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Hotfix 16.11.4


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  • Reduced the frequency of Forma Blueprints dropping in T3 Defense Rotation C.

Bo Prime Blueprint and Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint have been added to T3 Defense Rotation C

DE , or how to say good news while adding even more bad news , Thanks you guys , Of course this did not dillute the drop if you remove one item to add two others...

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It's almost as if DE doesn't understand their own algorithms... 

More items in the drop tables with the same percentage chance for Ash Prime (or any other one specific item) in fact means precisely that the drop tables are diluted. Mathematically speaking, please THINK before acting next time.

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A fraction of the distance? I disagree, if you look at the twitter vine video that Steve put up, he gained some pretty good distance with bullet jump. In my opinion, it seems better than Tipedo coptering, especially since it does not slam you into a wall every single time. Maybe with skill, that will not happen, but flying from one end of the room to another, skipping huge numbers of enemies along the way, does that really facilitate gameplay?


In terms of the loadout thing, I agree. Still, with the removal of stamina, most frames would be able to keep up. Especially since we are not flying across rooms like gravity defying spinning pigeons.


I saw the clips. It really is just a small fraction of how far you can go compared to a fast weapon and the berserker mod. It does not compare at all.


Plus the new wall movement. That strange crouched bunny hopping, looks absolutely horrible. I like the current wall running where the frames claw into the walls and grind their way down. The new system makes it feel more like any other video game where you just defy the laws of gravity because it's a game. Double dumping has NOTHING to do with parkour and is just the same old thing you have in every other platformer.

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It's almost as if DE doesn't understand their own algorithms... 

More items in the drop tables with the same percentage chance for Ash Prime (or any other one specific item) in fact means precisely that the drop tables are diluted. Mathematically speaking, please THINK before acting next time.


Read his post more closely. They didn't dilute the chance to get ASH SPECIFICALLY. They said nothing about not diluting the rest of the table.

Edited by Lowsodium
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Note: The changes to T3D tier C drops didn't dilute the chance of getting the Ash Prime part you're after -- they just added ducat-variety to the common drops.  Ash Prime BP still has the same drop rate as before.

 With all due respect, Sir

How the hell that having 2 more junks putting into drop table will not dilute the chance of getting that, even though we already got 1/5 chance to get Ash Prime Blueprint, and now it's 1/7?

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 With all due respect, Sir

How the hell that having 2 more junks putting into drop table will not dilute the chance of getting that, even though we already got 1/5 chance to get Ash Prime Blueprint, and now it's 1/7?

drop chances are not evenly distributed.


'common' items share a 60% chance to drop, 'uncommon' share 30%, 'rare' share 10%(or something like that). Removing one common item and replacing it with two just means that the chance to get a specific common item decreases, but not the chance to get a common item at all, or the chance to get a rare item at all.

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 With all due respect, Sir

How the hell that having 2 more junks putting into drop table will not dilute the chance of getting that, even though we already got 1/5 chance to get Ash Prime Blueprint, and now it's 1/7?

If the drop works that way there is pretty much way less void dilution.


Think about it.  Even if it is 10 items in the table you still have 10% to get it, but we mostly get one junk over and over again because it is 60% or so.  In the prime drop table, you can see some drop table only have 3 drops (supposedly 1/3 chance) but you never get the one you want are you?

Edited by Hueminator
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Note: The changes to T3D tier C drops didn't dilute the chance of getting the Ash Prime part you're after -- they just added ducat-variety to the common drops.  Ash Prime BP still has the same drop rate as before.

And they still dont want to make this game feel like a "gaint grind wall"

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drop chances are not evenly distributed.


'common' items share a 60% chance to drop, 'uncommon' share 30%, 'rare' share 10%(or something like that). Removing one common item and replacing it with two just means that the chance to get a specific common item decreases, but not the chance to get a common item at all, or the chance to get a rare item at all.



If the drop works that way there is pretty much way less void dilution.


Think about it.  Even if it is 10 items in the table you still have 10% to get it, but we mostly get one junk over and over again because it is 60% or so.  In the prime drop table, you can see some drop table only have 3 drops (supposedly 1/3 chance) but you never get the one you want are you?


Yes yes

DE can do no wrong, can't they? :v

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Read his post more closely. They didn't dilute the chance to get ASH SPECIFICALLY. They said nothing about not diluting the rest of the table.

Oh trust me. I've read it about three times now. That uhh...hm. Oddly enough, that doesn't make what I said any less valid. If you are going for a specific drop item, you have a chance to get said thing. It would be different if the two new additions took the same probability slot AND THEN one of the two were randomly chosen...but no, that is not the case. They take up their own little segment of probability.

Ash Prime Blueprint is still the same percentage, yes, but the likelihood is now decreased. With more editions comes more garbage before output of desired outcome.

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I've done maybe 80 runs of Tower III survival for the past 2 days.



"Oh look! My 30th Bo prime blueprint!"

"Wow a Forma!"

"My 3rd Sicarus Prime BP! Nice"


Look, I love the game DE, I just wish it would be just a tad bit more fair on the drops... The time we spend on Warframe should be for fun, not hours of table-flipping frustration. It's good that Forma drops are reduced on T3S, but please, I have way too much ember prime parts already, how am I supposed to get the Ash P BP now? I don't even have the systems yet... -_-


Please listen to the community on this one DE, you will make a lot of people happy.

