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Coming Soon: Devstream #55!


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How about all snipers and their scopes? The scoping ingame is so weak. Sniping isn't that great of a feeling in warframe, can we have a Sniper update? New scope functionality, new sniper mechanics?

Truth be told, snipers are useless overall... There should be a mod that acts like the explosive headshots in Mann vs Machine, where landing a headshot would give a chance for damage to be dished out in a certain radius.


This is a game about crowd control, after all....

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1. I'd like to see photon beam style weapons, light saber/beam sword/laser beam blade typed melee. Maybe laser katana, laser claws, laser whip, laser axe, laser boomarang, laser spear, laser dual swords, laser great swords, laser scythes.  and maybe element energy styled weapons like we had we silva and aeigis or the laser weapons change based on color or element. Fan weapons, laser cross bows, railguns, hand railgun, gatling gun


2.  Accessories and cosmetics like laser wings, jet pack, wings like from gundam but scaled for normal warframe use as a cosmetic and cosmetic/ skins for archwing, pauldrens and bracers. wing helmets.


3. How about some story missions that can be multiplayer, The host can start the story quest and invite friends  who'd show in the cinematics together and they can be replayed too with different outcomes based on your decisions.


4. Will we see a change in relays, like color changes new statues or have each one look different so the ones that require a higher MR will feel more rwarding to go to. each relay could have a theme based on the planets naming and environment. like Pluto could be an underworld/hades themed with purple and green lights and fire with a nekros statue with a green spectral soul fog foutain.


5. An open world like area with free roaming and exploration with ruins that hold tennou lore, find a lost orokin ship with a datalog from the old war. A city where the orokin once stayed before the sentients.


6. New unlockables based on mastery rank to make it feel more rewarding, like special areas, dueling arena/Colosseum with leader board , warframe races with leaderboard, vip areas and events.


7. when will we see the orbiter? will it be a my room type of deal with personal customization and  a hub to invite friends to socialize.


Warframe  is Amazing, keep up the good work and thank you for making a game that out shines so many!

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Some Devstreams ago  (i think it was 30) there was mention of Phorid and Ambulas being up for rework, like all the others we are now slowly seing integrated into the game. Now, while it is obvious that progress shouldn't be to far, I wanted to know whether there are already concepts for them.

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I believe we had a Vauban helmet alert within this month or the last? Personally I missed it, and am really hoping for another soon as I've been waiting on this last part for a couple months now and random dates often elude me. 


To put this in the form of a question, can we get another Vauban helm alert soon?

It would be even better if we could have it on a date we can all remember, even a weekend or friday to make sure more people can participate. (the kind of date I'm talking about would be something regular, like with an update or even a hotfix/item addition, please!) 


P.S. It's my own fault for missing it, but I'm getting really tired of gluing my eyes to twitter alerts and deathsnacks.com, especially after finding I missed one. I hope this gets some attention for the rest of us that haven't built him yet

Edited by Bio-Organic-Yahn
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1. Is the Orbiter where Space mom is? Because to me it makes perfect sense that Ordis would keep the Orbiter safe hidden in the Void...........






2. Wheres my sonic shotgun? No i'm serious if that new synoid gun is it Im gonna sh*t sweet potatoes.


3. I haven't seen most of Tenno weapons being turned into prime, mainly the ones that come from the Tenno Labs. I would love to see maybe some concepts of a Tiberon Prime or maybe the Sybaris prime.


4. Will the new Regor drop the Anima/Animus frame? Other than that I cant wait for sharkwing.

Its my baby and I need to enjoy the moment flying around like a blooper and a bullet bill.


5. Do i get to become spider man in Parkour 2.0? I really do want to see how the walls will beceome the way to move.


6. New space mapping? I hope that means people will stop fking farming draco and the same maps over and over again for rare mods and xp.






