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My Son Thinks That The Tenno Are Bad Guys....


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1. Eyes of Blight. We lost 4 Relays and lorewise, probably Tenno as well

2. The descriptions of the factions the main site are clear and concise






I rest my case.

Sadly that does not explain how the Tenno or any of the factions are the "good guys". In fact, from one point of view, both the Corpus and Grineer are trying to get rid of the Tenno. The Grineer can be interpeted in the same aspect as military in most robot/monster/alien movies, "They fear the Tenno and envy their destructible powers, so why not kill them off so they don't wipe us out first?" The Corpus can be interpeted as "Merchant scientist build their weapons in order to stop the Tenno and if need be, the Grineer"


As for the Tenno...."They woke up to fighting and now are going against the Grineer Empire." Nothing about Corpus or who could be the "good guys" in the game. By just using that page, it gives off the look that the Corpus are the "lesser of three evils" while the Tenno are the greater of the three.


Finally, yes we lost four relays during Eye of Blight. But even lorewise, we had the Relays within sight of the planets. Do you think having a base within sight of an enemy fortifaction would go unchallenged? It would be one thing if the Relays were hidden in the void and we lost them because the Grineer accidently bumped into them while searching the void, yet that was not the case. We (as Tenno) got sloppy and let our guard down. The relays are unprotected and even if DE had another event that threatened them, in their current state lorewise (outside of lore, if DE didn't cut down the grind) we would lose the rest of them. No cloaking, no shields, no weapon, nothing but a hub for Tennos and syndicates to show up on.

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Except they do come after you. They all send assassins after us (Stalker, G3, Zanuka Hunter.)

Not to mention that two factions have tried to kidnap and dissect you. One turned our people into abominations to use against us. The other one destroyed our relays. The list of things you could tell your son to prove we are the good guys is quite long...

Edited by Ceryk
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Sadly that does not explain how the Tenno or any of the factions are the "good guys". In fact, from one point of view, both the Corpus and Grineer are trying to get rid of the Tenno. The Grineer can be interpeted in the same aspect as military in most robot/monster/alien movies, "They fear the Tenno and envy their destructible powers, so why not kill them off so they don't wipe us out first?" The Corpus can be interpeted as "Merchant scientist build their weapons in order to stop the Tenno and if need be, the Grineer"


As for the Tenno...."They woke up to fighting and now are going against the Grineer Empire." Nothing about Corpus or who could be the "good guys" in the game. By just using that page, it gives off the look that the Corpus are the "lesser of three evils" while the Tenno are the greater of the three.


Finally, yes we lost four relays during Eye of Blight. But even lorewise, we had the Relays within sight of the planets. Do you think having a base within sight of an enemy fortifaction would go unchallenged? It would be one thing if the Relays were hidden in the void and we lost them because the Grineer accidently bumped into them while searching the void, yet that was not the case. We (as Tenno) got sloppy and let our guard down. The relays are unprotected and even if DE had another event that threatened them, in their current state lorewise (outside of lore, if DE didn't cut down the grind) we would lose the rest of them. No cloaking, no shields, no weapon, nothing but a hub for Tennos and syndicates to show up on.



The Grineer don't fear the Tenno. They just want to wipe them out, as they do with everyone else who try to stop them. Grineer are just greedy slaves who seek for revenge and want to prove they're the best. The Simulacrum lore intro is quite clear about it.


Corpus guilds just seek profit. They're not openly against one faction or another. They're not even against Grineer (in fact they trade with them). But, of course, when different business collide, war is inevitable. 

Edited by Latronico
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Grineer are quite a confusing race. They are against the corpus, yet they cut deals with them all the time, trading for supplies and demanding stuff from them, at the same time constantly going to war with them over certain areas on different planets. They call the tenno betrayers, yet from some of the lore in the codex's, they also betrayed the orokin, sawing one of them in the back when they were being attacked by the infested (You can read this on the eviscerator's lore) But they also hunt down tenno pods so that they may destroy, or keep them for further research. They are also quite generous when it comes to thanking the tenno for aiding them in their war against the corpus saying "We have seen your efforts, and will see to it that you are rewarded." 

It's like the grineer really don't know what they want. They want to be fashionistas (Tyl regor) genocide maniacs (Vay hek) agressive scientists (Vor) and a religious group (Sargus Ruk) etc.

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Well, remember Vor's Prize? In the mission where we go to obtain coordinates for Mercury to fight Vor the ship sets itself on a crash course to a civilian colony and we have the choice to save the colony by sabotaging the ship or prioritize our own well-being by just getting the hek out.


Also, just remembered about this. During Vor's Prize we go to get a ship segment from a neutral mining colony, only to find that the Grineer killed and/or captured every single colonist in the entire colony. 


I loved Vor's Price! I wish there were more missions like that!

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Well, remember Vor's Prize? In the mission where we go to obtain coordinates for Mercury to fight Vor the ship sets itself on a crash course to a civilian colony and we have the choice to save the colony by sabotaging the ship or prioritize our own well-being by just getting the hek out.


Also, just remembered about this. During Vor's Prize we go to get a ship segment from a neutral mining colony, only to find that the Grineer killed and/or captured every single colonist in the entire colony. 



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I thought this was an interesting point of view from a child. He saw me playing today and ask me "Why cant you just let the bad guys be? theyre in their own home" I tried to explain to him that they had "something" that i needed and i was protecting it. he didnt look convinced and asked "so if you dont kill them they come after you?" i told him that they dont really come after us, but we need to go after them. All in all, it was a pretty interesting exchange to where he question why i was endlessly slaughtering legions of these supposed "bad guys" even though it looked like i was the provocateur. He later saw me at the relay and asked me if the bad guys were going to come there to kill people, to which i responded "nah, we're pretty safe here"- 


tl:dr- my son thinks im playing a game about genocidal maniacs with vague objectives.


