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What Do You Want Warframe To Be?


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Recently there is a huge rise of unpleasantness towards DE from this community regarding the direction of the game,

Some people said that DE is destroying the game. Some people said that the game is going to fail. Some people also said that the community is overreacting.

Frankly I don't care which sides have more supporters. But I am interested to know what do you want warfame become in the future. Give some explanations and examples. The feedback section are mostly criticism towards some aspect of the game, there's rarely threads about your own prospect of this game. Maybe it can give the devs a clearer idea on the direction of warframe. 

Edited by victor_victory
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I'm more of the side that says that the community is overreacting .

For example:

The starchart changed.... we don't even know what exactly is going to come and everyone freaks out about it already.


Personally I want WF to be a game with a storyline.

A campaign mode... that's pretty much all I want.

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Recently there is a huge rise of unpleasantness towards DE from this community regarding the direction of the game,


Ppl been displeased since 2014, we all seeing WF development going into a strange weird place.

And overreacting, no, I don't believe it is an overreaction, many games have simply been abandoned, by either their community or the devs because of bad decisions, and wrong development paths.

The overly exaggerated waves of nerfs, seem to point to WF downfall, and the stamina rework made in 2013 almost made allot of ppl quit the game back then if they hadn't reverted it, so keep ur eyes open for the upcoming stamina 2.0.


When the game became open beta, there were 2 major statements from all reviewers and critics, those statements are still true nowadays:

- "Warframe is too much repetitive"

something they didn't quite fix until today, you can see this the most whenever ur grinding the same mission over and over for some frame/weapons parts.

- "DE doesn't know what their are doing"

we all have seen bad decisions from the devs, lack of consistency on their features not being simple or having a similar working consistency, good or great ideas with very bad implementations (archwing, kubrows, melee 2.0), unclear or not planned development, lack of clear solutions and fixes to so many problems the community and the devs have pointed out so long ago (nerfs, lack of balance, drop/prize tables), etc


As for what I want it to be.

An action packed game, which it is already.

And a ninja game, which we are lacking allot on stealth mechanics and every-other details to make it a real feature, the tile-sets alone are proof stealth might be an impossible dream.

Edited by 7grims
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Ppl been displeased since 2014, we all seeing WF development going into a strange weird place.

And overreacting, no, I don't believe it is an overreaction, many games have simply been abandoned, by either their community or the devs because of bad decisions, and wrong development paths.

The overly exaggerated waves of nerfs, seem to point to WF downfall, and the stamina rework made in 2013 almost made allot of ppl quit the game back then if they hadn't reverted it, so keep ur eyes open for the upcoming stamina 2.0.


I recall people saying this same stuff when Rhino was nerfed. And when Trinity was nerfed. And when Nova was introduced. And when Nova was nerfed. And when basically anything happened.


Every time, people predicted mass quitting and noticeable drops in the playerbase. Every time that failed to happen.

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I recall people saying this same stuff when Rhino was nerfed. And when Trinity was nerfed. And when Nova was introduced. And when Nova was nerfed. And when basically anything happened.


Every time, people predicted mass quitting and noticeable drops in the playerbase. Every time that failed to happen.


People tend to exaggerate and be drama queens often.



Tho, i dont even know what Warframe direction is lately.

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A Game that can make you Equip (Simple Red Ninja Scarf) (Cloth) that currently doesn't exist ingame.

What it looks like? : Shinobi.jpg

So, a scarf? Not likely to happen since it would be a mess to get that to fit on the necks/lower faces of many frames we have now. They have an energy version of this with the Asa Syandana anyway. Maybe they could make a non energy version?

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I myself believe that DE has proven themselves more than once when it comes to this kind of changes. When they bring up an idea and the community doesn't like it, It ends up what the community deserves. 

Which is......you know what...this is bait


Edit: I want WF to be less buggy.  There.

Edited by Ishki88
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I'm more of the side that says that the community is overreacting .

For example:

The starchart changed.... we don't even know what exactly is going to come and everyone freaks out about it already.


Personally I want WF to be a game with a storyline.

A campaign mode... that's pretty much all I want.



The current tactical alert/events seem way too inconsequential.


Why should any player care about what happens in the WF universe if nothing we do matters? We don't need to make any choices or any sacrifices or clan centered campaigns. 

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I want it to be fair to the player. That includes RNG, grinding, enemy scaling, return of the limited-time weapons, removal of Clantech, etc.


If this happened, I think I'd be a lot happier. It's a good game - a great one. The problem is that it's incredibly unfair in various different ways.

Edited by Blackout751
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I want it to be fair to the player. That includes RNG, grinding, enemy scaling, return of the limited-time weapons, removal of Clantech, etc.


