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✿[Pink Giant Octopus]✿Happy Casual Clan Of Happy Casual People! [Recruitment Open!]


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I understand the rules and agreements for the clan.


IGN: 0livia (The “o” is a zero)


My name is Olivia. I am too old for video games in my twenties and live in the US. I over-use the word "awesome." Every few days, I'll describe something as "the funniest thing I've ever seen" despite the fact that there can only be one "funniest" thing and, odds are, I'm not encountering a new champion that often. It bothers me when people use the word "literally" to describe something that is not literal. I try to remain a humble person, but my unquestionable greatness makes it challenging. ;D I think the greatest deficiency of text-based communication is the inability to properly deliver sarcasm. I am very proud of my overwhelmingly large collection of amusing gifs.

My favorite movie of all time is Amelie, it’s quirky and girly and I love it! Disney movies will always hold the vast majority of my heart captive. I also think Walker Texas Ranger is hilarious and have a soft spot for low-budget & terrible horror movies.


I love food! Ogod. Just ask my boyfriend, he gets to listen to me shoving food in my face constantly over Skype. Can I just say that fruit is my favorite food? Is that cheating? I love fruit. I also love Mexican food and anyone who says they don’t love quesadillas is either lying or not human.


What games do I play? Oh dear. I play a bit of everything. I play a lot of Warframe! I definitely identify myself as a crazy kubrow lady and love collecting and forma-ing my beautiful kubrow horde. I also spend way too much time changing the colors on my Warframes! I also enjoy playing games like League, Smite, Sims, Bioshock, Elder Scrolls, Don’t Starve, Minecraft, Pokemon, Katamari, Pikmin, all of the Zelda games, and currently Octodad! I laugh way too much playing Octodad…


Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you all better!

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I understand the rules and agreements for the clan.


My ign is: unacknowledged


G'day! My name's Matt, and I'm a twenty year-old guy from Sydney, In Australia (and yes, p.sherman 42 wallaby way is a place, if you were curious), I've lived here my whole life so far, and I'm pretty close to the city too. And I enjoy riding kangaroos into various sunsets while laughing with the kookaburras, and eating stereo typical Australian snacks. And I really wanted to be part of a fun, friendly community of people who I'll cherish forever, or until they mispronounce 'Aussie'...


My favourite movie might be something Pixar, but I feel obligated to say finding nemo, or even the rescuers down under, because that's a thing.


My favourite food might be burgers, but of course I also love Vegemite, milo (even though that's *technically* beverage), and I believe that tim tams are the most chocolate of all of the chocolates, being Australian and all.


Video games you say?

Oh boy, i friggin' love those things, I play a lot, at the moment my multiplayer games are warframe (of course), pokemon, don't starve, battlefield, a little league of legends, and a little minecraft too. Although there's always the plethora of other games I play too.


Anyways, I really hope I get to know and play with you guys! But either way, I hope you guys have a great time!

Edited by unintelligible
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@BolognaPogna, xSightlessx, unintelligible
Hello! thank you so much for taking interested in joining PGO and writing the introductions about yourself!
Please log onto our TS3 when you're free to. I'm looking forward to talk to you all !

Omg I really really love Amelie too!
Thank you so much for taking interested in joining PGO and writing the introductions about yourself!
I'm sorry I didn't notice when you were on, if you're convenient please come back online.
There's a setting you have to do in the Settings > Options > Capture to be ale to talk. Looking forward to talk to you again!

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I am a country boy who likes to hunt and fish and most importantly play video games!


My favorite movie is Superbad. The best food ever is corn. Some other games i like to play are: World of Warcraft, League of Legends, and Evolve.


Edited by Sam18
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Had my eyes on this clan for a while as I love it's identity and what it stands for.


Create a reply to this thread containing the followings;
Tell us about yourself. Anything, doesn't have to be only game  related, Any question you have.
Tell us Your IGN.
Tell us Your favorite movie, food, fandom, other games you play.
Make sure you understand the rule and the agreements above.
DONOT PM me ingame, I'm mostly AFK or in mission. Also I WILL NOT accept you if you send me a request pm in game
Join us on our Teamspeak, address; ts3server://, see if we get along fine, if you like it here and other people enjoy your stay.


