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Sleeping Problems


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So for about the past month or two I have been having trouble sleeping. I have been dealing with a little anxiety for some time and it only seems to be getting worse, which can often times lead to random paranoia. So whenever I go to bed, I feel like I'm being watched and often times pass out cause I am too paranoid/scared to sleep. Even if I end up passing out about half the time I get nightmares, lucky me.

So one thing people say to do is to make it feel like you're not alone, to do that for the past 3 years I leave the tv on just so I can go to sleep but lately it hasn't been working. I'm not sure what to do anymore and I hate pulling all-nighters cause then I just get delirious.

Anyone with any knowledge or similar experiences help me?

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I pushed my bed to a corner where I can see the rest of my room (specially doors). It calms me down.


I also try to put a lenghty let's play of a calm game on my laptop or tablet. I guess it kind of reminds me when I used to fall asleep while watching my older brother play games. So yeah... a soothing video or something that brings you good memories.


I've been sleeping at 6-7am recently and it's bugging me too haha


Good luck!

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Well i never had that but it might be that your maybe playing warframe too long ? maybe and maybe just like if you can not go on pc at all in case you really need to get better soon

Actually I experienced the same thing, and it was actually after a breakup.  Started playing warframe, and it kept me preoccupied until I nearly passed out from being so tired.


As for the OP, some of the things I've tried doing is putting over-the-ear headphones on and falling asleep to atmospheric music, maybe have a window open, listen to some encouraging and uplifting music before goign to bed to get the mind and soul right (for me, since I'm a disciple of Christ, I listened to Hillsong Young and Free, and it put my head into a mindset of joy rather than a feeling of being paranoid.).  Whatever kind of music that is for you, maybe it's worth a shot!  Others try a small night light, even if it's in the bathroom outside of your room.  


Honestly, my biggest way of dealing with it is just telling myself there's nothing there until I believe it.  After all, darkness is just the absence of light.


It doesn't necessarily have to do with just having noise like a tv to calm down, but actually a state of mind.  Find something that puts you in a good mood right before bed and hold on to that :)


Now if I can take my own advice and actually try going to bed at a decent time instead of 6am...  Night everyone!

Edited by PriZms
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I sleep just like a baby...


But to your issue. Maybe watch something normal like a cartoon-ish show or movie or comedy show, keep away from any horror reading or watching, *or any gory stuff with deaths and screaming.


And get yourself interested in it, then maybe your fall asleep not knowing and dream about it instead of nightmares.


That's all I can provide on advice.

Edited by Monsterwithin
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I sleep just like a baby...


But to your issue. Maybe watch something normal like a cartoon-ish show or movie or comedy show, keep away from any horror reading or watching.

And get yourself interested in it, then maybe your fall asleep not knowing and dream about it instead of nightmares.

I don't know if someone commenting on this with the name "Monsterwithin" is gonna help xD

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I sleep just like a baby...


But to your issue. Maybe watch something normal like a cartoon-ish show or movie or comedy show, keep away from any horror reading or watching.

And get yourself interested in it, then maybe your fall asleep not knowing and dream about it instead of nightmares.

That's what I've been doing for 3 years and that's what isn't working anymore

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Try to listen to the atmospheric game music like from Skyrim, Oblivion, or Gothic 3. They have really beautiful compositions which do calm and relax.


Also, try to read books from the Forgotten Realms universe right before sleep. Sure, some of them will drag you through the night right to the sunrise, but when you get sated with adventures, you'll fall asleep after a couple of chapters.

Start with Salvatore, or Greenwood.


here's the timeline, just in case.

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Meditation is good for this sort of thing.  Start with this:-


Sit comfortably in a chair, back straight, head feeling as if it's being lightly pulled up from the crown by a string.


Close your eyes and count your breaths, just at the end of the exhale, from 1 to 10, then 1 to 10, etc., etc.  You can try other variations (e.g. 1-10 and back again to 1, 1 to 20, etc., counting on the "top" of the breath, or middle, etc.), but stick to one in a session.  Start with a few minutes, work your way gradually up to 20 mins a day.


If you're distracted (as you inevitably will be) and lose count, just start at 1 again and patiently resume the practice.  You'll get lots of "breaks" like this at first, don't worry about it, it happens to everybody - eventually you'll get the hang of it.  What you're looking for eventually is a sort of "drop" into parasympathetic nervous system activation.  It's being extremely relaxed physically (same kind of relaxation while dozing after a meal, or sleeping), but mentally alert.


