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Pc 16.9.0: Excalibur Feedback Megathread


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First off let me just say that I love the idea behind the remake and all the stat changes, especially the massive bonus armor that Excalibur recieved.


That being said I cant help but feel like the energy waves during his ultimate should ONLY appear when you channel your melee - currently he is just too strong to even bother doing anything else - plus he currently makes poor Valkyr look like an amateur - though she was supposed to be the ultimate melee raging beast.


Now dont get me wrong here - I absolutely love the remake! No doubt.

But the waves on his ultimate are just way too strong if they appear constantly.


I realize that this may be stepping into a beartrap - but I main Excalibur myself - so trust me when I say its too much.

Please dont hate me fellow Excalibros <3



"edited for clarity"


Don't the energy waves drain energy if they hit enemies while channeling is active? If EB was changed so that the energy waves only appear when channeling, wouldn't that make it drain energy very quickly? It would hardly ever be a good idea to even use the energy waves then.

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That would be my guess too.



Makes sense. Pretty sweet. 



That is actually a great idea. That would incorporated his 3 into the whole rotation of abilities, increasing the synergy and diversifying the playstyle. 


EB still needs life steal tho, so that #3 is more of a "OH S#&$" button. Also, it should disable your ability to attack, so that you trade damage reflect + healing for the ability to directly attack (number 3 I mean).

Agreed on the 3 ability part.

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First off let me just say that I love the idea behind the remake and all the stat changes, especially the massive bonus armor that Excalibur recieved.


That being said I cant help but feel like the energy waves during his ultimate should ONLY appear when you channel your melee - currently he is just too strong to even bother doing anything else - plus he currently makes poor Valkyr look like an amateur - though she was supposed to be the ultimate melee raging beast.


Now dont get me wrong here - I absolutely love the remake! No doubt.

But the waves on his ultimate are just way too strong if they appear constantly.


I realize that this may be stepping into a beartrap - but I main Excalibur myself - so trust me when I say its too much.

Please dont hate me fellow Excalibros <3



"edited for clarity"


If you get rid of the waves, you're left with a shiny sword and free Reflex Guard. And I really don't see the OP'ness of them. Slow travel time, you have to aim them, and the real damage comes from RB combo. Maybe that combo could be toned down if the damage proves to be too high once people refine their builds, but making the waves on channel is a bad idea. 


Edit: I suppose you could make it so that melee combos generate different kinds of waves, instead of all attacks e.g. combo that makes cone-like waves, combo that emits shock wave from Excal etc., but for that you need a good combo system, and we don't have one currently.

Edited by tisdfogg
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I think Exalted Blade doesn't need an innate lifesteal if they fix all the bugs of damage mods not carrying over properly.

Base damage of 250, affected by power strength. Each slash is blade+wave, so double the base damage.

For the sake of calculation, let's say all damage type multipliers are non existant and armor is 0.

500 base damage, with 185% Power strength (Intensify + Transient fortitude) that's 925 base damage without any melee mods.

Now lets pair this up with Pressure point + Bright Purity for 220% base damage increase. We have achieved 2035 damage per strike now.

Adding 3 90% elementals for 270% elemental damage, that's 5494 elemental damage on top of 2035 base damage, so now we achieved 7529 damage per strike.

That amount of raw melee dps is unmatched by anything that have ever existed as a melee weapon, even with Crimson Dervish's 3x multiplier.

Gotta have some risk for that immense killing power.

Even if life strike doesn't innately work, you'll do SO MUCH DAMAGE that couple swings while channeling (don't forget that 50% dmg bonus on channel) will get you back to full HP in no time.

That is, if they fix all the bugs though.

One prime grief I have is that the Exalted blade not blocking knockdowns. Seriously, what's up with that? It auro parries frontal bullets and melee strikes, why not fronatl knockdowns?

Edited by Acidulant
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Current stand of Excal:  He is a high melee orientated wrecking machine.  He has many faults that balance out his damage.   It's either play or go home with him.  You have to play smart and be aware of your surrounds much more than Valkyr.   I do main Valkyr and I must say with my honest opinion.  She is completely a braindead Frame compared to Excalibur.


I say this because Rhino and Valkyr have complete knockdown resistance.  And that means A LOT when it comes to engaging enemies that are hit-scan.  So you have to play smarter.  You just can't rush into battle without looking at your energy, health, teammates and position of distant enemies.


All n all, this might be the best re-work of a frame I've ever seen.


I have no suggestions.  He's complete to me.  


Oh there is one bug.  He will double flash if you press 2 then 3 too fast.  It's not a secret, we all know this.  That's the only fix I can see happening.  Also maybe a different/faster animation for his 2.   

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I think Exalted Blade doesn't need an innate lifesteal if they fix all the bugs of damage mods not carrying over properly.

Base damage of 250, affected by power strength. Each slash is blade+wave, so double the base damage.

For the sake of calculation, let's say all damage type multipliers are non existant and armor is 0.

500 base damage, with 185% Power strength (Intensify + Transient fortitude) that's 925 base damage without any melee mods.


Mmm im sorry but i got lost. Wasnt it 250 base damage + 185% power strength (intensify + transient fortitude)? I thought its base damage was 250 not 500 though.

anyway though, that would make exalted blade like any other melee weapon. What will happen when we will get a melee with a better base damage than exalted blade? Never use it anymore? It has to have something to differentiate itself from the rest of the melee.

