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So, The New Bow "daikyu".


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You asked, I Answered.   Telling us to "Suck It" doesn't make it untrue.

Irony: he is a vet as well, so if he wants all vets to "suck it".... Well, I'm sure he will find someone to "suck" from.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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Irony: he is a vet as well, so if wants all vets to "suck it".... Well, I'm sure he will find someone to "suck" from.

You, Sir (or Ma'am) recieve +3 Cookies just for that. *bow*

Now all you have to do is invent the Cookie-Over-TCP/IP Protocol.

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Cant Quick-Fire

More slow than you can believe. (0.421 with a maxed Speed Trigger)

Of course high status chance

Very slow

Cant hold it in a drawn position for more than 5 seconds or it unloads for you

Very fast projectile speed


Yes it has high base damage, but without crits that means next to nothing for a bow.

Very little projectile arc, on par with the Dread or maybe a bit less arc

And its extremely slow.

I do not like it at all. :/

I wasn't expecting (was hoping..HA >_>) it to be any good.  All those people who get things nerf'd A.S.A.P. maybe you guys can get DE to buff this weapon A.S.A.P.




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This is all GREAT news! Minus how slow it is. I'm sure I'll like it regardless though, since I love bows in general. Thanks all. 

I agree, I too love all the bows and in my opinion it looks like this was designed to be a more unique addition to the arsenal for people who use the bows, more so then an all around go-to primary

Edited by Efro_D_Siac
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I'm finding it to be a heavy hitter with status utility.


Can you imagine proccing Viral EVERY FRIGGING TIME?!?!?!

Protip: you won't. The bow still has puncture, slash and impact damage. Also, being slow as heck means you won't get a lot of procs in a certain time.

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As a vet, ( I'm only rank 10, but have been playing since the beginning ) I've always cared more about the looks more than the usability, and even though it has a low crit chance I think this wep may be end game viable because of the status chance.

Also this wep is sexy so imma use it

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I don't have used yet but I guess it would be like the Cernos.

A really beautiful bow but with some problems.

However I think is not fair comparing Daikyu to Dread; The stalker's bow is a special weapon, You should wait the prime version of this weapon to make comparisons

Edited by _BUSHIDO_
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As a vet, ( I'm only rank 10, but have been playing since the beginning ) I've always cared more about the looks more than the usability, and even though it has a low crit chance I think this wep may be end game viable because of the status chance.

Also this wep is sexy so imma use it


I don't rate status chance that high because it doesn't instant kill things. Only crits and damage do.

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More than likely the people using this weapon will complain because they can't get any kills.  So a buff will happen soon.  


And if you are using this weapon, I'll make sure of it.  Make sure of what?  You'll figure it out :^)


*Patiently waits for someone to use this in T4DEF Wave 20 and have the most kills with the weapon excluding WF powers*



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I prefer burst over dots though since burst takes care of the immediate threat.

I understand, that's why I prefer usin my tiberon in raids or t4d

I'm just tryin to justify this weapons pros because it looks nice

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