9. Will the new Valkrye skin be available today? RIGHT MEOW.


10. Let me guess, new tactical alert for a special stance for the Rapier?



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Given the fact that you obviously study how many people are playing certain sectors etc.  Have you looked at how few people play the Conclave PVP and considered getting rid of it?  


When is the conclave Armistice going to end?


How are Solar Rails going to be different in the new Solar map?  Team PVP is a lot of fun as the Solar Rails were set up.  I hope that you do not get rid of them.


- Kill my landlord, K-I-L-L my ordis!!  (Eddie Murphy reference)

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So this has been on my mind since you released the teaser for pre-corpus Valkyr, but when is it coming out and will it stick to the same 150 Platinum price that the other skins have had, or will it be a different price?


And seeing as I mainly use Valkyr, you could say I'm a little concerned.



ALSO - Will we get profile icons to match the skin?



ALSO #2 - You Guys gotta see this video I recorded, its from a glitch with the Emergency Exit Tactical Alert, and possibly all Tactical Alerts.


Edited by Alko897
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1 - what is being done about the carrier bug?  if it keeps stealing all my loot i gonna punt it out of the liset's hatch!


2 - are there any plans to expand the 8 man missions?  they are a really great concept but with only one of them (with a nightmare mode version) its more of a proof of concept than a feature :(


3 - are there any plans to do more with archwing?  i  feel that the community frowns on it because it feels very shallow, just a handful of mods and missions and extremely difficult/tedious to level...how about archwing races or obstacle courses?!


4 - is there any chance of us getting a deploy-ables warframe?  Vauban is an amazing suit, can we expand upon that to make things like deploy-able turrets or barriers etc?


5 - if not a deploy-able/engineer warframe, what about a frame that was able to climb/traverse walls as its primary movement to take advantage of parkour 2.0? 

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With the Excalibur rework being such a success, what lessons are you taking from the project going forward? 



For some specific Excalibur feedback:


i) Could we have the ability to latch to walls and other surfaces after doing a slash dash?  It's frustrating to try and dash to a ledge, only to miss it slightly and not be able to grab the ledge on our way down.


ii) I think that turning Radial Blind into an 'offhand' ability was a lot more of a buff then a lot of people give it credit for.  Being able to blind while running is one thing, but being able to blind while reloading?  Or while shooting?  Some animations don't play correctly when you blind while shooting, so does that mean this behavior isn't intentional?




What can you tell us about the next dojo features coming down the pipe?


In light of your past changes to blanket invulnerability effects (Frost, trinity, etc.), and the success of the Excalibur rework to emphasize melee gameplay, will Valkyr's Hysteria be getting revisited at some point?

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1)why do moons of various planets require nav coordinates?


2)with massive changes to the void coming soon, what changes should we expect to the method of reward acquisition? also will parkour rooms be relavent to this in some way?


3)when are corpus ladies coming in?


4)is there any chance of dividing the Infested based on the faction that has been infested in a given region of space? this being said, the form of Phorid should also be relative.


5)will there ever be warframe-specific prime cosmetics such as alternate helmets, skins, etc?

Edited by Stigma_Deathshatter
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1) When will Excalibur's Immortal Skin receive the PBR treatment? 

2) Any developments on downgrading clan rankings? (From Mountain to Storm, etc)



3) Are there any concrete plans to balancing abilities in regard to effect? Notably a vast number of abilities working through walls and such when they should not. So thoughts on line-of-sight nerfs going more wide-spread? (this is partly tied to the certain ability spam topics) 

4) You mentioned abilities and "diminishing returns" being made a thing when fighting (mini)bosses. Any progress gone into it? And any thoughts of making it something that works on any and all enemies to some extent? 

Edited by Lakais
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Will the sentinels ever have a role in the archwing missions. I feel like their major abilities/mods, like the carriers vacuum ,could really help with farming items in space since the space is quite large. Or could the items be highlighted more. Also will there be a new way to help players find certain items in space, like a navigation arrow, because even though the map gives good direction, I feel a navigation arrow would really help show the way.

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