If you do like, maybe 1 x 20min session like this per day, you'll find it helps with sleeping.  It also helps you to get to sleep if you do breath counting.  When you're sitting upright, that keeps you awake, when you're lying down, you will lose count and drift off to sleep.

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Might want to try reading books with lots of wall of text and watching comedy or scientific TV shows. Hearing calming/atmospheric musics might also help. As a last resort, try reading "Last Post Wins" topic from the first page.


Meditation is good for this sort of thing.  Start with this:-


Sit comfortably in a chair, back straight, head feeling as if it's being lightly pulled up from the crown by a string.


Close your eyes and count your breaths, just at the end of the exhale, from 1 to 10, then 1 to 10, etc., etc.  You can try other variations (e.g. 1-10 and back again to 1, 1 to 20, etc., counting on the "top" of the breath, or middle, etc.), but stick to one in a session.  Start with a few minutes, work your way gradually up to 20 mins a day.


If you're distracted (as you inevitably will be) and lose count, just start at 1 again and patiently resume the practice.  You'll get lots of "breaks" like this at first, don't worry about it, it happens to everybody - eventually you'll get the hang of it.  What you're looking for eventually is a sort of "drop" into parasympathetic nervous system activation.  It's being extremely relaxed physically (same kind of relaxation while dozing after a meal, or sleeping), but mentally alert.


If you do like, maybe 1 x 20min session like this per day, you'll find it helps with sleeping.  It also helps you to get to sleep if you do breath counting.  When you're sitting upright, that keeps you awake, when you're lying down, you will lose count and drift off to sleep.



This often works too. Usually because it helps you to stay calm. But sometimes you might get sleepy/fall asleep when meditating (true story.)

Edited by Jangkrik
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Maybe talking to your loved ones like friends or family could help.


*Removed my stupid suggestion*


@Omnimorph suggestion may help.


But best of lucks that your find your problem out, and have great rest and peaceful dreams.

Edited by Monsterwithin
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Sometimes I can't sleep or I know I will lie on the bed about a hour before I will sleep.

I always use headphones with my phone and turn on music, you can belive me or not, but If Im listening to something normal I can't sleep, Im just getting power because of music, but I just slowly go sleep if Im listening to something like this:


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I have GAD, General Anxiety Disorder for many years now and I can truely relate to your sleeping difficulties. Everybody's different in this aspect, what would work for me may not even help you, so all I can do is just throw out suggestions.

Firstly, your current anxiety levels will only get worse with every bout until you knock it on it's head, I assume the bouts are only occuring on the night? One way to deal with this is to have a exercise rountine on the day as this will help the body to release stress hormones. I know its not what you want to do if your tired mind but it does work.

Next thing I'd deal with is not being able to switch off mentally at night. Others have mentioned music helps, which it does but I'd not go for anything heavy. Easy listening or ambient is a good place to start, there's sh*tloads on youtube.

But we're all different, I can sleep like a baby after a horror even with GAD but yet my missus cannot, she becomes very apperhensive like you, but something light-hearted normally clocks her off. It if gets really unbearable, ask your doctor about having CBT which helps to break negative thought patterns. Otherwise, all I can do is wish you luck bud.

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Here's some simple tips that I can almost guarantee will help ya, this is from long years of experience from doing shift work in I.T.

DONT have the T.V going in your room, having that flickering light on all night will make it really hard to sleep, and will not let you get 'quality sleep' at ALL. Any light in your room will disrupt your sleep patterns.

Stop watching T.V, computer, tablet, phone, gameboy anything that you are staring into that has artificial light at least an HOUR before you plan to sleep.

Get a soft, preferably yellow tinged lamp for your bedroom and get used to READING for an hour before sleep. Helps you wind down and relax. Turn the light OFF when you sleep, don't even have a 'night light'

Seriously consider taking up some physical exercise, walking, jogging, I personally recommend weight training.
If you are tired at the end of the day from training you will have much less chance of having trouble sleeping, and getting in shape, especially body building can have a dramatic effect on depression and anxiety disorders of all kinds.

We are naturally designed to be ACTIVE and engaged physically, and our bodies, minds and mood's suffer when we are not.

take care, and all the best.

Edited by ASH_PRIME
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Don't know if that can help but, sometimes when i cant sleep i just put on some good comfortable earphones and play nature sound like wind and leaves or even water. It calms me down and its pretty relaxing too :P 

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Last year i moved from the place i'd been living in for my entire life. i was having a bit of trouble sleeping so i actually stumbled into ASMR. it helped me sleep, not sure if it will help you out but if you are paranoid or whatever, it could certainly help you feel like someone is in the room with you, helping you relax and such.

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