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Mmm im sorry but i got lost. Wasnt it 250 base damage + 185% power strength (intensify + transient fortitude)? I thought its base damage was 250 not 500 though.

anyway though, that would make exalted blade like any other melee weapon. What will happen when we will get a melee with a better base damage than exalted blade? Never use it anymore? It has to have something to differentiate itself from the rest of the melee.

Each strike is blade strike + wave strike which each has 250 base damage, so effectively you're getting 500 base damage.

It's just that the wave is plagued with bugs atm.

Also that Wave IS the difference of exalted blade from other melee weapons. You can ranged lifestrike...

Edited by Acidulant
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4th skill

auto parry should block all knockdowns and reflect bombard rockets

the slashing waves should add to the combo counter and made finisher damage

channelling mods should be free of use while in the 4th skill so you can make different builds

radial blind slide increased in range just a bit

life strike innate in the skill or it has free use if a mod give him survivability or he needs damage reduction


radial javelin

take out the awareness

enemy cap again increased by strength mods

finisher damage and 100 percent bleed proc

adds to combo counter

stun increased by duration mods


radial blind

finisher animation made into a different keyboard key

targets blinded are los as normal but fix the LOS

all targets hit this isn't LOS are given a accuracy loss

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Each strike is blade strike + wave strike which each has 250 base damage, so effectively you're getting 500 base damage.

It's just that the wave is plagued with bugs atm.

Also that Wave IS the difference of exalted blade from other melee weapons. You can ranged lifestrike...

hm i have never saw it this way, you are right, even though waves are very bugged at this stage. I still think exalted blade needs something appart from damage that differentiates it from the rest of the melee weapons.

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100% auto parry is a very strong defense mechanism. Just make it resist front side knockdowns and hooks as well then it is good to go. Free channeling would just make it too overpowered. Frankly speaking during exalted blade the only thing you need to deal with is bombard rockets.

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That whole EB was released prematurely. It is full of bugs and the general idea is not well throught out.

Honestly, every change makes the Excalibur worse, including this one. This whole lighsaber thing is so childish and ridiculues. They could have made similar bonuses to swords.

The graphical of the blade is also, quite ugly.

After 2 updates it may become bearable.

Edited by ---Excalibur---
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That whole EB was released prematurely. It is full of bugs and the general idea is not well throught out.

Honestly, every change makes the Excalibur worse, including this one. This whole lighsaber thing is so childish and ridiculues. They could have made similar bonuses to swords.

The graphical of the blade is also, quite ugly.

After 2 updates it may become bearable.


I'm sure you can provide a more constructive opinion without your own personal taste.  Specially when majority is ruling Excal to be top-notch.


Buggy Ex.Blade?  What are these words?  Elaborate for DE's sake.  

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Read back the 48 pages, bugs over bugs.

We use a light twig which is not modable, but the mods of the weapon we do not use effect it. Great design....and so logical too.

As sword frame, it does not make sense to use any swords beside the light twig. So, we got no melee/sword frame, but a light twig frame. No thanks.

Finishers take to long with RB.

RJ is still unreliable, which has been discussed to death.


The majority never used / uses Excalibur as it's main. Most of them in game are beginners. So I do not care about the majority, sorry.

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4th skill

auto parry should block all knockdowns and reflect bombard rockets

the slashing waves should add to the combo counter and made finisher damage

channelling mods should be free of use while in the 4th skill so you can make different builds

radial blind slide increased in range just a bit

life strike innate in the skill or it has free use if a mod give him survivability or he needs damage reduction


radial javelin

take out the awareness

enemy cap again increased by strength mods

finisher damage and 100 percent bleed proc

adds to combo counter

stun increased by duration mods


radial blind

finisher animation made into a different keyboard key

targets blinded are los as normal but fix the LOS

all targets hit this isn't LOS are given a accuracy loss

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Excals rework is awesome but I would give a small buff to his 3rd ability, radial javelin. As it's limited to 12 javelins now make it so it always spawns all 12. If there is only one enemy in range all hit that one guy. It won't be overpowered if you consider that his ult already does tons of damage especially when used with blind - it's dozens of thousands of damage.

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I'd like to start off by giving a big thank you to the staffs at DE who worked on the Excalibur rework, good job you guys should have a raise :D


Now on to some bug reports:


There's a bug where the slash dash doesn't effect (it goes to the target but doesn't do any damage) stationary targets up close. This bug also happens when targets at a distance and are moving away. It specifically goes to the target but doesn't do any damage.


There's also a bug where slash dash doesn't properly go to the rest of the enemies in range (enemies around the first target)

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I'm not digging the forced finishers for Radial Blind (no more chainsawing through mobs with melee), but I admit that the increased damage is welcoming.


Perhaps move the functionality to Radial Javelin instead? Have the energy Skanas mark the 12 enemies hit for finishers for x seconds based on ability rank, and allow Excalibur to Slash Dash them while executing finishers on contact (animation is Excal stabbing enemies with his Exalted Blade rather than slashing).


And aside from the clunkiness of Slash Dash's target acquisition, the rest of his kit feels much more refined and fun to use. Good job.

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