I know there is more to the story than it seems, i just thought it was interesting to hear the viewpoint of an outsider looking in.

To be honest I kind of agree with your son, at this stage of the progress of the game we really are "genocidal maniacs with vague objectives" If you really think about it the only mission we do any protecting at all is a defense mission, all the others we are basically doing what your son said. What really bring this statement home is the Exterminate missions, good guys don't exterminate. Keep also in mind we slaughtered a entire race to instiction The Orokin.

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I thought this was an interesting point of view from a child. He saw me playing today and ask me "Why cant you just let the bad guys be? theyre in their own home" I tried to explain to him that they had "something" that i needed and i was protecting it. he didnt look convinced and asked "so if you dont kill them they come after you?" i told him that they dont really come after us, but we need to go after them. All in all, it was a pretty interesting exchange to where he question why i was endlessly slaughtering legions of these supposed "bad guys" even though it looked like i was the provocateur. He later saw me at the relay and asked me if the bad guys were going to come there to kill people, to which i responded "nah, we're pretty safe here"- 


tl:dr- my son thinks im playing a game about genocidal maniacs with vague objectives.


I know there is more to the story than it seems, i just thought it was interesting to hear the viewpoint of an outsider looking in.


you should tell him the truth, if we dont go over them they will overtake the whole universe with some "bad attitude and influence" which makes die out the good ones and humanity in general because they are obsessed with their own idea of "power" =)))


and congrats to your son, he have a lot of compassion in general in his heart, teach him wisely to strengthen the right direction of the right compassion ,-)

Edited by Khampa
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Oh, no, we're absolutely bad guys. We literally committed genocide against the Orokin Empire before the Collapse.


Thing is, nobody else is a whole lot better. The Corpus are the only major trading network in the system and will sell absolutely anything to absolutely anyone. If you can afford their extortionate prices.


The Grineer raid the few neutral human colonies that remain to terrorise, enslave and murder more or less as they wish, and the only reason they don't already rule the entire system is that they've got limited supplies of bullets and batteries - they don't have any true energy weapons like the Corpus do, so they can't arm everyone and still have them be able to shoot.

The closest we have to 'good' factions are the neutral civilians, and Steel Meridian, who are actively safeguarding them against the Corpus and Grineer. The Tenno are just a sword by comparison - what we do is dependent on who's wielding us, and why.

I've always thought that the Tenno were just killing to create a balance in power in the solar system, i think that the reason the Tenno killed the Orokin Empire was because when the Sentient were killed all the power went back to the Orokin therefore creating an embalance. So they betrayed the Orokin and re-balanced the power.


And lets say that the neutral colonies start taking matters into their own hands and start to take territory from the Grineer, eventually the Tenno would turn their attention to them if they went to far.

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Look around the forums. We are the tenno. And by the looks of it, we are genocidal maniacs that want to see the entire universe bun.

Some people just want to watch the world burn


badum tss :D

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Tenno are the evil in the universe....


Corpus just want to trade

Grineer just want to live

Infested just want to say blub one more time

Corrupted want to defend theyr home

I think that the Tenno are defending themselves, doing what they were made to do and maintain balance in the solar system, and i personally think that they are trying to figure out what they once were.


The Corpus are trying to take the Warframes,

The Grineer attacked the Tenno first ,

The Infested are spreading throughout the solar system,

And the Tenno go to the void to take back what was once there's.

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I think this is a reason we need both non-fatal weapons and civilian settlement tileset we protect for gameplay from concepts so we are capable of making a choice and not constantly killing everything if we dont want to. Also how about the option to turn enemies to betraying the factions they belong to for peace. Similar to turncoats missions and events and captures except less killing of the target lol.

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Nobody is the GOOD guys so to speak.


The Grineer are a whole species of genocidal maniacs hellbent on conquest and destroying all that's not Grineer.


Corpus care only about profit and literally nothing else.


Tenno betrayed their masters for yet unknown reasons (at least unconfirmed) and are now doing stuff...

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Well, to be fair your son is on the right track. If we judge the Tenno's action on the Gradivus Dilema and Operation False Profit, the Tenno are actually "bad guys" in a sense, but closer to anti-heroes; where, the Tenno may Embody hope for the Sol System, but they make many morally questionable choices blurring the line between right and wrong. At Gradivus, the Tenno sacrificed an entire colony of modern day (for Warframe anyways) human colonists of over a million in exchange for a hundred Tenno lives. Then during Operation False Profit - no matter how you spin it - the Tenno "liberated" and spent funds that was originally stolen from what is left of the Sol System human population by Nef Anyo.


So in a sense, yeah your son is right...we are bad guys, but we're the best option that the Sol System has at survival as the traditional anti-hero.

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Tenno are by no means right but they aren't wrong per se,  sometimes its a grey moral area not to mention its a game so unlike real life it limits out actions and responses. It depends on perspective, no one in this game is right even us. As the main character who's perspective of ourselves is twisted because we don't want to admit to our own wrong doings whether fiction or not we avoid the truth that your son with a fresh perspective so innocently pointed out. There are no heroes in warframe it is just everyone continuing the cycle of perpetual human error, violence doesn't solve violence and the game itself will probably never allow peace. What you should understand is that it is just a game don't let it change you or your sons perspective on real life ( like it had begun doing to you who should have recognized the moral horror of this and many other games ), and the only alternative is to stop playing ( your sons case never begin ), or change the game ( Concepts ) in my opinion. Though there are no set responses to a dilemma as many box themselves into believing but instead and infinite amount of solutions ( some will be better than ). 

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