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When Is Nyx Useful?


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Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Nyx sucks. I actually love her psychic theme. Although, I find that her abilities are a little underwhelming and some frames can do it better. Mind Control takes too long for that enemy to shoot his buddies to make it count IMO. When that enemy starts shooting his buddies, everyone is quite dead already. Psychic Bolts is just plain useless and that is a fact lol. Chaos is really good CC but it takes too long to cast, and other frames have AoE stun CCs too. Absorb is a good bullet eater but you lose all mobility that Nyx barely even has. Frost can just Globe and be off shooting. So when do you guys use Nyx? How do you use her? Alao want to know what yoy think about her.

Edited by SoulSpectre
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She's great at teamwork, if she absorbs on someone being revived theyre home free. Or she can take bullets for defense objectives.


She is utility based, but I agree, psychic bolts is just a "what" ability. Good concept, poor execution

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You need to learn how to use her.


Try using her in tandem with loki's radial disarm and nova.


She might be underwhelming in lower level missions but her main abilities scale into endgame, so you will not see her utility drop off, quite the opposite; it is precisely when the enemies start to get harder that you will see her benefit.



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Loki with irradiating disarm takes out Nyx's strongest ability which is Chaos, where Loki can disarm, causing enemies to smack each other with space batons, and cause them to not be shooting at you while he runs around completing the mission, And then you have Nyx who is running around able to CC things for a really long duration but then you have to go hunt down enemies that you chaos or wait for the duration go down, when irradiating disarm you could spam.

Nyx awesome for defense and most missions.

Superframe as in I don't believe she needs forma but I could be wrong, but I can fit most of my maxed mods on her without worry.

She is just out classed by Loki's augments and abilities, where Loki essentially stole her uniqueness with Chaos.

Absorb bubble needs a rework, or a buff though mediocre it is not helpful to be that station like that a lot of the time, while being punished not only by enemies but energy loss. (I get it T4 Defense Nyx, and the bubble is useful with the frost does something silly).

Edited by ChloeSakuna
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i use Nyx when i feel like using Nyx.

i'd have to go along with 'when is Nyx not useful' as the real question.

just because another Warframe has CC, doesn't have any prerogative as to whether some other CC is useful or not.

yes, Psychic Bolts doesn't do anything unless you dedicate a Mod Slot for an Augment.

and yes, the AI for Mind Control, how I (and hopefully others) wish it used either the Specter or Rescue Target AI while Mind Control was active. (and i wish Mind Control would Heal them somewhat, for more longevity).

- - - - -

some less obvious and less conventional uses for things:

- Absorb will Knock Enemies down when it ends. you can use it like extra CC if you need some in an area in a pinch. canceling quickly for 'emergency CC'.

- Absorb can get Headshots pretty easily. so hovering a bit up in the air is pretty useful.

- have you tried using Mind Control to 'turn off' Enemies that are annoying to deal with, then shoot it a whole bunch while Mind Control is active, then cancel it to 'smite' that Enemy? can be quite useful.

- have you tried using Mind Control to steal some really useful Enemies for yourself? such as Ancient Healers, Eximus Units which have Team Buffs or lots of CC? Et Cetera.

remember that you could theoretically keep Mind Controlling the same useful Enemy if you don't Kill it!


When you alredy have Loki.

this isn't a SinglePlayer Game, you can have a Loki AND a Nyx. Edited by taiiat
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Nyx can cheese hijack missions by sitting on the rover, core,etc.

Nyx has the only absolute defense of any frame (only requires energy) therefore perfect for high level defense.

Nyx Chaos is an excellent crowd control, and while Loki can rival it, his other abilities aren't as effective in the same scenarios as Nyx's.

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Why not both?



I see what you are doing, but it isn't helping, DE will continue to release redundant frames and augments if we have frames like loki and nyx coexisting.


On a birghter stand point though I'm pretty sure Nyx is in for a review sometime down the road trademark, psychic bolts is probably the worst unrevisited old skill, along with overload.

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1. Mind control shouldn't be used on grunts. It'a meant to be used on gunners, bombards, ancients, infested moas etc...


2. Bolts are pretty much useless, yes. Unless you use the augment, which can be useful at times.


3. Chaos, with the right duration setup is amazing CC. It frequently stuns and makes enemies to fight each other.


4. Absorb can even be sometimes better, than Snowglobe. With max range, strength and efficiency (and also 4xCP) you can defend stuff very effectively, cause you don't need to run anywhere - the enemies run to you themselves. And as you accumulate damage, you can dish out some pretty nice numbers.

