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So, I Tried Using A Bow. I Died.(Pvp)


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How are you supposed to use bows in conclave..

I took my paris prime out for a run on mag prime on annihilation.

It... Didn't work out.


-Enemies move insanely fast, especially with bo prime

-Bows will (usually) not kill in one hit unless you land a headshot(idk about daikyu)

-You will auto roll after falling 1 foot with a charged bow

-you only have something like 15 shots(correct me if im wrong)

-they need to be charged before they are shot

-hard to hit anything unless you are zoomed in, at which point you are moving so slow you are dead in .5 seconds

-Enemies will usually get in your face with strun wraith, killing you in 2 shots

-Projectile flight time


-Long range combat is not viable, as you need to find a spot to camp, wait for an enemy, and hope you hit the flying gnat that's speeding along at 90 mph. When the stars align, and you hit, he runs away because you didn't kill him. Then he pops up in your nest and kills you in 2 shots with strun w. 


-Mid range combat is slightly better but not by much. Enemies will usually be aware of you and will drop you with latron prime, soma prime, braton, or even strun wraith. Your only chance at this point is killing them before they kill you, which isn't likely to happen considering you are getting shot, need to charge a bow, land a headshot for a guaranteed kill, and the enemy is once again hopping around.


-Close range combat is trash. This is where melee and strun wraith are huge problems. You will die before the bow is even ready to fire.





At least, this is what i experienced.


Buff bows plz? 

-do something about auto roll

-increase flight speed to nigh hit scan

-reduce charge time by a ton

-damage does not need to go up if charge time is reduced




Oh, just use daikyu.

Edited by 420degreequicksopeswag
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"Close range trumps bows" Ofc it does, a bow takes time to ready aim and release, it takes a 1/4 second to cut someone down with a sword.


Slide when falling to prevent auto-roll.


Flight speed doesn't need an increase, just practice with leading your target.


Start charging the bow before you round corners, or make yourself vulnerable. A bow's advantage is to have high damage in a single shot, to make up for that that shot takes time to draw and leaves you vulnerable. Be prepared beforehand and you will win.


P.s. Props on putting a PvP tag in the title, if more people did this there would be less confusion all the time.

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Too much skills are involved when you can achieve the same with ARs with less skills.

1. If you're going to complain about something taking skill to use, don't use it, it's a choice. 2. It is not the same result with ARs. AR's TTK is much higher than a bow's. A bow will take someone out with 1, maybe 2 skilled shots (iirc) whereas an AR needs MANY more shots (regardless of how fast that lead leaves the barrel) and you have to keep that lead storm on your target until they are dead, and if you have to reload GG. Being able to 1-2 shot an enemy gives a huge advantage, it means there is little to no reaction time for the enemy, where using a rifle you alert them with the first tick of damage you do to them, giving them plenty of time to turn around, copter over, and prompty give you a good beatdown with their big stick.

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Ask Lord_Noctus for tips, because bows are high risk: high rewards weapon, not your general scrubbity like shotties or ARs.



"Close range trumps bows" Ofc it does, a bow takes time to ready aim and release, it takes a 1/4 second to cut someone down with a sword.


Slide when falling to prevent auto-roll.


Flight speed doesn't need an increase, just practice with leading your target.


Start charging the bow before you round corners, or make yourself vulnerable. A bow's advantage is to have high damage in a single shot, to make up for that that shot takes time to draw and leaves you vulnerable. Be prepared beforehand and you will win.


P.s. Props on putting a PvP tag in the title, if more people did this there would be less confusion all the time.


+1 on both counts.


High risk, high reward. You either choose to learn it, or pass it up for something..... easier.

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1. If you're going to complain about something taking skill to use, don't use it, it's a choice. 2. It is not the same result with ARs. AR's TTK is much higher than a bow's. A bow will take someone out with 1, maybe 2 skilled shots (iirc) whereas an AR needs MANY more shots (regardless of how fast that lead leaves the barrel) and you have to keep that lead storm on your target until they are dead, and if you have to reload GG. Being able to 1-2 shot an enemy gives a huge advantage, it means there is little to no reaction time for the enemy, where using a rifle you alert them with the first tick of damage you do to them, giving them plenty of time to turn around, copter over, and prompty give you a good beatdown with their big stick.

1. I gave it a go.

2. Soma comes with 100 bullets, you probably won't need to reload. Also strun wraith can reload in the middle of a fight with how quick it is and can also down someone in like 1-2 shots. You also have 8 shots. If someone is too far away, copter over and kill them. I see no reason to use bows over other weapons like strun. You also don't need to charge shotguns, nor do you need headshots. A one shot with a bow is a huge advantage, a 2 shot is not, because the enemy will notice and kill you before you can get the second shot off. Strun also gives enemy no reaction time.


