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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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I have around 416 hours playtime according to my stats in warframe.

but 726 hours on steam,

Is Steam playtime completely ignored in the count? or something?


cuz i am a very active player, but 500 hours is a lot.. and If I already meet that requirement through steam playtime, all the better.

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I have around 416 hours playtime according to my stats in warframe.

but 726 hours on steam,

Is Steam playtime completely ignored in the count? or something?


cuz i am a very active player, but 500 hours is a lot.. and If I already meet that requirement through steam playtime, all the better.

steam hours doesnt actually count cause i can have the steam warframe launcher open and it gives me hours for it without playing.

so the real hours played is at ur profile stats

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The specifics are, mainly, that there aren't many specifics. You'll be expected to maintain the EULA, CoC, and be a good representative figure for DE welcoming their new player base.

You'll be stationed in a Relay, and have no specific schedule, just as much as you can accomolish. You do not even need to stay within that Relay. You can go out and assist players in anyway you deem necessary.

Mostly, you'll be watching the chats and helping players, while also communicating with the other Guides and the Community Team.

Is there's specifics you're looking for an answer toward, don't hesitate to ask.

There's still time to submit, about an hour and a half left. Even if you don't submit it now, there's always next time.

Thank you, that does clarify things pretty well.


There really wasn't anything specific I wanted to know, I mostly wanted a slightly more accurate image to be sure it's something I want do and would be good at. Helping new players is great and I would love to have a more direct way to help, but I don't really need to be a guide to be helpful so I was curious about the specifics associated with being a guide, which would differ from just being helpful. I seem to have over thought the whole thing.


Anywho, grats to all the up coming new member, maybe I'll be among you next time around.

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I have around 416 hours playtime according to my stats in warframe.

but 726 hours on steam,

Is Steam playtime completely ignored in the count? or something?


cuz i am a very active player, but 500 hours is a lot.. and If I already meet that requirement through steam playtime, all the better.

I dont think steam hours count at all. they will probably judge only according to warframe stats time : / 

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I have around 416 hours playtime according to my stats in warframe.

but 726 hours on steam,

Is Steam playtime completely ignored in the count? or something?


cuz i am a very active player, but 500 hours is a lot.. and If I already meet that requirement through steam playtime, all the better.


From the original post;


If you meet the following Guide requirements an invitation will be sent to you on the Forums:

- You have at least a 500 hours of game-play logged (Steam hours are not attributed into overall count).
- You display extensive knowledge of the game and keep up to date on the latest content.
- You are active on the official Warframe Forums and have no more than 1 warning points on your profile (30-Day temporary warning points will not count if they have expired). *Note: This is not a necessary requirement, but a solid reputation definitely helps!

Q: WOW 500 hours?
A: Warframe is loaded with tons of awesome content! We’re looking for players who have a thorough understanding of the game and will be confident answering any questions that come their way.

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I know that there is a lot of hype about who will be entering the program, but please Tenno, keep your comments on topic to the actual thread. All I really see in my notifications is spam messages for this thread. Recruitment is now closed for the program, for now, and this thread will still continue to be a "Guides of the Lotus FAQ".

(FAQ; Frequently Asked Questions)


Thank you everyone!​

Edited by (XB1)xXx STR1FE xXx
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Also some of you would do well to reread the OP that I assume you "read" before you applied lol. Would save you time and prevent asking the same questions over and over.


Just in case you missed it, we will be contacting the new recruits Monday October 26th. (and by we I mean The De Danielle Hammer)


No we cant tell you how we will select new recruits.


No we havent told you how many new recruits will be coming.


Yes there was a lot of applications.


Yes we will look over each one


No you will not be contacted if your not chosen, only if you are accepted


Yes it may be a long week for some of you (Sorry)


No applying in this thread doesnt count and if you did you missed out


No replying to every post in this thread does not increase your chances of getting in


Yes we will do our best to choose the right people


And finally if you dont get in this time around dont give up hope or feel rejected, there is always future rounds.


No we arent randomly selecting people.


That being said, may the odds be in your favor, let the games begin.

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Just wanted to say it's really hard to tell which ones are bolded and which ones are not due to the hyper links. I suggest adding a * or - after their name to better indicate what was intended.

currently only one Guide is a junior (for Xb1) - the rest are Seniors

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Just wanted to say it's really hard to tell which ones are bolded and which ones are not due to the hyper links. I suggest adding a * or - after their name to better indicate what was intended.

This is why the forums need to enable some tables. Formatting's a pain for large lists.

I can see what I can come up with, and ask if I can change it here, as I do agree with you.

Personally, I'd separate them by Platform first, Region second, and Rank third.

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This is why the forums need to enable some tables. Formatting's a pain for large lists.

I can see what I can come up with, and ask if I can change it here, as I do agree with you.

