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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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Good hello, Tenno! 


We're covering ground with the new Junior recruits! Please welcome our three new French Guides Gilgamelchi, FloFlo217, and (PS4)Alix-712, and our second Polish Junior Guide Doloriss


Welcome to the team :)


Bienvenues a vous Jeunes guides du Lotus


For those who wanted to be "Guide" and didn't got chosen,


nothing prevent you to help on the field and in Player Helping Players ,


but we always need Tenno social workers in the office(relay) so welcome new Guide of the Lotus

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Everyday i'm in the Earth relay and only see a GOTL junior or senior guide once a week so we definitely need more guides.


On PS4, you should have no problem finding a Jr/Sr Guide in a Relay. There are plenty of them on PS4. Even with that being said, more Guides wouldn't hurt in the long run for any console/platform.


X1 needs a lot more too


Xbox One DOES need more Guides. Feels like we have had no love in the US servers. With Manks being our only active Senior, there are problems that we cannot deal with or take care of effectively and swiftly with just 3 main, active Jr/Sr Guides being around on XB1. Manks being a Senior and me and Trojan being active Juniors, we could really use a few more US server Guides of either position. We have more than just three Guides at Xb1, but some of us have a lot on our plates and cant always be there like some of us other members of the program, which is perfectly fine. No disrespect towards our other Xb1 Guides out there, but we seriously could use more Guides soon to help out with the community. With U17 coming out very soon for us at Xb1, I already know that it will bring with it more bugs, questions, reports and surely enough, bad apples in chat. Hope to see some good additions to the program in the future.


Never realized this was a thing until now... which makes me wonder... Are there ways for new players to easily find out about the existence of GotLs?


Maybe some pointers ingame to tell them about it?


Unfortunately no, unless they find this forum topic. Otherwise they will have to have a random encounter with a Guide and probably ask 10 questions before they understand/learn anything about it lol.

Edited by (XB1)xXx STR1FE xXx
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Still hoping DE gives newbies a newbie help channel.

All new accounts will be in there for 30 days.


Then all your GOTL will have access to it as well.

So they can talk to the newbies directly.


Kinda like how they did it for EVE online.

While this might ultimately be a good idea, in the current chat it would be horrendous.

As a senior guide I both help new players and moderate the chats. Helping new players is always the first priority, but that means watching 2 chats: relay and region. Region doesn't flash with new messages for obvious reasons. So one has to switch back and forth constantly. When one is also taking a bit of time to moderate chats you add trading and recruiting as well. Giving you 3 chats to switch between constantly while keeping an eye on relay. This doesn't even include the mountain of pms we tend to receive, which range from "why are you purple?" to "please help me my account is broken!".

If we could have multiple chats open this might work. But currently it would just overload us, especially the seniors. There will always be people who despite how obvious you make a chat channel, end up asking questions somewhere else.

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I find it easier to chat with people through forums and at relays, I tend to hang around relays alot because you do find people needing help and sense chat doesnt help much relays do, so i usually tend to hang around and help out someone when a question is asked, otherwise you can help out friends, get the word spread around, and even help out new people who join in by being at relays or in the chats, at the moment im trying to become a guide for the lotus myself and help even more people out the best i can ^w^ but idk how to become a guide for the lotus so im doing what i can by helping out everyone i see and going to more forums.

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Xbox One DOES need more Guides. Feels like we have had no love in the US servers. With Manks being our only active Senior, there are problems that we cannot deal with or take care of effectively and swiftly with just 3 main, active Jr/Sr Guides being around on XB1. Manks being a Senior and me and Trojan being active Juniors, we could really use a few more US server Guides of either position. We have more than just three Guides at Xb1, but some of us have a lot on our plates and cant always be there like some of us other members of the program, which is perfectly fine. No disrespect towards our other Xb1 Guides out there, but we seriously could use more Guides soon to help out with the community. With U17 coming out very soon for us at Xb1, I already know that it will bring with it more bugs, questions, reports and surely enough, bad apples in chat. Hope to see some good additions to the program in the future.


They need to look more actively for those willing to help and trial them on knowledge or even get some guides to quiz those they see willing on the forms to see if they are able. (just a thought)

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They need to look more actively for those willing to help and trial them on knowledge or even get some guides to quiz those they see willing on the forms to see if they are able. (just a thought)

How do you know they're not looking actively? There just aren't many added per month. And there's already a questionnaire they send to those that are sent an invitation.
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Still hoping DE gives newbies a newbie help channel.

All new accounts will be in there for 30 days.


Then all your GOTL will have access to it as well.

So they can talk to the newbies directly.


Kinda like how they did it for EVE online.

I like the idea.But we would need Chat 2.0 mainly because of the amount of chats you have.Squad,Relay,Clan,Alliance,Council,Recruiting,and Trading.

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I like the idea.But we would need Chat 2.0 mainly because of the amount of chats you have.Squad,Relay,Clan,Alliance,Council,Recruiting,and Trading.

And region.... And relay... Lol

New Players should have some kind of introduction to the relay as to how guides can help them

I believe it is in the works already to have something.

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I truly hope that some type of additional identification of theGOTL is implemented.


At the moment I have to ask for the player to come see the sigil on my frame which usually leads to a mosh pit if I can even get them to come look at all.


Whatever it takes to eliminate the thought that we guides are the trolls.  It is difficult to help someone when they are suspicious of you.


I have no idea what identification scheme would be the easiest to code but i have heard mentioned in this FAQ text color,  a MOTD on the relay chat,  some sort of additional visual marking (star waypoint like the leader one in raids or some other method).  Personally, I think text color would be best but I will take whatever help I can get.

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Yes they do. I am happy of all the dedicated work, the PC,XB1, and PS4 guides, strive to exemplify, through communication, devotion to cause, assisting in enjoyable gameplay for all Tenno, and promoting a positive and sociably interactive community.

Edited by (XB1)Aflem1
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