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Speed In Parkour 2.0


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No one in this thread has stated to be pro-coptering or talked about "racing around at half the speed of light", so you can really avoid comments like "I understand that you don't even care about looking at what game you play".


Speed shouldn't be related on how much you hop, this ain't Bunny Simulator, it just doesn't feel like something a space-ninja would do.



Uhm... yeah...

EDIT: Some people seem to think that Wallrun and coptering just disappear...I don't get how they got that impression. Wallrunning is still there (check the 2nd video posted on the thx for watching livestream thread) and the coptering move itself is also still there....it's just not as OP anymore.

So yes...you won't have to "bunnyhop"...no one will force you to do that.

This game is about as ninja as industrial Germany. 

And of course people will see it as "bunny hopping" even though it's likely playing different if you got some actual skill. (Not to mention I'd like to see the bunnies that hop on vertical walls).

But seriously...what about this game is "ninja" anymore? We are nothing but filthy mercenaries that CONSTANTLY switch sides for better pay and in most situations act with brute force. 

Like 90%+++ of the stuff we do is a rampage. The only thing that's "Ninja" about the Tenno is how they somehow manage to get into every mission without being seen beforehand although the ship usually flies toward its target pretty darn visible.

A huge majority of weaponry also does not have those japanese influences anymore(visually)...Our armors and capes also are less and less ninja and only like 1 out of 10 decorations would pass as "ninja"

Sick and tired of people trying to validate or invalidate something on the basis of ninja...this game has long moved on from this and DE would probably do a good job to stop trying to make the catchphrase "ninjas play free" a thing...For Fluxs' sake...even ancient western influences (or more modern ones') are already way more prevalent than the asian stuff.

Edited by Shehriazad
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I literally mentioned it in the OP, like the fact that the jump distances are so short that you can't just move without touching the floor. It doesn't matter not having stamina when all the movement system comes to mashing the space bar and endlessy hopping like a kangaroo, it's almost as silly as coptering.


Let's also talk about using enemies as platforms, where the cool animation they showed us went? Now you literally just jump on enemies' heads like Super Mario, it just looks silly.

Except rebecca, in her derpiness and unfamilliarity with the system, did just that. she went from wall to wall without hitting the floor several times. And naturally, as people also tend to forget, this is a WORK IN PROGRESS. mind you, it's closer to completion than it was before, but they still have animations to tweak/add. It's definitely not as silly as coptering, because I mean... you spin, and you literally damn near teleport across the map. Not only that, it's entirely dependant on the melee weapon you happen to be holding, invalidating several melee weapon classes from normal play if you want to keep up with speedrunners. No, I mention the stamina change not because of wall jumping alone, but sprint. Sprint is now infinite, unless there's another change that we've been uninformed about. That alone will speed up several frames.

Back on topic however, it's been stated that the more wall jumps you chain together, the more velocity you can gather. I assume this will be capped as to avoid the coptering/springboard effect that we currently have, but we'll see.

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As you said "it's closer to completion", what they showed is a rough version of what we're going to get but the real problems are in the base of it:  speed in Parkour 2.0 relies on wall jumping when half of the tilesets don't even have anything to jump on, also the fact that most of them don't even have that much of vertical space doesn't help with the whole jump tenno jump thing.


Then again:


[...]  there's no point in being able to run endlessly if it takes double the time.


Movement is a way much more important aspect of the game than a lot of people think, it will change the game experience to everyone, every single player in this game. While it's true that a new movement system is something that can improve the game experience it's also true that it can completely ruin it to most of the people, so DE better be really really really really really careful on this one and listen to player's feedback.

Edited by PapaFragolino
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Movement is a way much more important aspect of the game than a lot of people think, it will change the game experience to everyone, every single player in this game. While it's true that a new movement system is something that can improve the game experience it's also true that it can completely ruin it to most of the people, so DE better be really really really really really careful on this one and listen to player's feedback.

This. I don't see Infested missions being fun at all after these changes.

