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Is The U17 Coming...soon?


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i just want to know, cause ive seen many threads and post related with this theory that may point to the soon release of this patch, also, the chart that DE showed on the previous devstream, was a sign of this too, what do you guys think? next week maybe?

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There is an official comment under the 16.11.5 patch notes that they are suspending all non-critical updates until U17 releases. So, yes, it will be soon, though the work necessary to get it functioning may still take 1-3 weeks.

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There's still a lot of work being done on U17, but there will definitely be some signs of when it's approaching :) 

Please give us a Tactical Alert or something to do while we wait.

Most of us have nothing left to do at this point.

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There's still a lot of work being done on U17, but there will definitely be some signs of when it's approaching :) 

Does that mean...Another hype website?


With cool pictures of Tyl Regor, Parkour 2.0,Yin Yang twins, Nunchuks, and countdowns?


Another event? Or the option to buy a swimming pool in the Liset?

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Good thing I'm going on vacation for the next two weeks, maybe it will be out by the time I get back.

Wherever you go, no poaching please...


I think I can to study in the mean time... Patience can be good sometimes. :)

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Please give us a Tactical Alert or something to do while we wait.

Most of us have nothing left to do at this point.

Yes, give us a Tactical alert with Primed Chamber as a reward. Please DE.  =P

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There's still a lot of work being done on U17, but there will definitely be some signs of when it's approaching :) 


dont missunderstand me, for how long more and since how many of this sentences since weeks and monthes ?


2015 seems and looks like very strange for warframe's development in the "western region", dont let this happen !!!

Edited by Khampa
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since we were told no more 'update patches' till u17 now the only reasonable assumption left is that the teaser website should launch within the next week


but since it didnt launch this week, HOPEFULLY the teaser site at least launches next week, becuz then u17 will still be another week away from that, at least =/


ya these new timelines that DE are working on, cannot say that i am a huge fan, from now on apparently it seem we need to expect no less than 3-4 months in between updates and consistent dry spells leading up to the update's launch


really wish that DE could intermix some more small additions, so that the 2-3 week wait before a major update isnt such a deserted wasteland/graveyard =/


and becuz of how things worked out and the enormous delay on u16, this means that 2015 will likely only have 2 updates, since u18 is probably NOT going to get in b4 the holidaze crunch =/


dont get me wrong, the game is always changing (not always improving, but changing nonetheless, even though in general id say it gets better a bit more than it gets worse, even if it takes DE awhile to realize/fix it) and i know that is a lot of work


but its hard to see the year of quality when we've only got 1 lackluster 'major' update and then a ton of delayed/unreleased/teased content 


im sure that the devbuild that DE plays with has a bunch of 'quality' improvements, but its really hard to feel that on the back end with a year like 2015 so far [here's hoping the 3rd quarter of 2015 really lives up to that grandiose 'year of quality' statement]

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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We'll have to wait until Monday, to see if we get a teaser site, or any time in-between, but if we don't then its going to be the following week after, we get a teaser, I don't expect U17 until way September, due to the "gamescon", but we might get it After that, but that will be another 3-4 weeks, half a 

"September" u wot, when they've officially stated there's no plans for any type of updates til u17? You really think it's gonna be a month and a half of nothing at all?

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Yep, or what I think will the the worse case, also who says "u wot" these days?

Me, apparently. Anyways I dunno, DE's never been /quite/ that bad with update droughts before, but I guess it's possible they'll just go back on their word and release a weapon or two in the meanwhile and it will be super delayed.

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Me, apparently. Anyways I dunno, DE's never been /quite/ that bad with update droughts before, but I guess it's possible they'll just go back on their word and release a weapon or two in the meanwhile and it will be super delayed.


It's more likely they'll release U17 before it's ready and super-bugged, then they'll release a thousand hotfixes and updates for a couple of weeks.

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