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Coming Soon: Devstream #55!


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One of the goals for Starchart 2.0 is to disseminate “Loot Caves”, and balance changes (like “awareness” on Radial Javelin) have been made to discourage players from devolving into one-button loot piñatas. However, there is a widespread conception (supported by your own By the Numbers data) that Nekros players are “Desecrate-bots” who literally just churn out loot. Isn’t this counter-intuitive?

Damage-dealing powers have long been criticized for their inability to keep up with increases in enemy survivability as weapons do. Many augments (like Disarming Bolts, Soul Survivor or the elemental infusions) are often seen as a grindwall to “fix” these weak abilities. Previously you’ve stated that you might make blanket changes to improve the baseline scalability of these powers; any news on that?

In Melee 2.0, Scythes lost their powerful charged attacks and fell behind more specialized Channeling or Berserker weapons. As Anku is generally stronger than the harder-to-find Reaper Prime and Hate, can we expect a baseline buff to scythes? What about daggers, which are too short for stealth, and unexpectedly slow in direct combat?

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After the frost rework is done can, we expect to see Frost Prime back in the Void (or wherever you'll get primes after the void is gone), or will he become essentially another excalibur prime, where player who joined after you they stopped being avalible are unable to ever get them.

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Question: I have noticed that a lot of the newer weapons' designs are based on older weapons (like boltace, boltor & akbolto). Have you considered having extra stats or effects (like syndicates or arcanes) for having these weapon combined together?

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Can we expect Syndicate expansion?  For example, what are the Arbiters trials and disciplines?  Who are the "weak and innocent" the Steel Meridian swear to protect?  These questions and their answers could lead to Syndicates being more than sinks of Standing that give you cool stuff, and might answer some of the players concerns as to why the Syndicates tend to lean towards extremes.

Personally, I'd like to know WHY the Arbiters think we're awesome, why Suda is superior in size and knowledge as opposed to most Cephalons, what Steel Meridian is truly protecting, where the Red Veil members splintered from, why Perrin Sequence is driven away from the Corpus, why New Loka members are the way they are, Teshin's backstory and relation to the existing characters, and Simaris's backstory.

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1- What Happened to the "Fire Sigil"? the one we saw on Devstream 38. I want it :c






oh look! there are 2 "fire sigils" now i want both D:



2- any news on the nexus app? like when it will be launched?


3- can we have "custom emblems" like the clan emblems but with our images, I don't care if I have to pay 100p I just want it (and not only one, I want an unlimited number of emblems to use, I will throw all my pl to you DE xD) 


4- can we, normal forums users, have custom images in the forums? It can use some moderation but I guess it's a good idea. Maybe not for in-game but I will like to see custom images on forums, again, I will throw all my Plat for it)

Edited by DJNeonNight
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1) must you farm the new kubrow armor or buy it


2)will it come new color palettes. maybe one for free.


3)will catbrows come in U17 or in like 17.5


4) wil it come new attatchments in u17


5) will it come an new archwing you can use

Edited by tfshockwave
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1) When will we start actually getting rewards at login?  I've got half a dozen Gorgons that will never get made, on top of the one I've already maxed.


2) When will Archwing matter?  Right now it's a red headed step child.  We've been promised tons of stuff with sharkwing, but no actual love for it in months. 

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DOJOS: Downgrade? more Labs(chephalons tech  sentients  tech) more training rooms 
RELAYS: More quests more interactive NPCs like simaris more places there and difrente aspect from planet too planet
Orbitor: ETA what it looks like and what its functionality
MIOS and Typhus (Redskillz)art will come too the game : ETA?

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Will Prime Accessories ever come back? Specifically, the Misa Prime syandana, no player on Xbox ever even got a chance at grabbing it, and I know I'm not the only person that wants to see it (and others we missed) return. This may not have been exactly on-topic with the Devstream, but I would greatly appreciate an answer :)

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1) There was talk a while back about making sentinel abilitys built-in like those of warframes any progress change in this?


2)When relays where introduced we where told that nothing would be exlusive to the relays and that we would still be able to do everything from the ship if we so wanted. It is a little annoying to have to visit the relays only to hand in medalions. Progress thoughts on this?

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