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What Have They Done To You Ash Prime?!


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I'm sure by now we've all seen the leaked photos of Ash Prime. My question is, why does Ash look like Chroma?! Why oh why DE do you do dis to us?! We want a sleek looking frame worthy of being called Ash Prime and not a frame that looks like Legion and Chroma had a bastard off spring that they didn't want the world to know about. Where can I start a petition?!






I mean look at how fantastic some of the fan art is and look at what we get?!








Edited by 7Lions
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Mynki has been known for not wanting to make frames look too 'cool'. But the thing is, I think most Ash Prime fan art just looks way too edge-lordy.


thats how the best WF in WF should look. Edgy Lordy like a damn GAWD!!

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Not a great picture since Ash Prime's big ugly arms are concealing his torso. And his arms have always been big and ugly, so that's not exclusive to Ash Prime. His helmet seems to be inspired by Scorpion. Or whatever it's called. Seems generally faithful to me. Wait til you see his full body clearly.


^Never built Ash if you can't tell

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Mynki has been known for not wanting to make frames look too 'cool'. But the thing is, I think most Ash Prime fan art just makes the frame look way too much like an edge-lord.


Nothing makes something as uncool as trying way too hard to be cool, so I can agree with him on that.

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Can people stop juding a frame by only one (leaked) image?  If you look closely you can see that Ash Prime barely looks like Chroma. What many people leave out is the perspective.


look at Ash Primes arms and tell me that doesnt look like Chromas flabbly cellulite bacon prime rib arms....

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Ash always had big shoulders, seems that's what they wanted to accentuate in the Prime. Besides fant art is fan art, Minky decides ultimately how something will look and I am glad he did not go the stereotypical edgelord route present in all of those fan drawings.

Edited by RahuStalker
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I'm a huge Ash fan, its my favorite frame. I never looked forward to Ash prime as I was extremely worried they would screw up on him, but honestly? I think it looks VERY promising. I'm really looking forward to his release now.

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Where can I start a petition?!

The trash can is a good place to start. There will always be people wanting their preferred design, like me with a fan-made dragon frame design before Chroma was reveled. You're no special snowflake. All that aside, Ash Prime is finally on my radar after seeing this teased image, and the fan-concepts seem too "high fantasy" for WF.

Edited by (PS4)Saddler01
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Seriously as someone who mains Ash...  The leaked image really shattered my dreams for a nice Ash Prime.


I mean Ash is an Assassin frame, not supposed to be heavily armored or "bulky" like Chroma or Rhino.  The way DE made Loki Prime was perfect.  He genuinely looks like what I'd imagine the Orokin version of Loki to be.


The leaked Ash Prime?  Some weird robotic all white Chroma Prime with a bit of Geth...


I'm not whining, nor am I too upset, because in my opinion my favorite frames already exist and I'm good with the way standard Ash is...  But seriously, the leaked Ash Prime doesn't do Ash any justice at all.  Nothing "Ash" about this design apart from the same pointy fingertips on his hands.




For his helmet I was hoping more for something like this:




or this:




Something that screams NINJA!!!  (Before Ash's name was changed to Ash his name was "Ninja" too!)


Alas...  no...  Ironsight Prime Confirmed...  

Edited by sushidubya
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Nothing "Ash" about this design apart from the same pointy fingertips on his hands.

It's not even a full-body image. Don't complain until you actually get to see the full thing in a pose that DOESN'T conceal half of his body.

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