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Increase The Amount Of Warframe Mod Spots Or Even Make It Infinite


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Reason -- there are a lot of mods with little to no gain (and, surely, little cost) that noone uses because they take one of the eight slots that are needed for something else, for something better.


If the amount of slots is increased, a lot more interesting builds can appear, using some "not very useful" mods like Stamina buff.




People really seem to forget that mod energy exists. Remember why you forma? Because that narrow minded at 13 or so and all the other 9 point mods add up when you stack them on. We don't forma a primary weapon 3 times just to hear serration, heavy cal and split chamber make a pleasant "ding" when we drop them in. If we had more slots, sure, we'd have more room for more mods to place, but we still be restricted by the mod energy system, which would still limit the amount of mods we could place on an item out of the box. More slots means more forma to fill those slots to max potential. Forma means farming for forma as well as leveling the item to use it, which means the player is playing the game.


For this reason, I support the addition of 1-2 slots to match what we had before the ability changes. 

Edited by Baskakov_Dima
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As much as I would like mod energy to be the only limiting factor, I can't see myself ever slapping a resistance mod or acrobat or something on there when I could put something way more useful on instead. Forma all the slots, and that is a lot of max level mods you can fit on there. Unsure about this.


Bad logic.


If the amount is infinite, then everyone would have the same build: aka ALL THE MODS.

...Mod energy? That's a thing, you know.

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We need utility slots though. For things like Rush, Maglev and stuff.



This Exactly



Exactly,and i think it would be perfect with the upcoming Movement Overhaul (Parkour 2.0)

People should be grateful,there was those times when frames didn't have auras to boost their points and Abilities had to be placed into mod slots..

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We need utility slots though. For things like Rush, Maglev and stuff.

I used to feel the same way, but this doesn't fix anything. If we were given utility slots people would end up filling them with the same mods that everyone though were the most bang for the buck the same as we do with our current eight slots. People would always fill it with a mod like Rush over a resist mod or some others.

Also how would you define a "utility" mod as all mods are basically supplying some form of utility.

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I used to feel the same way, but this doesn't fix anything. If we were given utility slots people would end up filling them with the same mods that everyone though were the most bang for the buck the same as we do with our current eight slots. People would always fill it with a mod like Rush over a resist mod or some others.

Also how would you define a "utility" mod as all mods are basically supplying some form of utility.


well this is an intresting point.


i agree with Crewell there is no stricht definition of "utility mod", not yet at least.

i do not think a complete overhaull of the mod system is needed, but just for hipotesys to do that the mod must be re-cataloged:


- power&energy-affecting mod (streamline, stretch, intensify, equilibrium....)

- power modification mod (greedy pull, shock trooper...)

- movement mod (rush, quick rest, maglev...)

- insulation mod (insulation, vitality, redirection...)

- witts based mod (thief witts, master tief....)


and then you could think of having 10 slot with a fixed 2 per type system (2 power, 2 power mod, 2 movement, 2 insulation an 2 witt)

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I'd certainly like more slots in general. I'd love to always have at least rush plus reduced status duration, knockdown resistance etc. The problem I have currently is several of my frames feel like they need 1-2 more slots already just to fit the build I'd like to run, plus the utility mods. I'm sure it'll never happen, but it'd certainly be nice.


To clarify, by utility mods I mostly mean things that reduce annoyance. Putting around on a slow frame is seriously un-fun. Getting spam knockdowns from rockets, or endless slash/toxic procs, these thing are just un-enjoyable. They could flag all these mods as the 2 line (old ability polarity, current augment polarity) if nothing else and add 2 slots of that polarity that can't be forma'd. Surely no one considers being able to run Rush or Handspring (or things along those lines) without ruining your actual build power creep.


Not too mention, without increasing the available mod points, we'd all have to use more forma, which means more time playing. Seems like a no brainer win-win for us and DE.

