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[Fanfiction] Hunters


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The voice was stern but Amelia Priosa did not stop what she was doing. She focused on the information that she had. She was sure that she could just about- She jerked as an armored hand entered her vision and turned her monitor off!


"Hey!" The chair ridden doctor snarled as she looked up to see the clean leader standing behind her. She froze. He still wore his customary white armored Rhino warframe and his posture was not amused. He was blurred. Or her eyes wouldn't focus. She shook her head, but they stubbornly refused to focus.


"Amelia." Karl said calmly. "This is your rest period. You are supposed to be resting. Not going over paltry scan data until you cannot see your screen. You have been up and working too long."


"I have to do something." Amelia protested. "You all are hunting. I have to do something!"


"Amelia." The huge warframe knelt down so his head was on level with hers. "You are doing something. You are healing." He took both of her hands in his huge right one and held them as she trembled. He shook his head and his voice was still calm, but held regret now. "I should have done this some time ago. You are going to see Sara."


"I..." Amelia stared at the Rhino and then at her darkened viewscreen. She had saved all of the data, but as Karl said, it wasn't much. Just a few scans that Aeron, Will and Alicia had gotten. Most of those had been physical data. She was a mental technician but she had nothing to be a technician with.  "I am obsessing." She said in a tiny voice. Karl nodded and Amelia continued in the same small voice. "Even...  Even if we find her. Get her back. It won't be the same." He shook his head. "When we get her back..." She was careful to say 'when' not 'if'. "...will they kill her?" She begged.


"I don't know, Amelia." Karl said simply. "I just don't know. The evidence is damning and all we have is Janet's word that Serene wasn't in control of herself. Admittedly, the Oracle has no reason to lie that I know of." His tone was scrupulously fair.


"She would." Amelia slumped in her chair, her strength fading. "If she felt she had to, she would." She gave the Rhino's hand a squeeze. "But I... I just wanted to do something. I am obsessing." She repeated. Her eyes started to burn. "I know I am, but... Karl..."


"Oh, Amelia." Karl reached out to hold her gently as she started to cry. "I know." He knew how much she loved Serene. He was careful and not just because he was far stronger than her even without his warframe. She was very fragile still. She had been hit nine times by bullets and the only reason she had survived had been the bullets' payload had been intended to put her body into stasis. Admittedly, she had tried to fight and had waited a bit too long to flee. Amelia hugged the Rhino as tight as she could, which wasn't very. Karl held her as she cried. She didn't mind. She knew that he loved Serene too, in his own way. But he was also a clan leader and took his responsibility to his clan very serious. So it wasn't long at all before he spoke again. "Don't push too far, Amelia. You still have a lot of healing to do. Jasmina and her allies saved your life, but there are limits to even our medical technology."


"Mostly my body's limits." Amelia let the Rhino go and sat back, dashing her tears away with the sleeve of her patient gown. "The human body was not built to be take such stresses. I need time to recover between healing sessions. That I am alive at all is a miracle."


She stared down that the life support and mobility chair that encompassed her lower body and could not restrain a shiver. It had been way too close.


"A miracle named Kori." Karl said with a snort as he rose, but he held onto her hand. Amelia smiled and nodded. The Kubrow had saved her life, pulling her onto a portal platform and activating it somehow. No one knew exactly how Kori had done it, control consoles of that type were not set up for claws. Frankly? No one cared. Kori had been badly hurt as well, but she mended far, far faster than Amelia was. Of course, it helped that Kori was in a warframe whereas Amelia wasn't. And that was hardly the only odd thing about the being named Kori. Oh no. "And actually... I came back with a request."


Amelia had been about to comment on the Kubrow, but she paused and looked at Karl. "A request?"


"Kori is out with the rest, hunting." Karl said softly. Amelia grimaced, but nodded. The Elder's decree was firm. Until and unless they could capture Serene and determine her mental state -a task that would not be easy, if possible at all- she was still on the 'Shoot on Sight' list. "Karen and Miguel have gone to do Marine stuff. Brianna has her research project. Everyone else is out and about. I wonder... would you mind doing something for me?"


"What?" Amelia asked. This conversation was not going the way she had anticipated.


"Jimmy needs help." Karl said quietly. Amelia went still and the Rhino nodded. "His systems are failing."


Jimmy was a cyborg. His name had been James when he had been human. He and his little sister had met Karl during the Sentient War. They had found Karl badly hurt and worked to help him recover. Neither had known was Tenno were. Not had they cared. Karl's brother Nicholas had taken offense to Karl liking people that he didn't control. His killing of most of the humans on Ceres had been his first open act of rebellion against the establishment. Karl had thought Jimmy dead along with everyone else, but the boy hadn't -quite- been dead. Cora -the clan medic- had recovered the boy's body and started to work on healing him in secret. But then she had fled when Karl had called on the clan to surrender and Jimmy had been left to expire when his life support stopped.


Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on one's point of view, that hadn't happened. Nicholas had found the boy, still alive in the medical ward. He had needed a dedicated medic. So he had used the boy's flesh to make one. Jimmy was approximately 20% organic now. After Karl killed his brother, he took control of the dojo and found Jimmy still working in the medical ward. Needless to say, this had horrified Karl and he had offered to end Jimmy's existence. But the cyborg medic had denied that, saying that he had a purpose.


By the time Amelia had arrived at the dojo, Jimmy had fit in nicely as a nurse. He was not a doctor, but his access to the medical databanks was unparalleled. Amelia had been a bit creeped out by him at first but she had come to depend on him. Alicia was in overall charge as a Tenno medic. Brianna was sort of a prisoner and sort of not, but a very good general practitioner as well as stellar class mental health professional. Amelia had always been better at lab work and research, but her skill set was also mental health. Having two top flight psychetechs on staff was probably the only thing that had kept some of Karl's clan from falling completely apart. Or worse. No one in the clan cared that Amelia and Brianna were not Tenno. They had earned their places.


But Jimmy...


"Oh." Amelia swallowed hard. "Sensei, I am not a technician. What can I do?"


"We have a tech team coming." Karl wave that concern away. "But I need you to keep an eye on them. Sara is with them along with a guard."


Amelia nodded. Sara would not go anywhere without a guard. After the last time she had been in Corpus hands, it had been determined by several sources that lots of resources amongst the fanatics had been earmarked to 'acquire' the girl for study. Said study would be long, painful and ultimately lethal.  Mishka -Healer Iriana's daughter and Sara's adopted sister- had actually been kidnapped by people who had been targeting Sara. It hadn't been Sara's fault, but the girl had been despondent for a while even before Mishka had been injured. After Mishka lost her leg, Sara had been devastated. It had taken everyone -including Mishka!- some time to get Sara to smile again. But now? Sara was protected and she would be for the rest of her life. Or until the Tenno could find a way to get the Corpus to back off on their attempts to snatch her.


"I will do what I can." Amelia said softly. "I am obsessing. I need something else to do." Karl nodded. "So, what exactly do you want me to do?"


"The team is Sheila and Abigail." Karl said dryly and Amelia froze. "Yeah."


"I...see." Amelia said flatly and she did.


Abigail had started out in the Corpus. A fairly sleazy executive and a fake debt later, she had turned to computer hacking to supplement her income. When Corpus Internal Security had discovered her crimes, they had been on the way to capture, interrogate and then execute her so she had run. She had wound up with the Corpus Special Forces, who despite her youth had taken her in and started training her. But then things had gotten weird for her. She had managed to tap into powers that few humans could. The Special Forces had done their best, but they hadn't been ready to help Abigail learn what to do. Add to that, Abigail wouldn't have been able to hide what she could do for much longer and it got dicey. She had asked for help and it had been granted. But the methods... She had been kidnapped, her body altered and she had wound up with two other minds inside hers. The minds had gone away and the docs had not reversed the body alterations at her request. She had the perfect disguise. Every one of the ones looking for her was looking for a blonde haired 15 year old. Abigail had dark hair and her body looked in its early 20s. It was a wonder she was sane after everything, but every test and scan said she was.


Sheila was almost worse. She was a MOA. And not just any MOA, a Command and Control MOA. The initial design had come from the twisted mind of Alad V before he had gone completely off the deep end and started playing with Infestation. The idea of the C&C MOA was fairly straightforward. A coordination unit that could take any Corpus mechs it found and mesh them into a united whole. This made said mechs far more cohesive and deadly. But the manufacture... The initial design for the C&C MOA had used a little girl's brain as it's CPU. The being from whom the girl had been cloned had taken offense to what had been done and the Corpus were still cleaning up the mess that had resulted. Sara had been intended for such a fate, but her parents -Serene and Amelia- had saved her from that. Most of the prototype that had been made had been destroyed, but not all. Ric's mate Cecelia was of the second generation of C&C MOA, but she had been rescued and eventually, she had been removed from her mechanical shell and given a human form.


Shelia was another of the prototypes that had not worked quite right. But her case was slightly different. She had been found by the Corpus clergy. They had taken her first as an intelligence asset. Evidence against Alad V and the proponents of the C&C MOA program. But eventually, she had found a place among the Clergy as a medic. She truly enjoyed helping people. She was fragile though. Being made to be a monster did that to people on occasion. Amelia had met the MOA on the relay, indeed, Sheila had been there when Amelia had woken from stasis after being shot. Mechanical the girl might be, but she had a kind heart and the willingness to do what it took to help others. She also had some very scary friends. The one time someone had suggested disassembling Sheila's chassis, the suggestion had been met with grisly threats and the proponent of the suggestion had fled the relay, hopefully never to return.


"So... a tech team." Amelia tried to keep the dubiousness out of her voice. "Coming here because Jimmy cannot leave the dojo."


The cyborg medic's systems were tied to the place. He literally could not leave the environs of the Tenno lair. He had been trapped in this place since Nicholas had done his 'improvements'.


