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An Idea To Make New Players Lives Easier (From A Guy With A Primed Chamber And Over 170 Weapons)


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so one of the biggest problems getting into this game is simply not having much to work with in the lines of your frame, available mod points, underwhelming lack of cores with new things and having to rely on strangers for help. instead of giving players 50 platinum to start the game, why don't we give them instead... a few more interesting rewards for completing the tutorial... example...


get a reward for each step you complete of the tutorial.

by the end of the tutorial, you get


2 warframe slots

4 weapon slots

1 catalyst

1 reactor

1 aura mod ~~  not an existing mod, but a sort of placeholder aura.  this aura will have no polarity, no ranks and give no increase to any stat or passive utility, but will give 10 mod points to the frame, allowing new players to have a bit of a head start with customization.  this mod will not give bonus points for matching a neutral polarity, nor will it lose points for being on a non-matching polarity.


as for basic progression in the game, a sense of which can be accomplished with some simple unlocks, example, clear venus, get a weapon slot, clear earth (not counting level 20 vay hek or the raid) get a second weapon slot, clear mars, get a warframe slot and follow this pattern until you run out of planets.  this may sound like a big loss on platinum on DE's part, but in reality, it's a very small taste of what's to offer that players can earn on their own and in the end, players will still be stuck buying tons of slots if they want to amass a respectable arsenal.


for example, i have about 175 weapons at my disposal betwen primaries secondaries and melee. if this system were implemented, i would still have had to pay for  well over 150 of them. net loss to DE: nothing in the long run, because if i were just starting out, i would have enough hard-earned variety to still enjoy the game, while still having to be picky about what frames i kept and tossed.


players would still have to pay for vanities

new players would still have to work, but would have enough space for a little variety as to not get bored too fast.


and i know one of the first arguments i get almost every time i bring something up like this is usually. "but you can trade rare stuff you get for plat and get more slots!"  that's nice, but how many new players come across something that you would pay for that they don't need? i can tell you that they should be cherishing every core they encounter and the last thing they need to be doing is selling every useful mod they come across for 1-5 platinum at a time in the hopes of getting that new slot that they now won't have any mods for because they spent most of their resources on the empty slot to put the frame or weapon in. it's a garbage argument and you all know it.

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That is a very good point. In the end, us compulsive collectors (I have every currently available weapon in my inventory, including mk-1s) are probably the only ones that DE sees any money coming in from in regards to slots. Giving new players a bit more wiggle room would probably help with new player retention and just make the early crafting experience a lot easier. Slots are one of the biggest turn offs after the Tutorial, a player is thinking "oh, this is cool", then they get road blocked and cant get anymore Warframes or weapons because the spent their plat on revives. I actually wonder how much money goes to DE from slot sales in general? Weapons, Warframes, and cosmetics are so much more expensive than slots that their percentage of plat sales may be low enough to maybe allow for more liberal dispersion of slots. 

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honestly, i'd just like to see the game become a little more new player-friendly.  that first 50 plat they give you is utterly pointless because people starting out don't know what they need and more often than not, that 50 plat gets wasted on something stupid, then you wind up with a player who has no slot for weapons or warframes and wonders why they even bothered with this game if you have to pay into it just to see more than one or 2 aspects of it while they're still underpowered and learning.    you don't take the new player and beat them down while they're just getting started, you lead them along, get them a decent start, then tempt them with badassery once they get some idea what they might be doing.

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Reducing the grind and paywalling would definitely make the game more appealing for more people.  It stands to reason that if one can acquire slots through trading, why shouldn't they be able to acquire slots through gameplay?


There are still a lot of ways new players get the shaft.  Credit grinding, for instance, is a chore for new players because there's so much to pay for and the veterans with 3+million credits tend to forget that (who thus give their feedback to DE saying credits are fine and nothing changes).

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Reducing the grind and paywalling would definitely make the game more appealing for more people.  It stands to reason that if one can acquire slots through trading, why shouldn't they be able to acquire slots through gameplay?


