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Please Stop With That Stupid Damage Cap.


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I think you got something wrong about the Vectis damage, should be more like 1000.

That said your point still stands

That's only the Juggernaut, which has a more lenient damage cap.


Nullifiers, change that all to 400. Those are just bovine manure.

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That's only the Juggernaut, which has a more lenient damage cap.


Nullifiers, change that all to 400. Those are just bovine manure.

It also has many times the health of a null bubble, but still, yeah, right anyway.


Fast forward to damage cap removed.


Describe the ideal Juggy battle while preventing a 4 sniper rifle team from exploiting.



REWORKED, not removed.


Damage capped for weakpoint opening and not for bullet.


Fast forward to a Juggy battle where single shot high damage weapons are not worse at taking down their intended targets than the general AR/SMG spray'n'pray family.

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Fast forward to damage cap removed.

Why doesn't anyone actually read before posting according to their own prejudices?

Actually, wait, it's because people come in here having read the title and nothing else.


For about the hundredth time in this thread: the problem is that the damage caps disadvantage slower-firing weapons to a disproportionate degree, and the OP is not advocating that anything should be 1-shottable, merely that there should be some mechanism that allows slow, high single-shot damage weapons to keep up with the full-auto dps kings. Especially on bosses, where you'd expect the high damage per shot to be more useful than when weed-whacking.

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Why doesn't anyone actually read before posting according to their own prejudices?

Actually, wait, it's because people come in here having read the title and nothing else.


For about the hundredth time in this thread: the problem is that the damage caps disadvantage slower-firing weapons to a disproportionate degree, and the OP is not advocating that anything should be 1-shottable, merely that there should be some mechanism that allows slow, high single-shot damage weapons to keep up with the full-auto dps kings. Especially on bosses, where you'd expect the high damage per shot to be more useful than when weed-whacking.


We need to repost this on every page it seems.


inb4 next 3 pages of people bashing on OP for wanting to OHK things.  

Edited by tisdfogg
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Fast forward to damage cap reworked.

Describe the ideal Juggy battle while preventing a 4 sniper rifle team from exploiting.

So, 4 people armed with weapons which are explicitly designed to take out tough, high-priority targets in a minimum of shots while sacrificing their ability to handle hordes of enemies are able to take out a tough, high-priority target with a minimum of shots?

I don't see a problem there. If you're hunting big game, you bring a big game rifle. If you're trying to blow up a tank, you take your rocket launcher and leave the machinegun at home.

The current situation has an SMG more effective against tanks than a rocket launcher. If anything, we need a damage cut-off/flat reduction instead of a damage cap.

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7+ pages on this thread and the proposed solution is to cap damage for the weakpoint opening and not per bullet.


This will allow perch and snipe in addition to perch and spray.

To be brutally honest people who don't want to play the game and enjoy playing farming simulator all day are free to do as they please - that should not justify maintaining a system that is not balanced at all.


That's like saying you should remove Interception missions because of Draco, and DSD because of Sechura/Seimeni, and the Void sewer room because of void survival campers.


Let's also remove Mesa because of Peacemaker, Vauban because of Vortex, Nova because of MPrime, Loki because of ID... Wait, if i continue we'll be left maybe with Ember? Maybe.


Let the ones who don't want to play out of the discussion.

This is about people who are actually playing the game.

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So they remove the cap, you one shot the boss with your broken OP weapon before any of your teammates get to him. Is that what you want? Because that's what you're saying



What an amazing boss battle, what great teamwork needed to defeat him....



This thread is indicative that this community are just kids who don't want to work cooperatively and just want to press a button and get given everything for nothing. It's pathetic really

You know that theres a fix for that problem.


It goes like that:

Fix the balance already.


I dont like damage cap, its another bandaid fix for obvious problem which should be dealt with years ago.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Soma Prime: damage on target with ONE hit: 100

5 Forma Vectis: damage on target with ONE hit: 100

3 Forma Dread: damage on target: 100


this is pure lies, this is not the resulting effect of juggernatus damage cap, and there is no point in presenting such "problem" that doesnt exists


if you are shooting against the armor you are not playing the sniper role correctly, and you deserve to be powerless

Edited by rockscl
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this is pure lies, this is not the resulting effect of juggernatus damage cap, and there is no point in presenting such "problem" that doesnt exists


if you are shooting against the armor you are not playing the sniper role correctly, and you deserve to be powerless

Weak point have damage cap too.


If you don't know discussion, don't just charge into.

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Weak point have damage cap too.


If you don't know discussion, don't just charge into.


the cap damage for weak spots is not 100, is 2000, so why should i not charge into such lie

Edited by rockscl
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7+ pages on this thread and the proposed solution is to cap damage for the weakpoint opening and not per bullet.


This will allow perch and snipe in addition to perch and spray.

And that's a step forward towards making all weapons viable.

I like it.

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Right now, I am talking about general game balance/design phylosophy;all you have to do is grab a DPS King (like Boltor Prime) and just spray.


I like that you call the no-slash damage Boltor Prime, DPS King, especially against the "over-8000!" HP INFESTED target....


On topic:


You can complain that Snipers and Shotguns need a buff.