"Yes." Karl said softly. "Sara had been tasked to observe what they do. Abigail and Sheila have been briefed on Jimmy. They have access to all the scans we have done. But mainly? I want them to be chaperoned." Amelia grimaced and looked at her chair and Karl shook his head. "They know you are not very mobile. Sara wanted to see you though. She hasn't selected who she wants to apprentice to yet. I think she wants to talk to you first."


"I don't know anything about Tenno apprenticeships." Amelia protested.


"Neither does she." Karl said with a laugh. "I think she wants to see you. See with her own eyes that you are on the mend." His voice turned serious. "This hit her hard. And..." He made a noise somewhere between a sigh and a groan. "The Reverend Mother has asked to see her. And you."


"Karl..." Amelia said slowly. "Without Serene, I cannot protect Sara if the Reverend Mother tries anything."


That hurt to say. For several reasons. First and foremost, the Reverend Mother was Corpus. Clergy, mind you, so not the ones who had hurt Amelia, Sara and Serene. But still, she worked within the Corpus to keep the profit driven nutcases from destroying themselves through sheer greed. So Amelia could not trust her. Which was wrong. Because before she had been the Reverend Mother, the woman who held the rank had been Tenno. And not just any Tenno. She had been Sara's genetic donor, the source of the DNA that had been implanted inside Amelia to create Sara. Just the memories hurt, but Amelia could cope with those. Facing the woman who had once been Serene... That she wasn't sure she could do.


"I know." Karl sounded worried too. "Nikis said he would chaperone for that." Amelia jerked up straight and Karl nodded. "No idea why."


"I thought Nikis and the other Guardians of the Dead were making sure the database was intact." Amelia said, worry creasing her face. "It was never intended to be put into hibernation. But that was far kinder than simply destroying it." It wasn't every day that a massive computer system housing trillions of copies of the minds of dead people went to 'standby' mode and essentially put everyone inside it to sleep.


"There were and are arguments both ways, Amelia." Karl shrugged. "I am not sure why he asked to chaperone. I think Janet might be involved too." Amelia groaned again and he patted her shoulder. "I know."


"I get that people who see the future have to be careful about what they say." Amelia said slowly. "I get that she was hurt, very badly. I get that this last attack nearly killed her and did kill some of her friends. But this..." She slumped further in her chair.


"You slump much further and the medical systems will call an alarm." Karl warned her and she jerked upright again. "Jane will be with them as Sara's guard. If you have any problems talk to her. They know not to give her any backtalk." Amelia snorted at that. Jane was a gunfighter. If not in Nikis' class, then very good. She didn't want to fight, she was just very good at it.


"Okay." Amelia gave herself a shake and spun her chair away from the terminal where she had been working. "Anything else?" Karl looked at the readouts on her chair and she shook her head. "I have been monitoring my vitals."


"Have you eaten?" Karl asked and Amelia stiffened.


"Let me guess." Amelia said sourly. "Alicia told you to make sure I ate." Karl nodded and Amelia groaned. That Tenno could be a nagging nanny or mother hen on occasion. It got old. "And she told you that she would be 'upset' if I didn't eat." Karl nodded again. "I see."


"She takes her responsibilities seriously, Amelia." Karl laid a hand on Amelia's shoulder. But it twitched and Amelia started off. She was fully aware that Karl could pick her up, chair and all, and carry her to the mess hall if she balked. Then again, Alicia 'upset' was not a good thing.


"You know, of all the things I had ever imagined about Tenno." Amelia said as she rolled her chair through the corridors. "Mother Hen was not on the list." Karl did not respond and she shook her head. "I mean, we get the stories. We got the mythology. We saw the aftermath of raids..." She paused as Karl looked at her. "Oh, the Corpus never came out and said what happened. Just 'accidents' or 'incidents' or whatever. But anyone who wanted to survive learned to read between the lines. Your kind leave large messes in their wakes. Which is a good thing." She admitted. Karl nodded and she smiled a bit forlornly as they approached the mess hall. "But I mean... really? Warriors who survived the Old War nagging me to eat and sleep?" She chuckled a bit sourly as Karl led her into the mess hall and a tray was led out on open table. "Who would have thought?"


"You of all people know that Tenno can love, Amelia." Karl said gently as she rolled up to where the tray was set. "And we will not leave you to face this alone." She paused, her hands halfway to the tray and stared at the Rhino. "Whatever happens, Amelia. You have a place here. Never forget that."


"I..." Amelia swallowed hard through a suddenly tight throat.


"Now eat." The Rhino stepped back and folded his arms, waiting. "I can start to cluck if you want." Amelia couldn't help it. She laughed.


"Bunch of mother hens... all of you." Amelia reached for her food even as her eyes were filling again. But this time, she wasn't as sad. She knew that was the point. Karl was protecting her as he protected all of his clan. His clan. She belonged. The crushing weight on her heart still hurt. But she wasn't alone.


It was enough.


Edited by Kalenath
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These interlude chapters rarely garner a response but I believe they are vital to making any story a cohesive whole. As you've demonstrated many times, you've got a fair bit of hard earned skill. This chapter shows that skill well, in how it smoothly sets up what would otherwise be (I presume) a drastic change in scenes.

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Legacy of choice


It felt so wrong. Amelia had seen Sara in so many different moods. She had seen the girl happy, she had seen the girl sad. She had seen her daughter terrified, brainwashed, angry, nervous... She had thought she had seen it all. But this...?


The Mesa warframe that had come with Sara stood nearby as Sara hugged her mom gently. But there was something wrong with the Tenno's posture. Abigail and Shelia were both subdued as well. The teenager who did not look like one and the MOA had both said hello and stepped back for Sara to greet her mother. Amelia shook her head and scrutinized the young woman who was trying to let her go now. She wouldn't let Sara go. Sara flinched under her scrutiny.


"Mom..." The young Tenno said softly. "Please let go."


"Not until you tell me what is wrong." Amelia hadn't meant it to come out so sternly, but it worked. Sara jerked, Abigail and Sheila both retreated a step. But Jane... relaxed? A glance at the Tenno and the warframe clad head gave a tiny nod that the others missed. "Sara, what is wrong?"


"Mom..." Sara squirmed a bit. She could have broken Amelia's hold without really trying. She was training in self defense. But she was also a remarkably obedient girl, if only with her parents. "I can't say. I promised." Whatever Amelia had expected, that hadn't been it.


"So you did not sleep with a boy and get knocked up." Amelia said with a slightly too loud sigh of relief. Sara blushed and shook her head. "Good. If you do intend such, I want to know with who and when." Sara blushed brighter and Amelia grinned as the Mesa warframe quivered as if fighting laughter. Abigail coughed and Shelia stood rock still. "I will check whoever you choose. Both for personality and genetic profile."


"Mom!" Sara protested, her face flaming.


"Sara, I don't care who you sleep with." Amelia tried to keep the pain from her voice, but from Sara's expression, she didn't quite manage. "But you need to be careful. You haven't been experimenting, have you?" A quick look at the Mesa relieved her nascent fear as Jane shook her head minutely.


"How am I supposed to do that with no privacy, Mom?" Sara demanded, her face still red with embarrassment. "They won't let me do anything!"


"Sara." Amelia said sternly. "They won't let you do anything that is more than likely to get you hurt or killed. If you want to sleep with someone, I don't see them stopping you as long as you are safe and choose someone gentle for your first time." Sara jerked and Amelia smiled. "Ah, so that is what this is about." She said with a smile. "You want my permission or something?" Sara should have combusted and burned down to her toes as red as she got, but Amelia just hugged her gently. Now, Amelia's voice turned sad. "There is so much I didn't get the chance to teach you, Sara. You need to learn as much as you can. That is one of many things I could not teach you."


"You did the best you could, Mom." Sara protested, hugging Amelia again and a little harder.


"Yeah I did." Amelia agreed. 'It was a horrible situation and we did not deserve what the Corpus did to us. But we survived." She gave Sara a shake. "If you choose to do this, my only advice is pick someone you can trust. Someone who makes you feel good. And for what it is worth, you have my permission." Sara's face was study as she fought to keep from crying, but then the emotion vanished from her face and Amelia tried not to sigh. Sara always did that when she was fighting her emotions the hardest. "But that is not all. I can guess. You don't want to tell me. But I know you, Sara." Sara would not meet her eyes. " So, you promised someone that you would not speak of what that someone asked to anyone but me. I can guess who told you that and why. When did Serene want to talk to me?"


Sara jerked away from Amelia's grip, easily breaking free and retreating two steps, only to pause as Jane took hold of her arm and held her. She wasn't going to break a warframe's grip. "I... No. Jane. No. Don't!"


"Sara." Jane spoke for the first time and the gunfighter's tone was soothing ."Be calm." Abigail and Sheila both looked scared but Amelia waved at them.


"Be at ease, both of you." Amelia stretched her neck, the muscles had been getting sore. "I am not stupid. If he wanted Serene, then of course he would want me too. If he can subvert her so easily then I don't have a chance. She and I are linked. A slave medic or psychetech would be a powerful tool for him."


"Mom..." Sara's control broke and she was crying. "No." She stepped forward, Jane walking with her, and hugged Amelia tight enough to hurt. Amelia did not react. "I lost Ma. Not you too!"


"Oh, Sara." Amelia hugged her daughter back. "Come on, all of you. We have work to do. We will talk of harsh things after work is done." Sara swallowed hard and nodded. Duty first.


Then family.




In some ways, it was fascinating. In others, it was beyond macabre. Jimmy had acknowledged the team's presence and then he had gone into standby mode. Seeing the human looking torso attached to a box on crawler treads was bad enough. Seeing the light in his eyes simply fade as he turned himself off was worse. But then, Abigail and Sara had both opened access panels and the really rough part started. He was not human, not even close. His face looked human, but it wasn't.


Sara was head down in machinery, talking quietly to Abigail as Shelia observed. Jane stood by the door. Amelia sat in her chair, watching.


