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Does Anyone Out There Play For The Fun Or Aesthetics Of It....just Because (Instead Of Only Building Super Crazy Op Things?)

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So like the topic header says....do people still play just for the fun and heck of it.

Most of the post are what weapon is op and which ones are for the recycling bin. What frame is way too good to be true and which frames are truly not that good.

I, for one still like to build S#&$ just for the fun (or heck of it from time to time). Like I'll use things that people are sure to be like "oh heck nah. why is he running around with that thing" or I will build things based on a theme because the idea or the aesthetics of it is pleasing to me.

For example, I currently have this western theme idea reverberating in my mind. So I started re-using my Mesa that I shelved for awhile. I put on a Sybaris for her and a aksomati. I felt like the Sybaris matches that western theme more and I just really like my ammo-inefficient Aksomati lol. And I put on a heat dagger for her melee. Yes, you read that right a heat dagger. Because I felt like have a big-&#! bounty knife-looking-kinda-thing was more aesthetically correct with the theme then anything else. So literally my entire get-up for her is just based on an idea/theme in my head, with no consideration of whether or not those are the best weapons or best mix of weapons, etc, etc.

Then I threw together a similarly themed Nekros (I replaced the heat dagger with the ether reaper) but still kept to that western-style theme like Mesa is the gunslinger but Nekros is a reaper/undertaker figure. And of course I changed their colors to match what was going on in my mind.

Now don't get me wrong, because I built these guys based on a theme and aesthetics I don't have all the weapons and stuff properly modded or forma-ed and I definitely have hit the canvas quite a few times, but I enjoy playing simply for fun from time to time and not worry about if this weapon or that weapon is going to do this or that much damage. lolol.

Some times from reading the forums I just get the feeling (personal feeling doesn't have to be yours) that everyone is simply playing to have the BEST built frame, the BEST built weapons, the MOST efficient combination of everything mentioned, etc, etc. Does anybody out there aside from my own foolish self still play this game (at least from time to time) just for the heck of it without regards to the technical make up of your frame and/or what other people think about your get-up when they see you in game?



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I recently decided to get my Mastery Rank up, I was on MR 13 for over half a year, I'm at 10k points from MR 16 but I have to recon that some times I didn't even wanted to play.


Right now I've returned to play low level missions, find new players and help them out in anything I can. I don't know why because that never happened in a game before this, but that gives me fun.

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I like to make frame/weapon/color combos that appeal to me aesthetically and even if those items are not the best in terms of performance, I can make up for that with skill. As long as I'm not doing T4 endurance runs, I'm usually fine.

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@ AdunSaveMe - Why did you stop???? lolol...you can still do it!!!

@ xlraistlx - good to see people still playing for fun instead of 60 minute survival runs every time you ask them what they want to do (that second part is an exaggeration on my part of course lol)


@ Kestral - same. same.

Edited by (XB1)Lorewalker1022
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I like finding ways to break the game. It keeps me occupied in my overabundance of free time (between Monster Hunter, and whatever other new releases out there) and it gives my friends something to work toward between events.


I get a sense of accomplishment when what i say makes a male American highschooler who is thoroughly fed up with his studies sound like a 5 year old whos just been told theyre going to Disney Land. Like when i deconstructed the Tonkor for said .Murican last week.

Edited by Dualstar
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I used to


*stares wistfully into the distance*


Now I mainly play for the sake of my clanmates, helping newer players is also very satisfying.

I used to play warframe because it was fun and exciting, but update after update with new weapons, new frames drowned the fun. Somewhere down the line it became a race to see how much crap you could level to 30. Warframe lost its soul and atmosphere in my opinion and became farming simulator 2014/15. 

The thing I loved most was running through the solarmap with a horribly underpowered Mag (whose powers actually were difficult to use) and the alright weapons available early (latron, aklato, skana) murdering and slicing everything in half. Sometimes less is more and for me there is no doubt that Warframe was much more fun and enjoyable. Just a 3rd person shooter in space. No bs, just an honest shooter that lacked a fleshed out 'ninja' stealth system (and still hasn't gotten). 

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Of course we do, I'd say a lot of people do. I love this game, even without a very detailed story and very buggy maps (sometimes) my favorite thing to do is grab my skana or dakra or d. Nikana and go onto Ceres and kill some people. Killing with melee is so fun to watch the enemies get cut to pieces when you don't build elemental, I also love excal for his looks, the nerfs were hurtful but not game breaking. Plus new excal rework gonna make him sexier then ever before

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I play for the fun, but I also have set goals for myself, that make the game NOT fun to play. MR19, on my second burn out trip, where I don't even want to play the game. cause I got nothing to do, I have too many resources, not enough keys to get things to rank up in syndicates. PvP loses its fun after a good while. I have become my own worse enemy.........damn.

