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Strongly Concerned About The Direction Of Parkour 2.0


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And I am strongly concerned about how many people are so obsessed against coptering they think that's the only reason parkour 2.0 is criticized at all.

imo there are two types of people :

first ones are using copterin because it is "fun" and the second ones that are using coptering to chase the first ones. (change copptering for launching and it will be the same). additionally coptering itself force people to use only one set of items.

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imo there are two types of people :

first ones are using copterin because it is "fun" and the second ones that are using coptering to chase the first ones. (change copptering for launching and it will be the same). additionally coptering itself force people to use only one set of items.


That still has nothing to do with that I said and you're only proving my point further. In majority of the complaints against the parkour 2.0 demo coptering isn't even mentioned, and why is that? Because that's not what's being talked about, it's the comparison between the current parkour system and what was shown in the devstream.

You can go and hate on coptering all you want, I couldn't care less, but dissing any complaints in regards to the proposed changes as anything pro-coptering related, when clearly that's not even mentioned, is a serious mistake.

Edited by RahuStalker
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Ninja doesn't necessarily mean fast.

Coptering is not parkouring either.

hence me saying "fast and ninja-like" and putting "parkouring" in quotations, but that's beside the point of this thread or my post.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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I don't understand that statement DESteve made. I play both with mouse+keyboard and a controller (to avoid losing my edge with it, since the controller is much better for some types of games than mouse+keyboard), and honestly, parkour 1.0 isn't hard at all on a controller. any console player will say the same I'm sure... I don't get it.


I really like some parts of what I saw during devstream 55, sticking to walls for instance, the ability to really scale walls and reach basically any place much more easily, but it's a shame some of the features shown in devstream 53 weren't there anymore. Wallrunning feels really floaty now, it felt better and more fluid in the video caps from devstream 53.

Yeah it's easy (save some bugs we've been having lately). I had been under the assumption that parkour 2.0 was going to make our wall runs and jumps momentum based--every reaction having an equal and opposite one, our jumps being amiable and based on our speed, etc. but unfortunately that's not how it looks right now. It seems that I'll need to spam the jump button to get anywhere, and then at a slower rate than I could wallrun and jump before.

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The floatieness is from horrible animations that is all. Also it does not rely on the double jump. I have made a couple posts on this matter and came up with the conclusion through multiple watches that. 


1. Wall hopping is not slower than wall running, it uses a jump animations that has a stop inbetween each jump which makes it look slower since your stopping every animation. Also the leap from the wall isn't as fast which is a good thing because it gives more control. It does look floaty but that can easily be fixed with different animations.


2. People are using it as a excuse to complain about coptering.


3. Rebecca wasn't good at the Parkour 2.0 system, she isn't a designer like Scott is she is the head of the community. She does get first dibs on this stuff but she doesn't have as much hand on experience. She might have played 12 hours of Parkour 2.0 but she isn't as pro at it as we will be when we get it.


I think all in all Parkour 2.0 will up the games quality over all and if you want speed their are frames called Volt, and Zephyr. Which have abilities that increase speed. OMG!!!! I think their are more good changes than bad. Now that we can hang, shoot, and use abilities on walls. We can use the whole environment as a vantage point on our enemies. We can jump off enemies to stun and damage them, and we can use speed to decrease enemies accuracy. Parkour 2.0 should give us a huge advantage over are enemies. I think Parkour 2.0 is very ninjay. 


P.S coptering will never come back and it is gone, wall running is gone. Get that through your heads. 


P.P.S: Thank-you to anyone who also got this conclusion, it makes me smile to know other people actually studied before posting.

Edited by Feallike
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The only thing that concerns me is, if we are going to be slowed down, then when we're wall hanging we need that stealth buff as if we are crouched. Two seconds of getting stuck is more than enough time for 40 minute heavy gunner to smear you sideways like a bug in a ceiling corner.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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The only thing that concerns me is, if we are going to be slowed down, then when we're wall hanging we need that stealth buff as if we are crouched. Two seconds of getting stuck is more than enough time for 40 minute heavy gunner to smear you sideways like a bug in a ceiling corner.


Wall-hanging will work as a tactical advantage to snipe your opponents before they see you. Like in a defense mission. Also the only thing Parkour 2.0 is slower than is Coptering which it probably can match in speed if given enough momentum.

Edited by Feallike
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solid points


I think all in all Parkour 2.0 will up the games quality over all and if you want speed their are frames called Volt, and Zephyr. Which have abilities that increase speed. OMG!!!! 

Then i read this.


Some people dont like to use the pelican and the inscet to run fast. The frames I enjoy using are heavier. And because this is a pve game i dont see the problem in making all the frames at least run faster. I dont want to be restricted to 2 frames just so i can be fast, i like the changes but I want to be able to use what I want and still be able to move around the map faster.