"She told us as soon as it happened." Jane's voice was pitched to only reach Amelia's ears. "The oath Serene made her swear said 'I will not tell those who hunt my Ma that Ma contacted me'. She was under full time surveillance. She never said who it was, but from the context and the fact that she was bawling..." Jane took a deep breath. "It was easy to figure out. We still monitor her for nightmares even if she hasn't had them in a while." Amelia smiled at that and Jane nodded. "She is recovering. She cannot lose you."


"I don't want to die either." Amelia said dryly as Jane snickered. Then she sobered. "Or whatever living hell that scum wants for me. Do we know how he did it?"


"No." Jane admitted. "We had no surveillance on him while Serene was there. She spoofed the vid feeds. From what little evidence she left, we are reasonably sure she touched him. Such a touch can enable mind to mind communication." Amelia nodded and Jane scoffed. "Sorry, forgot who I was talking to."


"It is all right, Jane." Amelia kept her voice quiet. "I am out of sorts. How is Sara doing? Really?"


"Not so good." Jane's voice was painfully neutral. "Lis is out of it. We won't let her wake. If she discovers what has happened, nothing will keep her in the pod."


Amelia nodded. The Tenno named Lis had been gravely wounded protecting Sara. She had bonded to a warframe while injured. Warframes maintained the body within in perfect equilibrium and if the body came in damaged, then damaged it remained. It had taken some time and not a little arguing to get Lis to allow others to remove her from the warframe and put her in an ICU pod to heal. In the end, Lis loved Sara. She had started as a servant to the first Serene and her family, but the relationship had grown far stronger than that. If she heard what had happened to the latest Serene... Oh, it would not be pretty.


"And Sara won't let anyone else in. The chance of more pain is too much for her." Amelia's words were not a question but Jane shook her head anyway. "Not even Jenni?" The former Reverend Mother of the Clergy -minus her memories of the last four hundred years and all knowledge of having been the Reverend Mother- had taken Sara and Sara's infant brother Rocky in as her own. It wasn't easy.


"Jenni has been trying, but Sara just closed up when Serene vanished." Jane said softly. "Then one morning, she went to the Guard, sobbing." Jane shook her head. "She never gave names, but it was easy to figure out. Serene came to her in her dreams, comforted her. But the thing is...she asked Sara to get you to talk. And yes, it is a trap. Has to be."


"I agree." Amelia said soberly. "But... what else can we do? I assume the Tenno are having as little luck finding Serene's body as they did finding Stalker?" Jane growled and Amelia had her answer. "Unless she  wants to be found, she won't be." She paused. "I wonder..."


"We cannot lose you." Jane said firmly. "No one will allow it."


"Jane, I am one hurt woman." Amelia said reasonably. "Sara does not lack for protection. She does not lack for love. She cannot see it but it is there." Jane shook her head again, but Amelia spoke even softer. "This will hurt, but I need to know. Tell me true, Jane Talona, Warrior of the Tenno. If you had a chance, any chance at all, to get your husband back... what would you do?" Jane jerked and for a long moment she was silent. When she did speak, old pain sounded in her voice. Amelia held out a hand and Jane took it in a gentle grasp.


"Anything." Jane admitted. "What do you need?"


"I need to talk to Sheila alone."




"You asked for my help?" Shelia sounded uncertain as Amelia guided her chair into her quarters the MOA following. "You were supposed to stay with the group."


"I was." Amelia agreed as she initiated the 'rest' protocol and the chair slowly unfolded so she could lever herself out of it and into her bed. Sleeping in the chair was not restful. She lay back and relaxed as the plumbing attached itself to the bed systems automatically. "Karl knew. I know he did. We don't have a lot of time before he or someone else looks at the surveillance feeds. Sheila, come here." The MOA did not move "Please?" She begged. The MOA took a step and then another, multiple scanners coming out to check Amelia's body. "I do need your help, Sheila. I do not want to do this. Most of my mind is screaming at me not to. But I must." The MOA froze in place.


"Doctor Amelia." Sheila said softly. "You do not know what you are saying."


"I need help." Amelia admitted. "Help the Tenno cannot give me. They will try, but it is not in their makeup. Iriana comes the closest of any Tenno I have ever met, but none of them can do what I need." She took a deep breath and slowly, so slowly reached for a compartment beside the bed. Shelia gave a startled squeak as Amelia brought out a syringe and injected herself with it.


"What have you done?" Sheila demanded. "That substance... No..." Her voice turned terrified. "Doctor!"


"Of... my... own... free... will..." Amelia lay her head back to her pillow and relaxed as her mind... reached out. It wasn't telepathy, although some called it that. She had injected herself with a highly secret and highly dangerous mixture of chemicals and nanotechnology. She had spent a great deal of time working out how to do it. The idea had been to find a way to counter it. But now? She needed it.


No! Shelia's voice screamed in Amelia's head. She could hear the MOA, feel the girl trapped in the machine's fear and pain.  REVEREND MOTHER! The MOA screamed louder as she stepped closer to Amelia.


"I... choose..." Amelia felt her body's rhythms slow, but they were not stopping. They were altering, just a little. "...to join you..."


Amelia! The Reverend Mother of the Clergy sounded terrified. No one would blame her. What have you done? She demanded.


Help? Amelia felt calm descend on her. Whatever happened now, she was committed.


Amelia, what have you done? The Reverend Mother begged. Have you taken complete leave of your senses? It cannot be undone!


I know. Amelia could hear the music start. It was... just as others had described. Heavenly. Help. Please.


You...  The Reverend Mother was crying. So was Sheila.


Amelia didn't like hearing them cry. She had to... She wanted to... But it was so hard to stay awake. She felt lassitude sweeping her away and she let it.




Warm arms, multiple sets, surrounded Amelia as she woke. The Reverend Mother was crying. Nikis was cursing softly. Sheila was praying. Sara was sobbing. This had to be virtual or...something.


"I am sorry." Amelia said softly. "But I do know what I have to do."


"Mom!" Sara said fiercely as small arms hugged her tight. "Why?" She demanded.


"He fights Tenno, Sara." Amelia tried to open her eyes and could not. She was so weak. "That is what he does. What he knows. Their strengths and weaknesses.  But there are other strengths and I need them now. Reverend Mother? Will you hear my confession? It has been many years since my last confession."


"Amelia!" The Reverend Mother sounded shocked.


"I have failed my family." Amelia continued as if she hadn't heard. "I have failed my friends. I have failed my lover."


"That is not true!" Sara exclaimed, but someone hushed her.


"Amelia." The Reverend Mother's voice had turned speculative. "You were Orthodox?" It wasn't common, but some colonies of humans still practiced ancient religions.


"Before the Corpus, yes." Amelia did not like remembering those days. It had not been fun at all, intentionally. She had gone to school to get away from the pervading atmosphere of the colony where she had grown up. In school, she had gone another way and never looked back. But the earliest memories were still there.


"Oh Amelia..." Warm arms lifted her up and hefted her easily. "Janet has a place. A little stroll and a soft place to lie down. This will hurt you. We do it carefully for a reason." A few steps and Amelia felt softness underneath her. "We cannot undo it, Amelia. It is for life."


"I know." Amelia tried to sit up and could not. "I should... be kneeling."


"Posture doesn't matter. Your intent and your wish to confess are all that matter." The Reverend Mother said gently. "But if it makes you feel better..." Amelia was suddenly on her knees on a hard surface. It felt... right. She clasped her hands in front of herself.


"Bless me mother, for I have sinned." Amelia said through teary eyes. This would not be fun, but she needed it. And once she did this? Then the hard part would begin. She knew what she had to do, but no one would like this any more than she did. "It has been thirty seven years since my last confession..."


She just hoped she could persuade them. More than her life rode on this.




She had done it. She had finally shed all of her hangers on. It had taken a lot of words and a lot of angst, but she had managed. Sara was probably still crying, but Jane and Jasmina had her in hand. The Caretaker has swept in, angry beyond belief, but she had finally acknowledged Amelia's plan as possible, if crazy. The others...? Karl's Tenno hadn't said a word. That hurt, a lot. But she understood. She had betrayed their trust. The Clergy were with her, in her mind. They watched, wary, fearful for her as she moved her chair to the guarded doorway. Both Tenno at the door barred her way. The two warframes -an Excalibur and a Frost she didn't know- crossed their polearms to bar her passage. She kept moving, not speaking to either. She didn't have to.


"Stand down." Nikis' voice was wrong. She had heard him angry. She had heard him furious. She had heard him sorrowful. But this... This was all of those and none. "She is authorized." Neither moved and Nikis snarled. "Don't make me hurt you brats."


"Grandmaster Nikis..." One of the Tenno said softly. "She cannot. We know what she intends and we cannot allow it. She is human, we protect humans!"


"That we do." Nikis allowed. "But she made her choice. Damn stubborn females. Tenno or humans, the lot of them are bad news!" Amelia was almost to the door and neither of the polearms had shifted. They looked very sharp. "Come on, boys. Move." He said sadly. "She will roll right through your blades."


"Grandmaster..." The Excalibur begged as Amelia rolled up to where his Orthos hung. "We... No..." She reached up with her right hand and shoved the blade aside, blood instantly started falling from her hand. "Doctor Amelia!" He begged. "Don't!"


"You have your duty." Amelia said softly. "I have mine." There was just enough space between the two warframes that she could get the chair through. She moved the other polearm blade with her left hand, it too starting to bleed. "For what it is worth, Tenno. You do your ancestors proud."


"Doctor..." The Excalibur begged, but she was past him. The door opened and she was inside before he could finish whatever he was trying to say.


Inside, the room was bare. Nothing shone except the red and black warframe like thing that lay on the floor by one wall. Amelia moved her chair to it and slowly levered herself out of it. Part of her plan that everyone had objected to had been force healing her body, but she knew her limits. If she tried to do this while injured, it would drive her mad. She was still weak, but she was whole.


"I am ready." She said as she lay down beside Stalker's form.


Darkness grabbed hold as the warframe enclosed her.