In conclusion: 

Strun wraith: Low risk, high reward

Paris prime: very high risk, high-ish reward

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1. I gave it a go.

2. Soma comes with 100 bullets, you probably won't need to reload. Also strun wraith can reload in the middle of a fight with how quick it is and can also down someone in like 1-2 shots. You also have 8 shots. If someone is too far away, copter over and kill them. I see no reason to use bows over other weapons like strun. You also don't need to charge shotguns, nor do you need headshots. A one shot with a bow is a huge advantage, a 2 shot is not, because the enemy will notice and kill you before you can get the second shot off. Strun also gives enemy no reaction time.


In conclusion: 

Strun wraith: Low risk, high reward

Paris prime: very high risk, high-ish reward

I personally see the OP issue with shotguns as being a direct result of coptering itself being OP, which should be fixed in parkour 2.0. As for the soma's large magazine, it's TTK is EVEN longer than most rifles, not only because of the lower base damage but also the wind up time.

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bow is no gd in PVP at now, the time your arrow reach me, my Oberon #1 *4 kill you first, and don't say if use these with 1000+ms net code tactic



the copt. part I'll said we can wait for parkour 2.0 first

If you can't kill someone without spamming abilities at them, that's not exactly something to be proud of. 

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Hmmmm, I think daikyu is actually easier to use than Paris Prime since you can 1 shot with it. Use bow with a sturdy frame (like valkyr) so you can take some hit while aiming.

not rly.they are equal Becouse of charge time and the time u can hold the charge. parises should have and get more ammo and the prime should get maybe a slight noncharge dmg buff. Thats all what these weapons seem to need for the moment. daikyu is weaker than most ppl think but im happy with it as it is. Edited by Lord_Noctus
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Bows are probably the hardest weapons to use in PvP due to the current parkour and coptering system, but on the other side they're quite powerful.


Sniping is almost impossible, but not completely, if you want to you can practice and find good spots where you can aim with low risk; still, being able to hit a coptering opponent is another story.


I'd say they're fine, I've been killed a few times by bow users, it's not that different from sniping with a Lex except for the charge time, the close combat efficency and the damage output.


I always use a bow in PvE as my main primary, but after a few runs in Conclave I just understood I'm not good enough at it in PvP or it's just too high of a risk; still, bows work with other players, so I'd say they're fine!

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Just today i meet a frost guy in team anihilation.


He is very good with his daikyu and lex prime, i died alot without knowing what happened to my excalibur.

I found that other bow cant 1 shoot except daikyu, it is hard to use but if youre good at it then its rewarding.

Edited by EagleHawkz25
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Just today i meet a frost guy in team anihilation.


He is very good with his daikyu and lex prime, i died alot without knowing what happened to my excalibur.

I found that other bow cant 1 shoot except daikyu, it is hard to use but if youre good at it then its rewarding.

I also think that it depends a lot on the map: if you're on the docking area than a bow could be really rewarding, while on the Derelict Void map it would be insane!

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People keep saying that its better at long ranges, thats completely not true. Its best at close-mid range simply due to projectile speed. So unless your enemy is moving at a constant speed, isnt coptering and moving in a straight line (none of those things ever happen by the way) youre not going to land your shot at high distance.


Lex. P triumphs at long ranges.

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Just today i meet a frost guy in team anihilation.

He is very good with his daikyu and lex prime, i died alot without knowing what happened to my excalibur.

I found that other bow cant 1 shoot except daikyu, it is hard to use but if youre good at it then its rewarding.

name of that guy ?
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I've been using the Daikyu in conclave lately and have been dominating with it. But the only reason for this is because of my movement skills from conclave 1.0. If i could not move the way i do, i'd be dead before i even charged the thing.



is it shame to be good ? ;D . Naming someone for his skills and other good things is allowed

^^^^^ Yes


I think the guy you're looking for is "kuuyo" or something like that. He is also very good with the Daikyu.



Ask Lord_Noctus for tips



Noctus, be proud of this. People think you're good.

Edited by FlyingThund3rGod
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ha wanna challenge me padawan ;D ? Wanna see me in beastmode again...

By the way Im at the moment not on my pc can u write me why u left sfu when u continue to play pvp ?


I left SFU because conclave is still bad compared to 1.0, but i keep playing because there is completely nothing else better than conclave in warframe.


And please, i'll rek you. I'll Unleash The Thunder!! on you xD.

Edited by FlyingThund3rGod
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