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Any High Mr Or Veteran Players That Haven't Done Raids?


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MR14 never did them, never will, because of different reasons - connections issues when host can easily drop at the final stage and all party can suck that candy, artificial difficulty, no apropriate party, rewards aren't attractive at all... so im playing mostly solo on dark sectors with my valk, gathering party only when i need to lvl some trash.

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this is what i think of when people want raids to be solo or hate playing in groups:


try looking at the definition of the word 'raid' and think why when other online games have raids it includes dozens of players.

this 'trial' only took me 3-4 times to get the hang of it. it's not hard, just communicate.

I can understand if people like playing solo :P Yeah, Warframe can be a team game, but funs subjective. They're entitled to play how they want to play.

I just don't think people should blow it off without ever at least trying it once themselves.

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this is what i think of when people want raids to be solo or hate playing in groups:


try looking at the definition of the word 'raid' and think why when other online games have raids it includes dozens of players.


Note: The Devs call it a "Trial" the player are calling it a "Raid" because of the forced teaming. It's "begging to question" to suggest that it shouldn't allow solo activity because it's "A Raid" when it's only called that because it currently doesn't allow solo activity.

this 'trial' only took me 3-4 times to get the hang of it. it's not hard, just communicate.
And that is the problem, this "Trial" is only difficult if you don't like herding cats or aren't lucky enough to know reliable people in game. "herding cats" is not a skill I want to spend my freetime practicing. I want to kill thinks in stylish ways, like 99% of the rest of this game's content, and I resent this content being locked behind a wall where only those happy with organizing a "toddlers-day-trip" in their free time need apply.
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I don't think it's a matter of being lucky, i did a few raids with randoms but eventually some players decided to make groups of the best raid players or atleast with those that knew what to do and were trustworthy.


I now have a raid team that can change from 4 to 8 players depending on who is on, i do not really know who they are, they were simply some of the best random raid players outthere, we simply joined forces for a common goal because we knew we could do raids pretty much flawlessly.


We were rewarded by our effort.


That's the only advice i can give, do random raids and then pick the best players to form a daily team. The way you select the players will decide the performance of the team.

If you do not like it, then you can always buy the arcanes from those who have completed the raids.


DE simply likes to reward those who make an effort, the intent isn't to lock you out of content, if you are really good and you find 3 other really good raid players, you can do the mission in 15 minutes and you can learn how to do a raid by watching videos and guides.

Considering 4 man teams and 40 minute survivals are pretty common, i don't think 15,20,40 minutes in a raid is to much to ask.

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< MR 19

Never did a raid (successfully), tried 3 times, all of them failed cause people can't read.



if you want you can come join SorryImNoob 's Raids.. he does normal and nightmare mostly every day.. and to great succession..


must have done the normal raid in no less than half an hour 

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We were rewarded by our effort.


You were rewarded in direct proportion your ability to herd cats, and make new "internet fiends"


That is a crap way to decide who gets to play new content. and flies in the face of the other 99% of this game.


Cooperation should be it's own reward, if something is more fun with other people then people will _want_ to form groups. Forced teaming is basically tieing your failure to someone else's. It extends content by pitting players against each other. The only "skill" to learn is how to avoid people who will drag you down (As you yourself point out).


That is toxic game design IMHO.

Edited by SilentMobius
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Here are some other possible gates we could have on future content if were running with the theme set by the trials.


You can only play new content X if you can get Y people on your side in an argument

You can only play new content X if you can get Y people to click like on a warframe facebook affiliate link

You can only play new content X if you can get Y people to send you snapchat pics of their gaming setup.


See how dumb this is? Requiring some kind of social filter before you get to play X part of a game about shooting things in cool ways.


"You must be this |----->| social to be allowed on this ride, please file into the 'Doormat' or 'Enjoys ordering people around' queues before entry"

Edited by SilentMobius
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But they're... fun :c 


Just give them a chance at least. They really are a break from monotonous survival or camp missions. If you've got a squad of friendly players then they're a great experience win or lose. I can't even say how awesome the 8 person all Trin, Zephyr, and Banshee raids I ran were. 


Whilst it is good that you enjoy it, I'm afraid that if we're talking fun, high end content...I have so many RPGs and other games that do significantly better.


