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Is The Stalker Sigil Not Rare Anymore?

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It seems to be much more common now, along with Zanuka.


I almost always get a sigil drop when Zanuka and Stalker come to play, haven't seen G3 is months so I can't say.

Edited by Utarious
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I think DE wanted the sigil to be more of a


>"Yay I killed this boss/assassin group"


rather than


>"I farmed the mother loving scum outta this boss/assassin group, and it was the worst thing ever and all I got was this sigil"

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It's not exactly about being the 'special snowflake'


What it is... is having something that took 'effort' and 'will' and 'luck' in good combination to get.  People want that, and for a while certain sigils were.  Though as it stands the 'rarest' sigils are the rift and prisma, and a few others.  :P  Stalkers just what the edgy edge people wear instead of 'OMG I GOT LUCKY, WHOO!!!!' it's more 'oh yay... i'd rather just use one that I earned.'


Killing stalker isn't hard.  Not alot is hard in this game.   The only thing that really is, is fighting RNG.

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It's not exactly about being the 'special snowflake'


What it is... is having something that took 'effort' and 'will' and 'luck' in good combination to get.  People want that, and for a while certain sigils were.  Though as it stands the 'rarest' sigils are the rift and prisma, and a few others.  :P  Stalkers just what the edgy edge people wear instead of 'OMG I GOT LUCKY, WHOO!!!!' it's more 'oh yay... i'd rather just use one that I earned.'


Killing stalker isn't hard.  Not alot is hard in this game.   The only thing that really is, is fighting RNG.


That sounds like special snowflake to me still..

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IMO, It's more satisfying to get when it's rare.

It's a cool cosmetic and all, but it doesn't serve as much of a badge when stalker is so easy to kill.

The sigil went from being special to just being an edgy cosmetic decal.

It never was special, it was pure luck because the stalker just never spawn for some people, now if you get lucky and the stalker spawn you actually have a Chance to get it.

Edited by roaddogz
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It never was special, it was pure luck because the stalker just never spawn for some people, now if you get lucky and the stalker spawn you actually have a Chance to get it

It was rare, so that made it "special". whether or not you liked it, is a different issue.

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First stalker kill and I looted sigl.

It was a dissapointment since my friend got stalker's equipment as gift from someone and I thought I would be the first one to get legit loot.

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It never was special, it was pure luck because the stalker just never spawn for some people, now if you get lucky and the stalker spawn you actually have a Chance to get it.


90% of this game is 'getting lucky' to varying degrees.   Tower Farming, getting the right rotation drop, getting vauban, getting mesa, getting in general the right parts to drop period is rng/luck based.

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So you're pisses caus you think that since RNG dropped that sigil for you first it somehow makes you special. Yeah you totally earned this sigil man. It's not like a mastery rank 0 can have it if someone kills stalker in his mission and he gets lucky.

You worked so hard for this sigil man, right?

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I got the stalker sigil yesterday and I flipped out with excitement because I never saw it in my EoM rewards. Then an hour or so later Stalker came again and all my friends got it as well. I can't say I wasn't disappointed to see the only way I got it was when they buffed the drop to like 100%.

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I got it when it was rare as well, yet I think it's petty to whine about a positive thing to happen to RnG.  If someone is able to kill Stalker once, they deserve the sigil.  Farming Stalker is the lamest thing that exists in Warframe.  If someone held a gun to my head to force me to farm that clown for everything he drops, I would seriously consider that bullet.  

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