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Building momentum while looks good on paper, will get you killed the further you play in game. You need as much speed as possible, as fast as possible because 1 stray bullet from the wrong unit could mean death. And when I talk units, I mean high level Grineer. Parkour 2.0, as demonstrated in the devstream, would be perfectly fine when fighting against infested, corpus and corrupted because their bullets are projectiles or they don't have bullets at all. This is pretty much useless against Grineer until you get your full speed built up, however fast that is, and their spray-happy hitscan weapons with high status chance. On the other hand, the added control is very much needed, and will make it easier for all units to get to those hard to reach places that other frames could get to without even breaking a sweat. It also will add a few more tactical options for players to fight some units in more spaces.

Edited by VariantX7
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Keep in mind that DE Rebecca said that she had a bit of trouble switching to the new controls, and that she wasn't really able to demonstrate Parkour 2.0's full capabilities.  You said it yourself - "more about skill", which she might not have been able to show after switching back and forth between the old system and the new system.  I would wait until they actually release it to give feedback, and only after I'd get the feel of the new movement system down myself.

Whether she has the skill to pull off a ton of cool links is unimportant. The movement itself was slow, and the jumps didn't even have enough momentum to clear a small hallway.


As I said before, the only way to save the system is to increase the sprint speed for ALL frames.  They also need to double how high/far you can jump and have the double jump double that again. A good metric is being able to double jump to the second floor in the large rooms in the void instead of needing to use the stairs. Finally, they need to make the animations much cooler looking and much more fluid.

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solid points


Then i read this.


Some people dont like to use the pelican and the inscet to run fast. The frames I enjoy using are heavier. And because this is a pve game i dont see the problem in making all the frames at least run faster. I dont want to be restricted to 2 frames just so i can be fast, i like the changes but I want to be able to use what I want and still be able to move around the map faster.


I agree that all frames need a speed boost, though. It shouldn't be drastic enough to make Zephyr and Volt useless. I feel most frames have mobility options that people forget about. Though I agree that all in all Warframes have a drastically slower than acceptable sprint speed. Maybe a increase to 1.2 for everyone at 1.0 ATM would be near the threshhold of what we need.


I hope I am not coming off as I disagree with what your saying, I am simply saying that it isn't slower than what we have now. It is just slow in general.

Edited by Feallike
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Here are some of the problems I saw with Parkour 2.0, in order of importance:


Control over speed is probably mostly for the benefit of having a functional PvP, or at the very least, that's a side effect they are hoping to achieve.

More importantly however, lower speed will mean lower ability to rush through missions, and lower disparity in speeds at which a master tenno can move when compared to a rookie.

Mastery will let you get to interesting places through more interesting paths, but not necessarily leave your allies in the dust or bypass combat.


Being slower is a good thing. Everything in Warframe should slow down, because of the second point:


"Floatiness" is an engine issue, not likely to be fixed.

The engine DE uses is great for many things, but going fast is not something it handles very well.



As for the third point, well...

It's DE.

Making bad gameplay decisions is a thing they do.

It could have been worse, we could have gotten another useless UI obfuscation like the relays/player's ship(thank god at least the latter can be accessed entirely through menus), or another Melee 2.0, with it's absolutely unusable stances and clumsy attempts to fix balance issues with multipliers that introduce even more of them.

Edited by Naqel
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Yes, the vertical wall hopping did look awkward.  I don't anticipate I'll be using it any more than necessary.


What I worry about is, "how will players utilize/exploit this new verticality?"  A question, given the current state of the game, [DE] should ALWAYS ask themselves before releasing new content.


Instead of sewer camps on particular maps can we expect "ceiling camps" on a host of maps? 


While I applaud [DE] for attempting to evolve their game, especially movement, I find it ironic that it comes at a time where the current meta is "use an energy pizza or invite a Gmag, and sit in a spot and press 4 over and over."

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Yes, the vertical wall hopping did look awkward.  I don't anticipate I'll be using it any more than necessary.


What I worry about is, "how will players utilize/exploit this new verticality?"  A question, given the current state of the game, [DE] should ALWAYS ask themselves before releasing new content.


Instead of sewer camps on particular maps can we expect "ceiling camps" on a host of maps? 


While I applaud [DE] for attempting to evolve their game, especially movement, I find it ironic that it comes at a time where the current meta is "use an energy pizza or invite a Gmag, and sit in a spot and press 4 over and over."

It's not an evolution. It's devolving. They took away coptering and speed to add in infinite wall climbing.  And just FYI, infinite wall climbing existed before and was removed because it allegedly broke the game and it let people get outside if the map.  (Remember the void Salad Bowl?)

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Ninja doesn't necessarily mean fast.

Coptering is not parkouring either.

Yea but ninja meant to be stealthy while currently there is no such thing in a game, there are frames with cheap invisibility like loki and ash, and "the others".

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