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Please Don't Remove Stamina


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We are god-like Ninja that live within a powersuit strong enough to stomp the ground and stop time itself and we have to stop, catch our breath once every 30 seconds.


I can run for two hours straight without a powersuit, I guess Tenno have poor cardiovascular function lol.


Stamina should stay but related to melee combat instead of movement.

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OMG!!! I would love it if they removed stamina, I'm so tired o not being able to run with out rush & quick rest, even lately quick rest isn't working as well as I remember. To many time I have been going at a decent pace & then oh I ran out of stamina nice now I have to wait for this ridiculously slow stamina regen.

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I love argument about resource management.


Sure its resource management but its only acceptable if you dont really need to manage it. Drop fleeting and forums will outcry about how hard is to manage energy, reduce stamina regen and forums will outcry how hard is to manage stamina, then ppl are bothered by 40 ammo reserve on grenade launchers because they actually need to sometimes pick up ammo.


If you dont really need to manage resource anymore then it should be removed.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Being able to block for more than 2.5 seconds would be very appealing for a style of combat that requires you be running directly into bullets 90% of the time. DE said they wanted to make the game less 'spikey'; giving us options to actually defend ourselves that don't revolve around spamming tenno magic all over everything would perhaps be one of the most skill relient things they could do. As of right now, blocking isn't really a thing in any content that matters. It might as well not even exist. 

Kill stamina. It's long over-due. 


To quote: 

"I f%$@ing hate that green bar." 

Edited by Acos
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Stamina is not a resource to be managed. You can melee for free if you have zero stamina. The only thing you can't do at zero stamina is sprint (and wallrun, I guess) which is completely ignored by waiting half a second, then sliding for one second, after which you will have enough stamina to slide perpetually


In theory you also can't block at zero stamina, but who the heck still blocks these days if they're not doing a melee-only challenge? You could make it so that blocking uses stamina and nothing else, and everyone in the game would be happier. Except OP, apparently

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Doesn't 1 of Chroma abilities involve stamina consumption?

Elemental Ward: Toxic Type increases the maximum stamina of all teammates in range. That's it. It would be very easy to tweak it so that it increased everyone's sprint speed or something

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I think OP is a genius. He figured if he posted another thread about the need for stamina to go it might get ignored, but if he posts the opposite he'll get the community to unite in their hate for stamina. Seriously, almost ever reply is about how it needs to go.


Well played OP, well played.

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Please remove stamina.


It's literally the best idea DE has had in over a year. Not even exaggerating. 


I've said it since the last time they tried to mess with stamina (and ultimately ruined the game temporarily). It has no place in a game like Warframe that is all about pacing and mobility.


Not to mention, what even is the point of being able to guard in high level content when the enemies drain your stamina in a few bullets?

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You tell me, how many times, in general, community, sacrifice damage mods, defense mods, just for running a couple of seconds more?
Why i going to start manage my stamina, while i can copter without restriction? How many times, have YOU manage your stamina because coptering and running? 
Stamina is not needed, it makes nothing on gameplay, and if you are going to say, but "management" comon, are you going to make a different build in endless missions just for wall running and running?

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Being able to block for more than 2.5 seconds would be very appealing for a style of combat that requires you be running directly into bullets 90% of the time. DE said they wanted to make the game less 'spikey'; giving us options to actually defend ourselves that don't revolve around spamming tenno magic all over everything would perhaps be one of the most skill relient things they could do. As of right now, blocking isn't really a thing in any content that matters. It might as well not even exist.

Kill stamina. It's long over-due.

To quote:

"I f%$@ing hate that green bar."

I like you.

And I love Scott even more when he said that. Steve also demonstrated the point about it, too.

...you have built up all that momentum running around (and on walls) then suddenly you fell to the ground because you have just ran out stamina, paraphrasing from Steve's. Also true is that in many "ninja" games, and even the parkouring ones that I have played thus far, there is no such ridiculous artificial stamina grounding you. I think stamina is way long overdue and holding back Warframe progressing toward fast-paced parkouring aspect of a ninja game.