Personally, I'd separate them by Platform first, Region second, and Rank third.


Yeah, separating them like that would be a plan; we've really got no idea who's where and what rank they are. You can only just make out who the Junior Guide is amongst all the hyperlinks.

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Guides already chosen?




Hey guys! Just a reminder that this is the last day to apply to join our growing team. Applications will no longer be taken today after 11:59 PM EDT. We will be reviewing applicants throughout the week and will be contacting the new recruits Monday October 26th. 

Please note that only those that have been accepted into the program will be contacted. For those who do not receive an invitation we will be keeping your applications. When recruitment opens up again, you are all welcome to apply with updated information. 
I want to say thank you for showing so much interest in the program. It's awesome Tenno like you that'll help make Warframe an even better and bigger experience for all players <3 


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While this is true, we can't really do that within BBCode.


I made a concept format for it, should be much nicer than what is there currently. Just need ol' mother Danielle to approve.

Why not have a separate page for it then? Perhaps a random page somewhere with a Guide list would be more beneficial, and save room on the Original Post.

Edited by TheTakingOfVRAM
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Why not have a separate page for it then? Perhaps a random page somewhere with a Guide list would be more beneficial, and save room on the Original Post.

Page as in webpage? None of us here are web developers for DE, so we wouldn't have that privilege.

Another thread would be unnecessary, as I believe the below would do just fine.


Q: So who are these Senior and Junior Guides?

Note: Senior Guides are denoted by a star( * ) at the top of each language list.



• *BlatantFool

• *Crackle2012 (and PS4)

• *Darzk

• *[DE]Danielle (and French)

• *Drasiel

• *Haldos

• *-Himari-

• *Letter13 (PC/PS4)

• *LordOda

• *NovusNova

• *Rydian

• *Saske92

• *Server

• *SilverBones

• *Somedude1000

• *theclinton

• *Tulzscha

• *Vargras

• *Rexian


• *D20 (and English)

• *Pazgabear (and English)

• *[DE]Lex (and English)

• *Floflo217 (and English)

• *Gilgamelchi (and English)


• *SabreUr (and English)

• *Cracken (and English)

• *Doloriss (and English)


• *S3TH (and English)

• *Fabpsi (and English)


• *MaestroLima


• *--MZez-- (and English)


• *White_Lugaru (and English)

• *DryMind


• *Dancli (and English)

• *Darykos (and English)

• *xlraistlx (and English)

• *NEKRON_LORD (and English)



• *Crackle2012 (and PC)

• *IIIDevoidIII

• *jwernecke

• *immanks102 (Snonnie Snean on XB1)

• *Viggorrah


• *Ze_LoBoToMiZeUr (and English)

• *Alix-712 (and English)

• *mifle63



• *Snonnie Snean (Immanks102 on PS4)

• *MR SoloD0LO3 (theclinton on PC)



• *aflem1

• *BioRecombinator


doM I Skilla

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I have around 416 hours playtime according to my stats in warframe.


You need 500 play time.


Is Steam playtime completely ignored in the count?




cuz i am a very active player, but 500 hours is a lot.. and If I already meet that requirement through steam playtime, all the better.


Very active people tend to have a lot more than 500 hours.

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Page as in webpage? None of us here are web developers for DE, so we wouldn't have that privilege. 

Another thread would be unnecessary, as I believe the below would do just fine.



Q: So who are these Senior and Junior Guides?
Note: Senior Guides are denoted by a star( * ) at the top of each language list.

• *Crackle2012 (and PS4) 
• *Darzk
• *[DE]Danielle (and French)
• *Drasiel
• *Haldos
• *-Himari-
• *Letter13 (PC/PS4)
• *LordOda
• *NovusNova
• *Rydian
• *Saske92
• *Server
• *Tulzscha
• *Vargras
• *Rexian
• *D20 (and English)
• *Pazgabear (and English)
• *[DE]Lex (and English)
• *Floflo217 (and English)
• *Gilgamelchi (and English)
• *SabreUr (and English)
• *Cracken (and English)
• *Doloriss (and English)
• *S3TH (and English)
• *Fabpsi (and English)
• *--MZez-- (and English)
• *White_Lugaru (and English)
• *DryMind
• *Dancli (and English)
• *Darykos (and English)
• *xlraistlx (and English)
• *NEKRON_LORD (and English)


• *Crackle2012 (and PC)
• *jwernecke
• *immanks102 (Snonnie Snean on XB1)
• *Viggorrah
• *Ze_LoBoToMiZeUr (and English)
• *Alix-712 (and English)
• *mifle63


• *Snonnie Snean (Immanks102 on PS4)
• *MR SoloD0LO3 (theclinton on PC)
• *aflem1



Thanks for the list Devoid! Only change should be that Skilla is still a Junior

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