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Hotfix 16.11.4


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  • Reduced the frequency of Forma Blueprints dropping in T3 Defense Rotation C.
  • Bo Prime Blueprint and Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint have been added to T3 Defense Rotation C.


  • Fixed issues with the Prisma Cleavers not having proper audio effects in a variety of attack/holster scenarios. 

Note: The changes to T3D tier C drops didn't dilute the chance of getting the Ash Prime part you're after -- they just added ducat-variety to the common drops.  Ash Prime BP still has the same drop rate as before.

I'd rather take the Forma blueprints...
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btw any updates about t3surv? because i pretty sure there are only 2 rewards in rot C forma and sicarus BP, i am not the only one who thinks so and have done too many runs for just formas... now i can build an orokin puzzle 1000

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  • Reduced the frequency of Forma Blueprints dropping in T3 Defense Rotation C.
  • Bo Prime Blueprint and Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint have been added to T3 Defense Rotation C.



  • Fixed issues with the Prisma Cleavers not having proper audio effects in a variety of attack/holster scenarios. 


Note: The changes to T3D tier C drops didn't dilute the chance of getting the Ash Prime part you're after -- they just added ducat-variety to the common drops.  Ash Prime BP still has the same drop rate as before.


Do not know what is more disturbing, DEs changes or the 73 subjects upvoting the thread.

I already have 1000 Ember Prime Helmet Blueprints, now I am going to get even more, same for Bo Prime Blueprint.


Its like with the GPull update, one sensless change overshadows the good one.


If you look in a lexison about the meaning of "lying", you will find a link to "gaming industry", right now EA is top on the list, but DE is making ground.

Edited by Valtaya
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btw any updates about t3surv? because i pretty sure there are only 2 rewards in rot C forma and sicarus BP, i am not the only one who thinks so and have done too many runs for just formas... now i can build an orokin puzzle 1000


T3 Ext and T3 MD same, always drop Nyx system or sicarus barrel or soma barrel aaand forma bp of course, nothing else

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oh and before I forget it

I still have phantom enemies on my map (for 2+ months now)

The carrier sentinel is still bugged (2+ months)


DE makes only meaningles hotfixes and no real bugfixing, there is another company who did this: Trion, there is another game who had to suffer because of this more then unreasonable behaviour of the devs: Defiance

Defiance is like dead now.

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btw any updates about t3surv? because i pretty sure there are only 2 rewards in rot C forma and sicarus BP, i am not the only one who thinks so and have done too many runs for just formas... now i can build an orokin puzzle 1000

Nah, you are just unlucky...I got Ash Systems at 60mins yesterday. My Ash is cooking now.

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I just have to say, what in the hell DE?

This is such a typical non-fix it's not even funny.

Just what was the thought process that led you to concluding that adding even more trash to T3D rotation C was a good idea?

I would genuinely like to know.

What good is a reduced drop in Forma BPs if we also have another 2 potential drops in the pool now? What is this supposed to fix? I'm pretty sure people aren't begging for more Ember helmets, seeing as we already get plenty of those just doing T3S, and there it's at least a rotation A reward.

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  • Reduced the frequency of Forma Blueprints dropping in T3 Defense Rotation C.
  • Bo Prime Blueprint and Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint have been added to T3 Defense Rotation C.


Note: The changes to T3D tier C drops didn't dilute the chance of getting the Ash Prime part you're after -- they just added ducat-variety to the common drops.  Ash Prime BP still has the same drop rate as before.

I GET IT NOW. the drop rate/chance for ash are the same. Formas were probably like 50% so they nurfed it to 20% while bo prime and ember prime helmet gets 15% still leaving Ash with 0.6%. It all adds up. Most important words? CHANCE     RATE

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Listen, dude, everyone has their opinions, but now you're just, well I can't say the word, so, you're sh***ing all over DE just way too much.


Before you jump on the 'White Knight' button, all I'm encouraging is decent conversation. This is boiling on passive-aggressive.


Keep your cool, your sodium isn't as low as your username says.

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Well this has happened to me several times.  Last night doing a Mobile Defense on Neptune is why I thought of it tho.  I had a rank 2 recently forma'd Boar Prime and a maxed and well modded Lex Prime.  Before I can grab it, a Mag grabs the datamass and then copters past everyone else in the group to the terminal, leaving me with only a Lex Prime and 2 other people (both below MR4) to slowly grind our way through the army of Corpus between us and the terminal.


Nobody died, and we made it there about 2 minutes after the Mag did.  But the thing is the Mag could've slowed down a bit and Shield Polarized the 7 or 8 rooms between us and the terminal, and we ALL would've all made it there in less time.  That's my complaint.  Coptering encourages NOT playing the game.  It's a shooter.  You're supposed to SHOOT THINGS, not go flying over their heads in violation of Newtonian physics to complete the objective way, way faster than anyone really needs to.


I'm MR15 and die less than once a day, playing about 4-10 hours a day most days.  I am not a scrub.  I'm just a polite player who doesn't expect, but still appreciates other players being polite in kind, which most are.  Coptering is antithetical to that, so even though they aren't actually removing it, I really, really wish they would.



And i play between 10 minutes and 60 minutes per day. Spending 30 minutes in each mission is tedious. Coptering allows us to spend only 1-5 minutes per speed mission, allowing us, casual players to have more time playing other missions.

Btw, the fastest way to level up weapons is to run exterminate missions with high level enemies and kill them all while they're unalerted. This rewards 2-5 times the normal enemey xp. I was working on my Rakta Ballistica and did a few runs per format only, using Loki p with maxed invisibility duration. It's a bit harder with a Syndicate weapon because of the Rakta Ballistica's damaging aoe pulse when it reaches maximum load, which obviously alerts everyone in the area.


Do you live in a universe where friendship doors don't exist?


Can you take me there?


Nope, i got the friendship doors too, but most of the time i get in groups that are as fast as me, or i wait for the laggers, or i go to get them. The one problem that i have with those stoppers is that when i get afkers in my group and they are the only ones that can help open the doors...and they obviously don't move. There was an instance where the only player that played a map i was trying to clear was an afker, i abandoned the mission a few times and each time i launched it i stumbled on the same afker with only him in the squad, couldn't finish the mission until the last time i tried i was sent to another squad and that went well. Those anti runners things can be pretty fatal depending on what you get in your team.

Edited by Huryiade
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Is there even prime parts in T3D? 15 more rounds since update and almost exclusively components have droped. Man the drop table to prime parts needs to be worked on. I don't even like Ash I just want the xp. I have 136 forma bp!

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Listen, dude, everyone has their opinions, but now you're just, well I can't say the word, so, you're sh***ing all over DE just way too much.


Before you jump on the 'White Knight' button, all I'm encouraging is decent conversation. This is boiling on passive-aggressive.


Keep your cool, your sodium isn't as low as your username says.

I don't think you know what a white knight is.


I've had this alias LONG before being salty was such a huge thing on the internet.


And finally, my posts are more along the lines of simply aggressive-agressive. I don't pull my punches and DE can defend themselves. They are adults that can handle criticism and have moderators to remove my posts if I go to far.

Edited by Lowsodium
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a) give us full blown forma in T3 and T4

b) reduce forma build time for 1-3h so we can actually work on the amount of BPs we have instead of just stacking them


Also move some parts into the A and B Rotations of T3D because right now, you get cores 95% of the time and cells 4.5% of the time.

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