanks Guys for this EPIC game, and thanks for trying to constantly make it cooler! Peace-out!

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For current reworks and future bosses and reworks, are there going to be more bosses shifting towards invulnerability phases like Lephantis, Hek and Kril? For high level players, invulnerable phase bosses that rely on the boss to become vulnerable provide little threat and consume a lot of time unnecessarily while we twiddle our thumbs waiting for the boss to make itself vulnerable. Is there any opportunity to make these and other bosses better for newcomers and veterans without the invulnerability wait phase mechanic?

Edited by Shineko
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Q: What happened to the Grineer/Corpus turrets?


Q: Will Dark Sectors have a unique tileset? We build these massive solar rails to these mysterious hidden areas outside the solar system but fight on the same planet against infested. That makes no sense. (I imagined Dark Sectors always as desolate lifeless worlds.)

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This is not specifically a boss-related question, but I am putting it in hopes that someone on the dev team reads it regardless!


Chat-windows and how chat works is in need of a rework. There is currently no way to look at multiple tabs with ease, much less the fact that you are disconnected from public tabs when in mission. This has been brining forth a lot of people in regions, which are using General for Recruiting, and not using the Recruiting tabs at all. Heck, on Oceania, unless there is a mod on, Recruiting tab is set to 1 or 2 people at any given time.


This all stems from the fact that Tabs only connect to chat when you open that specific tab. It's infuriating, since after every match, you gotta go and open the recruiting tab, and watch that, or flick back and forth between tabs every few moments to see if anyone's recruiting (Which is why a lot of regions I've noticed don't have anyone connected to Recruiting and just advertise in General)


I've told mods multiple times how to fix the problem, and in the past have even put suggestions (this is over a year ago). The fix is relatively easy. Let players move tabs outside the single window. Let them have multiple tabs active in their own windows, so they can keep talking in General, while watching out for Recruiting. Each tab should keep you connected in the main menu, and save the setups (So you can have one chat window on the left with Recruiting, One above it for General, one on the right for Trading. This is just an example).


This is a huge Quality of Life item, and I'm amazed it hasn't been handled in over a year. Having chat windows that open and connect appropriately would solve a lot of headache the mods have when enforcing policies.


Is there any plan to actually implement something like this?


tldr: Make chat tabs dragable into seperate windows, and connect to the chatrooms in those windows, allowing people to see what they are after in the main menu/ship screens.

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I'd like to see some of the boss skills use similar effect of Turbulence that violently redirects incoming ranged attacks but being vulnerable to melee combos momentarily. The 'Close-Open' mechanic of the boss weak points is getting dry in my opinion. 

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Question for the team.

With the new J3 Golem rework, related with Archwings, can we expect an Infested version of the Archwings as we saw with the Quanta-Mutalisk-Paracyst or the Ogris-Thorid ?.  Can we also expect an updated drop tables from the Reworked bosses ?.

Any concrete news about the Exalibur Rework ? or Ideas about it's release ? I know he's in a critical state and I also know that the team need time to works correctly, so I'm not willing to rush you, just to know if you already think of a day.

Can we expect J3 Golem to be a Archwing Raid boss or a Regular boss ? ( 4 players team or 8 players team ) at the end ? 

Thanks for your time. 

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Some Arcane Enhancements are widely usable and really appreciated (f.e. Arcane Awakening which even triggers on primary weapons reload). But Arcane Trickery is bugged(?) atm and only triggers with one WF ability: ash bladestorm. hydroid tentacle swarm and trinity energy vampire also deal finishing dmg which should be triggering the trickery effect, but it doesn't. Is this unbalance gonig to be fixed in the future?

i hope so because i really appreciate a sentinel/kubrow independant way to go invisible from time to time.

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ask these in quick succession


(1) nova's wormhole as it stands has problems with railings where she will hop over a railing and if the worm hole happens to be on just the other side of the railing she will fail to enter the wormhole will this get fixed soon ?


(2) will phorid receive an update eventually?


(3) will the ignis receive a buff 10 base heat alone just isnt cutting it x.x


(4) will we be able to see past prime access accessories come back is some form of market place package ?


(5) will the Lato Prime get a buff ?



and just something to say, being one of the grand masters on warframe it makes me very happy to see the game continue to evolve and change im really looking forward to all the awesome stuff you guys continue to come up with.


keep up the good work DE :)

Edited by Sagefoxwood
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Dear DE (especially Rebecca).


I want to ask a question about bosses difficulty.

So we are know that most of bosses are not real worthy to challenge them. So you want to remake their mechanics and capabilities in proper way to achieve maximum of joy to face them.

So for now we have an 'invulnerability' phases (like Lech Krill), rage phases (Lech and Ruk) etc. We have much moments that bosses are almost instantly dying after leaving invulnerability phase.


The question is:

Are there would be implemented  speed upgrade or limited time invisibility for some bosses? Or maybe there will be some elemental resistances, or even resistances to certain Tenno powers?

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