There are still a lot of ways new players get the shaft.  Credit grinding, for instance, is a chore for new players because there's so much to pay for and the veterans with 3+million credits tend to forget that (who thus give their feedback to DE saying credits are fine and nothing changes).

part of the problem lies in not having good places to get credits early on or players just not knowing how to, which leads to players who've never beaten a boss getting dragged to sechura or similar "5-waves and frig off" nodes and i have around 16 million credits myself, and sometimes i have to admit that i have a jard time seeing their side of things because of this.   i have no problems with keeping up with credits myself, sure, but the new guy, holy crap, he's got important 10 rank mods to still level... like serration, heavy caliber, vitality, redirection, narrow minded...  i've been at this for a year and a half and there are still things that i'm catching up with myself, in my case, pulling cores from oblivion to level the 10 rank rares and legendaries they keep flipping at us.

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honestly, i'd just like to see the game become a little more new player-friendly.  that first 50 plat they give you is utterly pointless because people starting out don't know what they need and more often than not, that 50 plat gets wasted on something stupid, then you wind up with a player who has no slot for weapons or warframes and wonders why they even bothered with this game if you have to pay into it just to see more than one or 2 aspects of it while they're still underpowered and learning.    you don't take the new player and beat them down while they're just getting started, you lead them along, get them a decent start, then tempt them with badassery once they get some idea what they might be doing.


my god so many times i see a super low MR and they have a skin on the starter frame.

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Personally I think the rejuvenation aura should come early in the game to everyone.


Two reasons:


One, so they have something to slot, those points help a lot.


Two, because I have seen a lot of people asking about how to heal themselves and starting out: healing is tough and damage tends to build up. The gear options for healing are often too expensive for a newbie to build (they really should be focused on upgrading mods and whatnot, rather than making small health pads one at a time) and the early healing options are frankly not worth building. The 10 large health pizzas everyone carries later only come much later in the game so early players rely on either helpful teammates or locker RNG... or getting revived. 


Rejuvenation could be the training wheels of auras. It's not overly strong, even stacked, It's always helpful and it fills a need that later on you can supplant with other items.


Kill vor? Bam! free damaged rejuvenation!

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my god so many times i see a super low MR and they have a skin on the starter frame.

Well majority of all new players that i saw were wearing volt with ugly starter's classic colors) and those who have skins probably bought them for money and that's it.

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Personally I think the rejuvenation aura should come early in the game to everyone.


Two reasons:


One, so they have something to slot, those points help a lot.


Two, because I have seen a lot of people asking about how to heal themselves and starting out: healing is tough and damage tends to build up. The gear options for healing are often too expensive for a newbie to build (they really should be focused on upgrading mods and whatnot, rather than making small health pads one at a time) and the early healing options are frankly not worth building. The 10 large health pizzas everyone carries later only come much later in the game so early players rely on either helpful teammates or locker RNG... or getting revived. 


Rejuvenation could be the training wheels of auras. It's not overly strong, even stacked, It's always helpful and it fills a need that later on you can supplant with other items.


Kill vor? Bam! free damaged rejuvenation!

while i'm inclined to agree, i would still maintain that whatever aura they get, it should have no polarity and an abover average amount of points so everybody could use it.

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This is a great idea. Honestly, instead of 50 starting plat, players should just get a reactor a potato and a forma alongside an explanation as to what they do. Since that's really all the 50 starting plat is good for. More choices for starting weapons in the tutorial would be nice too. Maybe have a mk1-strun, mk1-latron, and mk1-Lex as other starting choices.

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I will be the one to not upvote this.


The game is supposed to have some progression and make you play to earn stuff. The only problem a newbie would have regarding this is beginning and wanting top tier everything right away, which leads to power leveling and MR10 people begging for taxis.

Besides the quicker they get all the shiny stuff the quicker they quit and DE knows this. Why do you think they punish us with stuff like the Emergency Exit Endurance droptable? (they totally overdo it tho)

Back then I wasted my initial 50 plat in mod packs and revives... no big deal. back then we didnt even have trade options.


TL;DR let the newbs work off their stuff. No pain no gain.

