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U17 With Words From De Steve. Gone:copter-Flying, Stamina, Wallrun!


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Instead of a hypesite, U17 should have a doomsite that slowly reveals all the things being removed/nerfed.


The delicious torture the community would feel each day as they check...



It should be several grave stones that slowly reveal things that will die.



Would it still be possible to shoot while *wall-hopping?*


Hopkour (copyright me)


If its going to be as fast as it was shown in animation then probably not, not because its impossible technically but because you wont have time to target the enemy.


Yeah, shooting at enemies while paying attention to timing the jumps looks like a bit too much to do.

Current wallrunning was slow enough to do other things while in the middle of it.


So whats the point of this topic really?, if people do over react this topic will be closed by mods, so the point of this topic is redundant


It's for a having a discussion.

Disagreeing with something doesnt mean it's going to get deleted as long as you provide something to discuss. 

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I persoanlly think that people have right to be frustrated with removal of coptering if DE doesnt put something as fast  in game, in the first place its DE fault people want to go fast, and there are many reasons, for example: 


-There is no real good reason to do missions like exterminate in this game, rewards(both items and exp rewards) are really bad and only good thing about mission like this is that you can do them quickly


-invasions are too repetitive, doing 3 missions even with sligthtly slower speed wouldnt be a problem but doing 5 would, hell even at current speed doing 5 can get boring as hell


-I was content with getting slowly prime parts until removal of frost, reaper and latron primes come, I barely was able to get latron and reaper parts and I had to buy frost prime systems to complete it because 15+ keys I used to get it all failed to me what I needed, it was lesson for me that there is no reliable way to get prime stuff in game and that I should try to get all the primes(at least the oldest ones) as fast as I can before they decide to vault more of them.


Slowing down players without adressing those issues will create problems, and kill a lot of enjoyment. People who are fine with removal of coptering are enerally those who already got most of the stuff in game so it doesnt affect them very much but it does affect negativly people who didnt play this game that long.

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With removal of copter, I am hoping frames can walk faster though.


Frames with 0.9 base speed should move at 1.30

Frames with 1.0 base speed should move at 1.60

Frames with 1.25 base speed should move at 1.90

Nah, we will have Super Mario style jumping and running now. Prepare for extreme rage if movement rework doesnt bring freedom of movement and speed.



U10 Stamina rework wasnt hated that much because of lack of regen, lack of speed was rage inducing.

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Nah, we will have Super Mario style jumping and running now. Prepare for extreme rage if movement rework doesnt bring freedom of movement and speed.



U10 Stamina rework wasnt hated that much because of lack of regen, lack of speed was rage inducing.


You still have your options to hop around.

I just want to use my sprint more often.


Even running at those speeds are still slower than flipping around and directional melee.

But it is easy to just bind sprint to a key and just run along :3

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Fluid movement with decent speed is all that we need. Coptering was hilariously broken, as you could fly through maps with one melee attack.




If DE truly wants to make perfect movement, they should give us complete freedom of movement. No mechanic restrictions on wall runs, jumps, slides etc. Just give us ability to move with some sense.

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Wait... coptering will still be here?


Read the OP. Its on the first page. Coptering is going in favor of a more strealined fluid system....sheesh why is it so hard for people to simply read the OP and the first page of responses. Apparently you need a degree in english to read. Edited by (PS4)kombatchamp
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I'm gonna quote so many ppl.....

I think they mean wallrun is simply more open and free instead of "latched" now.



Yeah, have to agree. I'm tried of using my Jet Kitty and being left behind by those using their Zorens and Tipedos.


My understanding is that Wallrunning is still a thing, it is just being modified for more directional control and less escape-velocity catapaulting.

Wallhopping and wall-jumping, just like the on Sonic Heroes (Daum, how long was that?! My childhood memories are resurfacing... gonna take the PS2 out of the box soon.)


Really? Really?? People are willing to quit for a mechanic that originated as a bug? I can understand coptering for when you want to reach a second floor where there are no spots to wallrun from, but more often than not, coptering is more of a hindrance.

Especially so in conclave where players just fly all over the place with Bo Primes...


"Speed. It's so easy to get used to," said the commercial.

Less than a hidrance and more of an annoyance for newer players and those who use the non-copter melees.


Worried about Arcane Chlora helm  as well as poison Chroma as well as lining up wall attacks and will zephyr still b floaty?

Maybe she will float faster? if she is in Sprint and Jumps she goes a bit faster?


Best thing is to wait and see. If things turn ugly, and i mean "stamina rework of U10" ugly, there will be rage ( crapload of it anyway ). If things turn good, majority of players will be satisfied.



We can only speculate since we dont have much info right now.

The stamina rework of U10... the time I went to the game and wondered why the F*** I stopped running.


anti-copter people are boring. I see the problems in pvp though bit not co-op. we're not here to have fun we're "forced" to grind, preferably ad fast as possible.

1 minute exterminates with saryn > 5 minute exterminates using your cool Opticor while doing hip moves.


