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Allow Me To Propose Some Reasonable Limitations On The Insane Corrupted Healer 90% Damage Resistance Auras


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As we all know, Corrupted Ancient Healers were recently changed to provide about a 90% damage resistance to all nearby enemies. Thankfully, the aura doesn't stack, the Healers can't be affected by the aura, and the Healers also take a portion of the damage dealt to all enemies in the aura. This is a very solid mechanic that adds challenge to the insultingly easy non-endless Void and Infested missions. This is a gameplay challenge I can get behind, and has the potential to change the game for the better, if it was better implemented. However, it currently causes a great deal of problems due to ham-handed implementation by DE. What problems are there?


1. Corrupted Ancient Healers spawn so frequently that killing one won't remove the damage resistance on nearby enemies, because there are another 5 Healers within that aura


2. Healers often stand in places you can't see them, but the aura affects enemies that can see you, meaning that they get the damage resistance and you can't remove it unless you run into a dangerous area looking for the Healer


3. The damage that Healers take from hurt enemies affected by the aura is incredibly minimal


4. A Nullifier with 90% damage resistance is a thing of nightmares


5. The wiki states that non-corrupted Ancient Healers are healed by damage taken from enemies in the aura, and can even be overhealed by it


Allow me to propose solutions to these problems. Any number or combination of these solutions can be implemented. This is just a list of possibilities.


1. Greatly decrease the number of Healers that spawn, to prevent auras from overlapping. They should have about the same rarity as Nullifiers.


2. Greatly decrease the range of the Healers' auras, to prevent them from overlapping also. Think about the size of a Nullifier bubble.


3. Greatly increase the damage the Healer takes when damaging enemies inside the aura. This makes it actually worthwhile to shoot the protected enemies.


4. Make the Healer require line of sight with an enemy in order to affect that enemy. This prevents them from hiding behind a wall while you get murdered by a horde of enemies you can't do enough damage to kill.


5. Make Nullifiers unable to receive the damage resistance. They need to have a weakness, and a 90% damage resistance takes one of their only vulnerabilities away.


6. Make non-corrupted Ancient Healers have identical auras to corrupted Ancient Healers. There's no reason for non-corrupted Healers to simply not have the one weakness that the Corrupted ones do.


7. Make the Healer's aura go down while the Healer is stunned, knocked down, or ragdolled. This would provide a decent counter to Healers by allowing you to create a window of vulnerability with a simple flying kick.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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People are oddly split by this issue. It really depends on the setup. As a solo player, ancients annoy the hell out of me in the late tower 4 survivals. I'd only request a lower spawn rate, as my game time is practically just killing healer after healer and then killing the other things while they are not there.


But the los check...yea good luck. Enemies seem to be void of that rule.

Edited by R34LM
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They are easy to pick out imo, but...
4. A Nullifier with 90% damage resistance is a thing of nightmares 
Here i agree, but what can i do about. Spray and pray.




But the los check...yea good luck. Enemies seem to be void of that rule.

That's honestly pretty damn good point right there.
Edited by Scytze
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It's fine for me.


No pain, No gain..


Let's put up with poorly implemented features that make Void missions incredibly painful to play, because we're all so masochistic.


In solo it can be annoying.

Gotta keep prioritizing.


And prioritizing and prioritizing and prioritizing for ever and ever and ever. The Void has become nothing but a game of "find the Healer" and then try to kill all the enemies before another one shows up.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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1. Greatly decrease the number of Healers that spawn, to prevent auras from overlapping. They should have about the same rarity as Nullifiers.


3. Greatly increase the damage the Healer takes when damaging enemies inside the aura. This makes it actually worthwhile to shoot the protected enemies.


4. Make the Healer require line of sight with an enemy in order to affect that enemy. This prevents them from hiding behind a wall while you get murdered by a horde of enemies you can't do enough damage to kill.


Too much healers + solo = GG, especially on higher levels

Also, imagine a sanguine healer eximus in the middle of a Frost Eximus Nullifier, yum


Oh, and I would like to add another suggestion


Remove their grapple or knockdown ability, but improve the kept ability

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Quick thinking + Rage
Trinity can get 99% damage immunity, stacked with link it would reduce damage taken down to 0.25%
Link targets enemies in proximity and does full damage reflection towards the enemy.

Any Status, Procs will be triggered on the linked enemies when link is active.

I am sure the ancient healer is a piece of cake when I use Trinity and melee the hell out of it to see who has more immunity.


All that bashing... in a torid cloud... I guess its how you plan it ?

Edited by Ada_Wong_SG
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Quick thinking + Rage

Trinity can get 99% damage immunity, stacked with link it would reduce damage taken down to 0.25%

Link targets enemies in proximity and does full damage reflection towards the enemy.

Any Status, Procs will be triggered on the linked enemies when link is active.


I am sure the ancient healer is a piece of cake when I use Trinity and melee the hell out of it to see who has more immunity.


All that bashing... in a torid cloud... I guess its how you plan it ?


Not everyone has a trinity though


Edit: I have one, but not spending forma on it, since trinity prime

Edited by p3z1
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The game is way better now than back in my days, I'd made 100 waves in ODD alone. I've made 50 Sechuras alone. I've made 40 minutes on Survival in the Void alone with Loki without getting a single hit. New infesteds? Good. Nullifiers? Good. It's a win win. All you do is cry when your 8 Formas Rhino can't run right through the whole map. Try other frames, it's fun.

