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Soma Build, Only Crit? Or With Elemental Mods?



I used Warframe-Builder, but I'm not sure which is more effective(due to people say Warframe-Builder isn't accurate)(I didn't use any Fire Rate Mods though). Which is better? And does Critical Delay worth to use? The critical chance rate bonus is too low compared to Point Strike. Is it better to use another mod in that slot?

Edited by Evansmaan
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My build. I was biggest Soma fan boy back in the day, before Penta showed up, still for a few days a had a lot of fun with the Soma P.


I got enough room to fit 2 90% element mods, but usually I run with all 3 dual stat mods.. It works really well with 4xCP, [the fire rate] x [just less then 50% of status chance] = a lot of procs per second. No Heavy Caliber because head shots is where it's at. Metal auger lately is on all of my builds as well.


Edit. #1 18 elemental damage seems like a bad trade off for 10% less status chance.

Edit. #2 with 4 cp, it's pure viral.



Edited by .Re-light.
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Thats what I say too, I'd say Shred is superior to metal auger, and is cheaper too. Granted it doesn't punch through as much but it gives bonus RoF that better I think then just a small boost to punch through.

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I have Soma Prime, but I recommend ignoring Crit entirely. It already has a decent multiplier and chance, so I modded for Corrosive as the most trouble you'll have at any point of the game is with enemy armor.

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I have Soma Prime, but I recommend ignoring Crit entirely. It already has a decent multiplier and chance, so I modded for Corrosive as the most trouble you'll have at any point of the game is with enemy armor.

Under no circumstances should you ignore crit mods on the soma.

Edited by rapt0rman
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With the Soma you'd be better off going for raw elemental damage rather than using dual-stat mods or emphasizing crits beyond Point Strike and Vital Sense since the base damage is pretty unimpressive.  A 7% (Soma) or 10% stat chance (Soma Prime) isn't nearly enough to run a stat build.


Rate of fire is a really good upgrade to the Soma because it has little recoil so it doesn't make that much of a difference in how you can land shots; Critical Delay's ability to push the crit chance closer to 100 really isn't worth it if you have Split Chamber either.

Edited by TenguBlade
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Honestly you have to look at it from the standpoint that you won't be able to get a good punchthrough target most of the time. Only in endless mission cases will you really be able to reliably get them lined up, and even then you're doing a dance just because of one mod. 


The best thing you can do with the Soma/P is to go for that crit and learn how to burst fire. If you just put your basic point strike/vital sense, you'll do so much more than toying with all of these other non-damage mods. Learn to just tap your mouse button, kill one thing, let it fall, on to the next. The only time I've ever held down my trigger for more than a brief second was on later defense waves for heavies and bombards, or if Vor pops up and he's stationary. 


Also, Soma more than most guns does require you to go to your secondary here and there to recover some ammo. One wave with a good vaylok/synoid and you'll be replenishing the ammo you're craving so much. 


If you have to change your entire playstyle over one mod on one gun, that usually means it's a slight detriment. 

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   Burst fire always, when no straight lines, move to make your own depending on where enemies are. That is my preferred play style. Also, yeah, endless, hardly play anything else. But Soma P is not in my top 5 for that, maybe even top 10. Still fun from time to time. Just so beautifully accurate and easy to use.

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You'll only struggle with ammo consumption against high level heavies if you aren't bothering to aim for headshots. Soma/Prime gets 3.5x damage from aiming for the head; In fact, HCal is a damage loss once you get out to a decent range as you can no longer headshot reliably.

Yes, using Shred requires more trigger discipline. But all high RoF weapons benefit from trigger discipline anyways.

Normal heavy units are doable, eximus units eat major ammo no matter what. I've seen a lvl 90~ sanguine corrupted bombard take a double red crit headshot from my paris prime for 1/10th of its health. Edited by JuanDeages
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Anyone saying the SomaP is not a status weapon is failing to consider the effects of its fire rate upon its proc chance per second.


Multishot is so good because it increases proc chance by increasing the number of shots that can hit.  That's +90% status chance, as well as +90% damage, better than any other single mod for +status, and bringing it up to 18%.  Throw on Hammer Shot and you get a very respectable 24.9%.


Anything that increases rate-of-fire will of course also increase proc chance per second, so Shred's +30% also increases that, as well as adding 30% to your base damage per second.


With those 3 mods you have a 24.9% chance to proc from just one single shot, but when you have a weapon with a fire rate as high as this, you're going to have a high chance of a status proc within the first few shots:


1 shot = 24.9%

2 shots = 43.6%

3 shots = 57.6%

4 shots = 68.2%

5 shots = 76.1%


With 19.5 rounds per second (with Shred) you have 99.6% chance of getting a proc from each second of fire.  Go and compare that to the status/sec of some of the beam weapons.

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Yes, it will proc status sometimes, but not with the frequency or reliability of a proper status weapon like the Braton Prime (~66% chance per shot) or the Grinlok (98% chance per bullet, high chance of two statuses per shot).


Better to just take the Slash procs as a nice bonus rather than trying to mod for status.

Edited by OniGanon
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Here that is the best build :
Change the Elements for each faction.The only option what you can think about is,to use instead of a third element a shred.You lose some damage but you can hit multiple targets.

Mods like Hammershot,Critical delay are not very good and i dont know any weapon where it is worth using it.Funny thing is that some people talk like Soma is a Status wep.Really?Not even close.Who goes for status lost ALOT of damage.

