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Pc 16.9.0: Excalibur Feedback Megathread


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Excalibur's 4 ability is not registering the initial melee strike when I am the client in a game.


It does the energy slash damage but the other damage does not register even when I am close up. This makes the ability largely useless.

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True, but there's no real user input to activate this other than switching weapons.

I'm talking about this or something like this



"Mesa has improved proficiency when using certain weapons, and when not equipped with others. The following are the known passive bonuses available to Mesa:

  • +10% fire rate on dual pistols.
  • +20% reload speed for single sidearms.
  • +50 Health when melee weapon is not equipped."

This is from the wiki you see, when she does not have a melee weapon equipped, she has more health (+50), this is a effect activated by a condition. It would be cool if she has some kind of buff (icon) informing that passive/mechanic is "activated".

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Excalibur's 4 ability is not registering the initial melee strike when I am the client in a game.


It does the energy slash damage but the other damage does not register even when I am close up. This makes the ability largely useless.

I think you are doing something extremely wrong..

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Well, EB has an increased damage when weilding one hand swords (not including Nikanas it seems), that's been tested and observed.  (Rob tests and observes Skana increases in the video, but later tested and commented that it applies to all one hand swords).



However, it hasn't been tested if this is passive all the time (need to compare Excalibur with a one handed sword to another frame with a one handed sword).  It's also possible there may be separate stat increases for things like Nikanas and Dual Swords.

Edited by Gelkor
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I'll post here my experience with exalted blade. First of all, THANK YOU DE for this rework, exalted blade is just plain beautiful.

I noticed that the waves dont do as much damage as the melee attacks themselves.
I also noticed that the weapon doesnt scale correctly with weapon mods.
Some strange animation (maybe speed of animation) when you copter.


I also dont quite understand some thing. If exalted blade scales based on the melee weapon mods we have on our melee, shouldnt strength mods on our frame increase its attack even more? Wouldnt that mean that melee mods + strength build would do more damage than normal melee? 

Overall its a great experience and i thank you.

EDIT: About its radial blind, it says that radial blind now opens for finishers, is that really true? Some times it does truly open for finishers, but not always, does it have some percentage or its a bug? 
I had to equip Radial finish in order to open to finishers. If its a percentage, what type mods would increase its chance of finishers?

Also *cough* slots for syndicate mods *cough*

UPDATE: Some questions i have.

1. If they scale by the mods, then skana and dual cleavers are actually the best for an exalted blade build cuz of syndicate mods which add 100% more damage. Can this be confirmed by DE?

2. Does exalted blade take advantage of stances? For example, the damage buff from crimson dervish stance

UPDATE 2: Some bug i've encountered.

When using radial blind and immediatly using radial javelin, it does 2 free radial blinds (with no effect, just animation) right afterwards.

Edited by Rayden_Tenno
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I'd actually prefer a buffed super jump to radial javelin.


Radial Javelin seems kinda redundant with all of Excal's other moves. Super jump may not have been a standout move, but I still used it a fair amount. A little extra vertical mobility never hurt.


If not super jump, than something else besides radial javelin.

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Are you really complaining about a cosmetic item? This isn't even time limited like the proto excal. DE has to make money somehow.

Pricing things to the point very few people buy them isn't making them any money. I would have purchased the stalker pack a long time ago if the price wasn't so ridiculously high. Instead, I just eventually got a dread as a drop and have no reason to purchase it now.


I spent only enough for a few slots in WF. I spent literally hundreds in DFO.  Why?  Prices in DFO were far more reasonable and cosmetics were far more visually impressive, so even though the items costed less per item, DFO made far more money from me overall.

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Does he have a melee weapon speed boost? It feels like he attacks faster than normal.


What weapons were you using ? It's possible it's similar to Mesa and depending on weapon type. As mentioned above, it's observed that EB hits harder with one handed swords, and it's likely this is actually a passive applied to all melee damage for Excal, IE: Deals more damage when wielding one handed swords.

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Am I the only one that thinks, that the new Prisma skin is just awful ? There is almost no difference to the normal skin, except the glowing boots ... The only thing I managed to make sth out of this, was a pink and a blue smurf, with blue / pink boots, burning your eyes. In my opinion, it was such a waste to spent 150p into this thing ~.~ Any way to get it refunded ? :S

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Am I the only one that thinks, that the new Prisma skin is just awful ? There is almost no difference to the normal skin, except the glowing boots ... The only thing I managed to make sth out of this, was a pink and a blue smurf, with blue / pink boots, burning your eyes. In my opinion, it was such a waste to spent 150p into this thing ~.~ Any way to get it refunded ? :S

reason why I don't but them until someone says something about them or I see a video of the skin ingame

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I've been saying for a while that they should have given us the option to keep mobility Ex.

The new frame is fine for what it is but it sucks that we lost the things that make the old Ex cool.




There has been nothing shown so far that can replace the one button high jump.

They didn't give us the option to keep Embers old tank skill overheat, Rhinos old iron skin that was basically invincibility, or radial blast. There not going to give us the option to keep his old set. SJ is outdated now, and will be even more outdated when parkour 2.0 is released. Double jump has been shown and that alone is a replacement for SJ, combine that with directional melee or slash dash it will overshadow SJ with ease. Will it be a one button press? No, but that isn't a good enough excuse to keep a ability that is easy to replace with a simple key press or 2. 


As for Excalibur's re-work in general I love it. He feels much more useful now and I'll be using my excal prime a lot more. I do wish the waves did a bit more damage or have a high slash proc like people have suggested, but other than that I'm happy with him.

Edited by OumaNoUta
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From some testing I'm doing right now it seams like slash dash is unpredictable with how many targets it hits. I have also found a but where it won't hit the enemy when they are right in front of you.

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Putting a casting limits on Radial Jav - SUCKS - DE might as well remove it completely now because it total useless now more than ever before.


If DE is willing to Nurff this ability that hard - I would expect them to nurff coptering speed in parkour 2.0 also since they planing on removing stamina.


As for the rest of excals ability - They are great!

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I suppose my only real complaints are with Slash Dash. It feels slower than it used to and it rarely ever seems to hit more than two enemies regardless of whether or not their tightly packed or lined up. With the old one you could hit a ton of enemies at once (so long as they were aligned) and travel some significant distance to boot, but now you just dash towards a single enemy, hit him and maybe one of his friends, and proceed to lose all momentum after your one or two kills.


On the plus side though, the damage isn't trash, and being able to use it in the air is great for taking down flying enemies (eat it Ospreys). I just wish it still offered mobility or at least had more reliable targeting.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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from further testing I have concluded the following:

1) you can't dash more than 4 times

2) it does not go in order of who is closest

3) it can miss all targets completely, causing you to dash straight through them


I think Slash Dash needs a tweak still

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No intro no time waste... Just read the update 16.9.0 i was shocked... Ok we got it valkyr is special situaition wwith( 600 ARMOR !!!) Then come the weird frame with ( 350 ARMOR! !!) n...now you buff excal to 225 armor and the prime for 250 ARMOR what is going on? ? Why the heaviest Tanky frame with 190 ARMOr why De WHY? ?! And the both versions of Rhino has same armor... I call unfair..thanks for reading.

I am disappointed as hell.

Edited by Yaer
title overextended for clarity
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