If this happened, I think I'd be a lot happier. It's a good game - a great one. The problem is that it's incredibly unfair in various different ways.


Make your own clan.

For god sake.

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I want the game to be more content based and less numbers based. 


I want the enemies with more tactics and less bullet sponges.


I want the events that introduce new gameplay rather than forcing us to rerun the same stuff we've run a billion times before with a new voiceover on them.


I want my time to be respected, giving us token systems rather than random loot drops, guaranteeing a return on time invested.


I want the game with a short skirt and a looooong jacket.

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I want Warframe to be what it currently is, but with the BS pruned out.


I want to see a focus on lore.

I want backstory on the Tenno, and for the Tenno to become characters. Sorry, but screw the "but WE are the Tenno" people. As someone with no emotional issues or inadequacy complexes, it is far more interesting to have a game with a story than a cheap handy about how I'm really as cool as a space ninja. I don't need that and it gets in the way of what I would call better possibilities. Sacrificing any worthwhile storytelling because someone needs a lore explanation for playing Scorpion one match and Sub-Zero the next ("buh dey have da same miiiiiiiiiiind") is just stupid.


I want to learn about the characters of individual Tenno through quests, and about the Lotus and the Orokin empire. Those things will give current events meaning. Does it matter what my Loki's personality is if there are a million identical others? Does it matter if he lives or dies? Does anything the original Loki did matter if mine is not that one? The answer to each is "no", and it really shouldn't be. If each Tenno was unique, like one Loki, and he's the original, each there could be questlines to learn about them.


I want the history of the Tenno as a group to get worked out, because they're child soldier living weapon mutants that also have long-established histories of... combat sports and scarves and gardening? There are millions of them but an Orokin soldier didn't believe they even existed? If they want us to be the Tenno, as bad an idea as I think that is, at least make that consistent and explain how it works. Mysterious isn't interesting by default.


I'd like to see improved enemy AI and less power-nullifying and invincibilty phases.

A few of these are okay. Stalker and Zanuka being able to do it are okay. Nullifier crewmen are pushing it. Manics are just too far. There are plenty of people that think nerfing everything is the way to go, but it just isn't. You can't have a fast, acrobatic game with bullet sponge enemies (and you can't increase time to kill and make enemies less bullet-spongey). A squad of Tenno should be a cyclone of death, but enemies shouldn't just throw themselves into it. The solution is more creative actions and spawns. When the doors lock, why do we not open them to ambush groups? or enemies start to pour in from behind us? When the alarms go off, why are they not waiting in a better formation that would make Sonar or Enemy Radar more valuable for the forewarning?


There are lots of different tactics that could be put into play, and they could give the factions more character. Grineer with firing lines and Corpus hanging back while they send robots in to attack.


The star chart should be cleaned up and the setting made more consistent.

Not turned into RNG alerts that only let me know I should just check back next week, but cleaned up. You fight Vor on Mercury, then Vor+Kril on Sedna, then Kril on Ceres, because the Sedna fight is the dangling bits of Arid Fear event and doesn't make any sense in the order that it is encountered. There are two separate Alad V fights, but no explanation for why after the quest is complete. Human Alad should have been removed with that event and just Mutalist Alad would remain. Sedna just needs a new boss. I like that the universe advances for everyone through events, and the way I can play any mission, but it should be made such that the natural path makes sense, even if a quest hasn't been played.


I want Warframe to have a universe that isn't twisted up into the quest system. I like the quests, but there should be current quests and "archived" quests that can be replayed by players who missed them through the codex, but those should be specifically labeled as past events.

Edited by (PS4)ElZilcho
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What I would like to see in the near future is a more simplistic way to trade items. Maybe a individualized storefront, where you can post a number of items (limited by mastery rank) with a fixed price (determine by the seller) or acceptable trades, so that anyone can search for the item they want to buy by name and decide to buy/trade or not with out the need of chating, dojo inviting, or any kind of complaining or miss understanding. A simple UI and a better experience than the current cluster...A sort of eBay looking transaction system. I think this would save a lot of time and frustration with people typing WTB instead of WTS and wasting 10 minutes chasing a fake sell; or spending countless ours trying to sell a set of mods and loosing game time. 


What I don't want is to see is PvP to become more prevalent or even worst mandatory for crucial parts of the game. I'm not a big fan of the PvP mods right now. There's a reason why I stopped playing CoD. When a game becomes competitive the few duche-bags are going to ruin it for everyone with hacks and mods. 

Edited by (PS4)Regiampiero
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I want Warframe to be a slaughterfest wherein I obliterate hordes of enemies with the power of a god whose very breath makes the mountains tremble and the skies quake.


I want to engage in hand to hand combat with PLANETS and win with honestly frightening regularity.

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