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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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I agree Hayden may never be in the game proper. But the legend still might be, and should be imo, expanded upon.

That is only fair since the name of Tenno is as much a part of who the Tenno are as what the Void did to them.

I suppose it depend on if you think the Codex is Lore or not.

And no, Teshin is a survivor from the orokin era, like Stalker. We still are waiting to know more about the Orokin.

And Grizzly I don't want this to turn into a fight over prefered hyptheses that do not exist yet haha.

I get it, you don't like the idea of Haydwn Tenno in warframe. And you may be right and we will never know a thing more about who he was.

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And no, Teshin is a survivor from the orokin era, like Stalker. We still are waiting to know more about the Orokin.

And Grizzly I don't want this to turn into a fight over prefered hyptheses that do not exist yet haha.

I get it, you don't like the idea of Haydwn Tenno in warframe. And you may be right and we will never know a thing more about who he was.

Then let's put this train (point of this thread) back on the tracks.

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I dont firmly believe either way and wont make up my mind until DE release an official statement.


That being said: OP continuously makes references to In-game + Lore, then when in-game is used to dispute this, claims in-game has nothing to do with lore


OP also makes references to real life sciences (Saying something to the effect of it being our real life universe and using real life sciences to explain away the energy theory). When real life science is used to dispute this (I.E Stardust is energy in a physical form) They make references to other movies or video games not being accurate in their logic, so why should their theory/Warframe have to. 


It seems to me that if youre going to support your theory on real life evidence, you cant refute someones statements by switching to fake happenings when it's convenient. By the logic of these others things being illogical, so to then can the explanation for Tenno be illogical. 


This is called flip flopping and only using evidence that supports your theory, ignoring any evidence that disproves it. 


And also: The smile has nothing to do with the energy theory. If Mirage was indeed an energy entity controlling an organic warframe, then the warframe itself would smile even if the inside energy could not.... so yeah


Not to mention: There is no proof that we are even remotely similar to the entities that controlled the original frames. They died long ago. We have evolved.


Also: If the warframe were organic, it would bleed, breathe, freeze and lose stamina, even while the inside Tenno energy (assuming that is how it works) was not susceptible to these things. 


I stand by my first sentence. I wont make my mind up until the DE (the only people who can say what is right or wrong) comes out with a statement. But you may want to brush up on your debating technique if you want to be taken seriously. OP reminds me of a player who swore up and down that they knew better than everyone else and original Valkyr would absolutely not be design based on a cat. Well, we all know what happened there.


Bottom line: No matter what you read, think, or imagine, you cannot possibly know anything until DE tells you. You may end up being right, you may end up being wrong. But none of that will matter until it's become official. 

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I dont firmly believe either way and wont make up my mind until DE release an official statement.


That being said: OP continuously makes references to In-game + Lore, then when in-game is used to dispute this, claims in-game has nothing to do with lore


lelwut? Stopped reading here. Please, give an example.

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Ordis says something weird that might provide some insight on what exactly Warframes are.


 "Does your new Warframe suit you, operator? Ha.. ha.."


Now, that's obviously a pun, as he used the "Funny Ordis" voice and not the "Edgy Ordis" voice. And it gets me a bit confused. Originally I thought the Warframes were just different people/physical beings/selves. But no matter who you use, he still says "Suits you". Does this mean that throughout all of the Warframes, it's just a guy in a really fancy bodysuit? Or he could just be lying and it means nothing


Somebody correct me on that or give a little more detail into whatever "theory" correlates it.

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Don't we technically talk to Simarus?




Ordis says something weird that might provide some insight on what exactly Warframes are.


 "Does your new Warframe suit you, operator? Ha.. ha.."


Now, that's obviously a pun, as he used the "Funny Ordis" voice and not the "Edgy Ordis" voice. And it gets me a bit confused. Originally I thought the Warframes were just different people/physical beings/selves. But no matter who you use, he still says "Suits you". Does this mean that throughout all of the Warframes, it's just a guy in a really fancy bodysuit? Or he could just be lying and it means nothing


Somebody correct me on that or give a little more detail into whatever "theory" correlates it.

Mono-Tenno theory.

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Ordis says something weird that might provide some insight on what exactly Warframes are.

"Does your new Warframe suit you, operator? Ha.. ha.."

Now, that's obviously a pun, as he used the "Funny Ordis" voice and not the "Edgy Ordis" voice. And it gets me a bit confused. Originally I thought the Warframes were just different people/physical beings/selves. But no matter who you use, he still says "Suits you". Does this mean that throughout all of the Warframes, it's just a guy in a really fancy bodysuit? Or he could just be lying and it means nothing

Somebody correct me on that or give a little more detail into whatever "theory" correlates it.