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Amelia was ready for pain. She had been told how much bonding to a warframe hurt. But none came. She had been ready for the warframe to hurt her as it molded her body to its shape. But her body didn't hurt either. Indeed, suddenly, she felt good. Minor aches and pains left over from the rapid healing vanished as if they had never been.


This isn't right. She was not really expecting a response and froze as she got one.


None of what has happened is right. A soft voice. Male. Neither young nor old. She tried to see and couldn't. She tried to move, to open her mouth and speak. She couldn't. But she didn't have to. The bioarmor around her allowed mind to mind communication. Don't struggle. It won't help and can hurt. You...do not feel right. Who are you?


You don't know? Amelia asked, dumbfounded.


If I knew, would I be asking? The other voice was snide now. Geez, the other one was crazy enough. Now I get a comedian. What it is with you fake Tenno females?


I am not Tenno, fake or otherwise. Amelia said quietly. The sudden silence was deafening. What other? She asked calmly. She felt scrutiny, but avoided it.


You...are human? Was that fear in the other's mental tone? What are you doing?


You are about the ninth person to ask me that. Why the hell should I know what I am doing when no one else does? I am making this up as I go. Amelia replied evenly. She could feel a tinge of amusement from deep in her mind, but it faded. The other did not notice it. Go ahead. She said quietly. Do whatever you are going to do. You won't get Sara. My name is Amelia.


Amelia. The other sounded stunned then it turned pleased. The other said you were dead.


Things change. Amelia felt more intense scrutiny on her from all around her. Go ahead. You know you want to. She snapped.


You are human. The male sounding mind sounded somewhat unsure now. That faded. Not Tenno.


So? She put every ounce of derision she had ever heard from Sara in her tone and it seemed to work. The other made a confused noise. You know you are not getting out of here without a hostage. You know it. I know it. You took Serene. You hurt her. I don't know how. To get Sara to come and talk to you. So you could take her hostage. She won't come. No one will let her. I did instead.


The other wanted revenge. The other mind sounded concerned now. I gave it to her.


And the fact that she kills Tenno is a bonus, less for you to do! Amelia snapped. Lazy good for nothing- Her words cut off as something surrounded her. It felt... slick?


This is not what was intended, but it will serve. The other said as the slickness pervaded every millimeter of Amelia's body. The bodysuit she wore did nothing to stop it. It oozed around and through her. It went places that would have had her scream in protest if she had been able. She wasn't. It went into her ears, down her nostrils. She gagged as it forced its way down her throat, but could not resist as it had its way with her. Then it stopped. There. Sleep doctor. You will feel better when you wake.


Amelia fought the compulsion that seeped through her, but a tingle from deep, deep inside her mind had her relaxing. Succumbing to the lethargy. The music was still there. It was still beautiful. She took that wonderful sound into slumber with her.




Everyone watched in horror as the red and black warframe...shifted. Sara, Jasmina, Karl, Iriana, Sheila, Abigail, Vina... All who had come when Amelia had called watched in dismay. It had rolled on top of Amelia and engulfed her. Now? Where the male form had been, a female form in red and black lay. Sara was crying as the warframe slowly rose to its feet. Jasmina held her as the red and black warframe started for the door. Said door opened to show three Tenno with weapons ready. The two guards and the black Nekros.


Will you kill her then? The dark and sinister male voice asked from the female looking form. Sara jerked, but Jasmina just held her. Typical. Protecting humans is passé now.


"I will find you." Nikis might have been discussing the weather as he stepped aside. The two other guards stepped away as well, weapons still ready. "Sooner or later I will find you and destroy you. You got away before. But- What? No!" Nikis declared as the air shimmered and a white armored form lunged at the red and black one.


No one dared to breathe as Sun charged Stalker and the Tenno interrogator swung his ornate Bo staff in a bone crushing arc. Somehow the red and black warframe avoided the attack and danced back, it's hands up in a guard stance as Sun moved in.


Go ahead, Interrogator First Class! Kill her! The male voice from the female warframe said smugly. Give in to your hate and follow my path! If you dare!


The Loki Prime did not reply, instead he attacked. More than one of the watchers inhaled in awe as the ancient Tenno warrior blurred into motion, his staff arcing in ways that were both beautiful and deadly. The watchers grimaced as the red and black warframe took hit after hit, there was no way for it to defend itself. The dark voice was laughing but stopped as a pistol roared. Sun stared at the haft of his staff, which showed where a bullet had glanced off. It hadn't damaged the super hard metal, just left a mark. He did not take his eyes from the red and black form he hated.


"Sun." Nikis' voice was low and dangerous. "Stop. Ancestors know, I agree with your assessment. I want him dead too. But that isn't him. He took her hostage. You know this."


Kill her, Interrogator! The voice of Stalker mocked. Kill her and be damned!


The Loki Prime stared at the red and black form for a moment. Then he straightened slowly. He took his right hand from his weapon, raised it to his neck and drew it across flat. An age old symbol of death coming. Then, like a wisp of nightmare, the interrogator was gone.


Weak. Stalker mocked, only to pause as Nikis' pistol roared again. The warframe's right hand clamped to its left arm where a red hole oozed.


"That won't kill her. As for Sun? Maybe he is." Nikis' tone might have given a Sand Skate goosebumps. It certainly gave everyone listening the shivers. "But you are a moron. And a coward. Was this your plan all along? A hostage?" He spat.


Iriana needed help. The other replied as the suit's right hand came down. The hole was no longer bleeding and sealed itself as everyone watched. This one is in no danger from me.


"Right." Nikis could drip sarcasm out of even a single syllable. "Sure, she is not. Pull the other one, A******."


I am leaving now. You will not pursue. The red and black for started forward, but neither of the Tenno in the way moved. Or is the vaunted Tenno honor worthless now?


"Honorable tactics are for honorable foes." Nikis said offhand, his pistol still aimed. "Not cowardly backstabbers who run from real fights." He shook his head. "Boys?" The Excalibur and Frost who had been guarding the door stepped aside, but not much. "You have the advantage here, kinslayer. For now. But you will extend too far. You know it. I know it. I just hope Sun is the one who cuts off your arm and feeds it to you when you do."


Your threats are meaningless to me, old man. Stalker retorted as the warframe stepped past the frozen Tenno. I will have vengeance and you cannot stop me.


"No?" Nikis inquired, still aiming. "Well then, get on with it. Why haven't you bothered to take me to task for any of the ones you deem worth avenging, hmmm?" He asked nastily. "Oh, never mind. Every time you show up around me, you get your butt kicked. But of course, you don't care about all the times I clean your clock. Because you are invincible!" Nikis deliberately mispronounced the word with a horrid accent of some kind, slurring the 'v' until it was more a 'w'.


You are not one of the ones I seek. Stalker replied from the warframe as it stepped off. Nikis kept pace. The others stayed where they were for a moment and then followed, weapons ready. I have no call to hunt you.


"Yeah, yeah..." Nikis sounded bored now. "Tell yourself whatever makes you happy, moron. Sooner or later, Sun or I will find you. The real you, not the doppelgangers you keep throwing away. For what you do to my kin, I will kill you. For what you did to Iriana?" Stalker went still as Nikis' voice turned hard. "I will make it slow. Long time ago, Mag taught me a cool trick with ants and a knife. I bet I can still find some ants." The malevolence in his words had several of the listeners paling.


We will meet again, Guardian of the Dead. Stalker replied. But at a time and place of my choosing. You are not invincible.


"Neither are you." Nikis holstered his pistol. "Go on, teleport away. Scat. Now."


So you track me. Try to find my base of operations. Stalker replied offhand, looking around. Besides Nikis and the two Tenno who had been guarding the door, nothing else was in evidence. Or the Interrogator does.


"Oh, we know you are based on a ship." Nikis said offhand. Stalker froze and Nikis laughed. "Probably an Orbiter. We even have a good idea of where it is. But we know better than to look in the Void." Stalker turned to look at the Tenno gunfighter and Nikis was leaning against the wall as if bored. "You would love us to, to lose people trying to find a needle in a dimensional haystack. Not gonna happen. Get lost, you sorry excuse for pond scum. Now."


You do not command me. Stalker snapped.


"No." Nikis agreed. "But in about ten seconds I am gonna start counting down." He shook his head. "Amelia will forgive me if she wakes up with holes in her. But you? You don't care about her except as a hostage. Will you kill her as soon as you are free?"


I am not you. Stalker retorted.


"No." Nikis said softly. "No, you are not. If you were, you would know better than to do what you have. Sara is out of your reach. One Mississippi.... Two Mississippi..." His hands were on his pistols as Stalker knelt in the middle of the floor.


We will meet again, Guardian. Stalker promised. At a time and place of my choosing.


Nikis ignored him, continuing to count. He drew each pistol slowly and carefully as he counted, reloading each by touch. The faceplate of his Shroud helmet was on Stalker as the kinslayer keyed for a recall.


"Bring it on, jerkoff." Was the last thing Stalker heard as the Void took him.




Amelia woke to comfort. She was warm, dry and clean. But she...wasn't where she had been. She cracked her eyes and froze. The male form that stood nearby nodded to her.


"Good morning, doctor." The red and black warframe looked as it had on the floor of the detention cell. "Did you rest well?"


Amelia did not move, did not speak. Her eyes flitted her and there. The room was large but it was odd. It wasn't Tenno architecture. But it was. It wasn't Orokin architecture. But it was. Part of it was filled with machinery she did not know and the red and black warframe stood  in front of the machinery. She and Stalker seemed to be alone. She stared down at herself and went still.


The clothing she wore -if you could call it that- barely covered her for modesty purposes. Essentially, she wore a white wrap around her upper torso and another around her waist. She was not strapped down, but instead was lying in something that was glowing blue. She was half submerged in an odd looking viscous substance that she could not quite make out the colors of. Red? Dark brown? She couldn't tell. Whatever it was, it wasn't wet. She felt dry. She tried to move and could, but just barely. She could see tubes attached to her arms, her legs. She could feel a tube down her nose. She could see the edges of a mask over her mouth, feel tubes going down her throat. 


