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Parkour 2.0 Devstream 55 Feedback Megathread


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tried to prove it


lol, when, where, all of them said that it was slower(than tipedo since its the obvious standard), but there isnt any showcase about how fast it can be

Edited by rockscl
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try watching the dev stream


i watched it, so assuming that your nimble suggestion was all in good faith, i can only suggest you to be more specific and say when and where anyone tried to prove anything about parkour 2.0 because right now you are just being pretentious and without any base

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From what we've seen so far the latest iteration of Parkour 2.0 is nowhere near as fast as coptering. Coptering being gone will make the game unplayably slow for anybody who's long bored of the repetitive corridors the game takes place in.

if thats the case then it sounds ilke its the tilesets, gametype and enemies that are the problem, not removing coptering.

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People are already complaining about how slow Parkour 2.slow is now.

Parkour 2.0 looks slow, but i think that its how to be, not like what we have now.

A melee movement system, no parkour.

Speed ever was a problem in warframe, based on what we have now.

And about that, you can cover the same distance in parkour 2.0 but without E.


I remember what Steve say:

We want people use the loadout they want, not force people to use something they dont like to move.

And, the current mobility system its melee dependent, never was the META from DE, and they let coptering stay, untill they add a new mobility system, like what we have see.

Actually we have a system, when i have to choose, in a few melee weapons to move liek Lotus want.

That let a couple of choices about melee, people dont choose warframe to move, like ever have to be, Volt say hi ( ._.)/

We dont have a weight system where warframe moves slow, based on their loadout, so there is no point on why someone do better parkour because he/she/that have a different melee weapon equipped.

There are 2 different things, parkour, and coptering, actually, we dont have a parkour system, like what its coming, right now, its a melee dominant system, where who have the highter atack speed melee, won on mobility.

About what the other dude say, i dont see the good on the current one.

Where we have only wall run, limited because stamina, wall jump with low range, and wall climb, limited for reasons, where everything, its overshadow with E.

In combinations between E and current parkour, its 10000x better the new system than this.

Edited by Grimlock-
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Parkour 2.0 looks slow, but i think that its how to be, not like what we have now.

Because you feel it should be slow or it should be that way doesn't mean it has to be that way.


It's time to break that pathetic gaming trope and make parkour fast. Warframe must have parkour that is unique which means speed as well.


This is Ninja Parkour, not sluggish parkour.


Increase that jump speed, momentum, etc.


If people think it maybe to Anime like, which they perhaps won't, who cares?


If enemies have to be faster, maybe more powerful or not and more accurate with faster reflexes to compensate, then so be it.


There is so much emphasis on being a ninja, yet there is no speed to back up it. You feel like a Spartan rather than a Ninja.


Momentum must build up faster, most rooms aren't that big.


Megaman X series is a good example of slow parkour that's if you don't dash, but if you do, you move fast, that is how fast Tenno should move, even if sprint is replaced by dash. Dir. Melee is that air dash which should stay to to add more fun to new system.


And your weight suggestion still forces players to choose what they don't want to use, albeit less often.

Edited by Jinryusai
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The floor is lava part.


its 30:50, reb crosses a door jumping, someone says "lavafloor", how is that supposed to be an attempt to prove how fast/slow parkour 2.0 can be



Edited by rockscl
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I really hope they globally increase sprint speed with this.

Can I tack on an alternate idea as well?   With stamina gone, make sprinting the default.  Let me toggle walking instead of sprinting.  I might as well wedge my sprint key down as it stands.  Because I am ALWAYS sprinting. 

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I re-edited the last picture I posted since it didn't really look right with what I was describing, you can replace the third picture with this if you want or keep the original.





[ Side note ]


I'm hoping they speed up the wall-hopping thing and give it more distance, So we dont fall short when we are trying to jump to another wall, Plus it would make more people use the environment to their advantage when they need to get across a large area quickly.

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(5 millionth time saying this)


Parkour 2.0 is not slower than Parkour 1.0 it is actually faster with better controls. The only thing that makes it look slow is no wall slingshots and the animation makes it look slow.


The wall slingshot has to leave because it makes it impossible to aim properly, and the animations will be changed before release.



