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Devstream #52 Overview


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Am I the only one concerned about this? I don't care if they condensed the solar system down, what I care about is if I want to play Jupiter Extermination, that should be what I should be able to pick, not Exterminate and hope I get Jupiter and not Jupiter and hope I get Exterminate.


Plus, won't this make it so everything is so much harder to acquire without difficulty just because then you have to hope you'll get the right drops for what you're after? Isn't that time limiting, which is arguably the same sort of horrible wait as Grind? It's still the same kind of RNG at work. They talked about cycling resources and drops, and to me that sounds like a horrible idea.


Like seriously, am I the only one who sees the potential issues with giving us twenty nodes that cycle what missions/tilesets they are and what resource and drops they have?



They can remove some nodes and add them to the alert system instead

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Am I the only one concerned about this? I don't care if they condensed the solar system down, what I care about is if I want to play Jupiter Extermination, that should be what I should be able to pick, not Exterminate and hope I get Jupiter and not Jupiter and hope I get Exterminate.


Plus, won't this make it so everything is so much harder to acquire without difficulty just because then you have to hope you'll get the right drops for what you're after? Isn't that time limiting, which is arguably the same sort of horrible wait as Grind? It's still the same kind of RNG at work. They talked about cycling resources and drops, and to me that sounds like a horrible idea.


Like seriously, am I the only one who sees the potential issues with giving us twenty nodes that cycle what missions/tilesets they are and what resource and drops they have?

not the only one.

Also when i started playing warframe, unlocking the nodes to get to the ones, i need specific ressources from, actually drove me to go forward when i was new.


Now if you get a warframe blueprint you gotta wait for the nodes to appear, similar to the mesa grind for the key components? I really want DE to show exactly what they mean, because atm it really sounds bad all in all.

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Am I the only one concerned about this? I don't care if they condensed the solar system down, what I care about is if I want to play Jupiter Extermination, that should be what I should be able to pick, not Exterminate and hope I get Jupiter and not Jupiter and hope I get Exterminate.


Plus, won't this make it so everything is so much harder to acquire without difficulty just because then you have to hope you'll get the right drops for what you're after? Isn't that time limiting, which is arguably the same sort of horrible wait as Grind? It's still the same kind of RNG at work. They talked about cycling resources and drops, and to me that sounds like a horrible idea.


Like seriously, am I the only one who sees the potential issues with giving us twenty nodes that cycle what missions/tilesets they are and what resource and drops they have?

No, you're not the only one. I mean how can you get a coordinated team together for this?

I mean frost is really good at defence but isn't really usefull in capture and other things.

And temporary bosses? the seer, miter,... grind will be huge.

Edited by counterflux
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No, you're not the only one. I mean how can you get a coordinated team together for this?

I mean frost is really good at defence but isn't really usefull in capture and other things.

And temporary bosses? the seer, miter,... grind will be huge.


I fear if the grind will be any harder it will also drive new players away, it was ok as it was but if they add an additional time wall to the already existing RNG wall, thats gonna be bad



I really hope it is not as bad as it might sound at the moment, because this is the first time i'm really concerned about a change in warframe.

I mean even DERebecca was... so i dunno :(

Edited by CruelMaiden
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So, all drops will be like Vauban? You will need to stay online when the correct node popup for anythink? Ress, bosses...


Presumably with a more forgiving time window, perhaps 24 hours or more... but fundamentally, yes, that's how it sounds.

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• There may be time-based instances, such as Vor appearing temporarily, dropping different things each time

• There will be some removal of player choice - you will no longer be able to select whichever mission type you want, whenever you want; hopefully this will be better for the game overall...


I hope that will not end like... "Waiting four days until survival/interception/... finally shows up on Earth/Jupiter/... and finally when it shows up you don't have time to play:/.


The system that we have now is not so bad, you only need to remove some missions (no1 need 3 Def on this planet or 5MD on that planet). I think 5/6 mission per planet is enough.




Like seriously, am I the only one who sees the potential issues with giving us twenty nodes that cycle what missions/tilesets they are and what resource and drops they have?


No you are not.

Edited by peger
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I hope that will not end like... "Waiting four days until survival/interception/... finally shows up on Earth/Jupiter/... and finally when it shows up you don't have time to play:/.