"I had wondered at the plan you had. Because you had to have one." Stalker said softly. "I assumed Sara would be the one to get in. She was the one that that was postulated as the best chance to get her mom back. Not you." The red and black warframe shook his head. "Then again, there was no way you would let Sara do that. In hindsight, that is perfectly clear." Amelia did not speak and Stalker shook his head. "Doctor, the trackers have been neutralized. There is no need to be rude." Amelia made a sour noise in her throat and closed her eyes. The kinslayer made a soft noise of dismay. "You don't understand, doctor. I will not harm you. I was not going to harm Sara." Amelia scoffed into the tube and Stalker made a noise that was half groan, half sigh. He turned back to the machinery. "This will not hurt."


Amelia tensed as...something engulfed her skull. It didn't hurt. Indeed, it didn't feel wrong at all. But it was. She cracked her eyes, but could not see whatever it was. Pressure mounted, but it didn't hurt. It felt odd, as if parts of her skull were suddenly not there? The she tried to scream as whatever she was lying on suddenly surged up and around her. The feeling was...


She went still. She was being comforted! Whatever was around her was holding her gently, like some kind of arms.


"And... now." Stalker said softly. Amelia felt the world start to fall away and fought it. She did not want to go into any virtual world he created. "Doctor, no." Stalker said softly as something happened and her resistance faded. She wanted to fight. She was trying to fight, but she couldn't. "You cannot resist that. Indeed, you won't want to when you hear what she has to say. What we have to say. Relax doctor. It won't hurt." He repeated.


Amelia fought it anyway. She could not trust him. She would not. She jerked as a hand touched her. Her eyes slid open despite the fluid stuff and she screamed as she saw Serene standing over her. But it wasn't Serene. The face she knew so well was blank and an odd metal thing covered much of Serene's skull. At least it wasn't silver.


"What are you doing?" Stalker demanded. "I told you! She won't understand! Go back! Go back now! Before... No!" Amelia could see lights starting to flash as the red and brown thing that had engulfed her suddenly was shimmering gold and white. "Doctor, be calm! I am trying to help!"


Liar. Amelia screamed in her mind. But...


"That's it." Stalker said as something invaded Amelia's right ear, then her left. "Patterns calibrated. Go!" He commanded and the form of Amelia's love vanished. "We have you, doctor. Just relax. We will not harm you."


No... Amelia tried to scream. Tried to cry. Tried to fight as tides of soft colors burst into her mind and swept her away. But then it stopped.


"What the hell?" Stalker's confused voice came from far away. "What is this? You are not Tenno, so how the hell are you resisting?"


She is not yours! The voice of the Reverend Mother burst into Amelia's mind. The human doctor had never thought to be glad of another mind in hers, but she was. We will not let you subvert her.


"What did you do, you crazy human?" Stalker demanded, angry now. "I am not trying to subvert her, you dumb Clergy *@##$! I am trying to help her!" Static burst in Amelia's mind, but the Clergy fought back, holding Amelia as pain erupted inside her head, soothing it away.


Without her consent! The Reverend Mother was beyond angry now. You are no better than an Orokin!


"I need her." Stalker said savagely. "I will use her. The question is how much are you willing to hurt her."


She begged our aid. The Reverend Mother said sternly. You? You would have hurt Sara this way? You are DEAD!


"You don't understand and I have neither the time nor the desire to explain it all to you." Stalker snapped right back. "But for what it is worth? No. I would not have hurt Sara. You will make me hurt Amelia."


Pain lanced through Amelia and despite her skill and training, despite the Clergy's help, she was slammed instantly into darkness.




Clergy. Stalker stared at the woman in the now golden and white pod that was filled with clear fluid. She went to the Clergy! What is she? Nuts?


No.  Another voice said softly. She was desperate. You do strange things for those you love. Isn't that right? Stalker turned to another pod that lay against one wall nearby and bowed his head. A young woman lay within the pod, her body covered as Amelia's had been. Same tubes, same icky thing around her. The only difference was that this one was missing her right leg. They will track her. They will track me. Snatching me in transit was a bad idea. You angered everyone. Again.


You were not going to heal without drastic measures. Stalker said softly. I can heal the damage.


Correction. The other snapped. You can try to heal the damage.


I am trying to make things right for Iriana. Stalker said softly as he turned back to where Amelia lay silent. He manipulated controls.  Rest now.


You have a funny definition of right, father. Mishka -Iriana's daughter- said with a snarl worthy of an Infested. She spoke again as her voice faded, her mind dropping into sleep patterns. I won't help you.


I don't need your help. Stalker agreed. You need mine.


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wait what? oh good going Mr Stalker now you have gone and REALLY P@##ed me off... forget worrying about Nikis. the suffering you will endure once i get my hands on you shall be LEGENDARY!!! SO YOU BETTER START RUNNING WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!!!

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"She tried to move, to speak. She couldn't. Don't struggle. It won't help and can hurt. You...do not feel right. Who are you?


You don't know? Amelia asked, dumbfounded."


So... she can speak? I'm a bit confused by this one.

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"She tried to move, to speak. She couldn't. Don't struggle. It won't help and can hurt. You...do not feel right. Who are you?


You don't know? Amelia asked, dumbfounded."


So... she can speak? I'm a bit confused by this one.



That was italicized. Mental communication. Amelia's brain to... something via the warframe links.


Changed it to make it a bit more clear.

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I was still hoping for Stalker being the Warframe itself and not the occupant, would make for a nice "Katsler actually being innocent" kinda scene


but seriously, you've already pissed everyone off AND THEN you also kidnap Mishka.. genius, pure genius -_-

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I was still hoping for Stalker being the Warframe itself and not the occupant, would make for a nice "Katsler actually being innocent" kinda scene


but seriously, you've already pissed everyone off AND THEN you also kidnap Mishka.. genius, pure genius -_-


If Stalker is willing to stand in front of Nikis and insult the GRANDMASTER OF THE DEAD to his FACE, I don't think he cares about such.


I DO wonder if he actually considers Mishka getting hurt HIS fault, since he left her with the Clergy in 'Syndication'. Or this might be an elaborate trap. Or something.

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All this talk of Stalker's vengeance can make sense if he (he or it?) is a sentient. Isolated from others, a spy who was left for dead.


The memories of lower guardian not being "his", but from one of the hosts used. Add to the mix madness from isolation and we have a real trouble. Am i imaging a character too twisted to be coherent?

Edited by renleech
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All this talk of Stalker's vengeance can make sense if he (he or it?) is a sentient. Isolated from others, a spy who was left for dead.


The memories of lower guardian not being "his", but from one of the hosts used. Add to the mix madness from isolation and we have a real trouble. Am i imaging a character too twisted to be coherent?

I'm just wondering how you consider that a "twisted" character, then again, my world is "interesting". (like in the proverb)

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Dreams of darkness, dreams of peace


Doctor Amelia Priosa jerked awake, her body moving in trained reflex as she started to slide out of her chair. Her hands hit the table in front of her a little too hard, but there was no one else in the tiny break room to see her face flush in embarrassment as she stopped herself from falling out of her chair onto her butt. Wouldn't be the first time she dozed off in a break room.


"Nodding off..." She murmured. "Shift has gone way too long."


She gave herself  shake and picked up her caf. She took a sip and then another. The beverage was too strong, leaving an odd taste in her mouth, but it had the desired effect. Her head cleared. She looked down at the datapad that she had been perusing and shook her head. She didn't see any way forward but surgery. The situation was dire, the young woman whose scans she had been given was in big trouble. The brain alteration was troubling, but Amelia was up to fixing that. It was the leg that really, really bothered her.


The girl's medical records were vague on how she lost her leg. The amputation had been well done and there didn't seem to be any complications from that. But there was something growing inside the remnants of her right femur. Something awful. A form of cancer was what the lab had finally managed to identify. It wasn't anything that they had seen before, but they had been both quick and thorough. A first in Amelia's experience. Whatever it was, it was not responding to any treatments. It was as if the bone marrow itself had been altered in some way to consume itself and replicate. Yes, very much like a cancer, just not anything in any records that Amelia had been able to peruse. Also hard to detect.


Surgery was really the only recourse here. Remove the damaged parts and replace them with healthy parts clone from other parts of the body. That should work. But Amelia wasn't a trained surgeon. She could do it, sure. But she was a mental tech, not a surgeon by trade. And if she messed this up...


Amelia shook her head as she scanned the rest of the data on her patient. The alteration inside the girl's head smacked of brainwashing to the doctor. That bothered her on any number of levels. She had...


Amelia paused. Was she about to nod off again? Maybe they should put the girl in stasis, send her to better care? If Amelia could not focus, she was far more a danger to the girl than the cancer was. She gave herself a savage shake and focused again. The leg was the important part here. The rest could keep. A note said that stasis had been tried. Somehow the cancer ignored stasis protocols, continued to grow even as the girl's body had been placed in a transport pod, which had triggered alarms and sent her up to 'Emergency' where she had landed in Amelia's lap. That wasn't possible. Was it?


"Doctor Amelia?"


 Amelia jerked, she had been dozing again! She looked up at the nurse that was on shift currently. She tried, but could not remember the man's name. He looked worried.


"Are you all right?" He stepped close. She saw his name badge read 'Kat'.


"I don't know." Amelia admitted. "Long shift." She couldn't even remember when she had come on shift. That was never a good sign.


"Yeah it has been." The nurse gave along sigh, but smiled encouragingly. "You okay?"


"Whether I am or not, that girl needs help." Amelia said with tired shrug. She took another sip of the caf and it revitalized her. "I feel strange. How long until shift change?"


"Three hours." The nurse looked worried. "She can probably wait that long, if you are not feeling up to it." Amelia stiffened at the other's tone. Was he questioning her competence?


