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Is It New Update 17 Comes In August 10?


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Not a chance, the pair of you


Not until Aug or September 

I guess you don't pay attention to Devstreams.

Its coming out REALLY SOON.


A lot of the unfinished stuff already got pushed back.

There just waiting on Parkour 2.0 at this point which is nearly finished.


There is definetly a good chance we could be seeing it late july.

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Guest (PS4)Baby0Shaq34

Not at all, why do you even think that?, we won't get U17 until maybe even September, getting really tired of topics like this

cuz people just want their update, due to they got nothing else better to do

lol no

Well, shut your damn lip then. If your getting tired of these topics.

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No, there is not, U17 comes out when its ready, don't expect it until way until September (Or August, if we're Lucky)

You do realize its been almost 6 months since u15. With how DE handles their updates it will most likely come out within the next few weeks or mid august. Give them some credit, they've been working hard on this for a long while.

Edited by Demoonic
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Seeing as how parkour 2.0 is still in the earlier stages, it won't be for a while. Definitely not this week or next week. It will come when it's ready. There is no point in trying to rush updates the. Complain about all their bugs when they come out. Be patient and let DE do their thing



Parkour 2.0 is nearly finished. Again, Please be up to date before stating things.

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Let's just calm down and just wait for a bit. Who knows DE is planning something and making it appear like a huge suprise like when we thought ash prime was coming probably wednesday but they added him early in by a day i guess?

Edited by -Shinohara-
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Some people say August or September as if it's a fact. People can predict when they think U17 will be shipped. Why are you people even trying to convince people to your likings and thoughts on such a petty topic? 


Cute, I like how assume that, why do you even think I said, they won't come out until way until August or September?


What makes you so sure about it to the point where you bash out other people's predictions? They can predict all they want. These are not discussions you guys are doing here, it's just useless arguments over nothing.

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Soon I hope. I'm actually glad Star Chart 2.0 might not be this update. With all the things coming this update, I can understand the time it'd take to prepare it for shipping. Sharkwings? Capes? New frame? New Kubrow? Tombs of the Sentients? Parkour 2.0? This update is going to be massive. Just be patient, good things come to those who wait. 

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Soon I hope. I'm actually glad Star Chart 2.0 might not be this update. With all the things coming this update, I can understand the time it'd take to prepare it for shipping. Sharkwings? Capes? New frame? New Kubrow? Tombs of the Sentients? Parkour 2.0? This update is going to be massive. Just be patient, good things come to those who wait. 

I'm looking forward to the new star chart since it would likely mean a new Void (opening the Void Vault) it's all this waiting, just want it over with.

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We are just at update 16.11 after which came update 16.12.....16.13 and so on till we get to update 16.99 now then you could do a topic that in the next 2 week update 17 will come.

Unfortunately we are expecting to hit at least

Edited by iLogan
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Lets break this down:

- new weapons and mods. Hard to say how long this will take or whats the progress so not part of the waiting list (unless tied to yin yang)

- yin yang frame. Devstream 56 showed the built model, but mynuki has passed it over to somone else so its hard to say when it will be out.

-frost tweak. From preview devstream 55, it looks pretty much complete.

-shotgun buff, was discussed in same devstream. Its being tweaked. Progress unknown.

-tyl regor boss battle. His weapon was covered quite a few devstreams ago, and there was even a preview of the way he attacks so im assuming most of it is done along with the additional underwater tileset.

-kubrow armour was previewed in 55. Rebecca said there still tweaks since kubrow come in all shape and sizes.

- parkour 2.0. No idea on the progress, there was some preview done by rebecca as zephyr so its hard to say...

- cape. This seems done.

- tomb of sentient related. No idea on progress.

- sharkwing preview. Also no idea. Though we did see rebecca accidently fall into the water that one time...

Anyway most of this is my opinion only, but the main concerns right now are parkour 2.0 and yin yang frame. It could be out in 2 weeks, but thats still a very tight timeframe. More likely some time in august.

Edited by 321agemo
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