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Why So Many Crybabbies?


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"Nerf this! Nerf that! Yweak this!! Take away that! Mesa takes away all the fun!! Saryn is too op!! Rhinos iron skin rrquires no skill!! Nova makes the game too easy!!"

OMFG!!! am i the only tired of these kinds of posts? Urgghh i honestly feel irritated whenever i see them. Its ok to voice your opinions but dang it!! Calling for a nerf everytime u dont like something? sooooo many mesa nerfers. if u dont want mesa make a no-mesa sqad. I see plenty of people doing it u dont see anyone complaining about that do u? Your free to recruit whoever u want. Just because you dont like an ability is no reason to nerf it. take a look at it, think it through, lool at the core and gameplay of the ability the synergies and post valid resons why said ability should be nerfed or tweaked. Not posting stupid reasons like it takes away the fun. Warframe is a game with psuedo powees parkour and melee if we start nerfing everything we wobt b able to kill anything in the game. yes i have a mesa yes i use her for defense, yes i have a saryn, yes i spam her ultimate, i also have other builds for them because i enjoy using the other abilitied as well

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It's called feedback.

Better to have it and decide whether or not to act on it than to not have it at all. Without it, a flawed product stays flawed.


Like it or not, those threads have a value, no matter how much you feel the need to complain about them. DE is ultimately the decider on whether or not things get changed, so getting upset at those threads is pretty much pointless.

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It's called feedback.

Better to have it and decide whether or not to act on it than to not have it at all. Without it, a flawed product stays flawed.

Like it or not, those threads have a value, no matter how much you feel the need to complain about them. DE is ultimately the decider on whether or not things get changed, so getting upset at those threads is pretty much pointless.

yes i agree but alot of those posts have no suggestions and incredibly stupid reasons or logics behind them
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a whiner whining about whining? lol


best post for this topic hahahahaha  


Get used to it, I don't like the mag gp nerf and the Dark Excalibur only for China but I would already expect whiteknights to post comments like salty and whinner. 

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no not really everybody knew excalibur needed a rework..superjump? I could jump higher wit my scindo

After U15 Super Jump wasn't about the jump itself, it was about the invisibility and the things it let you do, things that coptering could never do, such as dodging Corrupted Bombard rockets or safely taking out Nullifier bubbles... but whatever, I guess it's better for Excalibur to a flavorless 1 trick pony.. atleast old Radial Blind (before dumb finishers) made him more of a melee frame than he is now.

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"Nerf this! Nerf that! Yweak this!! Take away that! Mesa takes away all the fun!! Saryn is too op!! Rhinos iron skin rrquires no skill!! Nova makes the game too easy!!"

OMFG!!! am i the only tired of these kinds of posts? Urgghh i honestly feel irritated whenever i see them. Its ok to voice your opinions but dang it!! Calling for a nerf everytime u dont like something? sooooo many mesa nerfers. if u dont want mesa make a no-mesa sqad. I see plenty of people doing it u dont see anyone complaining about that do u? Your free to recruit whoever u want. Just because you dont like an ability is no reason to nerf it. take a look at it, think it through, lool at the core and gameplay of the ability the synergies and post valid resons why said ability should be nerfed or tweaked. Not posting stupid reasons like it takes away the fun. Warframe is a game with psuedo powees parkour and melee if we start nerfing everything we wobt b able to kill anything in the game. yes i have a mesa yes i use her for defense, yes i have a saryn, yes i spam her ultimate, i also have other builds for them because i enjoy using the other abilitied as well


you feel better now, ok =)

thats the way how them you call crybabies feel when they share what they have to share as you share what you have to share XD


we all share, we have the right to do that in the western hemisphaere and this includes development of the mind in teh first row and this is very important and even more, still human development at its best, and the best we all can do for us and all others in the whole entire universe, without we would die out ... ,-)

Edited by Khampa
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