"I can do it." Amelia said sharply. "It is not like I am actually going to be holding scalpels. Supervising the drone can be done while seated. A couple more cups of caf and I should be okay for an hour or two. But that girl doesn't have an hour or two."


At the rate the cancer was growing, it would start to expand into her bones in an hour at most. If that happened? She would be lucky to survive.


"And her head?" The nurse asked as Amelia took another swig of the caf. It tasted even worse this time and she grimaced.


"Priorities, Nurse Kat." Amelia was calming now. She knew what to do."Save her life, then fix the brainwashing." She went still as the nurse did. "What?"


"Doctor, she wasn't brainwashed." The nurse said delicately. "There is an abnormal mass inside her skull that needs to be removed." Amelia froze and stared down at the datapad. Indeed, it showed a growth inside the girl's head. It was in line with one of the ear canals, easy to reach, but... She recognized it! That was the same kind of organ she had scanned in Mishka the last time the girl had been by for scans. It was something to do with being a Caretaker, so after being politely but firmly rebuffed for asking, Amelia had ignored it. Mishka had been... Wait... Mishka. The girl she was supposed to treat was Mishka! Healer Iriana's daughter!


Shock rang through her, but it wasn't just hers! Someone else was in her mind! Someone gentle? She could barely feel the other, but it was there. She could not hear words but feelings of worry and fear were clear.


"This isn't right." Amelia said softly. She stared at herself. She was wearing a familiar uniform. Very familiar. It had been the uniform of the hospital she had worked at before she had been taken by the Corpus and met Serene. Before Sara. She hadn't worn that uniform in years. She was-  "This... isn't..."


She was unconscious before her head hit the table.




"Damn." Stalker sighed as the holographic environment vanished. Amelia lay in her pod, her form encased by the symbiote that was would keep her calm, keep her clean and provide sustenance for as long as she remained in it. Fewer tubes now, but still many to provide her body with nutrients that the symbiote could not. And allow access for drugs. "Six tries and she wakes to it each time. You Clergy are really beginning to piss me off."


We will not let you harm her. Or Mishka using her. The Reverend Mother's mind voice was softer through the drugs and suppressants that Amelia had been dosed with, but it was still there despite everything Stalker could do.


"I am trying to save Mishka, you dumb Clergy *@##$!" Stalker snapped, patience exhausted. "Iriana has lost enough already." He looked away from his machinery for a moment. "I won't let your stupidity cost her the one thing she can love unreservedly. And to a cancer? No." Cancers had been eradicate by the Orokin, but without access to the ultra tech of Orokin... Survival of such was rare even for Tenno. Mishka might or might not be able to shift bodies if hers was damaged enough. Cancers had odd effects on Tenno energy at times and Mishka was very weak.


If what you say is true, then you could have told someone. The disbelief in the nun's voice was patent.


"Who would believe me?" Stalker snapped. "That all of their scans and tests didn't show a cancer growing in Mishka's leg?"


They would have checked. The nun's voice turned stern now. You know they would have.


"And they wouldn't have found anything." Stalker snarled. "They would have chalked it up to a random act of cruelty on my part, to make her suffer through the tests. Then she would die. I am lost, but she is my daughter!" The other did not seem to have a response to that. "No, I will not let her die simply because no one will trust anything I say."


And of course, that is the only reason. The Reverend Mother said sternly. Lie to yourself as you wish, but do not lie to me and expect me to remain silent. That girl is special. Not for who her parents are, but for who she is.


"On that, at least, we can agree." Stalker said with a scowl. "Up the dose forty milliunits." He commanded and one of the tubes running into Amelia's body through the symbiote around her darkened briefly. Her body jerked as the powerful psychic suppressant took hold.


You will kill her. The Reverend Mother's voice was softer now, and sounded so sad. She knew it.


"You are making me do this!" Stalker retorted angrily. "All I want is for Amelia to remove the cancer. Nothing more."


Right. The Reverend Mother's tone could have dried up a river. So you cut Mishka off from the people helping her stay sane, drug her enough so she cannot see straight and then what? Come to her rescue? She clucked in amusement. Old.


"Get out of her head!" Stalker said firmly as he twisted a control. Amelia's body jerked and the symbiote spasmed with her, drawing her pain away, holding her gently. There was no response, but he knew he did not have a lot of time. "New simulation. Hospital simulation three. This time, suppress her memory further back. The caf should help keep her conscious memory sequestered long enough to start the operation at least."


He resolutely did not look to the other pod where Mishka slept fitfully. At the scans of the red that suffused the remnants of her right leg. He didn't need to. He knew death when he saw it.






The name was breathed in horror. Everyone in the room felt the same way Jesse felt faint and only Draco's firm grip on her arm kept her upright. He was better. He had only been out of the machine for a day or so, but everything showed her was much better. Jesse was glad.


"We had to sedate Iriana when we told her." Elenia's posture was abject. Then again, the Caretakers of the Unclean had liked Mishka even before the girl had joined them. Elenia had picked out the girl's name within the mindmass herself. 'Gentle Songs.' "No one knew he could snatch people in mid-portal transit."


"It is possible." Jesse said after a moment's thought. "But oh my god, it would be hard. And the power required..." She grimaced. "He had to have a ship though. And it would have to be in the right place at the right time."


"That he managed through Serene somehow." Draco said into the silence that fell.  "He subverted her when she touched him and, then she was free to do things while no one suspected." His hands were on his sword hilts and no one blamed him. He still wore his camouflage even though everyone knew he wore a Volt Prime warframe. It was what he did. What he was.


"Jesse, we need your help." Elenia wasn't -quite- begging. "We cannot track her. He has blocked our communication."


"Oh my god..." Rachel sounded like Jesse felt. Then again, the designated leader of the few Tenno who remained in the Citadel of the First had access to all kinds of information mere mortals did not. "Can she survive?"


Honest question. When Elenia had been cut off from her kind temporarily some time back, the shock had been too much and she had died. She had been recovered, due to heroic efforts on the parts of several people and was now the same as she had been. But it had been far too close. Especially when Nikis had gotten involved. The ancient curmudgeon Nekros gunfighter angry was not something for the faint of heart. Everyone relaxed as Elenia nodded.


"She hasn't been with us that long." The Mag said with a shrug. "We are more worried about what else he plans to do to her. Because he won't just have that as a plan. His mind is a pit of snakes." The disgust in her tone could have filled at least four refuse cans.


Jesse looked at Rachel and Draco. Neither moved and she nodded slowly.


"What do you need?" The young Cyberlancer asked calmly.


"I am not sure." Elenia actually started to pace. "I don't know the modern tech and code is a black art to me. The others seem to think you can help, but I don't..." She broke off as Jesse took a step and laid a hand on her arm. "Jesse."


"Elenia." Jesse said formally. "My duty here is done." She nodded formally to Rachel who nodded back. Sweeping every square centimeter of the Citadel for potential hostile nanites had been a pain in the butt. It had been needed, but she had hadn't had a lot of time off. One reason the staff had been very glad to see Draco out and about had been to slow Jesse down long enough to eat, sleep and use the facilities. She forgot that occasionally while working on code. "When do we leave?"


"I..." Elenia swallowed hard and then she made a sound like a choked off cry. "Jesse... I..." Jesse did not speak again, just stepped forward to enfold the now crying Mag in an embrace.


"What happened is not your fault, Elenia." Jesse said firmly. "But you blame yourself. I bet most of the mass mind does too." Elenia jerked, but did not reply and Jesse smiled. "So, where? The relay?"


"Jasmina has a ship." Elenia said weakly. "I am sorry. I am sorry." She said quickly as Jesse hugged her again. "This is so wrong. Mishka is a good soul. A very good soul. We need your help anyway, Cyberlancer Jesse. But this makes things urgent."


"Yes it does." Jesse gave the Mag one final hug before releasing her and stepping beck. "So, the Relay first. And then a ship. Will I need to be unconscious for that?" She could feel Draco's sudden tension behind her. She spoke calmly but firmly. "I will not breach the Caretaker's security." This was both a statement and a command.


"Noted." Draco said formally. "Under protest."


"Noted." Jesse replied just as formally. Some things just had to be formal and when your bodyguard was not happy about things, it was best to pay attention. There were times though, when circumstances conspired to make her bodyguard's life difficult. She dearly hoped this would not be one of those times.


"Ah, no." Elenia had a smile in her voice but it faded. "There is one thing, Jesse. You do not wear a warframe and you will be around our charges a lot. So you will need protection. Draco is good, but he cannot shoot or slice a virus."


"Technocyte Virus versus Draco...?" Jesse said with an impish grin. "I would bet on Draco." Something suspiciously like a snicker came from both Rachel and Elenia. Draco just stood and Jesse shook her head. "Better not to take foolish chances. One of the biosuits like your human friends wear?"


"Yes. "Elenia relaxed a bit as it became clear that neither Jesse nor Draco was going to protest. "Healer was at Iriana's tower, but will meet us at the Relay."


"Please tell me Healer is escorted." Jesse felt fear. Healer was kind and gentle, a complete pacifist. It would not fight back if attacked. Many Tenno had...difficulty seeing the huge Infested as anything but an enemy. Understandably.


"Oh yes." Elenia stretched a bit. "Jasmina is with her."


"Then who is minding your people?" Jesse asked, paling. Elenia shook her head and Jesse paused. "Or is that a secret?"


"No. Not a secret." Elenia sounded pleased now. "We had an application. An odd one, but he came recommended."


"Oh?" Jesse asked. "Can I inquire?"


"Guardsman Janas royally ticked off the Empress." Elenia said with a sigh. "And us. And Karl's clan. And a lot of other people. But from what we gather, he did mean well. He wasn't the best at managing what he wanted and hurt Lisa in the process." Jesse winced at that and Elenia nodded. "Yeah, I don't know what Nikis said to him."