So I go by Lark or Larkis in various games however I settled for Larkla. This is because Lark was taking and I use to play with a few Singaporeans who kept say la after my name so I wanted to confuse them. I am 23 years old, working full time just slaving away and spending my money on my many vices. I'm from Australia coming over to Warframe from a competitive hardcore guild in Archeage. I am often aloof when playing warframe and had some tension with other members when they chose to exclude people to pursuit higher end content which didn't fly right with me. I do like to grind and collect everything possible but how it's done doesn't bother me as long as we're all having fun. I do spend money to play the game but this is because I don't want to waste other peoples time to help me, I just want to help other people and do exciting stuff. Hoping this clan will have fun with me burning stuff with flame throwers or decimating levels with tentacles ... but I need to unlock Hydroid for that.


In terms of stuff I enjoy I do enjoy watching television shows based on a historical period. Been watching Black Sails, Game of Thrones and Spartacus. Don't really enjoy going to the movies much but I do love watching the occasional 90's flick. Netflix just came to Australia so I have been watching a few things when I get the chance. Favourite film though is a toughy though. Pirates of the Caribbean is great, Pulp Fiction is fantastic and I do enjoy Harry Potter series however I will have to go with the Pirates of the Caribbean series. I love following other games though, been into soo many MMOs coming out. Backed a lot of money into Crowfalls, playing Heroes of the Storm, Heathstone and DBZ. In terms of fandom I follow One Piece for the last 8 years and other manga on and off. Lastly but not least is food! I have this local Japanese place that does the best Chicken Katsu Curry which I eat weekly however this Lebanese place opened up and opted to start doing Kebabs and Chips - I love the garlic sauce and the chips (so crunchy). Guilty Pizza place in the middle of them with the best cheese and so greasy. Use to love getting Steak Sandwiches when I go out but I converted to the humble Chicken Parmigiana. As a treat I eat Gnocchi. This question is really evil actually - I'm now hungry and I just had a beef and cheese pie. I think I want curry for dinner however I am still looking for a nice curry. That was a little hyper but I am on a high today doing jokes for April Fools on my work colleagues - changing the time to April Fools and asking them what the time is.


I love the fact that here community matters. This is something that is important to me and something I want to be apart of. I understand the rules and agree to abide by them although it makes it sad they have to be that extension. I have little tolerance to people pushing the boundaries for rules and I find if they try to poke the bear they are willing to be eaten by the bear and should be feed to the bear. Those rules sound like someone did a lot of poking. I use TS3 religiously at the moment playing with another guild I am in however we are between games at the moment and nothing serious should resume for at least a year.


Let me fly the Pink Giant Octopus with you all. Will jump into your TS tomorrow after work and see what's up and find out some more.

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Hallo! I would like to join this sexy clan of beautiful pplz! I'm looking forward to meeting with you guys!


My IGN is Kingventx


I don't really have a favorite type of movie, I just like to watch superhero movies or horror movies that scare the bejeezus out of me. As of now, the Iron Man is currently my favorite movie on the superhero side while Ju-on: The Grudge would be my favorite on the Horror side.


I love eating all types of food. Every now and then, I take my family out to eat Indian curry (creamiest curry out there), Crab/Lobster (Dipped in that unhealthy delicious liquid butter), Italian calzones (The calzone I ate was HUGE and filled with tons of delicious treats inside), etc. My favorite food would probably be a fish fillet in cream sauce with a caviar sprinkled on top (This is totally legit. Some steakhouse was fancy enough to put caviar up for you to eat!


I play a lot of games.  I'm really not too picky in picking a game to play. My friends always drag me along forcing to play with them a lot. Basically they send me a chat like, "CS:GO NAO" and I just say, "K". Currently, I am playing a lot of Payday 2, CS:Go, and of course, Warframe. I really enjoy helping out the newbies get through the hard bosses or quests. I also enjoy playing games on my Nintendo 3ds such as Super Smash Bros.


I understand the rules you have set up to ex and I am also looking forward to playing with you guys (If I do get in). The clan I'm currently in is filled with a bunch of nonsocial people who come on to the clan dojo just to get blueprints. I can get on everyday on Warframe since my classes at college don't take too much of my time. I hope that I can join your clan and have some great, fun-filled times with you guys!

Edited by Kingventx
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Greetings and salutations,


I would really like to join this clan, You guys sound like you have a lot of fun. I see that recruitment has closed but I thought I'd ask anyway as you never know your luck. I've been playing this game for about 3 weeks now and I immediately fell in love with it.