Edited by Racter0325
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it's your choice and only your choice what mods you choose to use. it may come as a surprise to some of you, but a frame does not have to be modded so that it's T4S 40 min viable. you sacrifice utilities and convenience for your abilities and survivability because that's the way to achieve the "endgame" the wf community has arbitrarily defined.


if you think some mods suck, then maybe you should lobby DE to buff those mods, not let people run even more minmaxed frames.

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We need this to come with a proper look at mod energy/drain costs, which would make it unnecessary to create an arbitrary division between 'utility' and 'power' mods. We currently have a system where it costs more to add maglev than streamline.

Edited by DameDameNingen
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Mod energy? That's a thing, you know.


I'd like to extend this point. People really seem to forget that mod energy exists. Remember why you forma? Because that narrow minded at 13 or so and all the other 9 point mods add up when you stack them on. We don't forma a primary weapon 3 times just to hear serration, heavy cal and split chamber make a pleasant "ding" when we drop them in. If we had more slots, sure, we'd have more room for more mods to place, but we still be restricted by the mod energy system, which would still limit the amount of mods we could place on an item out of the box. More slots means more forma to fill those slots to max potential. Forma means farming for forma as well as leveling the item to use it, which means the player is playing the game.


For this reason, I support the addition of 1-2 slots to match what we had before the ability changes. 

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Reason -- there is plenty of mods with little to no gain (and, surely, little cost) that noone uses because they take one of the eight slots that are needed for something else, for something better.


If the amount of slots is increased, a lot more interesting builds can appear. 


Yeah! And while we are at it, lets make it so that we can equip unlimited amounts of the same mods too! I'm gonna put 35 Intensifies on my Volt! 




Do you guys even think about the repercussions when you consider stuff like this? Have you ever thought that it may be a bad idea to have a frame with Maxed out Vitality, Redirection, Steel Fiber, Armored Agility, Rush, Aviator, Fast Deflection, Fortitude, Surefooted...and thats before you even get to your Power enhancing mods? 


This wouldnt make interesting mods. This would make ridiculously overpowered Frames. 

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Infinite, is going over the top, but to the concept, I can somewhat agree.


So, with infinite, you still only have-theretically 138 mod points max-taken all forma into thought. A mod averages about around 11 points, so you can obtain about 13-14 mods on your warframe, which is 4 more than the 10 which was given.


The concept however,

10 slots seem reasonable for flexible builds.


But then again... power creep, esp for vets who like to go crazy.

My current excal build has 200% strength, with max efficiency and barely enough for a melee build-rage, vitality, flow, and maybe QT. If I were to add blind rage, (because his efficiency is really good), add steel fiber, he'd be a walking juggernaut.

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Generally, no. BUT we need something like an utility slot.


For example, i'd love to put sprint into my ash prime, but there are mods, i can't really throw out. So a utility slot would have like specific mods to be able to be installed, like (as teh name usggests) utility mods (sprint speed, shield recharge rate etc)

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Why not additional 1-2 augment slots, 1-2 mobility(rush,maglev etc.) slots and 1-2 survivability(redirection,vitality,shield flux) slots that are restricted to only those specific mods.


And reducing the number of power enhancement slots (Intensify, Streamline, Blind Rage) to 1 or 2 as well, so that it doesnt get to insanely overpowered levels, right?


Why not? Because adding 1-2 mobility mods on a Frame like Volt would make him absurdly overpowered with Speed. Because Giving frames like Rhino or Valkyr 2 additional slots to spend on survivability would be OP as hell. Because giving free augment slots to Frames with excellent augments would be unfair to those with less effective ones who have a slot used by worthless augments.


The problem with people suggesting this nonsense is that they have no concept of game balance, and just want to be more and more powerful. They arent interested in "more interesting" builds, they are solely interested in OP builds.


If DE really wanted to let you guys break the game with this, the next complaint you would come up with is infinite drain, so that you can actually afford to equip your unlimited mods in your unlimited slots.

Edited by (PS4)Fenrushak
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