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While I still do very much like Nyx (she is my go-to for soloing defense missions, or if I'm forced to do them with a team.) ((I hate defense missions and most the people playing them.)) I wouldn't mind seeing Mind Control and Psychic Bolts get some attention so that they aren't redundant and... kind of useless.

Personal idea is that Mind Control should basically turn that enemy to your slave team-mate indefinitely, with duration giving them bonus health, and power strength giving them bonus damage, while power efficiency would still lower the cost of Mind Control. Their AI would be changed so that they actively try to engage enemies at close range, essentially trying to draw fire away from you. 

Psychic Bolts would be renamed, and then be used to... gently release a Mind Controlled... "team-mate", doing massive damage to them as Nyx forcefully exits their mind. The resulting explosion of psychic energy would affect nearby enemies, damaging them by a percentage of the Mind Controlled victim's health, and either stunning them (they clutch their head in agony) or knocking them down. 


This gives some synergy to her entry level abilities, and allows her some room for some different strategies which in turn increases her build variety. Keep a personal body-guard, or detonate them and then pick out a new victim. Sounds pretty terrifying to me. 

Absorb and Chaos are fine. Chaos is a fairly straight-forward ability, but Absorb has a lot of other applications besides its' intended use. Since you can cancel it whenever you want, it works very well as hard crowd control for knocking enemies over immediately. I personally have Stretch and Overextended on my Nyx because I find being able to knock everything in the room on its' butt invaluable for when things are getting dicey and Chaos is on cooldown. 

Edited by Acos
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Nyx is quite literally always useful.


The only real downsides she has is being terribly squishy and Psychic Bolts being useless.


Mind Control does have the long stun (DE please remove this already) but forcing an enemy to become an ally (and immune to team damage) can be great especially when used on an Eximus.


Psychic Bolts is useless... outside of PvP unless they've nerfed it.


Nyx's kit is also one of the bests to use Overextended on which makes Chaos one of the best CC abilities, IMO. Plus it's augment is amazing for blocking up spawn/choke points; simillar to Frost's 'drop-and-shoot' style with Snow Globe. Also worth noting that Chaos idsables all enemy aura buffs (like Healers*) and any Eximus debuffs will apply to everything.


Absorb is good for clutch pod/console saves and revives because it raises her threat level enough to force aggro to her.




Also, she's also not made entirely obsolete by Irradiating Loki.


Chaos lets enemies keep their weapons and lasts longer than Irradiating. Yes enemies can still aggro you (and be more threatining than with Irradiating) but they will do far more to eachother. Also Chaos has a slightly longer range than Disarm plus the Augment lets it remain effective with fewer casts.


Loki will still be better in higher levels simply because making everything melee is pretty much the best form of 'CC' in the game. But Nyx still always has a place in any squad.


*Honestly the changes to Corrupted Healers is more of a Nyx buff than anything if you ask me.

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The question is, when isn't Nyx useful?

My sentiment exactly.




When you have loki with irrating disarm with range. Does same as chaos, but it will also force any one to melee.

Irradiating disarm doesn't force a target check though. Meaning 9 times out of ten mobs will keep coming at you unless you get distance.

Granted, they are disarmed. But still. Its not exactly more useful then chaos.

Kind of evens out if anything. 

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When you have loki with irrating disarm with range. Does same as chaos, but it will also force any one to melee.



But... as was pointed out already, not disarming enemies that fight each other (through Chaos) can be somewhat more effective. Those enemies hurt each other a lot more, as long as players keep some distance.


Chaos does have its slight advantage and appeal over the augmented Disarm and vise-versa. IMO, none does outclass the other here.

Edited by RedEyedRaven
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But... as was pointed out already, not disarming enemies that fight each other (through Chaos) can be somewhat more effective. Those enemies hurt each other a lot more, as long as players keep some distance.


Chaos does have its slight advantage and appeal over the augmented Disarm and vise-versa. IMO, none does outclass the other here.

IMO it depends if you have vauban in your team or not.

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Irradiating Disarm isn't just... instantly better than Chaos because it gives everyone a glow-stick. I rather like Bombards and Napalms spewing explosives and fire all over their former allies. 


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Mind control an Ancient Healer, not a Corrputed Lancer and see what happens.

Almost every non-common mob is a good target for mind control, especially if your Mind Control was augmented.

Corrupted Bombard, Ancient Healer, Arctic eximi are the ones i usually choose as a sidekick.

Nullifier is also a decent choice and could be used as a mobile cover.


Now, just let Empress Nyx reach into your mind and relax....

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