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I literally mentioned it in the OP, like the fact that the jump distances are so short that you can't just move without touching the floor. It doesn't matter not having stamina when all the movement system comes to mashing the space bar and endlessy hopping like a kangaroo, it's almost as silly as coptering.


Let's also talk about using enemies as platforms, where the cool animation they showed us went? Now you literally just jump on enemies' heads like Super Mario, it just looks silly.

it's not just silly, it broke the game atmosphere for me.

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 I don't see Infested missions being fun at all after these changes.

Personally I think infested are going to benefit the most from these changes, and it would be more fun to play against them bringing more strategies to the fight, rather than just use Damage and CC abilities until everyone dies. Getting swarmed by chargers? Jump onto a wall to hang there for a few seconds to recharge shields, but be careful not to hang there for too long, or you'll get covered in a tar goo or hooked by an ancient. Infested blocking your path and you don't have time to munch through them? Jump on their heads, or keep jumping from wall to wall till you reach you desired destination.


Bringing more vertical mobility to an infested fight seems very interesting to me. They are not as helpless against ranged targets as they used to be, so I don't think it would bring back the old ODD feel of sitting on the wall shooting infested with Penta, but rather will encourage you to keep moving from wall to wall raining down bullets from the height, avoiding being crowded by chargers. At least it would be a decent alternative to the current CC and Damage ability spamming against infested.

Edited by (PS4)Gaelic-_-Flame
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Personally I think infested are going to benefit the most from these changes, and it would be more fun to play against them bringing more strategies to the fight, rather than just use Damage and CC abilities until everyone dies. Getting swarmed by chargers? Jump onto a wall to hang there for a few seconds to recharge shields, but be careful not to hang there for too long, or you'll get covered in a tar goo or hooked by an ancient. Infested blocking your path and you don't have time to munch through them? Jump on their heads, or keep jumping from wall to wall till you reach you desired destination.


Bringing more vertical mobility to an infested fight seems very interesting to me. They are not as helpless against ranged targets as they used to be, so I don't think it would bring back the old ODD feel of sitting on the wall shooting infested with Penta, but rather will encourage you to keep moving from wall to wall raining down bullets from the height, avoiding being crowded by chargers. At least it would be a decent alternative to the current CC and Damage ability spamming against infested.

Right now, you can retreat while firing, then when you get cornered, do a short copter over their head and attack them from behind while also giving yourself room to move again.


You can slow bunny hop up a wall and stick there, but you'll just immediately get pulled down from the wall by the ancients. They are still helpless if you get high enough.  Coptering gave you vertical movement as well, except it was slow and dependent on being near a wall.

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i have notice that. before i went to hiberation my frost prime could haul @$$. now....a light jog with sprint, marathon, etc. and they are all maxed!


we are ninjas....robot ninjas and we are lossing wall running?!?!?


ow my head! make it stop!!!!



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So now the community is upset about a fluid new movement system that will fix an unintentional bug? Of course its slower than zoren copter and coptering in general, coptering was never intended to be a means of travel. I guess now its only about efficiency because those 10 seconds you will now take longer to reach an objective will be too much to ask of your time. I know Warframe isn't the most immersive game but seeing as tank frames fly across whole map in a speed that their synadas can barely keep up looks really dumb. If speed and efficiency is all that matters to you maybe DE shouldn't even bother animating new frames? Just remove the legs of all present warframes and make new ones with some basic hover platform and buff global and warframe speeds. That would make for a great movement revamp no? I mean enemies come faster, no need for Nova, your guns shoot faster so you can kill things faster and you move so fast. Everything happens so fast and you don't have to play the game as long anymore, MARVELOUS!


Also I am surprised to see people being sad about wall running not being a thing anymore. Wall running was so clunky and barely useful. The whole sticking to the wall striped pretty much all control from you to the point where you again had to use melee to direct yourself if you wanted to land anywhere remotely close to the place you wanted to land. Now you have a lot more freedom to maneuver and it looks smooth and fluid but I guess its still not good just because its slower than using a bug.