OK, first no we don't have to be fast, the DE will decide whether this is going to be as fast pace as you want or as fast pace as they want. They will do what they think is correct. They will not increase sprint speed if they feel it will be unhealthy for the game. Honestly I am on split ropes on whether or not making parkour fast will be healthy for the game.


On one hand faster parkour makes the game fast pace, but makes missions blur together. Speed is one of the reasons stealth is complete rubbish at the moment. Yes the stealth system is bad but even if it was good being able to go fast would defeat going slower and stealthing our way through missions. I honestly don't mind going slower because I don't copter anyway. Going slower will make missions longer but that isn't the biggest deal. They are already about 5 minutes long, and the only long ones are endless missions so it doesn't matter. So I don't think it will matter much because the most they can do is increase mission time by 2 minutes.

Edited by Feallike
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(5 millionth time saying this)


Parkour 2.0 is not slower than Parkour 1.0 it is actually faster with better controls. The only thing that makes it look slow is no wall slingshots and the animation makes it look slow. - Well, it's all about copter to them, not 1.0...


The wall slingshot has to leave because it makes it impossible to aim properly, and the animations will be changed before release. - The slingshot can actually be added as a command by holding down the jump key much like saints Row 4 although the charge up being near instant...



OK, first no we don't have to be fast, the DE will decide whether this is going to be as fast pace as you want or as fast pace as they want. They will do what they think is correct. They will not increase sprint speed if they feel it will be unhealthy for the game. Honestly I am on split ropes on whether or not making parkour fast will be healthy for the game. - The devs shall decide whether to listen to people or not and do their own thing. It maybe their game, but the players have to endure their decision and shall continue to have issues(should they be displeased) with the new system and some would continue to complain. It maybe their game, but the players play it the most while the devs are slaving away at new content.


On one hand faster parkour makes the game fast pace, but makes missions blur together. Speed is one of the reasons stealth is complete rubbish at the moment. Yes the stealth system is bad but even if it was good being able to go fast would defeat going slower and stealthing our way through missions. I honestly don't mind going slower because I don't copter anyway. Going slower will make missions longer but that isn't the biggest deal. They are already about 5 minutes long, and the only long ones are endless missions so it doesn't matter. So I don't think it will matter much because the most they can do is increase mission time by 2 minutes.

Wel, speed isn't killing stealth since people shall continue to march through missions not giving a damn about a poorly implemented mechanic. The only stealth element they follow is deactivating the alarms, but they still march around the place with guns blazing, others shall hop skip and jump beyond enemies. If this were fast pace, it would be more fun and ninja like to do since you are constantly vanishing at a quick pace much like batman himself.


Who wouldn't want to be Batman...


But here's the deal. there are speed demons that enjoy Warframe's speed ventures through missions. Who knows, perhaps this online game is the only of it's kind where people can get their speedy fix in an ninja shooter. This why why people enjoy Warframe, part of the reason actually. And that is why they want to be fast. They also associate ninjutsu with speed, vanishing on a whim, going fast.


No one wants to be a bunny hopping Spartan, they want to be a Space Ninja capable of parkouring at high speeds unlike any other game in existence especially in an online environment, rather than be slowed down to the pace of the slowpokes they are forced to deal with.


Mobility is king in Warframe, so is speed.


So either you are a bunny hopping Space Spartan or a Space Ninja...


And Phobos maps are pretty long, other maps can be as long to compensate as well.


Stealth on the other hand needs it's own 2.0 to be built round parkour 2.0 not vise versa. 


One does not simply build a system around a broken system...

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Wel, speed isn't killing stealth since people shall continue to march through missions not giving a damn about a poorly implemented mechanic. The only stealth element they follow is deactivating the alarms, but they still march around the place with guns blazing, others shall hop skip and jump beyond enemies. If this were fast pace, it would be more fun and ninja like to do since you are constantly vanishing at a quick pace much like batman himself.


Who wouldn't want to be Batman...


But here's the deal. there are speed demons that enjoy Warframe's speed ventures through missions. Who knows, perhaps this online game is the only of it's kind where people can get their speedy fix in an ninja shooter. This why why people enjoy Warframe, part of the reason actually. And that is why they want to be fast. They also associate ninjutsu with speed, vanishing on a whim, going fast.