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I support this, it is kind of hard for new players to gain up in this game now, the fact that they missed out on a lot of goodies, such as the arcane helms, dual stat mods from previous, and a lot more after all and now they don't have any way to get them all except from buying from other players(I know some dual stat mods drop in spy missions and vor but there r still more out there) and also from those 50plat, well im not sure of this anymore but when my friend started playing a while back he wasn't able to trade those 50 plat at all but other than that I do think new players need this system for them

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you know in the long run DE wouldn't even lose money. if anything implementing a simple introductory reward system like this would keep people coming back and who's more tempted to spend money on a game like this... a defeated noob or a returning player who's gotten a little better taste of what the game's got to offer, has a better feel for the game, because they haven't been discouraged too early... have been tempted by a handful of the basic necessities for later game play instead of basically been given nothing and told "here's a mountain, go climb it" you could even integrate these things into the tutorial, showing people how to use these things.

example:  before you encounter vor, this may be of help to you!"  *recieve reactor*  "go to your arsenal and use it on your warframe through the 'upgrade' tab and apply it through the 'actions' command"


once action completed, you get a quest update "congratulations, you've doubled the available number of mod points available on your warframe, in the future, you will want to keep an eye out for special 'alert missions' as they may reward you with another of these items for a future warframe"

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As someone who's played this game for bit under a year, I would have hard time in subscribing into any notation of too high a difficulty for newbies in terms of Warframe and Weapon stopping power. For a newbie, the key issue remains the fact that nothing is really explained in particular detail or in the correct order. I didn't know what auras were til' a few months into the game. I was already running all the tower missions when I figured out that stance mods increase mod capacity on melee weapons, etc. To have any idea of how damage, armor and so on really work in this game, you have to be aware of the wiki; And when you are aware of the wiki, you have to know what to seek for. One could probably go on a year before they learned about the puzzle rooms or vault runs.


I really had no problem with the amount of slots or actual, in-mission difficulties. Yes, I was smart enough to read ahead a little and use my plat to slots, but somehow I really doubt that actual newbies (people with < 20 hours in the game) really benefitted from additional mods or slots. There'd also be little reason to make the in-mission performance any easier, as I at least found the challenge just right as I carved my way through to unlock all the planets. The difficulty then quickly dies down, which, I feel, is one of the bigger issues of Warframe. Still, if something like a placeholder aura mod makes it easier to understand the game, I'm all for that.



I support this, it is kind of hard for new players to gain up in this game now, the fact that they missed out on a lot of goodies, such as the arcane helms, dual stat mods from previous, and a lot more after all and now they don't have any way to get them all except from buying from other players(I know some dual stat mods drop in spy missions and vor but there r still more out there) and also from those 50plat, well im not sure of this anymore but when my friend started playing a while back he wasn't able to trade those 50 plat at all but other than that I do think new players need this system for them


I don't think that those are really a problem at all.. Firstly, they aren't items that newbies would have had in the first place. Secondly, Warframe is not really a game where 15% total damage difference really matters in the end; You just don't need that kind of spot-on, 100% damage optimization to be able to get all the rewards that the game offers. (it might matter a little if you want to go 120 minutes in T4 sur, but that is really not a requirement for anyone)

Edited by tzaeru
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while i'm inclined to agree, the learning curve is one that starts very steep and drops off really fast, a lot of new players wind up not thinking to read ahead or know what to do or who they should trust in public channels when it comes to advice. there IS a strongly rooted issue of the tutorial in this game being a rather basic, if decently implemented run of the mill explaination of how combat and movement works as well as it giving you a very simple rundown of crafting, however it doesn't go into how reactors or catalysts work and doesn't give any explaination as to how aura mods work or where to get them. and while yes, sometimes new players luck into finding the odd person who will be more than helpful and toss them a few essential mods now and then, i find the problem remains that early in the game... a lot of important things get overlooked that players might find very useful.  i would even go so far as to say that the tutorial should have a second quest chain that maybe starts when you unlock venus.  and have this one go through the rounds of giving you one of each potato and an aura, explaining how they work, what they do and how you should value them as they are few and far between.

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I say that if my weapon as a veteran is 50 times more powerful than base weapon which is still 4 times as powerful as starter one then new player needs at least 1/20th of that to have reasonable progression through game.


Which is roughly rank 5 serration, 3x 90% elementals and rank 5 split chamber for rifles, which gives us roughly 1.5k dps on mk1 braton for 57 mod capacity used and that tbh should be enough to progress through game without hitting any walls.

Edited by Davoodoo
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