You cannot complain that your Single Shot Burst is not enough to burst every enemy in the game, when high HP targets should be handled with Sustained DPS.


Your Burst should only apply up to a certain subset of enemies. IF they are not intended to be one-shotted by ANYTHING, then you need to switch aproach and brin your sustained DPS.

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You cannot complain that your Single Shot Burst is not enough to burst every enemy in the game, when high HP targets should be handled with Sustained DPS.

Nobody is asking to one-shot the Juggernaut.


And high hp targets can be handled with burst just fine in pretty much the rest of the videogame universe. Instead of shooting 100 bullets you shoot one (but 100 times more slowly) and it takes 50 hits instead of 5000.

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While the problem of weapon revelance is legitimate on ennemies like the manic and the nullifier, (And by the way is only 5% of the total ennemy composition) we have here the juggernaut, a VIP single boss target. And this minority is causing such an uproar.

Yes we worked on those weapons, but how many formas as possible, if it was all there was to it, we would have stopped warframe long ago.

Never been about legitimate challenge? That's a laugh, events? Leaderboards? What are those? Please do tell me i don't understand what you are trying to say to me? A challenging game is fun, and a fun game will keep me going.

1) I agree regarding minorities and this boss. I'm not necessarily against bosses doing this. I quoted you because OP weapons are apart if the game. Heck, one could argue that "OP" isn't a valid term for Warframe.

2) As for challenge, while there is technically a degree if challenge, your overall success will be determined by your gear, not your skill. For example, the latest X1 event (False Prophet) didn't have any real skill to it because it was just a bunch of cheese. Leaderboards are simply a measure of gear. Lastly, the simple fact that your Warframe is more important (in recruiting) than mastery shows that your experience us secondary to your gear.

Must I go further?

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This is 71 shots from a 4 forma vectis with a unfinished and rather mediocre build, and i actually missed a lot of the shots, hitting the armor by mistake, less than 3 minutes to get juggernaut under 1/4 hp, i didnt pick any ammo nor use ammo restores but with just 2 ammo pick ups i would have killed him, and i repeat, i missed a lot of shots


So, what are you people exactly complaining about when talking about snipers here?







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3 minutes...

Sry can't tell if sarcasm


assuming that the discussion of snipers are not working is over, and all those people saying they used so many ammo restores, looks like we can talk now about time to kill bosses, 3 minutes is by far one of the lowest TTK for bosses in the game industry, and i hope that DE makes it longer for every other boss that is dying in 3 seconds, or so



so no, not sarcasm, you have something constructive to add ?

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Same situation, Soma Prime, properly modded. 2 minutes and he was down, no ammo restores. Admittedly i did run around some (so i picked up some ammo along the way), but i had over 200 bullets left afterwards. See the problem?



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They should stop using cheap tricks, and start actually balance enemies and weapons.

-30% DPS to Boltor Prime called "balance".


Damage cap, phases and over stuff called "gimmicks".

you forgot to add soma to that list. And if they start nerfing weapons, they better nerf em all, including your sniper rifles.

People mainly forget that they also have abilities. I have played dread for a long time before and its true, with nullifiers, dread is pretty much useless. What do i do? change to pistol to eliminate the shield or even easier, blind em all, melee the nullifier, and then go back. I understand your people complaints but "lets nerf all other weapons and buff sniper/bows" its not like the solution. There will always be...a lich king... sorry, just had to say it. There will always be overpowered weapons and low damage weapons. That is a fact and not much can be done for it. I do agree that sniper/bows need some kind of buff (although deffinitly not in damage, if they get a buff in damage i may very well be able to one shot vay hek in raid with dread or parisP) But you people dont know how to ask for things, some calling others noobs, other saying that people enjoying boltorP or somaP are not players but farmers, others saying that they should nerf what other people likes just cuz you guys dont like it. 

Edited by Rayden_Tenno
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To be brutally honest people who don't want to play the game and enjoy playing farming simulator all day are free to do as they please - that should not justify maintaining a system that is not balanced at all.


That's like saying you should remove Interception missions because of Draco, and DSD because of Sechura/Seimeni, and the Void sewer room because of void survival campers.


Let's also remove Mesa because of Peacemaker, Vauban because of Vortex, Nova because of MPrime, Loki because of ID... Wait, if i continue we'll be left maybe with Ember? Maybe.


Let the ones who don't want to play out of the discussion.

This is about people who are actually playing the game.

i play with an excal, dragon nikana and a lex prime. No main weapon, rarely a sentinel/kubrow. Please DE buff my lex prime so i can one shot kill juggy, or add 200% more speed to my dragon nikana. Or even better, remove LOS from my excal and buff his damage/stamina/life/energy by like 400%.

You people need to calm down, there is vectis prime coming "soon", they are bound to make a rework of the sniper/bow system.


Edit: by the way, if im playing without a main, it means im not actually playing the game?

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Its also called "sarcasm"


I don't understand why DE hates slow single shot weapons.

Maybe they thought it would be OP if you could oneshot certain enemies.

So they "balanced" heavy hitting weapons with a damage cap.

last time i checked my 6 forma dread with maxed mods still kills like 50+ enemies in a row and have like 10 red criticals.

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