My IGN is Kirkos03. My favourite movie is The Green Mile. My favourite food is lasagna and I'm pretty sure i was Garfield the cat in a previous life. I'm a massive fan of GoT (the books and TV series.) Other games i play are Diablo 3, World of Tanks, Eldar Scrolls online and I'm an ex WoW addict as well.


Let me know if there's a spot available and if not thanks for taking the time to read my reply.


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Hi :D


My ING is 514415 (plz call me the way you see fit, my mind went blank at the moment I had to pick a username) and my TS3 username is Akoda. I have been playing for now about 1.5 year and I would like to be in a new and social environment.


Except maybe for Warframe, Dark Souls is the game I spent the most time playing to, which probably explains that I often forget that video games can usually be paused (those who know this game will undersand). I liked it for the challenge but also because the games wants your death so much that it gets funny at some point :)


I am a martial art fan and practitionner, so Warframe was an easy choice. Who can resist to the words "Space Ninja" anyway.

My favorite food would be indian curry, if it was not for...


I do have teamspeak and this time I got a legit microphone to speak with. I hope to learn fast and to be understandable, since french is my first language and english is only second. My english is good (according to my standards ^.^) but I sometimes have some hard times finding the right words, so please go easy on me. ^^'


I recently learned to read the Tenno alphabet and I am planing on learning Corpus and Grineer too when I feel like it. I only ask to read more new stuff that DE hides everywhere and decipher some mysteries. If you ever find something interesting to read in a level, plz show it to me, I want to record, read and archive everything I can get my hands on. (No, I don't work for Suda) ^.^


Just know that I casualed my way through this game, so I may not be the most OP player there is.


I hope there is still some place, and if I ever get invited, just know that I am more present during week-end than during week, although I do come sometimes anyway.


All my greetings to yui and her clan mates :D

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Hey there, I'm a level 23 indie writer with an office slavery offspec. My IGN is SomeKindofWizard, my gaming and media handle of many a year.


I've played Warframe on and off since the olden times, usually in longer spurts of a few months, but I'd like enough company to make it a regular thing. I usually play with one of your peeps, Ronith, but having more people to hang out with is always a bonus.


I write for Curse Gaming, and Lupiesoft, who produce japanese style visual novels (some SFW, 

) (some... Less SFW http://www.mangagamer.com/detail.php?product_code=121 ) I am chef trained and love to eat just about anything, and I enjoy imbibing vast quantities of adult beverages and shouting at esports!
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As Yuikami mentioned, thank you again for spending the time writing your introductions.


If you haven't already, please join our teamspeak server when you have the opportunity. The teamspeak server details are listed on the main page of the thread.


Just wanted to stress that every clan has their own culture so our teamspeak server is the best way to get to know ours. You'll get a better idea of the amount of activity our group does and can better determine if it's the right fit for you. Definitely come spend time with us and be yourself. It's the quickest way to find out if our culture is the one you're looking for.

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Hello pink giant Octopussians (Octopussesesessses, Octopussys?, ... I don't even know)


This is my unformal (blatant lie), potentially horrible, and glamorous introduction and application to your fine clan/community.


Heres the glam-part




Its even pink. So there is that.( I almost used Yuikami's "get glam" grineer. But stealing the warlords art for personal abuse might be not the best start for this ...)


I am thebrainbrain but can call me thebrain, drbrainer, Saboth Brainiac, brain, or what people call me most of the time "SHUT UP!". What you are in the process of experiencing is the general madness of a potential psychopath of the good kind. The ones without the knifes ...


I am a fulltime nerd with many interests ranging from highbrow artisic videogames to fart jokes (almost always funny). Even though I mostly play sci-fi I try play everything that is recommended to me ( If my bank account says yes ;A;). But right now Im really into various indiegames, minecraft (again), mass effect (againagain), modifications for various old RTS's and of course Warframe ( I'm atleast on every two days or more to keep that S#&$ty reward going and do some syndicate stuff (yes I care) XD)


While I tend to talk alot I am also a very good listener and like to just have a good talk about everything I can wrap my head around. So a nice conversation no matter how dumb or crazy is always welcome.