"Don't want to know." Jesse, Rachel and Draco all chorused. They looked at each other and Jesse stifled a snicker. Then again, it wasn't really a laughing matter. Lisa was bearing a child as surrogate. And not just any child. Nikis' grandchild by Jasmina and Dust, his slain son. If anything happened to that young woman or that kid... 'Hell coming to breakfast' was not a euphemism when Nikis was involved. It was literal truth.


Tenno Janas was lucky to be alive.


"True." Elenia agreed "Anyway. Janas was doing his penance and asked if he could do it with us." She shook her head. "He isn't a bad sort." Jesse looked at her and Elenia shook her head. "And get that look off your face, Miss Cyberlancer. No. Not my type." Jesse did not move and Elenia heaved a long suffering sigh. "He is doing penance and we are keeping an eye on him."


"Fair enough." Jesse gave herself a shake and turned to Rachel. She bowed formally to the Saryn Prime. "Do I have your leave to go, Tenno Rachel?"


"You have been a breath of fresh air here, Tenno Jesse." Rachel said as she stepped forward to bow to Jesse. "We have been alone too long. Your presence and your assistance have both been greatly appreciated. Count this as a refuge if you ever need one. Go in peace, come in peace. Sister."


"Thank you sister." Jesse said with a smile as she rose from her bow. She turned to Elenia and nodded. "So now I go to the Relay and get barfed on?" Everything stopped as Draco exclaimed.


"Wait a minute!" Draco demanded. "Barfed on?"


Oops. Jesse thought to herself as the bodyguard moved to bar her way.


I really need to learn to keep my big mouth shut...


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This was not good. Not at all. Draco was not happy and his tension sang around him like a full choir with orchestral accompaniment might have. It didn't help that Elenia hadn't intervened at all either. She led the way, but she didn't interfere while Draco was muttering. Jesse knew it was on purpose that his tone was low enough that Elenia wouldn't hear or understand, but he knew that Jesse would. Her auditory apparatus had been upgraded by her code along with her other senses.


It had taken almost ninety minutes of arguing with him before he had allowed her to go with Elenia. Rachel had vanished during said argument. Wise of the Saryn. Essentially, the argument boiled down to the fact that Jesse trusted the Caretakers and Draco didn't trust anyone. The very idea of his protectee willingly and knowingly allowing an Infested Ancient to touch her boggled his mind. And not just touch her! Indeed to essentially vomit a substance all over her to form a pod that would create the biosuit that Jesse needed to remain uninfected while around masses of the Technocyte Virus just did not fit into his worldview. He was not happy.


The guards at the Relay were also not happy. Draco exuded fear as one of his primary weapons. There wasn't anything they could do about the bodyguard Tenno though and that made the situation even more tense. So Jesse was trying her hardest to lighten it a bit. Now if only Draco would cooperate.


"It's not like I am going to be in danger, Draco. You know that." Jesse fought to keep the whine from her tone. It  wouldn't help matters if she started acting like a spoiled kid. It was-


She was in motion before she realize what she had heard. The cry echoed in her mind even as her body moved so fast that both Elenia and Draco were caught flatfooted. They would catch up quickly, but the cry wasn't something that normal beings could hear.


"Jesse!" Draco protested as he sped to catch up to her, but she did not slow. She did not turn, she could hear cries of pain and fear.


She came to a sudden halt as she beheld the scene on front of her. A not-quite- human form was bent over something that cried out in Jesse's mind. A familiar form! A MOA. And not just any MOA!


"Stop!" Jesse commanded as her nunchaku came to her hands, power flaring as she stepped forward. Shelia gave another cry as the Banshee warframe rose to her feet. Jesse swallowed hard as she saw red and black. This was Serene. Or...Serene's body!


"Jesse! Run!" Sheila begged her. "He wants us both!"


"Well, he can kiss my butt!" Jesse snapped as the Banshee scrutinized her. "He isn't taking either of us." Code spun around her, solidifying shields that prevented unauthorized portals.


"Yes, I am." The male voice from the female warframe was calm and cool. "You both are needed."


"Well, you are a moron." Jesse retorted as Draco came around the corner. He took in the scene at a glance, drew his swords and slid in front of her. He came to his feet in a motion that was sinuous, beautiful and left none of his body open to attack. That was skill. "I won't help you, kinslayer!"


"I do not have time for this." Stalker actually sounded weary. He ignored Draco to stare at Jesse. "Mishka does not have time."


"What have you done to my friend?" Jesse demanded. She truly liked Mishka and the other girl returned it. Draco did not move from where he stood. The Banshee warframe looked at the camouflaged Volt and seemed to shudder a bit. Was that a good sign? A bad sign? Hard to tell. "Sheila, can you move?"


"No." The MOA said sadly. "He disabled my motivators. Life support is still online, but no mobility."


"Neither of you is in danger." Stalker said softly as Elenia appeared and instantly drew a Phage shotgun, aiming at Serene's hijacked body. "Caretaker, Mishka is dying! I had to do something. None of you saw it!"


"Saw what?" Elenia demanded, moving to flank Jesse. "Coms are jammed. Jesse? Can you break through?"


"I can. But the instant I am distracted, he will take advantage." Jesse knew her limits. She wasn't a warrior, but Sheila needed help. The MOA wasn't a true artificial intelligence, she had an organic brain. But it didn't matter. Sheila had been a friend before the human girl named Jesselle had died and become the Tenno named  Jesse.


"No, he won't." Draco said calmly, his paired swords Honor and Duty held in a cross pattern in front of him.


"Caretaker, please!" Stalker said hastily. "In this if nothing else, please! Check with your healer. See what it saw in Mishka's right leg. The one where she was poisoned." The Caretaker went still as Stalker screamed. "The poison caused a cancer! That poison isn't supposed to be survivable! It caused a reaction inside her bone marrow. She is dying, Caretaker! I cannot let her die!" The Banshee warframe did not move. "She is not one of the ones I seek. Neither is Jesse." He nodded to Draco. "I want to save Mishka. Nothing more."


"And we cannot trust you." Elenia said quietly. "You kill any Tenno you gain advantage over. Why not a child? Mishka cannot fight back effectively. Why not kill her too?"


"I... know." Stalker replied heavily. "I cannot trust you and your healers cannot see the damage. It may already be too late."


"Send her back." Jesse demanded. "We will check. I swear it."


"You would." Stalker said sadly. "But the others? Sun and Nikis and all the others? They won't see what is right in front of their faces. I am lost. Mishka is not. Not yet." The male voice from the female warframe hardened. "You will come with me Cyberlancer."


"Or?" Jesse demanded as Draco tensed to spring. "Draco, stop. That is Serene's body."


"She is dead either way." Draco sounded calm. "Either we kill her or the Elders kill her after a trial. Either way, dead. That is the only penalty for slaying kin."


"This is a trap!" Sheila said into the silence. "He knew you were coming, Jesse. He knew you were escorted. He planned. Jesse, please. Run."


"Is that so?" Jesse asked, her code flaring around her. Then it hit a wall and rebounded. "Well, I guess it is." The wall -it was a sphere- was tightening around her. "Nice." She said as she examined the scintillating prison that was constricting around her. "Phased aspect quantum sphere. Mental and physical confinement mixed."  From Elenia and Draco's sudden stillness, neither could see it or sense it. If not? They could not fight it or help her. It would contract around her, seal her away from the universe until he chose to free her. It would likely be gentle confinement. The interior of a quantum sphere could be as large as one wished. The outside? She had heard of them being as small as atoms. "Interesting choice though." She shook her head. "I would think an instant bludgeoning unconscious would be a better plan."


"I do not want to hurt you." Stalker said softly. "Your mother scares me."


"That actually sounded honest." Jesse kept her voice mild. "Then again, considering who she is paired with currently? I wouldn't want her angry at me either. Why me? Sheila I can see, she is a world class medic. But why me? Donor or code?" At that, Draco hissed, but did not move as the sphere closed in on Jesse.


"Code." Stalker replied through the hijacked warframe. "Your body is not brand new anymore. When it was first decanted it would have worked as a donor. But now? No. Besides. Like I say, your mom would not be happy."


"No." Jesse agreed. "It was done to me before. You were there. Did you see what Nikis nearly did?" The Banshee warframe shuddered and Jesse smiled grimly. He had. The sphere was almost to her now. She shook her head. "So, Sheila for donor." At that, the MOA gave a tiny cry of fear. "I cannot allow that. My duty is to protect artificial beings. Sheila is one even with organic parts. This is your only warning, kinslayer. Leave her alone."


"I won't hurt either of-" The male voice from the female warframe cut off with a cry as Jesse raised her hands and touched the sphere contracting around her with both of them. A pulse of power flared and the sphere popped. "What the-?"


"A nice form of prison." Jesse said quietly as energy coruscated all around her. It did nothing to her. She could feel the amusement that radiated from both Elenia and Draco as she showed her power. "And utterly useless against one trained in how to negate it."


The Banshee warframe looked at Jesse and bowed it's head in rueful acknowledgment.


"It is very easy to forget that Trinity trained you." Stalker said quietly. The shade of the First Trinity had taken Jesse's initial training as a Cyberlancer as a personal challenge. Considering that Trinity had been both Healer and Cyberlancer in life, the training Jesse had received had been...extensive even by Tenno standards. Grandmaster of Cyberlancers Olim was impressed and he was hard to impress.


"Release your prisoners." Jesse said calmly as power surrounded her. The energy from the prison had to go somewhere. She used it to strengthen her shields, her code. She couldn't hold it long, but for a few minutes, she would be a match for any warframe."Now." This was a command, not a request.


"Cyberlancer Jesse." Stalker said through the Banshee. "Mishka is dying. They cannot see what is killing her! They cannot fix what they cannot see. I can."


"That is neither here nor there." Jesse said flatly. "Here, you are threatening one under my protection. Cease and desist or I will make you." No threat that. A promise. Code flared from her towards Sheila. It surrounded the fallen MOA, penetrating it, binding her together. The MOA rose on unsteady feet to scamper away from the Banshee who knelt. "Sheila?"