Well it will not be great for most of you, having spammed that copter for so long and adapted to the old and clunky wallrun. So I kinda can understand why you all are upset, but I personally couldn't be more happier having avoided coptering pretty much since I started playing back in U13.


EDIT: Fixin typos.

Edited by krish698
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Nobody here is defending coptering, the opposite, but the way DE is trying to "replace" it isn't really convincing and that's what all of this is about.

You are right, DE can't "replace" coptering since it shouldn't be there in the first place but the sole purpose Parkour 2.0  doesn't look convincing is that you no loner are able to move as fast and coptering was a huge part of moving fast. Plus the whole unconvincing look comes from people who are used to moving a lot faster than in Parkour 2.0 thanks to coptering. In my opinion saying that Parkour 2.0 is too slow is not a valid criticism at this point when most of the playerbase has used a bug to travel fast. Did I get that right? Or did I not read enough comments and I sound ignorant again? If I did then I apologize in advance. 

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Where is the momentum building jumping they´ve shown, why is wallrunning gone when this was never a problem and worked, WHERE ARE the wallruns THEY´VE SHOWN in earlier builds where you can change direction while wallrunning LIKE IN THEIR OWN TEASER VIDEO


Parkour system only resolving around TWO movement action, namly bunnyhopping and doublejump is unacceptable.

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It only seems slow because people have been spoiled by coptering and air melee. This is what the devs inteded the game to be like. It's not a race to get to extraction, it's about playing the game the way it's meant to be played. I personally like the idea that everyone won't be using only the tipedo anymore.

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Yeah, it looked terribly slow.  If they're taking away coptering I really hope they increase sprint speed across the board for all Warframes.


Just in general increase sprint speed, I can agree to this, coptering removal or not.


But I personally like the idea of having more control over my movements in parkour, even if that DOES mean it'll slow me down a touch. I kinda prefered what they showed before - the unrestrained wall running - over this new hopping thing, but whatever works best will work best. I'll adapt.

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You are right, DE can't "replace" coptering since it shouldn't be there in the first place but the sole purpose Parkour 2.0  doesn't look convincing is that you no loner are able to move as fast and coptering was a huge part of moving fast. Plus the whole unconvincing look comes from people who are used to moving a lot faster than in Parkour 2.0 thanks to coptering. In my opinion saying that Parkour 2.0 is too slow is not a valid criticism at this point when most of the playerbase has used a bug to travel fast. Did I get that right? Or did I not read enough comments and I sound ignorant again? If I did then I apologize in advance. 


If of what you've read you only got "it's not as fast as coptering" then yes, you probably didn't read enough comments. Also I don't remember calling you an ignorant, let's try to avoid starting flame wars for no reason.


It doesn't look convincing because it doesn't remotely look as fluid as what they've previously shown and promised us or applicable in most of the game's tilesets, just to not mention the fact that hopping doesn't really fit the game's theme. Why my speed increases based on how much I jump instead of how much I slide? It doesn't make any sense when basically the whole game's tilesets are based on horizontal movement.

Edited by PapaFragolino
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The movement system they showed in the latest devstream was terrible to watch and will be even worse(for me) to use. People say that current wall running is clunky but those movements were far more clunky in my opinion. I understand that it is stil a WIP, but if anything close to THAT is what I have to use then sorry I'll be forced find another game to play.

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It only seems slow because people have been spoiled by coptering and air melee. This is what the devs inteded the game to be like. It's not a race to get to extraction, it's about playing the game the way it's meant to be played. I personally like the idea that everyone won't be using only the tipedo anymore.

It's starting to get really upsetting to keep reading comments like this. Barely has coptering been mentioned in regards to feedback against the latest demo of parkour 2.0, yet I don't get why some people (that are apparently so butthurt about it they can't stop mentioning it everywhere) keep trying to shift the blame towards it, when the comparisons made are exclusively between the two parkour systems.

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