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Update 7.11.0: Vauban!


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#1 played anything = nerf that thing = players BUY new thing that becomes #1 played thing = nerf that thing = Players BUY new thing that becomes #1...


"People should find a warframe that suits their playstyle", yeah, well unless their playstyle is taking it in the face without being able to do anything useful in end content, they only have a very small amount of choice, that oddly enough wont be expanded by breaking some of those choices trololol.


5 new primaries, 2-3 new secondaries, 3-4 reworked melee, cuz lets' face it, there are only 2-3 useful melee right now full stop. NO more warframes, not for 6-8 weeks, with one frame per week receiving a complete do-over, and 1-2 recieving QOL passes.


Having what mods affect your powers being displayed on those mod cards (oh look, this one has the focus symbol on it, nice, I"ll try that) cuz let's face it, the wiki sucks and it's been abandoned. Having mods that interact to stack up and focus certain aspects of warframes so there is no longer a single best build. Having ALL warframe skills have a passive component; protip: The really S#&$ty skills have the best passives, so there is a choice to make!


Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock armour and damage type added to the warframes, with armour applying to shields *gasp*, flat numerical values removed, steel fiber rework to add the % value of reduction onto the mod itself. Each frame armour type takes more damage from one kind of source, much less from another kind, and median-high, median-low, median-neutral damage from the other 3 damage types.


Damage skills reworked to have flat values and % based values so every skill on every warframe scales and is useful in every situation to which it applies, all game, every game, every time. Having skills made only for doing mission content is... No. Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey, almost all frames and all skills are just amazingly bad and ill conceived once players learn that missions are at best loose filler and real end content is fighting defense missions to kill tougher things.


Monster variety, yeah, how about like how grineer have that white shoot me mask or thier space marine face, well... Have 3-5 (depending on mob size and power) areas on every single mob that can draw from a pool of possible alternate graphics. Cuz, idk, it wouldn't be that hard to do, and the damn flood levels/missions would be less glaringly aparent at the gaping hole in aesthetics.


Considering none of those ideas will be in the update, I'm really not sure what anyone can reasonably expect in any way lol.


Edit: Make with the polarity slots already, you went half-assed with polarities being rare, and now there are some things with 2 slots, go back and some damn polarities on old weapons. Old weapons=all weapons at this point aren't they?


Also nerf grakata, that thing does like 8 damage, zomfg! So op, seriously, you know I almost killed something with it the other day?

Edited by Canadabis
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I have a request, that i strongly wish is taken into account. Please give the gram back the old sound, but if you want keep the fragor. I just feel like it sounds like a hammer now, instead of a "slashing" weapon. I find myself wincing whenever i hear the impact

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Few facts about Rhino's Radial Blast and Rhino Stomp:

Radial Blast can't kill Leech Drone lvl 23, even if you are near it. Tested it two times. It deals some damage, but not enough to kill it. Just for some info: Leech Drones have max 100 HP, if this isn't bugged too (changes were in this update too)

Rhino Stomp with maxed Contiuity lift enemies only for 5-6 seconds, deal 0 damage. That's all. You can test if, if you go to Terminus(Mercury) without Sentinel (just in case, because he can shoot into your test subject ;) ), cast Rhino Stomp and look on the health bar of any enemy, who will be lifted. 0 damage. 6 seconds duration maxed. For 100 energy. You still think, this is Ultimate ability?


In comparison, "useless" Radial Blind of Excalibur stun enemies for 6 seconds or blind them for 12 seconds in 12m, doing almost the same thing like Rhino Stomp for 50 energy only. And it works on bosses too (tried that too).

Bastilia of Vauban lift enemies inside the force field for 9 seconds (don't sure, if it affected by Continuity, but seems so), and any enemy, who will enter to the affected area, while effects is still acitve - will be trapped too. And it's distant ability - you can activate it, when you stand inside Frost's Snow Globe. For 75 energy.


I hope, now you will understand, why are Rhino users are anrgy.

