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Excalibur Rework : Press "e" To Win


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Try go to T4 surv 40 min++ or T4 def 35 waves++, the damage drop as well and you only able to kill enemies with crit (if you using exalted blade).


Q: Do you think Exalted Blade to OP?

A: NO!!!

Edited by --Q--Gasz
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...Starting to think people are so terrified of Excal getting a nerf that they're willing to turn a blind eye on any unbalanced factors of Exalted Blade...

it's not that he needs a nerf, it's that it's completely unnecessary.  Sure, there are going to be situations where it isn't ideally functioning, but to be honest, the rework was massive.  1) there are going to be issues (naturally), 2) if anything, his damage scaling needs to be fixed, considering it drops off at 40minutes in a survival.  Believe me, when it comes to stats, there are indeed people who pay attention.

Rework isn't out a week and we already have people who don't touch T2+ Void chiming in on how a fully modded Warframe that does primarily Slash damage is somehow overpowered.


Excal is perfect at the moment.


Exalted Blade makes a good trash cleaner. It's not going to kill corrupted gunners or bombards unless you blind them first. Modding for Exalted Blade also removes the effectiveness of Radial Javelin, which despite requiring line of sight, is a far easier ability to not only USE but to kill everything on the map with.


Despite your whining Exalted Blade is still quite balanced because:


A.) it fires a slow moving beam that is about 2 excaliburs wide that enemies can dodge and outrun


B.) the beam doesn't do anywhere near the damage a properly modded rifle will unless enemies are blinded


On that note your reasons for it being overpowered dont fly either.

Alot of Warframe powers go through solid objects. It'd be easier to list the ones that don't.

Several projectile-based Warframe powers damage nullifier shields. Chroma's effigy is good example.

Exalted Blade, like Hysteria, is MEANT to be on all the time.


Hysteria, Exalted Blade, Iron Skin (debatably), Vex Armor, Smokescreen, Invisibility.

The reason these abilities exist and cost little to use is because they are the barrier of survivability keeping these frames (who are quite squishy as it is) from being blown up with ease once they leave the comfy confines of Saturn.

They are meant to be turned on as often as possible to provide a defensive bonus.

If you remove abilities like this you basically turn these frames into punching bags.



It's stunning how for the first time one of the gimmickiest crappiest frames in the game can actually fight for his life, is actually at the same level of survivability and power as most of the others. And of course people whine they dont like it.

"This is bad I preferred dying all the time."

"I liked feeling weak outside of syndicate farming."

"I enjoyed being the warframe nobody wanted on their team."


That's the sort of logic these threads have.


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Excalibur is one of the most, if not the most balanced frame in the game. You have to do a lot more than "Press E to win" as he is still vulnerable with Exalted Blade out and EB isn't an omnidirectional nuke like some ultimates. In high-level play Excal requires a lot of skill and concentration to be effective.


Instead of crying for nerfs, why not do something productive and call for fixes to all the other underpowered frames? Ember, Volt, Nekros, Banshee are still useless outside niche situations. 

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Excalibur is one of the most, if not the most balanced frame in the game. You have to do a lot more than "Press E to win" as he is still vulnerable with Exalted Blade out and EB isn't an omnidirectional nuke like some ultimates. In high-level play Excal requires a lot of skill and concentration to be effective.


Instead of crying for nerfs, why not do something productive and call for fixes to all the other underpowered frames? Ember, Volt, Nekros, Banshee are still useless outside niche situations. 

don't touch my ember.  I'll ... uh ... I'll throw acidic pizza at you :|

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Fast forward to the current rework (and after the dark days of Radial Javelin spam) with a new "ultimate" - Exalted Blade.  In the final form after some hotfixes there exists some puzzling decisions which skews balance into "Overpowered" territory. - A sword that shoots energy waves is overpowered eh?


- Exalted Blade waves go through solid objects.  I can understand if a certain amount of Punch Through is inherent in the ability when hitting enemies.  But as it is you can spam waves into closed doors and through floors to decimate enemies which haven't even entered line of sight.  - Much like a flamethrower, yes? Nevermind that excal(unlike flamethorwer Tenno) have to actually aim.


- Exalted Blade procs Syndicate mods despite not equipping the melee weapon.  It's understandable if the 100% damage is added but why is the powerful AOE proc occurring when this is not the case when using melee with a Primary equipped? - It accepts syndicate mods. So obvious.


- Exalted Blade waves damage Nullifier shields.  The Nullifier was introduced I would assume to counter ability spam and is usually one of the few enemies that requires players to adapt on the fly.  How is it then that the waves are not negated by the shield like every other ability? - Why not? It's one of the few abilities that can.