Gonna repeat what I said above: "Less than a hidrance and more of an annoyance for newer players and those who use the non-copter melees."




Now, if rewards were worth playing the game.......

Even if they were, I think they would get repetitive with time as well....

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easterbunny-ears-prime approved thread ? =))))))))))))))))


we will see ... means, U 17 is near ... looks like


coptering was great on and with some weapons ... (cryingprimeapproved)


idont like popcorn ...

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Coptering is dead? :(


Glaive will be substantially less fun to mess around with


I dont see anything broken here.




Sarcasm overload



EDIT: This is medium range coptering, you can fly even longer if you know what to do.

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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If coptering isn't replaced with something equally fast, I'm probably going to quit. This game is only made bearable by going fast.



Hahahahah. Lmao.


That's a good one.



This ^^


Bye. You will not be missed. 

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I'm gonna quote so many ppl.....

Yeah, have to agree. I'm tried of using my Jet Kitty and being left behind by those using their Zorens and Tipedos.


Wallhopping and wall-jumping, just like the on Sonic Heroes (Daum, how long was that?! My childhood memories are resurfacing... gonna take the PS2 out of the box soon.)


Less than a hidrance and more of an annoyance for newer players and those who use the non-copter melees.


Maybe she will float faster? if she is in Sprint and Jumps she goes a bit faster?


The stamina rework of U10... the time I went to the game and wondered why the F*** I stopped running.


Gonna repeat what I said above: "Less than a hidrance and more of an annoyance for newer players and those who use the non-copter melees."




Even if they were, I think they would get repetitive with time as well....


People wouldnt have a problem if DE added alternative that would let people move almost as fast, sprinting is just too painfuly slow, removal of stamina wont change it, all frames in general will NEED speed boost. 


You are mistaken about the fact that going fast is bad for new players its oposite its new players who want to go fast to reach level of experianced players and the game itself forces you to that way of thinking since somethings in game are limited by mastery rank like some weapons or reley's, some people didnt have chance to buy weapon they wanted from void trader because their rank wasnt high enough, another example is tactical alerts, around the time I first started playing warframe there was tactial alert but since I just started I had nither gear nor mods to finish it so only options in situation like this for new players is either beg experianced player to take him on the mission and help him survive or quickly farm for as much  gear/mods as you can.

Even other players promote this way of thinking since a LOT of players wont take you to raid if you arent MR 15-19


Like I said before its DE fault that people NEED to go fast:


I persoanlly think that people have right to be frustrated with removal of coptering if DE doesnt put something as fast  in game, in the first place its DE fault people want to go fast, and there are many reasons, for example: 


-There is no real good reason to do missions like exterminate in this game, rewards(both items and exp rewards) are really bad and only good thing about mission like this is that you can do them quickly


-invasions are too repetitive, doing 3 missions even with sligthtly slower speed wouldnt be a problem but doing 5 would, hell even at current speed doing 5 can get boring as hell


-I was content with getting slowly prime parts until removal of frost, reaper and latron primes come, I barely was able to get latron and reaper parts and I had to buy frost prime systems to complete it because 15+ keys I used to get it all failed to me what I needed, it was lesson for me that there is no reliable way to get prime stuff in game and that I should try to get all the primes(at least the oldest ones) as fast as I can before they decide to vault more of them.


Slowing down players without adressing those issues will create problems, and kill a lot of enjoyment. People who are fine with removal of coptering are enerally those who already got most of the stuff in game so it doesnt affect them very much but it does affect negativly people who didnt play this game that long.


Experianced players dont have this problem but for new player this game is all about going fast if they want to keep up with best players. This game has just too many things limited by TIME:

-alerts with aura's, potato's

-invasions with potato's

-tactical alert with unique weapons

and so on.

Edited by Culaio
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People wouldnt have a problem if DE added alternative that would let people move almost as fast, sprinting is just too painfuly slow, removal of stamina wont change it, all frames in general will NEED speed boost.


Like I said before its DE fault that people NEED to go fast:



if we didnt NEED to same stuff over and over again in warframe then people wouldnt have as much desire to do everything fast.



Sure it's devs fault. It's not people, completely stupid players who wants to ruin the game for them and everyone else, rushing every content, wanting (is this a word?) everything immediatly. It's devs, not people who burn out every new contents in few days and then start complain because there's nothing to do. 

Sure thing. Shame on you DE.

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Sure it's devs fault. It's not people, completely stupid players who wants to ruin the game for them and everyone else, rushing every content, wanting (is this a word?) everything immediatly. It's devs, not people who burn out every new contents in few days and then start complain because there's nothing to do. 

Sure thing. Shame on you DE.


I am not saying that its ALL DE fault, some people are also at fault but its one thing when players want to gear that you can get at ANYTIME and completly DIFFERENT thing when players HAVE to get gear fast or lose chance to get it at all or at least for VERY long time like with rewards from tactical alerts(better variants of weapons, unique mods/stances)


Also arent the people who ask for new stuff to be added to game generally the ones who already have everything in game, which should mean the most experianced ones ?

Edited by Culaio
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