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  • Reduced the frequency of Forma Blueprints dropping in T3 Defense Rotation C.
  • Bo Prime Blueprint and Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint have been added to T3 Defense Rotation C.



  • Fixed issues with the Prisma Cleavers not having proper audio effects in a variety of attack/holster scenarios. 


Note: The changes to T3D tier C drops didn't dilute the chance of getting the Ash Prime part you're after -- they just added ducat-variety to the common drops.  Ash Prime BP still has the same drop rate as before.

ok, the chance of finding the Ash prime part my not be diluted but the fact that you get randomly kicked (and just so you know my comp runs smoothly and had no connection problems with Warframe in the past) or getting random Mission Failures even when you didnt fail the mission do in fact decrease the ability to find (or at least obtain) the Ash Prime part 

Edited by AquaDragon42
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Oh trust me. I've read it about three times now. That uhh...hm. Oddly enough, that doesn't make what I said any less valid. If you are going for a specific drop item, you have a chance to get said thing. It would be different if the two new additions took the same probability slot AND THEN one of the two were randomly chosen...but no, that is not the case. They take up their own little segment of probability.

Ash Prime Blueprint is still the same percentage, yes, but the likelihood is now decreased. With more editions comes more garbage before output of desired outcome.

For the sake of argument lets say ash is a 10% drop.


Are you saying that you are less likely to get that 10% chance if there are 9 other 10% chance drops. And more likely to get it if there was 6 15% drops? Or any other combination of percentages so long as there are a lower number of chance options.


I would like you to go over the math on that one for me.

Edited by Lowsodium
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For the sake of argument lets say ash is a 10% drop.


Are you saying that you are less likely to get that 10% chance if there are 9 other 10% chance drops. And more likely to get it if there was 6 15% drops? Or any other combination of percentages so long as there are a lower number of chance options.


I would like you to go over the math on that one for me.

Explaining things has never really been a strong suit for me, but I'll try. Though I can't assure it'll make perfect sense.


Percentages work differently between on-paper (mathematically) and in-practice (logically) scenarios. Mathematically, there was no change in Ash's drop alone. Logically, however, the chance of getting a specific item has dropped. Let's look at it like this.




Ash (10%) vs Everything else (90%)

1 item vs X item(s)

If X accounts for nine items, then everything has the same chance of being acquired. HOWEVER, those nine items override that one item. With the more items, the pool of probability isn't mathematically altered. But if X equates to...let's say, 15 items. You have a higher logical probability of acquiring one of those fifteen items than you do Ash, despite his drop chance being higher than an individual of the 15.


I have no idea if that's going to make sense to anyone else but me. 

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Explaining things has never really been a strong suit for me, but I'll try. Though I can't assure it'll make perfect sense.


Percentages work differently between on-paper (mathematically) and in-practice (logically) scenarios. Mathematically, there was no change in Ash's drop alone. Logically, however, the chance of getting a specific item has dropped. Let's look at it like this.




Ash (10%) vs Everything else (90%)

1 item vs X item(s)

If X accounts for nine items, then everything has the same chance of being acquired. HOWEVER, those nine items override that one item. With the more items, the pool of probability isn't mathematically altered. But if X equates to...let's say, 15 items. You have a higher logical probability of acquiring one of those fifteen items than you do Ash, despite his drop chance being higher than an individual of the 15.


I have no idea if that's going to make sense to anyone else but me. 


I see what you are going for, maybe. But can't agree that the chance to get ash was ultimately reduced.

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You'd think that people would be happy that DE listened to them after they spammed the devstream with nothing but "#StopRotationCForma" for the ENTIRE stream. Guess they didn't realize that whining gets you nowhere.


How do you suggest we get somewhere with DE? People have been banned for trying the logical discussion route if they got too much attention.

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  • Reduced the frequency of Forma Blueprints dropping in T3 Defense Rotation C.
  • Bo Prime Blueprint and Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint have been added to T3 Defense Rotation C.



  • Fixed issues with the Prisma Cleavers not having proper audio effects in a variety of attack/holster scenarios. 


Note: The changes to T3D tier C drops didn't dilute the chance of getting the Ash Prime part you're after -- they just added ducat-variety to the common drops.  Ash Prime BP still has the same drop rate as before.

So, let me get this staright, which probably many people here haven't realised.


Forma was NOT removed from T3Def Rotation C. Its intensity was reduced.

And that intensity reduction was countered by adding 2 more prime parts to T3Def Rotation C.


Basically, now we can get Forma Bp or Bo P Bp or Ember P Helmet BP, whereas, previously we got either Forma BP or something else.


I fail to see how THIS is not a nerf. DE never REMOVED forma from Rotation C, but they added 2 more 'junk' to it.

Edited by NN13
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  • Reduced the frequency of Forma Blueprints dropping in T3 Defense Rotation C.
  • Bo Prime Blueprint and Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint have been added to T3 Defense Rotation C.



  • Fixed issues with the Prisma Cleavers not having proper audio effects in a variety of attack/holster scenarios. 


Note: The changes to T3D tier C drops didn't dilute the chance of getting the Ash Prime part you're after -- they just added ducat-variety to the common drops.  Ash Prime BP still has the same drop rate as before.

YAY Thx,finally all the annoying forma can stop appearing so much :D

Edited by NovaNexus
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