"Intact." The girl in robot form said weakly. "Didn't hurt me, just... took control."


"If you ever do that again, I will make you hurt for decades." Jesse promised, her tone as warm as an ice cube. "Begone!"


"I will save Mishka." Stalker promised through the hijacked Banshee warframe as it started to waver. "You will not stop me."


"If what you say is true, then prove it." Jesse snapped. "But you kidnapping my friends will only serve to piss me off. And trying to take me will piss my mom off."


"Your mother will understand." The red and black Banshee warframe was nearly gone now. "Mishka is my daughter." Then it was gone.


Jesse focused herself as she had been taught and let the power she held dissipate through the energy networks of the Relay. She laid a hand on Sheila's chassis and felt the MOA trembling.


"It is all right, Sheila." Jesse kept her voice comforting as the MOA leaned close. "It is going to be all right."


"He can track me." Sheila said weakly. "He can find me anywhere. That thing was in my quarters when I went for downtime! I ran, but he followed. I... I am doomed."


"No." Jesse said firmly. "Stay close. We will find away to protect you." She holstered her nunchaku. Elenia holstered her shotgun and Draco sheathed his swords. "Elenia? Was Mishka sick?"


"We don't know, Jesse." Elenia sounded shaken. Who could blame her? For the boogeyman of the Tenno to act this way... "She was weak. She was in pain. None of our scans showed anything. We were worried, of course. But she was upbeat."


"She would be." Jesse fought to keep her face calm as Shelia sobbed beside her. She laid an arm over the MOA and comforted her friend. "For now? All we can do is what we have been. But Shelia needs to stay close so I can protect her."


"Hmmm..." Elenia was looking at the MOA and her posture was speculative. "How close?"


"This close." Jesse said firmly as she held Sheila. Draco made noise of argument and Jesse shook her head. "No. I will not jeopardize her life or sanity to save mine."


"Jesse." Sheila protested. "You have enough trouble! I might distract him, cause more-" She broke off as Elenia laid a hand on her housing. "Caretaker?"


"Jesse takes her duties very seriously, Sheila. We know better than to argue with her." Elenia's voice was kind, but firm. "You are coming with us."


"But... I..." Sheila started to sputter, only to stop as both Jesse and Elenia glared at her. "Okay... I know when to shut up." She said meekly.


"I wonder how long that will last?" Draco muttered not even close to under his breath. Jesse and Elenia both made rude gestures at him as Sheila sputtered a laugh.


"I need to report this." Sheila said as the odd group started off. "And, I guess I need to get a leave of absence."


"Detached duty assignment." Jesse corrected her. "Assisting me. Standard compensation rules. Standard benefits as amended according to your needs."


"Standard compensation?" Sheila demanded. "Standard?" Jesse just looked at her. "Hey! I have expenses! These MOA hulls don't grow in trees you know." Jesse looked at her harder and Sheila made a noise of consternation. "Yes, I need you. But I also have a reputation to maintain." Elenia made strangled noise and Sheila made her voice turn prim. "There is always room for negotiation."


"We will talk." Jesse said firmly as Elenia snickered. "But there are limits."


"Are there?" Draco asked. Jesse looked sidelong at him. "I mean, you don't seem to have any limits if you are willing to let an Infested throw up on you."


"It's called 'excreting the unformed biomass needed to make the biosuit in the most efficient manner'. Not 'throwing up'." Jesse said with a glower that slid off her bodyguard's skin like water off a duck's back. She had asked for a better definition during the argument earlier. Elenia found it hilarious. Apparently, the rest of the mass mind did too.


"Yeah, right. Whatever." Draco said calmly. Jesse wanted to swat him, but she knew she likely wouldn't even hit him. "Being barfed on by any other name is still gross."


It didn't help that Sheila and Elenia both started laughing at that.


It didn't help at all.




"Stupid muck brained fake Tenno!" Stalker was beyond angry as the Banshee warframe reappeared in his hideaway. He moved it to the station he had built for it and it lay down. It's systems would repair and recharge while he did other things. He shrugged his shoulders as his usual warframe powered up, only to pause as a voice sounded.


"Didn't go well, huh?" He spun to see Amelia's eyes open. They were unfocused, those eyes. But they were open and looking at him. This was not the Reverend Mother. This was the doctor.


"No." Stalker felt regret stir. It was rare he felt such. But what he had to do now? Yes. He regretted it. "You have friends who care a great deal for you. You have a daughter, doctor. What would you do to save her life?"


"You cannot keep the Clergy out." Amelia said softly not that she could speak louder. The mask over her nose and mouth was needed. Her body was very weak form all of the drugs he had tried to cut her off from her controllers. Fear shone in her eyes though. She couldn't fight or flee.


"No." Stalker admitted. He walked to a vault set in one wall and shook his head as he keyed it open. "I wanted to do this the easy way. To let you decide to help Mishka. That is all I wanted. To save her. But you are too tough for your own good."


"I learned to stop the brainwashing." Amelia admitted. "But mainly it was Sun's interrogation that made me realize how far I could really be pushed." At that, Stalker spun to stare at her. "You didn't know? I broke down. He got me back."


"No." Stalker couldn't believe his ears. "You willing went into his clutches?"


"No." Amelia admitted. "Had a breakdown. Needed help. Serene made him help me." Stalker jerked and she smiled under the mask. But then the smile faded. "You drugged me."


"What I am going to do will hurt less with the drugs, doctor." Stalker turned back to the vault, reaching in to key something else. "I need your skill. I need your dedication to saving lives. Iriana would be better at this, but she is busy. And none of the other fake Tenno can be trusted." He pulled something that gleamed wetly silver from the vault.


"What is that?" Amelia sounded afraid as he turned towards her. "What are you going to do?"


"This is something I had hoped never to have to use. And I am going to do something I hoped never to have to do." Stalker said quietly as he moved towards her pod. "Skull expose." The symbiote over Amelia's skull retracted, showing her scalp shorn and red in places. The skin was deformed, as if the bone underneath it was gone.


"No..." Amelia begged as she saw clearly what was in his hands. "No. Please. Not that!"


"None of the other control methods work on you, doctor." Stalker said calmly as he stopped at her side. "Mask." Amelia was trying to scream as the mask over her nose and mouth retracted and other appeared sliding over the pod to seal around where the other had been. It gleamed metallic. "Breathe deep, doctor. It won't hurt." His voice was almost calm. Almost. She fought to keep from inhaling, but could not. She took a breath and her body relaxed against her will as the nanites in the gas she inhaled sedated her far more thoroughly than any drug. "That is it. Rest. Sleep. Do not wake to this horror."


NO! AMELIA! The voice of the Reverend Mother screamed in his mind as he lay the Sentient enthrallment device on the back of Amelia's head and it started it's grisly work. In a few minutes, she wouldn't have any choice but to obey him. She would save Mishka.


And then? She would die.


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Of all the things he could do... Well I can understand why he had that and I equally understand his intense reluctance, which really drives home just how utterly desperate he is. Feeling quite a bit of pity for that small broken family now and a large part goes to him.

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Not a million deaths will be enough.

This guy doesn't deserve death. He deserves to be flayed alive slowly and be kept alive for centuries while the pain shreds his sanity. And then repeat the process ad infinitum. And a little addition: project in his mind the scene of his daughter commiting suicide with her last words "i hate you" and the accusatory gazes of every Tenno and civilian he killed, telling the same: Was it worth?

While all this happens, his body could become the core a reactor and his pain would bew used as energy source. For a sewer pump.


Or perhaps i'm missing the point here. This tale is a tragedy and the fitting punishment for the kinslayer is to lose her daughter to the cancer despite all those awful things he did. He, above all else, deserves her daughter's death. And deserves an eternity of remorse and not being able to commit suicide. And all the things i said above too....


PS: i never said a child must die, except in the mind of the kinslayer...got my idea?

Edited by renleech
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Not a million deaths will be enough.

This guy doesn't deserve death. He deserves to be flayed alive slowly and be kept alive for centuries while the pain shreds his sanity. And then repeat the process ad infinitum. And a little addition: project in his mind the scene of his daughter commiting suicide with her last words "i hate you" and the accusatory gazes of every Tenno and civilian he killed, telling the same: Was it worth?

While all this happens, his body could become the core a reactor and his pain would bew used as energy source. For a sewer pump.

Or perhaps i'm missing the point here. This tale is a tragedy and the fitting punishment for the kinslayer is to lose her daughter to the cancer despite all those awful things he did. He, above all else, deserves her daughter's death. And deserves an eternity of remorse and not being able to commit suicide. And all the things i said above too....

PS: i never said a child must die, except in the mind of the kinslayer...got my idea?

still messed up bro

havent read this chapter yet so what ima say might change.. -edit-

but no matter what a person might have done, no matter how terrible.

The death of person-X to Punish person-Y is pretty F***ed up, even for Stalker,

especially if person-X had nothing to do with it and/or is his own daughter

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after reading it:
Thought Amelia was being Stubborn, she should've just healed Mishka for Mishka's sake, not Katslers.
Yes, what Katsler ended up doing was a d*** move, but it was neccesary to save Mishka


While I prefer not to side with him, I think current actions are justified.

Everyone in Kals world sees Katsler as a:

Monster, Kinslayer, Traitor, Deceiver, Murderer, etc

But right now, Katsler is trying to be a father.

None believe, or want to believe, that he can be anything other than "The Bad Guy"


Trying to save his Daughter, and failing at it, no thanks to a lack of trying mind you,

but because the entire world is against him.

While no one in Kals world will want to admit to it.. they are pretty much condemning Mishka for the Sins of her Father.


Just look at the current Situation.

Katsler is trying to save the life of his daughter -vs- Nobody willing to help him do it.

insert iriana into this fight... guess who she would side with?



No, she wouldn't side with Katsler.. she would side with Mishka... who happened to be under the care of Katsler atm.


The End

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