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Lol at least give it a 10 damage, then it doesn't look so pathetic to the eye

well someone calc'd it out, if you removed crit chance, and added 1 damage to the base damage, it'd be better :P (The crit adds like .65 damage per shot or something, and I agree, the grakata need more damage, right now it's just baaaad)

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We can all agree that the 7.11 update is a step into the wrong direction. The nerving of frames is not needed cause it´s coop (not like you must fight against other warframes). And the new system with the market is the most annoying thing ever happened for new player, I mean you have to fight 3-4 planets with a Braton, Skana before you can get a better weapon (pistols excluded). And could it be that the droprates for frame blueprints has been lowered? Cause Vay Hek has dropped no blueprints in 10 runs.

Edited by gibtsnird
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a little summarize from me:

what 7.11 brought us:

about 500-800 times RIP Rhino

more bugs than we can count

and pricings that are beyond measure


happenend to me today i was in a party of 4 went to lech kril and then i was alone banshee lvl 30 potatoed.....she was underpowered like hell:

snipetron did 4x 600 dmg as crit on his head and 4x150 dmg as crit on the glowing body part from sonar.......

i have complained about 7.11 like 10-15 times but being dropped out of the map while running through a door and respawning dead never happened to me before in 200 hours ingame......

DE what was that update actually about u should have known u would get THIS kind of a response

id hope to see the old IS (spamming is a prob with the players not the game ( to all "haters" )! atm rhino is the weakest out of my 8 lvl 30 frames)

and for banshee i dont understand her skills.......the one thing that makes her to a silent killer is too random and her abused skill is only for clearing the room of weak enemys (same as embers ult 70 dmg per sec on a lvl 50 ancient in comparison to 200 dmg per sec when they keep standing in her fire blast)

all in all DE uve got a long way till "balance" i hope u set out into the right direction with U8

Edited by BloodEmperor
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Are these things coming some day:


- Option to cancel your vote

- Possibility to invite non-friends list players, like lower lvl players for high lvl alerts

- Just in case: if you will change your game type (online/private/solo/invite) - it will discard your vote

- I don't know, how you can invite someone, who are not in your friend list, but if they in your party before you started the alert - they will join you.

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- Just in case: if you will change your game type (online/private/solo/invite) - it will discard your vote

- I don't know, how you can invite someone, who are not in your friend list, but if they in your party before you started the alert - they will join you.


There is also a "recent players" tab in your contacts.

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Well, as I know, you can add friend from that list, look into profile, invite to clan and send report. No "invite" option except for clan =(


Ohhh, didn't know that.  And you can't do it from the "Invite" button on the bottom left?

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moving fast....is a problem that most be nerfed for you...while you demand to have god mode back?

no ABUSING something is the problem here, the slide is meant to be macroed into something that allows you to skip through the level, moving faster than a frame should, while dealing damage.


And nerfed? No. I really have no idea to fix it, maybe in the next few days something will pop up, but really, it can't be nerfed without breaking the attack for people who DON'T spam it.


edit: That's the difference here, most people didn't abuse IS, just like most people don't abuse the slide melee, but the few who do, ruin it for everyone. I don't want it nerfed, that's stupid, but something could be though up perhaps to fix this, but it would have to be done carefully.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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no ABUSING something is the problem here, the slide is meant to be macroed into something that allows you to skip through the level, moving faster than a frame should, while dealing damage.


And nerfed? No. I really have no idea to fix it, maybe in the next few days something will pop up, but really, it can't be nerfed without breaking the attack for people who DON'T spam it.


edit: That's the difference here, most people didn't abuse IS, just like most people don't abuse the slide melee, but the few who do, ruin it for everyone. I don't want it nerfed, that's stupid, but something could be though up perhaps to fix this, but it would have to be done carefully.

i would like to inform you that regardless of abusing iron skin the game is meant to be challenging not "i'm to lazy to try...iron skin"

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i would like to inform you that regardless of abusing iron skin the game is meant to be challenging not "i'm to lazy to try...iron skin"

No, No it's not at all, you STILL have to shoot everything to be safe when IS wears off, regardless of how many times you spam it.

How is it fair to have a "kill everything" button but not a "not be killed by everything" button? Both do the same thing, keep you safe.


(also QFT here)


I agree. Seriously, when has Rhino Iron-Skinning EVER made ANYONE mad?


Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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i would like to inform you that regardless of abusing iron skin the game is meant to be challenging not "i'm to lazy to try...iron skin"

I would like to inform you that abusing Iron Skin wasn't the only thing anyone ever did with Rhino, and even if it was, Trinity's version is still FAR more OP, as it also reflects damage with even more usability.
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