The Ordis line that seals the the deal is:

"Operator, I think I know why we're finding Limbo parts scattered through out the system. His final Rift Walk was a miscalc- DISASTER. Well, perhaps when you occupy this frame, you will use more... caution."

What a Tenno is, however, is still up for debate, they were human, they are changed by the void. But regardless of the lore details on how, there is one Tenno per account collecting/building/using many Warframes. Edited by SilentMobius
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Mag: Look into my eyes... LOOK INTO MY EYES!!!




Mag: Did you find them yet?


Corpus: No?...


Mag: Good 


EDIT: what i mean in this little story, is that mag's face doesn't have one. Oh and have you notice that in the Relays are fisic form tenno? (or thats what i think they are anyways >_>, and i dont know how to writte tenno in plural, dam im so confuced now >_<)

Tenno is a Japanese word, and I have heard (Could be super incorrect) that they don't really have plural forms for words. This could be completely incorrect though.

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That's quite odd of tenno's being capable of talking. So far, we're just silent assassins. We're silent killers.

I don't think tenno can talk.

If I remember correctly DE said that our Tenno don't talk in-game because we are the voices of our Tenno. So yes, Tenno can talk.

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If I remember correctly DE said that our Tenno don't talk in-game because we are the voices of our Tenno. So yes, Tenno can talk.

But where is my option to have them at least yell while attacking like Valkyr?


And to make Helios say 'Hey! Listen!' every so often when it scans or uses DV?


(Bad Zelda joke, but really, I would go for it.)

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I stand by my current belief that a Tenno is a being super-charged with dark energy from the Void Space.

This energy in our space is hightly unstable, but is capable of "miracles" or "magic".


The warframes are are built around the Tenno, making use of their energy output and channeling it through the Systems and Mods. Each Warframe in part organic and part mechanic, I believe the term is bionic. They were grown by using infested clones, maby from the Zariman children.


The energy part clearly is a part of the Tenno, but they can live without it, but Mirage showed us that the warframe is pretty helpless without the energy. But she is not, she kills Sentients in melee-combat even without the energy.


Further, Vor uses the Ascaris to control a Tenno, who is inside the warframe. This makes little sense if the Tenno is some energy-field that can be removed from the warframe.

I know the theory is that Tenno as energy inhabit the warframe. But this is such a big stretch. It is the warframe that give the Tenno their power. To have the Orokin build a warframe around them, they needed to have living subjects inside to do this in the first place.


I hope they give us more about this soon.

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I stand by my current belief that a Tenno is a being super-charged with dark energy from the Void Space.

This energy in our space is hightly unstable, but is capable of "miracles" or "magic".

You mean like... Dark matter? I don't know, man, it doesn't seem like it has evil properties.

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There's also corrupted Vor and Lotus' dialogue. Lotus seems to care about if the Tenno come to harm, but if we're energy beings, that's not possible. As Vor says when defeated: "This death is temporary. My existence is forever! I am energy, and I cannot be destroyed."


I mean, gameplay wise, we're the same way, but the fact the Tenno can actually die in lore contradicts this.

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Grizzly, I'm confused as to your definition of 'easter egg'. Easter eggs don't come with lore, and are not integrated into the game in any way, shape, or fashion, they're meant to stand out as a reference. The proto-skin was meant to blend in, it has its own lore entries, and comes with the Lotus symbol we know so well. Excalibur's inscription was hidden quite well, and it's only due to the work of some of the more dedicated members of the WarFrame community that we have managed to interpret what it says... and it's always been there, and fits into the lore quite well, referencing a game that has been said to be about 50/50 WarFrame's prequel. The bunny ears or the Tenno moustaches are easter-eggs. This, by any definition I can look for, is most certainly not.


Also, Ripal; I believe it's already been mentioned that we have likely become more than the original Tenno were, have continued to evolve as it were. I'm going to catch hell for referencing Dark Sector and WarFrame's Infested here (how dare I use lore that is in both games, shame on me, just because it's in Dark Sector proves it false! Of course! ... Can you tell I'm a little salted on this yet?) that almost anything related to the Technocyte grows in power as it grows in age. We are older, and have gone through much, therefore we became stronger. We learn from Valkyr, Mirage, and Limbo's lore that we are likely not the first of the Tenno, and I find it a bit of a stretch that one can imply that the same rules apply to them as to us, especially when we consistantly use revives and wake up back on our ship whenever we 'die'... something at least Mirage was never able to do, and Limbo was unable to do thanks to what he did to himself at least.



We can survive death more efficiently than some of the original Tenno can.


Perhaps Vor commenting on us being 'stronger than the others' has something to do with this? Still waiting on DE for more lore to discover.

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