- Exalted Blade can be used indefinitely.  With the use of a Corrupted Mod (the source of so many balance issues) it's very easy to keep Exalted Blade up and since it's so utterly effective there is little cause *not* to have it out 24/7.  - You're worried about a Warframe using a ranged weapon 24/7...Are you nuts?


I am a huge proponent for balance from the start especially with the current meta which does not bare repeating here.  Please consider some of the above points in current and future frame reworks. - Consider my points :)


*DISCLAIMER*  While I welcome any feedback from players the above was addressed to [DE] on the small chance it might be read.  Having been in the forums long enough I know that any talk of balance/retuning/nerfing will be met with vocal and immediate disapproval.  - Especially for a ranged melee weapon with infinite punchthough. You may not be nuts, but your points, well a few at least, are weird.

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...Starting to think people are so terrified of Excal getting a nerf that they're willing to turn a blind eye on any unbalanced factors of Exalted Blade...

Doesn't seem like there anything unbalanced about it. It's only a weapon that shoots waves through walls, not some massive kill all AOE.


In a room full of grineer, the blade alone is not enough when surrounded. But an aoe would be.


There are punchthouh mods and a flamethrower, why should the blade be exempt from this?


A ranged blade being permanent as opposed to using a rifle with higher fire rate and faster bullets and maybe a fast reload time.


God forbid one warframe forsake conventional weapons for a blade. Like the 20+ frames HAVE to use Exalted blade(as if they can).

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Hysteria, Exalted Blade, Iron Skin (debatably), Vex Armor, Smokescreen, Invisibility.

The reason these abilities exist and cost little to use is because they are the barrier of survivability keeping these frames (who are quite squishy as it is) from being blown up with ease once they leave the comfy confines of Saturn.

They are meant to be turned on as often as possible to provide a defensive bonus.

If you remove abilities like this you basically turn these frames into punching bags.

With this said I'd like a Brand New and Improved Oberon and Mag. Less Squishy and more useful.

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...Starting to think people are so terrified of Excal getting a nerf that they're willing to turn a blind eye on any unbalanced factors of Exalted Blade...

For good reason, Excalibur just climbed out of a S#&$hole of uselessness with this rework finally making him viable and now someone wants to push him back down. Not even close to being overpowered at all when considering the fact that other abilities kill in a larger AOE radius. And the whole "Do they even need guns any more?" is a joke, guns are the kings of damage. 

Edited by -CM-AbsoluteZero
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OP, don't let the efficiency fool you.

At high levels if you build for EB you're going to have to spam RB quite often to take down the enemies, and that will quickly eat through your energy reserves unless you have energy balls popping out right and left or rage.


I could kind of agree with you on the punchthrough issue but honestly? Compared to guns that rip through anything in seconds to powers that decimate at spawnpoint *cough* it's not really OP. At lvl 40 it will start to tickle them instead of killing.


EB is meant to be up most of the time. It's his bread and butter skill now in conjunction with slash dash.



Honestly IMO he is in a good spot right now. He has 3 other powers besides RB that actually do something useful now, and he is the first damage frame that scales into end-game. The nuances in his balance are actually finely tuned!

For retrospect do the TA if it's still on. You'll notice the amount of hacksawing needed  to down enemies with a build that has anything less than two power strength mods.

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it's press "E" to win? ok. let's say we nerf it to the ground. now it's what? press 2 to win? ok. we nerf that to the ground. now what? LMB to win? nerf every weapon to the ground. what's left? what do you expect a game to do to "win"? play with your mind? that notion of "press [insert thing] to win" is just the funniest thing ever... how do you expect people to take you seriously? especially when it's "press "E" to win"? lmao...melee is arguably the weakest thing in this game aside from like 3 melee weapons (don't take that number too seriously. most guns out dps melee any day) and a melee based frame is strong at using melee, not just godmode like valkyr? what's this nonsense? DE didn't just cut corners and made it rather cool? i must be on a different plain of existence... excuse me while i find my way back to my correct dimension...


EDIT: oh, forgot to say this. DE wanted every frame to be "endgame viable" and are striving to make their promise a reality. starter or not, excalibur is meant to be just as strong as any other frame. 

Edited by RafaelFuchs
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Sheesh, never suggested a nerf, people are so twitchy... EB was a good move, but I think people got a little bit overexcited when they were designing it and now it seems to do everything except tie your shoelaces.


...Starting to think people are so terrified of Excal getting a nerf that they're willing to turn a blind eye on any unbalanced factors of Exalted Blade...


Sheesh, never suggest a nerf to a frame you barely even played "EB was a good move" nice joke there, tell me more about your experiences playing excal please.


Edited by Dragazer
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Exalted Blade makes a good trash cleaner. It's not going to kill corrupted gunners or bombards unless you blind them first.

Modding for Exalted Blade also removes the effectiveness of Radial Javelin, which despite requiring line of sight, is a far easier ability to not only USE but to kill everything on the map with.