No one wants to be a bunny hopping Spartan, they want to be a Space Ninja capable of parkouring at high speeds unlike any other game in existence especially in an online environment, rather than be slowed down to the pace of the slowpokes they are forced to deal with.


Mobility is king in Warframe, so is speed.


So either you are a bunny hopping Space Spartan or a Space Ninja...


And Phobos maps are pretty long, other maps can be as long to compensate as well.


Stealth on the other hand needs it's own 2.0 to be built round parkour 2.0 not vise versa. 


One does not simply build a system around a broken system...


You bring up good points, but what gets on my nerves is whether or not the DE wants this game to be a as fast pace as we want..... If this game is fast pace yay, but I am not sure if it is suppose to be. The Devs have to make the best choice and the playerbase cannot decide all the choices. If people had all the choices then Synoid gammacor would never be nerfed, Draco Excal farming would have never been nerfed, and Gmag will never have been nerfed in the future.


You can't have your own Bias's decide on game decisions conflict with good decisions. If you like speed that is great, but whether or not the game should be speedy is its own problem.

Edited by Feallike
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I think it looks amazing, I am glad that melee weapon movement and speed boosting is gone. I will be so glad to finally be able to go up a wall and not spontaneously hyper launch  across the map for no reason at all. I will finally be able to go up a wall  and not fall off  because  the game thinks I wanted to jump down, or jump attack, or miss the very top  and flip off the wall. 


This idea that because a melee/movement glitch was  useful, it cannot be removed now is well, just plain wrong. We all come here and talk about how we want the game fixed, so let them fix it. The game  isn't ruined by improvements to a broken system, and just because some people have come to rely on it doesn't mean that A: it shouldn't be fixed  properly anyway and B: that the playerbase  cannot learn something new. 


At no point should our melee weapons or skills have  anything to do with whether we climb fly jump run or otherwise move. I hope that with this new movement that we will see a more  accurate melee experience. That when I go to do an aerial attack I can actually have  some control over it rather than simply launching in the general direction of the mobs and  hoping I land right, that when I do a slam attack I can  control where I land, rather than simply falling out of the air really hard. I'd like to  be able  to land on some surface and not auto roll  off of it. I'd like to climb the high walls and not simply flip off  halfway up. 


Parkour 2.0 has a lot of expectations, some good some bad depending on who you ask. I think it will be a wonderful change, you will see a reduction in the rush mentality because they cannot simply fly over the entire map  to the objective. This will  not make the game slow  and boring,  it will make the game more dynamic and interesting. I will finally be able to go on to a map and use my parkour to find interesting ways to attack my enemy, and i will finally have some control over my movements rather than relying on random chance. 

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its 30:50, reb crosses a door jumping, someone says "lavafloor", how is that supposed to be an attempt to prove how fast/slow parkour 2.0 can be



They something along the lines of building up crazy momentum.


Then at 31:48 they begin talking about speed.  She starts trying to talk it up by talking about not moving fast in a linear fashion by "look at the distance I just covered".

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On one hand faster parkour makes the game fast pace, but makes missions blur together. Speed is one of the reasons stealth is complete rubbish at the moment. Yes the stealth system is bad but even if it was good being able to go fast would defeat going slower and stealthing our way through missions. I honestly don't mind going slower because I don't copter anyway. Going slower will make missions longer but that isn't the biggest deal. They are already about 5 minutes long, and the only long ones are endless missions so it doesn't matter. So I don't think it will matter much because the most they can do is increase mission time by 2 minutes.

No, stealth is complete rubbish because stealth is complete rubbish. Fast movement has nothing to do with that. There are a bevy of reasons stealth is crap and plenty of fixes I could think of for it, but this is not the thread for it.

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No, stealth is complete rubbish because stealth is complete rubbish. Fast movement has nothing to do with that. There are a bevy of reasons stealth is crap and plenty of fixes I could think of for it, but this is not the thread for it.

I still dont know why they are not working in stealth anymore

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I still dont know why they are not working in stealth anymore

But I still don't see how stealth can work in most missions that are flooded by enemies with the current combat systems that are blatantly killing the enemies with guns and warframe abilities. Stealth is really not a thing tbh, not that DE can't do, that isn't the matter.


The "problem" to implement a better stealth is because of how the game is designed from the start.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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