I have enough power I can single handedly destroy any mission I play on my own (barring my weakpoint in defence). I have brutalised things in T3 and 4 without even using mods like Serration just to see if I could. I don't even use Corrupted mods at all (barring Critical Delay maybe) and I am this capable.


So, first question: What is provided in a Raid that makes me want to go there?


As of yet, nothing. The Arcanes I am doing perfectly fine without. And to function in a 'Trial' seems to be min/max focussed, which bores me. Meta or nothing.


Fine. Go have fun doing that but I just don't have any interest there.


Second question: What options, really, exist?


The trials are currently infamous for being better off using Perma-CC tactics to negate enemies rather than kill them at all. Which just massively goes against the whole game's designed Power Fantasy; of all things, your 'End Game' is a place where you're basically impotent at the very thing the game is designed that you do in order too feel powerful? Baffling, somewhat.


And fact is, what's the point of a 'fight' if both sides are just constantly in stasis. There's no actual content for someone, like myself who relishes combat. Who strives to find that heady place where there is no thought...only battle and the line between victory and defeat.


Raids are a case of CC or die. Then you fail. If I wanted to play something pointless like that, I'd boot up a game of Solitaire honestly.


These are supposed to be glimpses of 'End game' content, in theory. All I'm seeing is an exaggerated symptom of a system that is strained to achieve what it wants to achieve because of a lack of balance.


Hence if I want a good, fun fight, I'll solo myself a Fatalis or what have you on Monster Hunter 4U. Now that, that's fun


Enjoy your raids and all, but I'm just going to use them as things I need to avoid if I ever set up a Tabletop session again. I want my players to all have a way to contribute without being forced into one build or the other.


Here are some other possible gates we could have on future content if were running with the theme set by the trials.


You can only play new content X if you can get Y people on your side in an argument

You can only play new content X if you can get Y people to click like on a warframe facebook affiliate link

You can only play new content X if you can get Y people to send you snapchat pics of their gaming setup.


See how dumb this is? Requiring some kind of social filter before you get to play X part of a game about shooting things in cool ways.


"You must be this |----->| social to be allowed on this ride, please file into the 'Doormat' or 'Enjoys ordering people around' queues before entry"


You know, it's sad to say but this goes on a lot of games anyway. Even single player experiences are starting to have the whole 'must be this social to fully experience' creeping in. Monster Hunter gets a pass, as you still have a good single player despite the MP focus.


The days when being able to enjoy a good game in your own time without relying on other people or outside content is sadly looking to be getting phased out. 


Jimquisition has a discussion on the matter

. Language etc warning mind.
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MR19 here and I only tried to do a raid once. It was a disaster and I will probably never do it again.


I knew right from the start that raids are going to be a complete failure in a game that was, is and should always be about "pick a dude and a gun that you like and wreak some havoc with your friends or random people or SOLO."


Instead, we got a weird map that forces you to follow certain procedures and drastically limits your choice of gear. Any other mission type in Warframe lets you choose whatever you want and in result you will be able to do just fine. Raids are about avoiding enemies, not killing them like in every other mission in the game.


Secondly, (at least for me) it is incredibly hard to find and communicate with 7 random people from recruiting to run a successful raid.


Thirdly: the rewards are a joke. Enchantments are weak and DE just laughs at their playerbase with "we don't want the cosmetics to affect gameplay in any way". As for credits, there are far better ways of farming them (and you get prime parts at the same time).


Also, this is my fault only but I don't want to sit there watching 30 minute long explanatory videos or read long guides explaining how to do the raid only to be shouted at by a random person that I am doing something in a wrong way.

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The only "skill" to learn is how to avoid people who will drag you down (As you yourself point out).


As much i hate to admit, that is true, we saw eachother as potential players for a decent team and we discarded everyone else.


We sometimes still bring newbies and teach them the ways, but we formed our team 1st, the best random players around and it has worked so far.

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Hi there, I'm not High MR or a veteran of any sort...but for those that are affraid, i think in my oppinion, if you bother to inform how the raid works previously you will see that's not that hard.


Mogamu's has a great video explaining the raid in detail...Watch it previously and you should be fine.


@gizol333 and KlarVyvern - Don't be affraid...and i hope i see you in the raid some time ;) 


PS: Here's the link of the video if you're interested in watching ;)


Thank you all for your attention ;)

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