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Ask A Cephalon, May 1


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Why are Kubrow eggs so difficult to harvest? One would imagine monotremes like the feral Kubrow would be pretty damned fecund, given how many of the things I see in an average nest.

Edited by Jaimas
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Could we get a mod for our kubrows like the one shade has that wont attact enemies without them attacking us allowing us better stealth gameplay. Especially for the Huras. Or maybe we could get Commands like stay and he stayes in place or doesnt attack, attack selected target etc...

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ATTN: Cephalon Cordylon
FROM: Banshee DarkTails

Hi Cordy, I hope you can help find an answer to this problem.

I've been working up the nerve to ask the Steel Meridian rebel leader out to a nice picnic. The trouble is- well, the troubles are...

•There aren't any scenic places left in the solar system to have a relaxing picnic! We seem to have wrecked them all...oops. Though I guess I could take her to the part of Earth that isn't covered in man-eating plants, and Liset-sized bugs, and Grineer who are trying to murderize us...

•I don't know if Grineer can even eat! Do they still have stomachs? Or tastebuds? Or even tongues? Gosh, I hope so!

•I don't even know her name! I've been rummaging through her drawers every night trying to find a business card or something, but no such luck. I think she's more the type to leave a boot-stomp on someone's face as a business card.

•Also, I don't seem to have a mouth under this helmet, so you can see how that would make for a frustrating relationship.

There must be a way to win her over! Any suggestions?

-Lonely in Larunda

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One job, Morec0.


One job.


Like anyone cares about Kubrows? Screw the kubrows! Tell me about the dogs of Hexis!




Fine, you want a Kubrow question, here's a Kubrow question: the Dhraks the Grineer employ. I've been looking at them, and while they visually share a few similarities with Kubrows there's some differences to be had - particularly with the tusks. So, are Dhraks a specific breed of kubrow or a different type of animal that is only physically similar?

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Do you have records about the leaders or "faces" of each of the Syndicates? The only ones to even tell us their names have been Teshin, and Cephalons Suda and Simaris. Do the rest even consider themselves... individuals?

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A while ago the Grineer tried to create a hybrid with their Drahk and our Kubrows, is such a thing genetically possible? If so do you think there's a chance we as Tenno can tame these hybrids? It could be beneficial to both parties.

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I understand that our current methods of genetic template reconstruction leave much to be desired; Our Kubrow's DNA deteriorates at an alarming rate and the stabilizers are expensive and short-lived solutions.


Currently, Kubrows are cost-prohibitive as companions and take 3 hours to recover from stasis, making it nearly impossible to have the approriate companion ready when we need them for alerts and missions that crop up unexpectedly.


Are there plans to try and improve our efforts of keeping our kubrows alive and healthy while we're away? Do the currently locked sections of our Orbital Modules have room enough for multiple Kubrows to be active at the same time? Do these sections contain a more hospitible environment for them that would reduce or even help prevent further genetic degradation?


Would natural breeding of our cloned kubrows result in natural, healthy pups with no need for genetic stabilizers? Or are our cloned companions sterile?


I'm simply seeking a way to allow my pets to actually be able to live outside of stasis for more than a week before becoming deathly ill.


Addendum: I has occured to me that the feral kubrows on Earth have no need for genetic stabilization, is this because they are not clones? Or is it something in the local environment that helps to keep them healthy? Might samples of the local plant-life help us to find a way to solve our problem?

Edited by FLSH_BNG
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In every void tower, the neural sentry is always operational, but we've never seen it with our eyes. Maybe in the Orokin Era, but not now. How we are suppose to access where it is? It's hidding something we don't have discovered yet?

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