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I think people focus to much on leveling stuff up and get burnt out quicker. I used to do that but after a while i branched off just clearing star map helping people do missions for limbo etc, then i started tying to complete codex with all scans and am dabbling in kubrow breeding which after doing it is quite fun,expensive,but fun. There is a lot more to do than go 3 hours in t3/4survival. Try some of it.....who knows you may enjoy it.

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Fun??? Never heard of it...

Were do you farm it?


Is Gmag good to acquire this fun you talk about?

Will my rhino prime + boltor prime be enough to win the fun farming mission?

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The whole reason I started playing Warframe was because it looked really nice and I was able to parkour around the maps, and that's still probably why I play today. I really hope parkour 2.0 makes it better.


I've been playing for close to two years now, I think, and there's still more than half the stuff I haven't even touched (stuff like the Boltor Prime and Soma/Soma Prime). I started out with Mag, and she's become my favourite frame ever since. According to the stats in game, I used Mag/Mag Prime about 80% or my 800+ hours of playing. The original Latron was my second weapon and was too fun to not use. Now I always go back to using my Latron Prime for most of my play time when I'm not levelling anything. So yeah . . .  >.> The new stuff is nice, but I really like what I have.


To address your question about whether or not I tend to use op weapons, I would have to say I don't. I basically use whatever I find fun at the moment. If I need damage, I will use my Latron Prime, which I tend to use most of the time any ways. I also only used two potatoes and four forma in the game, so most of the stuff I'm using only has 30 points instead of 60. You don't really need a potato unless the enemies are above level 30 I find.


Here's a random build that I tried: Filter you mods for the word "resist" and only put those mods and an aura onto your warframe. I didn't have a potato in my frame, so I had to leave one of the mods out. It kind of serves no purpose and just makes the game harder, but I did learn that having the fire resistance mod made it a lot harder for Napalms to kill you and the radiation resistance mod is not bad for the void parkour rooms with a lot of lasers.

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I am sort of playing for fun right now. I love being in a blinged out Nekros(seems the prisma armor is going to go very nicely with him). I love using primaries like the grakata and secondaries like the seer. Skana prime for the bling is a must.


Yet lately after about 3-4 months ago I rarely log in. I was mastery rank 11 for about 2 years trying out weapons  I thought I would like and playing how I felt like it. Now I have started to level crap just so I can stay interested long enough so it won't feel like cheating when and if I go to another community.


Also Megan's hotness keep me here too...





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The first couple of weeks I tried to stealth a lot, take things slow, and learn basic mechanics. For the next couple of months I did a mass grinding/building/trading/claiming spree, and spent tons of time learning advanced mechanics (I spent 8 hours straight in a dojo until I could get 18 seconds on the course with an unmodded valkyr without cheating like the .0'rs do...).


and NOW. I like to take lots of time creating weapon/frame/color matching themes with backstories, ship my favorite frames, and further corrupt- I mean chat in region for extended periods.

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@ Swagger - yeah. I don't want to become burned out with the game cause I thoroughly enjoy it so much. I just try to do stupid, weird stuff from time to time and it keeps it fresh and entertaining.

Another example of the stupidity that ensues when I play some times just for fun is when I use terrify with Nekros and then go chasing after the scurrying away enemies (I prefer infested) and try to kill them with a usually inappropriately modded weapon that I just decided to use for the heck of it lol. I try to do this on my own time though. I can understand how my antics will get real annoying real quick if I'm playing with other people.

And admittedly I tend to fail from time to time because I'm more focused on doing my own stupid stuff then whatever is happening in the mission.

@ LifeNine - interesting, I might just have to try that lol

Edited by (XB1)Lorewalker1022
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I play for fun all the time. I still have my certain op things, but I don't obssess over "zomgwhatisbestcurrentopblastcannon" . I actually enjoy making certain "trash" weapons viable by dumping excessive amounts of forma into them and a potato when I can. Nice to go toe to toe with op setups and hold my own. I think the whole design of this game is great and too many people fly past it in "min/max-get it done with most op" instead of just enjoying the game. Then of course there's days when I just need to get stuff done fast, so I grab my best boomcannon and blast it done. 

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