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Stamnia should stay but changed in how it functions.

1. Normal running does not consume stamina. Wall running still does.

2. Normal melee and combos do not co sume stamina. Channeled attacks do. Blocking probably needs a stamina cost too.

3. Using powers and maintaining them (toggled on) uses stamina. The amount used depends on the ability. This sould be added to cor e players to take small breaks in power spamming. Energy is basically a non-factor in repeated power use because it is easy to aquire and refill. Stamina is a more finite resource that can be used to throttle power spamming.

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Stamina should be removed a long time ago.


And if it's not being removed but reworked, it should drain only when doing some special actions.

Ancient race of space warriors wearing cutting-edge space magic armor shouldn't be limited to sprinting only for few dozen meters before getting exhausted. It's ridiculous in its current form.

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There is literally no reason for stamina to exist in a game like this


It exists to 1) limit blocking 2) add more resource management (difficulty, which is sorely lacking in Warframe) 3) introduce more variety (via modding).


So far the arguments against stamina have been "I don't like it" or "We're space ninjas" which aren't really valid arguments compared to what I've forwarded.


Stamina does need changes, but that doesn't mean it should be removed.  It should be improved.  Without it the game will just get that much more boring.


Stamina regen and capacity ought to be increased so quick rest isn't quite so necessary.  Sprinting should only stop stamina regen, not drain it.  Parkour moves should still drain it though.


Making stamina-fixing mods viable would then be a way for players to choose to either ignore stamina gameplay (at the cost of power) or work with it.  Stamina management should be able keeping your melee flow up and punishing wasteful use of melee and blocking, especially in a critical time like when you need to block incoming CC.

Edited by NikolaiLev
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It exists to 1) limit blocking 2) add more resource management (difficulty, which is sorely lacking in Warframe) 3) introduce more variety (via modding).


So far the arguments against stamina have been "I don't like it" or "We're space ninjas" which aren't really valid arguments compared to what I've forwarded.


Stamina does need changes, but that doesn't mean it should be removed.  It should be improved.  Without it the game will just get that much more boring.

How the game its going to become boring for taking out something that people never manage or never care?

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Read the title, thought OP would be sarcastic...


This isn't minecraft... where stamina affects your health, and that type of game that is based around management. Warframe is a sci fi killer space ninja game. 


Stamina doesn't belong in Warframe, so many games don't have stamina & they work perfectly.


Imagine a game without stamina, now imagine that game with stamina, terrible right? 


Removing stamina wont take away any variety from the game, it would actually give more, think about it, people can actually wall run and shoot properly if stamina was removed and all kinds of other game play varieties can open up too.


Plus, the current stamina system doesn't make sense, I mean using a melee weapon reduces stamina, yet you can continue melee-ing for ever.


DE is looking to rework blocking, so that it works differently. IMO I wouldn't mind being able to block forever because you can't use any attacks except ability and melee, and also because blocking won't keep us from dying, enemies can go behind us and kill us that way. 

Edited by (XB1)LexaHex488
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{[#]},{[#]} Personally Stamina has no REAL logical reasoning at all in a "ninja game".

A Gaurd Bar would be a better use for the "stamina bar" so when it breaks you just can't gaurd for a few seconds (pretty much how stamina is with blocking now but that's the only thing anyone can find useful for that stamina bar.

Stamina affecting melee? LMMFAO >,> I'm sure I am not the only one who does melee only runs, you can still swing even though you ran out of stamina.

Stamina as it stands keeps you from running around...But we're space ninjas with jutsu/magic/technical stuff to turn invis, hold enemys, and be more mobile than everything else that can't use a skill to clear distance.

Seriously though, I think stamina should just stay as a gaurd bar and nothing more, oh and if dodge rolls/flips gave us invernabilty frams than that would be usefull for stamina to hold grasp over {[#]},{[#]}

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