I love to $&*^ around in videogames simply because I am to lazy to do anything competitive ( I kissed my professional StarCraft 2 career goodbye a long time ago) :D.


To get the formalitys out of the way (aka the rules with the beautiful flowerdots :3)


My ING is





I'm so fancy. You don't even know!


I also termendously enjoy happy singy times and will occasionally break out into song and if it was a really good day also dance ( may heavily impede gaming capability).


I love every single movie by Hayao Miyazaki. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE .


Octupus breathing intensifies





My fandoms vary but are currently manifested in youtubes holy trinity.





My favourite food is everything. I like to try things and I am open for everything exept alive things (please god no). :3





(I put alot of things in braces for no good reason whatsoever :3)


My favourite emoticon is :3




I have made sure I have understood the rules and agreements above. I am soooooo prepared.


I also did not PM you ingame. That was very thoughtfull of me since you are propably mostly AFK or in a mission. So you have no reason not to accept me.


I am tryharding right now if you havn't noticed already ...


Closing, I think we could get along quite nicely. The Teamspeak and time will show. But for now that has been that



With the most sincere and heartfelt greetings ( the cheese is real)



Your thebrainbrain




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As Yuikami mentioned, thank you again for spending the time writing your introductions.


If you haven't already, please join our teamspeak server when you have the opportunity. The teamspeak server details are listed on the main page of the thread.


Just wanted to stress that every clan has their own culture so our teamspeak server is the best way to get to know ours. You'll get a better idea of the amount of activity our group does and can better determine if it's the right fit for you. Definitely come spend time with us and be yourself. It's the quickest way to find out if our culture is the one you're looking for.

Have to wait to be part of the clan to join team speak ? I haven't recieved an invitation yet.

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Have to wait to be part of the clan to join team speak ? I haven't recieved an invitation yet.

You're welcome to join the teamspeak even if you're currently applying. No need for an invitation. If your tag on teamspeak is different from your post ID just reference your ID.

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ooo recruiting is open yay.

well i'm kyrozon, kyro, kai whatever you want to call me and i simple love playing video games my fav games are warframe and borderlands.

i'm pretty chill although i can get pretty frustrated if people tell me to do things diffrent then i want to do.i have to say you will most likely find me in one location while playing warframe that is the larunda relay. and i enjoy roleplaying furthermore you wont find me talking to much if i'm on ts3 since i manage to break every mic i got. and my fav food is pizza and fav emote: (>'')>

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i will ask people to do duals from time to time but most of the time i just do em for fun and take the most random gear i can find. with that i have to say you will most likely find me in two location while playing warframe those are the larunda relay and pvp(mostly in the relay since i use the capture the cehpalon to level frost)(also wont try to drag others in pvp to much so dont worry about that)


Just so you know, most of our clan members does not participate in pvp. Instead, we're a clan that enjoys helping each other rather than killing each other. But I am sure there will be members more than welcome to help you level in different missions!


We like to play as a team in this clan, so if you really enjoy doing pvp and prefer playing solo, you might want to reconsider because we're a very social heavy clan that likes helping each other out and playing as a team. Just something to keep in mind. ^___^

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I'm assuming that recruitment is open since that's what it says in the forum, although it says it's closed in the first post. Oh well, gonna give my little bit because why not?


So, first off to clarify about the pronunciation of my IGN Xohka, it's best if everyone just goes with "so-ka". :p It's a Kingdom Hearts thing where I take my name, add an "x" to it and mix the letters up to make a new name. 


I'm a 20 year old asian guy college sophomore so I'm usually busy, but I find Warframe to be a fairly quick game to play every now and then. It feels lonely playing solo all the time, though, so that's why I searched for clans and that's how I stumbled upon this scary lovely group!


I also play some League of Legends and Sm4sh when I want to be competitive, but Warframe for me is all fun and games :D Those are really the only multiplayer games I play, but I like to play story-driven games like Skyrim, Mass Effect, Pokemon, Ace Attorney, Professor Layton, and all that. 


I LOVE HAMBURGERS!!! although living in the stereotypical asian family I eat rice for every waking moment (sometimes with chewy octopus, yum!)


I'll be a bit quiet at first, but over time hopefully I'll be able to open up and be friends with everyone here. I'm really active during the weekends so I'll try to use Teamspeak during that time.


I hope I'll be able to play and talk with you all!

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