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I Am Extremely Disappointed And Here Is Why


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1). Mag- Nerfing mags greedy pull made that warfame even more useless. Individually mag cant do crap and was never a support or team based frame. With the greedy pull augment, mag became a fun and great support frame and now that greedy pull is nerfed she unless in all categories.

      Another thing DE you just wasted almost every player's time who has been farming mag prime parts to trade for plat or other items. You have also made the  greedy pull augment mod useless and not worth trading for plat or other other mods and items.

       Now, from what i have heard, the reasoning behind the nerf (making mag useless) was because some players didn't like the mesa/mag combo because they couldn't get kills..... If that is the reason and i hope its not then its a really stupid reason. Just saying..... As for the players that complained so greedy pull got nerf, Here is a simple solution that would have helped you with your previous problem "LEAVE THE MISSION AND JOIN A DIFFERENT ONE!!!' that was all you had to do.


2) Ash prime - I like the look, but DE a  syandana and a sentinel attachment? Really? I was really hyped that we were going to get a new set of  cool shinny armor but nope we got a syandana. I held back on buying the edo prime armor set (volt prime accessories pack) because i was expecting another one that was cooler but now i realize that it was a really dumb idea. I will most likely buy the ash prime accessories pack but its really only for the boosters because im broke on credits. The plat because i have a lot of frames and weapons built but not claimed because i don't have slots and affinity booster to rank those frames and weapons up.


Am i the only person disappointed about the most recent developments?

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For the last bloody time, Mag is far from useless due to the recent changes, people need to quit with the dramatic hyperbole. Mag was already good before Gpull and is still good with the changes. If any Tenno are too blind to see that, that is their fault, not Mag's. 


Also, this is basically just yet another rage thread, so it probably won't last long... 


If you really think Mag is useless now, you rely too much on the meta, and you need to practice different frames, using all of their abilities, and see what the game really has to offer. Hell, just see what Mag has to offer. It's a lot more than her (1) ability and an augment. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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Mag as a whole has had virtually no impact on me, I think I've only been in one or two defences with a greedy Mag and I've never used it myself, but I do think it's not right that they've taken a frame with a very specific use and wiped it out completely. I can see why people are annoyed about it.

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For the last bloody time, Mag is far from useless due to the recent changes, people need to quit with the dramatic hyperbole. Mag was already good before Gpull and is still good with the changes. If any Tenno are too blind to see that, that is their fault, not Mag's. 


Also, this is basically just yet another rage thread, so it probably won't last long... 

Most people who say Mag sucks have never nuked a room full of T4 god-tier enemies in one go.

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"even more useless"


Oh, okay. Thank you for pointing out in the first line that you are a noob, and dont know how to use her. *Phew* Dodged the bullet on that one.


Also, we've had two shiny new sets of armor in two of the last three Prime Access. Find a quiet corner to cry in.

Edited by (PS4)Fenrushak
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Most people who say Mag sucks have never nuked a room full of T4 god-tier enemies in one go.


They've clearly only ever used her, or asked another person to bring her along, for her Gpull and nothing else. They don't even know what she is fully capable of, their loss I guess. 

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They've clearly only ever used her, or asked another person to bring her along, for her Gpull and nothing else. They don't even know what she is fully capable of, their loss I guess. 

This is draco effect. People don't know how to play the game.

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They've clearly only ever used her, or asked another person to bring her along, for her Gpull and nothing else. They don't even know what she is fully capable of, their loss I guess. 


Yup. They use her as a crutch frame for loot, to finance their others, and dont bother researching.

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Pull is useful throughout content, it scales in all aspects of CC. You can pull enemies that are level 10 or level 100, and the CC gives you time to deal with them. The damage isn't as good, but that CC is a life saver.


Shield Polarize also scales throughout content, where it not only damages enemy units with shields (the entirety of the Corpus faction and a vast number of Corrupted (nearly half of the game's content is weak to this one power)), while also restoring shielding to yourself as well.