Despite your whining Exalted Blade is still quite balanced because:


A.) it fires a slow moving beam that is about 2 excaliburs wide that enemies can dodge and outrun


B.) the beam doesn't do anywhere near the damage a properly modded rifle will unless enemies are blinded


Alot of Warframe powers go through solid objects. It'd be easier to list the ones that don't.

Several projectile-based Warframe powers damage nullifier shields. Chroma's effigy is good example.

Exalted Blade, like Hysteria, is MEANT to be on all the time.


Hysteria, Exalted Blade, Iron Skin (debatably), Vex Armor, Smokescreen, Invisibility.

The reason these abilities exist and cost little to use is because they are the barrier of survivability keeping these frames (who are quite squishy as it is) from being blown up with ease once they leave the comfy confines of Saturn.

They are meant to be turned on as often as possible to provide a defensive bonus.

If you remove abilities like this you basically turn these frames into punching bags.

Which is easily done with the slide blind even with its short range.

How does efficiency and strength ruin radial javelin?


A) Dodge and outrun? Excalty how do you think they're dodging? The wave goes through everything and the enemy runs straight at you. You can't miss unless you were looking elsewhere. The speed of the wave is actualy decent.


B) You're comparing dps of a rifle (one target) to a wave of damage (multiple hits, multiple targets). Of course the rifle wins because it can be faster. However the wave hits more enemies without losing any of that combined damage from Excal and your melee weapon.


True but DE have made moves in the past to stop abilities from going through everything. To make the game better.

Nullifier's shield is bugged to hell. Going by lore no power should affect it so it's a poor argument.

Unlike Exalted blade hysteria has a duration suggesting/forcing this ability isn't meant to last forever. However since Excal can regain energy while in this mode he does last forever. Especialy with an efficiency build. Combine this with the auto-defence and his practicaly immortal to most attacks.


Hysteria, Iron skin, Vex armour, Smoke screen, Exalted blade. These are debateable as their frames actualy have good stats.


-Hysteria is more of a life saver as players usualy use it to either save themselves or another player. However during most of the game they don't use hysteria because of the large armour value, and hysteria is terrible at the moment.

-There has been plenty of people using Excal in end game before exalted blade. All this move does is help those that couldn't use Excal in end game.

-Iron skin, Vex armour. People just use these abilities willy nilly. They're more about just having an extra buff rather then surviving.

-Smoke screen again it's like a life saver in that you can escape or heal a player. The duration however is too short to be used for any sort of survivability.


Yes these abilities help players survive but they are not meant to be on all the time. Hence why most of these have duration. The only one that stands out is Excal because he can be on 24/7 with only one cast.

Edited by Postal_pat
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Sheesh, never suggest a nerf to a frame you barely even played "EB was a good move" nice joke there, tell me more about your experiences playing excal please.




would you like some ice for that, or?  because I don't have any.... I play ember.... 

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Just wow...


Not only did you miss that I never actually suggested a nerf, you went to all that trouble to point out that I found Excalibur too boring to play.


you lack the experience with the frame to give serious, legitimate and accurate feedback. however, you're right you never said you suggested a nerf. again, however, you implied it by saying it's not balanced and is OP in some way. so, if you don't want it nerfed you want it what? buffed? 

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- Exalted Blade waves damage Nullifier shields.  The Nullifier was introduced I would assume to counter ability spam and is usually one of the few enemies that requires players to adapt on the fly.  How is it then that the waves are not negated by the shield like every other ability?

This one. Blade wave shouldn't act like ammo projectile, It should consider like skill.

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While nerfing don't forget to give the splash damage from (Corrupted) Bombards, Toxic Ancient, and Ancient Healer Auras the same treatment. All of which pass though solid environments. 


Ever wondered why a group of enemies in T4 are suddenly barely taking any damage? It's because an Ancient Healer is hiding behind a wall or around the corner, thereby mitigating almost all of the damage dealt. This is where EB comes in handy...or you can just leave at the 20 min mark I guess.

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If people are finished with their little pecking party and can calm down for a few seconds, I may be able to provide perspective people seem to lack.


Yes, Excalibur's exciting and fun now, No, you certainly don't want that to change; if something like that happened to one of my favourite frames, I'd be a bit worried too that people would try and take it away.


People say Exalted Blade is supposed to be used all the time, but is it?  Hysteria is annoying to use all the time since you're stuck with claws -you can't switch it off either- Exalted Blade is less awkward due to the blade waves, but is this what it really needed?

Excalibur's a melee frame, but EB seems to do literally everything, it dominates the playstyle as opposed to accentuating it.


Part of this problem mainly lies in the enemy scaling and such, making melee as unfeasible as it is, but this ability kind of overcompensates -less on power and more and sheer volume.

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