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The game is way better now than back in my days, I'd made 100 waves in ODD alone. I've made 50 Sechuras alone. I've made 40 minutes on Survival in the Void alone with Loki without getting a single hit. New infesteds? Good. Nullifiers? Good. It's a win win. All you do is cry when your 8 Formas Rhino can't run right through the whole map. Try other frames, it's fun.


Supporting evidence please. I told you why an almost constant 90% damage reduction on all enemies is a problem, now you tell me why it's not.


I actually said that I could support this mechanic if it hadn't been so poorly implemented. It's a good mechanic in theory, but with the way it is now, it causes more problems than it helps.


with Loki


Well that explains a lot.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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I wish the damn los feature worked on this like it does for excalibur. Why do we get the annoying limits, but we have enemies who are immortal, immune, buffed, and no clip. I'd rather see enemies with higher hp than enemies that are BS. It isn't challenging if the game stacks BS mechanics on frames and then won't port them over onto enemies.

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The game is way better now than back in my days, I'd made 100 waves in ODD alone. I've made 50 Sechuras alone. I've made 40 minutes on Survival in the Void alone with Loki without getting a single hit. New infesteds? Good. Nullifiers? Good. It's a win win. All you do is cry when your 8 Formas Rhino can't run right through the whole map. Try other frames, it's fun.


Oh look, a pro player who thinks that people who do feedback are Rhino/prime users only.


The OP's point about Ancient healers that swarm AND ignore LoS AND have a large DR range is a good point, especially for solo players.

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With our current dmg numbers i really dont care.

I have shred on every primary which doesnt have innate punch through so i simply shred through healers np whatsoever.


But thats due insane dmg i can dish out, without it 90% dmg reduction aura would just be a pain.

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7. Make the Healer's aura go down while the Healer is stunned, knocked down, or ragdolled. This would provide a decent counter to Healers by allowing you to create a window of vulnerability with a simple flying kick.

This, but also the folllowing:

Damage reduction is based on range from the Healer.


Also, I like you. You make interesting threads.

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The game is way better now than back in my days, I'd made 100 waves in ODD alone. I've made 50 Sechuras alone. I've made 40 minutes on Survival in the Void alone with Loki without getting a single hit. New infesteds? Good. Nullifiers? Good. It's a win win. All you do is cry when your 8 Formas Rhino can't run right through the whole map. Try other frames, it's fun.


I was also from back in that day, U8. Let me tell you something, the game was much less about grinding, rng, bullet sponges, invulnerability phases, overpowered frames, overpowered weapons, meta builds, swarm killing, camping and outright exploitation of game mechanics when I first started out. What did it have back then? Fun.


Now, fun for you is having a bit of challenge to your taste, which is fine, to each his own. But could you at least keep an open mind for people who don't have a similar opinion? Plus, using the pitiful generalization of "oh, he's just a rhinoob" really makes it difficult to take your seriously. Also, you didn't get a single hit as a Loki because, news flash, you were a Loki. Loki doesn't get hit, thanks to two abilities, so your argument there holds no valid worth. 

Edited by R34LM
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The game is way better now than back in my days, I'd made 100 waves in ODD alone. I've made 50 Sechuras alone. I've made 40 minutes on Survival in the Void alone with Loki without getting a single hit. New infesteds? Good. Nullifiers? Good. It's a win win. All you do is cry when your 8 Formas Rhino can't run right through the whole map. Try other frames, it's fun.




I was also from back in that day, U8. Let me tell you something, the game was much less about grinding, rng, bullet sponges, invulnerability phases, overpowered frames, overpowered weapons, meta builds, swarm killing, camping and outright exploitation of game mechanics when I first started out. What did it have back then? Fun.


Now, fun for you is having a bit of challenge to your taste, which is fine, to each his own. But could you at least keep an open mind for people who don't have a similar opinion? Plus, using the pitiful generalization of "oh, he's just a rhinoob" really makes it difficult to take your seriously. Also, you didn't get a single hit as a Loki because, news flash, you were a Loki. Loki doesn't get hit, thanks to two abilities, so your argument there holds no valid worth. 


He got the point.

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This would be an excellent occasion for DE to start tweaking armor scaling.


This is actually very important to note. Healers might not be so bad with their aura if the armor scaling wasn't so crazy.


Fun fact, I can do more damage on a Teleport finisher on a Corrupted Bombard than a Corrupted Gunner while using a corrosive build (which should be better on the Gunner).

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For me, just finding them in a crowd is what's annoying. I feel like I have to spam CC and actually walk around amongst the mobs to single them out and kill them. At least nullifiers have a gigantic golden/blue shield that makes them extremely easy to pick out in a crowd.


I'd like for the healers to have some sort of glow or even rays of light coming down on them when they are exerting their damage reduction aura i.e. you shoot something protected by the healer, and a bunch of particle effects or something like that comes off the healer (with a buffer on how many times it can occur so your screen doesn't fill with particle effects).


Also, maybe decrease their spawn rate so you don't get four or five chilling next to each other as the OP suggested. Alternatively, make the damage reduction ~25% but stackable up to 90%.

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Just wait for:

1) Corrupted distruptor

2) Corrupted mutalist moas

3) Corrupted scorpion

4) Corrupted manic

5) Corrupted tech (that spawns orokin drones with quadruple speed)

6) Corrupted roller


Just imagine how much "fun" it would be. So "challenging". Wow.

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