Bullet Attractor can play for a very useful ward against enemy units that are powerful, as jumping into a bullet attractor or setting it up on an enemy in a hallway pretty much guarantees you protection from that area. It's her own personal Snow Globe, but without the HP limitation.


Crush is a powerful ability now, with three instances of not only damage dealing, but intake enemies and providing knock down, you can be assured that Crush can be useful throughout all levels of content.


If you want a simply strategy, Pull everything to you, Shield Polarize to add some defense, and then Crush all the pulled enemies. Voila, you've got a simple way to smash enemy units. Bullet Attract for when you need a short term lock down maneuver.


She is far from useless.

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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 Now, from what i have heard, the reasoning behind the nerf (making mag useless) was because some players didn't like the mesa/mag combo because they couldn't get kills..... If that is the reason and i hope its not then its a really stupid reason. Just saying..... As for the players that complained so greedy pull got nerf, Here is a simple solution that would have helped you with your previous problem "LEAVE THE MISSION AND JOIN A DIFFERENT ONE!!!' that was all you had to do.

This isn't the reason.


It was the cheese farm issues on nodes like Draco that led to the nerf.

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By many moons I felt ashamed because of the "pro gmags", many times I was called noob because I didn't know how to play mag by not spamming pull like it was the end of the world.


I am glad and happy to play a T4D without a Mesa from the recruiting chat.


You complain about this, but you probably helped this to happen.


All I hope is that they make Exalted Blade cost 100 energy per second.

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For the last bloody time, Mag is far from useless due to the recent changes, people need to quit with the dramatic hyperbole. Mag was already good before Gpull and is still good with the changes. If any Tenno are too blind to see that, that is their fault, not Mag's. 


Also, this is basically just yet another rage thread, so it probably won't last long... 


If you really think Mag is useless now, you rely too much on the meta, and you need to practice different frames, using all of their abilities, and see what the game really has to offer. Hell, just see what Mag has to offer. It's a lot more than her (1) ability and an augment. 


Was gonna create a thread about this but you saved me the trouble.

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Happy with Greedy Pull nerf as I can finally find and pick up loot by myself


Happy with Ash Prime because ponytail, and I don't even main Ash.


That aside, Mag is still fine. Running a few metres with a Carrier and Loot Detector to pick up loot won't kill you.

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Dear OP,


I am really sorry that you do not like the shiny thing because you wanted another sort of shiny thing and DE didn't somehow understand what sort of shiny thing you wanted to shine. I wonder how DE can live with themselves now.


Sarcastically yours,


a Lone Tenno

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Wait, hold on, Mag... useless? Sorry, does not compute.


Mag is a nightmare to corpus units and some corrupted ones, using shield polarize and crush. And if you're fighting grineer/non-shielded enemies, shield polarize is still useful because it instantly recovers shields, pull is a wonderful/cheap/spammable cc, and bullet attractor can be used to essentially pick out one random fool and use him as a human shield. Crush can also be used, but since it deals magnetic damage, it's best to use it against shielded enemies than those without.


Honestly, just because Mag loses a single use (spamming one button to grab all loot in the room... really?) doesn't mean she's useless. Her abilities work well with each other, if you know what you're doing.


Get off of your lazy horse and use her other abilities.


EDIT: I'm extremely happy with the gpull nerf, and not because I couldn't get kills when in a gMag + Mesa team. Honestly, I'd prefer that. I wouldn't need to do anything and I'd get exp for the equipment I need it for. With Mesa holding down the fort, and Mag resupplying her with energy, I can watch some random youtube video and pop back into warframe with free exp. It doesn't get any easier than that. Who the hell would leave behind free exp that they don't have to work for? It's not about kills, my man, it's about the exp that you get from those kills. And if I get exp without having to lift a finger, why would I leave?