Edited by K0bra
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RE: pure damage vs status damage mods on Soma(P)


Disclaimer: the following doesn't mean I think a "status build" is "better" though. My basic build is a pure damage one (after crit mods). But I think status build is still viable in some scenario as a tactical option. (which I do use sometimes)

With the high fire rate and magazine size, I think status procs can still be considered reliable. The "reliability" here isn't the proc per round, which is so-so (after some mods) at best compared to others (esp those near/over 100% procs). It is rather that in a burst which is long enough, you can usually expect a proc (simply due to more bullets).  So to me, proc reliability is actually a combined function of both the basic status chance as well as the average length of the burst I adopt.

For example, I like to be able to proc both corrosive + cold in certain builds with every burst. Corrosive will increase effectiveness of subsequent rounds on armored targets, and cold will slow the target if it is not dead yet, providing some protection against returning fire and allowing easier aiming at weak points.

Depending on the usual length of burst fire (usually related somewhat to the expected enemy level), I sometimes like to tweak the status chance by swapping damage mods with the equivalent dual stat damage mods. i.e. trade off damage for expected burst length to get a proc reliably. Usually, for me, higher level enemies = use more pure damage mods (since they take longer burst to kill anyway), but in missions where enemy levels are capped (non endless), I sometimes take the build with dual stat damage (or mixed pure/dual mods) so that I can proc status in a shorter bursts.

Another scenario is when I want to adopt one status proc type tactically (tactics depending on procs with every burst, rather than expecting status procs to be lucky shots). (Note: not intended to be used for endless highest tier missions though)

E.g. Gas build, which adds a damage AOE. Particularly fun if used against Infested with Shred. Each round will probably hit multiple targets, and a burst can potentially create a multi-gas procs in a cluster of hostiles. Adds a little "lazy" aiming on level-capped infested missions.

Another is Blast build, which is a CC AOE. With a somewhat increased status chance, firing a burst into a cluster of enemy can knock them down. I have so much fun with this that sometimes (against enemies with high health), I wait for them to get back up (those who survived) before firing another burst to knock them down again, and let sentinel, kubrow play with them in safety.

So while I still stick to pure damage builds most of the time myself (crit based of course), I think status builds still have their use and don't quite agree that they are "useless" on Soma.


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Honestly you have to look at it from the standpoint that you won't be able to get a good punchthrough target most of the time. Only in endless mission cases will you really be able to reliably get them lined up, and even then you're doing a dance just because of one mod. 


True enough, only wave missions have a LOT of use from punch through *for killing multiples*.   But *every* map punch-thru will help against mobs using cover (or under the floor etc) or the "dead body issue"  (shoot a corpse that is still falling instead of the guy behind it).   I find punch through to be generally useful most of the time, but its by no means required to have it.  I get more "utility" from it than "quigglys" outside of  defense missions.  Add in the two in one mod slot effect ... fire rate coupled with punch through, both reduced, but both *enough* to get the job done in a single slot used.  


I totally agree that if one mod is ruling your playstyle, it is probably a bad thing.   But once you get used to being able to shoot thru cover/bodies, is hard to go back :)


I used galaxion for a long time.  Soma feels like it conserves ammo compared to that thing...  but yea, a good secondary is critical for ammo hogs.  I use angstrum,  which can one-shot kill groups of enemy up to a modestly high level and bypasses ice-shields, can hit behind cover, and is a good general purpose problem solver. 

Edited by jonnin
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No worries tho. You can be a keyboard warrior with no actual argument.

Why this???

Because I don't agreed with your point it means I don't have argument???

And almost everyone here put Shred some ppl Metal Auger on their Soma and you are the only one right???

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Just posted this in the other Soma build thread.


I max the possible crit build then add in the dual elemental that effects the enemy your facing.


I use Corrosive on Config A for low to mid tier Grineer missions, only trading in for Radiation if I'm expecting to have to fight alot of superheavies.

I use Magnetic for corpus on my Config B, and on  Config C it's my Void build of corrosive, Cold.

You need to fix this build. Placing the dual stat mods on a non status weapon is lowering your total damage by tons. 

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It is a no forma build, as you can see because it has no stars above the name. :D I use the dual stat mods because them have better economy then the single elemental build. Anyway even at the 18% I have on there in the screen shot I can get procs quite a bit on the heavier units.

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Why this???

Because I don't agreed with your point it means I don't have argument???

And almost everyone here put Shred some ppl Metal Auger on their Soma and you are the only one right???

Your basically saying because I prefer full damage, my opinion is on the level of the guy saying split chamber is bad, with NO argument whatsoever. That's why. Don't pretend you have some moral high ground. And stop assuming S#&$. I made consessions in my arguements. Its my opinion shred is situational for the soma. Edited by JuanDeages
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It is a no forma build, as you can see because it has no stars above the name. :D I use the dual stat mods because them have better economy then the single elemental build. Anyway even at the 18% I have on there in the screen shot I can get procs quite a bit on the heavier units.

Props on handling the criticism so well.

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Props on handling the criticism so well.

Yeah, well they say it's so bad, but I've gotten to t4 20 waves with out it really feeling like it's dropping off. The Extra critical helps to off set the loss of elemental damage. I do know it's not the best possible build but it work good in practice for what I have on hand. Until I can farm out Soma prime, and get soem forma into that this version work plenty good at killing stuff.

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