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New Sentinel Weapon Mods, To Avoid Mod Conflict.


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So many times when i have a sentinel on me, and i want to equip mods.. there will always be a confliction, and this has peeved me to the ends of the earth.


Can we please have different mods especially made for sentinel weapons such as the rifles and shotguns to avoid mod conflicting with main weapons?


I don't want to have to change out to a rifle because i cant use a shotgun with my sweeper sentinel gun. I also dont want to max the same mod twice in order just to be able to use sweeper and a shotgun at the same time..


What do you guys think about this? would it work?



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i cant agree with new mods for sentinel weapons. why? because this would add MORE mods to the loot pool that would need to be hunted down and then leveled.


i already have multiple levels of serration, at least two of each 90% damage mod and two maxed split chambers. its not entirely crazy to assume newer players would want to level multiple mods of the same kind, though this is assuming they want a sentinel and not a kubrow.

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I don't want to have to change out to a rifle because i cant use a shotgun with my sweeper sentinel gun. I also dont want to max the same mod twice in order just to be able to use sweeper and a shotgun at the same time..


What do you guys think about this? would it work?


See, that´s the problem, I don´t want new special weaponmods for sentinel weapons. There are already mods for them, no need for new ones with exact the same function.


And it doesn´t really make sense that you don´t want to max a mod twice but want new mod to max them.

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Great idea.


Currently we can't even have the same mod on our gun and a sentinel weapon, even if the sentinel weapon is not equipped.


I can't even have my sentinel weapons in storage without a conflict.

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Reading from what you guys have wrote, some have suggested a small symbol on certain mods to indicate whether its been equiped on a sentinel, i think to avoid confusion and conflict with mods that this would be better,


Also on the downside to my idea, i can see why this would be a pain, asking for a complete set of mods just for sentinels will probably never see the light of day, Then again we dont really know what DE thinks of this.


Although why im asking for this is because some of my rifle builds are VERY similiar to that of the sentinel rifle/shotguns i use, i dont have to have to relevel 2 of the exact same mod that i;d use on my main weapon JUST so i can be able to take out my sentinel.


This is also the reason why kubrows have been a bit more useful to me, they have their own sets of mods, no conflicts so i never have to worry about what main weapon i should bring.


I just wish there was a way our main weapon would somehow be usable with the same weapon type for sentinels. 

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Having mods marked to say whether its on your sentinal or not would be pretty awesome.


Also the game not thinking you have a Serration on your Kubrow might be an idea. If you try to equip a weapon with mods that the last sentinal weapon you had equipped has on, it will tell you that you have conflicting mods, even if you have no sentinal equipped, or if you have a Kubrow equipped, that's pretty frustrating personally!

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I would be in favor of this, provided that Sentinel weapons just become their own class. We wouldn't need for instance Sentinel Rifle, Sentinel Shotgun, Sentinel Pistol, Sentinel Melee. Just having one global Sentinel Weapon class would solve the problem nicely, as the weapon functions themselves tend to differentiate the weapons enough to make it work. Sweeper, Deth Machine Rifle, (Prime) Laser Rifle, Burst Laser, Stinger and Deconstructor all work differently enough from each other that the same mods wouldn't break how they function.


And hey, easy out for the next set of event mods: dual stats of all four elements for Sentinel Weapon. We usually get a set of 4 mods anyway, that would fill a full event's worth.

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I'll take a marker to show which ones are in use and by what.  Having another set of mods to level up is just crazy, especially for newer players.


Yes please. My duplicates aren't doing me any good since I have to tab back into the upgrade menu 6 times to make sure I have the correct (identical) pressure point equipped.

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Yes please. My duplicates aren't doing me any good since I have to tab back into the upgrade menu 6 times to make sure I have the correct (identical) pressure point equipped.

Yeah, it's silly. 


Right now I have mods that have staggered levels so I can put them on and know that its in use and where it's at.

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I was at mimimum hoping for a marker that would indicate if a mod was on a sentinel weapon.


I suggested the same thing in the UI section a while ago, but apparently the UI team is either working on something else or they just have their heads in their butts. There are so many requests for UI changes from players, like a customizable crosshair, the "mod equipped" marker and other things, but they're just being ignored.


Edit: grammar

Edited by tomrair
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  • 3 weeks later...

Great idea.


Currently we can't even have the same mod on our gun and a sentinel weapon, even if the sentinel weapon is not equipped.


I can't even have my sentinel weapons in storage without a conflict.

yep, it used to work when I unequipped the sentinel, but since dunno when this doesn´t work anymore and I´m pretty much stuck and can´t properly mod any new weapons..

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  • 2 months later...

Reading from what you guys have wrote, some have suggested a small symbol on certain mods to indicate whether its been equiped on a sentinel, i think to avoid confusion and conflict with mods that this would be better,

I need this. I leveled extra copies of various mods for my sentinel, but since there is no way to tell which copy is equipped by the sentinel and which isn't, this inevitably results in conflicts if I try to equip the same weapon type as my sentinel. I have since given up and just switch the sentinel's weapon to a different type than whatever I'm currently using.

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