With this nerf, I won't get my free exp but that's a small price to pay. Mag was one of my favorites before greedy pull was introduced, and will remain so even after the last warframe has been released. She's a great frame, and I wish you'd see her as more than just someone to grab your loot for you. And if you're a Mesa player, bring your own energy restores. They're cheap to craft, so just build a ton before jumping into a mission. Hell, grab a Limbo! Free energy!

Edited by Eggzodiya
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mag is one of the best frames in my opinion  in the game. Shield polarize destroy corpus and void, shield polarize scales with enemies making her one of the best late game frames there is.


I cant wait for greedy pull to be nerf'd no more need mag and mesa for everything will actually make ppl move around and put effort into mission not spamming 1 power for 40 minutes  

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        I think most of you misunderstood point of my post, but what ever. Mag was the first prime warframe i have built, I also used to play with her a lot before greedy pull was introduced and i know what all of her abilities do. In warframe there is always another way to farm and other combination of frames that can be used to do high level missions and to farm stuff. But almost all of you seem to be forgetting about casual and new players. And i also noticed that not no one said anything referring to the people who have spent their time farming mag prime part with the hope to trade them for plat or items of decent value. From what ive seen players barely use mag for reasons beyond greedy pull and that will go back to being the case where shes not used much any more. All I'm saying is that nerfing greedy pull just makes mag less fun to use and her parts which cannot be farmed again undervalued.


Now for the stupid comments, this is not a rage post  im just disappointed, No im * rage ing, im just pointing out how i and some of the people i play with feel about the issue, mesa can still be used in t4 def draco and other high level missions, E-Gate was cheese farming not using greedy pull, and mag is still an okay warframe, is not a crutch for loot hydroid is, Im not talking about kills im talking about her being a great support frame because of greedy pull. Yes anyone who has used mag has used shield polarize.

Edited by (PS4)twistedodean14
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Wait, hold on, Mag... useless? Sorry, does not compute.


Mag is a nightmare to corpus units and some corrupted ones, using shield polarize and crush. And if you're fighting grineer/non-shielded enemies, shield polarize is still useful because it instantly recovers shields, pull is a wonderful/cheap/spammable cc, and bullet attractor can be used to essentially pick out one random fool and use him as a human shield. Crush can also be used, but since it deals magnetic damage, it's best to use it against shielded enemies than those without.


Honestly, just because Mag loses a single use (spamming one button to grab all loot in the room... really?) doesn't mean she's useless. Her abilities work well with each other, if you know what you're doing.


Get off of your lazy horse and use her other abilities.


EDIT: I'm extremely happy with the gpull nerf, and not because I couldn't get kills when in a gMag + Mesa team. Honestly, I'd prefer that. I wouldn't need to do anything and I'd get exp for the equipment I need it for. With Mesa holding down the fort, and Mag resupplying her with energy, I can watch some random youtube video and pop back into warframe with free exp. It doesn't get any easier than that. Who the hell would leave behind free exp that they don't have to work for? It's not about kills, my man, it's about the exp that you get from those kills. And if I get exp without having to lift a finger, why would I leave?


With this nerf, I won't get my free exp but that's a small price to pay. Mag was one of my favorites before greedy pull was introduced, and will remain so even after the last warframe has been released. She's a great frame, and I wish you'd see her as more than just someone to grab your loot for you. And if you're a Mesa player, bring your own energy restores. They're cheap to craft, so just build a ton before jumping into a mission. Hell, grab a Limbo! Free energy!


Get off my lazy horse? thats laughable...... Anyway i don't use mag that much and if i do use her its just to play corpus missions if im bored and mag is just an okay frame to me. Every frame is good it just depends on how you use them and what you use them for. Also if you dont want to get "free exp" then leave the mission and find another its simple. Im sure if you are in a mission with a bunch newbs are doing bull crap or other players playing in a way you dont like you will leave the mission, so why not do it in this case? DE put the effect in the game for a reason and i believe that reason was so that mag could be used as a support capacity. 

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