The system that we have now is not so bad, you only need to remove some missions (no1 need 3 Def on this planet or 5MD on that planet). I think 5/6 mission per planet is enough.


Yeah seriously, just do it like this and add more reasons to visit all nodes.. like prime parts and ressources etc.. unique items i dunno.

Integrate the Void into the normal starchart like with the "sabotage gates" so there is a reason to visit all the star chart nodes.. noone plays starchart bc everything is in the void and the void is disconnected from the rest of the planets




I actually read a few *good* interpretations of the new starchart system.

I have my hopes up for DE to still shine in what they do like they always did (in my opinion) and not to f*** it up this time, i'm scared but i want to trust them.. maybe they just explained it bad.

Edited by CruelMaiden
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How would it take away immersion? We dont Explore, we go on missions.


Cache in Sabotages/Rare Caches/Syndicate Medallions state otherwise.


This whole condensing nodes with rng missions is worrisome... last thing we need is make the already somewhat exploring small game smaller ...


• Similar to Alerts, but hopefully not something that punishes players for sleeping
• There will be some removal of player choice - you will no longer be able to select whichever mission type you want, whenever you want; hopefully this will be better for the game overall.


The contradiction is strong; removing choice on player is still punishing players imo >-<


How about adding worth while loot? Instead of removing quietly breakables in all Defense/Interceptions


Maybe bring in the promise portals rng from normal missions to the void for even more loot?


Frankly only reason revisit old nodes are either new loot or mats; like the recent added sigils brought reason to revisit old bosses~~




Thnks for intelligent feedback ~

Edited by Fionntan
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> removal of player choice

> better for the game overall
Lolnope. Pick one.
Too much nodes is not the problem?  Lack of incentives to play non-endless/non spy missions is.
Lets kill the possibility of anyone, ever, efficiently farming anything at their leisure. Warfarmer just isn't 'farmy' or grindy enough. It not like ever since U15 90% of what DE does is introducing timewalls, grindwalls, and general 'un-content' progress/gameplay retardants.
That's not even remotely the worst part. What if you acutally want to enjoy playing a certain mission type whenever you want?


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I don't understand how a Warframe can be very ambitious?  


Or did he mean ambiguous?


I read someone say the Warframe might be Male and Female.


If so....who here knows about Steven's Universe?



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I'm excited about those changes, but am quite worried of that stamina revision where it prevents Tenno from performing powerful attacks. Hopefully it goes well and doesn't ruin the fluidity of the gameplay while featuring some ways to balance it. I hope you know what you're doing, DE.

Also, before I forget, thanks OP for making this summary.

Edited by Knightmare047
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I don't understand how a Warframe can be very ambitious?  


Or did he mean ambiguous?


I read someone say the Warframe might be Male and Female.


If so....who here knows about Steven's Universe?


You just had to remind me of Yubel



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I'm not really fond of this whole "aura" collection in Annihilation. It's described as floating between players, and it must be collected to score a point, yes? To me, this sounds too much like Capture the Cephalon. Sure, you're not running between bases, but you're still hunting players that are carrying the aura rather than the cephalon and collecting things they drop upon death. To me, Deathmatch should be deathmatch, without having to worry about anything else.


Not how it works at all.


It's simple: you kill someone, you collect their aura, you get a point. Repeat. An aura will drop from any & every player. 

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> removal of player choice

> better for the game overall
Lolnope. Pick one.
Too much nodes is not the problem?  Lack of incentives to play non-endless/non spy missions is.
Lets kill the possibility of anyone, ever, efficiently farming anything at their leisure. Warfarmer just isn't 'farmy' or grindy enough. It not like ever since U15 90% of what DE does is introducing timewalls, grindwalls, and general 'un-content' progress/gameplay retardants.
That's not even remotely the worst part. What if you acutally want to enjoy playing a certain mission type whenever you want?




Spy missions loot was the right step forward... 


Endless missions loot still need fixing and tweak but is getting there...


This idea of Starchart 3.0 is 3 steps backwards and a faceplant.


I forsee much more rage force than any other mistake DE has brewed in the past....


All I'm hoping is actual preview on this new starchart for clarity

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I genuinely think this starchart change is going to ruin the game.

No it's not.


New players struggle or don't clear the star chart at all cause it's usually empty when they try to play, which is why they ask for taxi.

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