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Ash Prime Systems Part Unatainable


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I've been trying for almost 5 days and at least 40 c rotaiton missions 5 or more 40 min trys. I still can get the Ash prime systems part. Ive been playing for almost 3 years (MR 19) and have never had this much of a problem getting a prime part. I dont expect it to be easy but come on people. update the drop rate. I still need the BP it is being just as difficult.

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I got 4 ash systems in about 15 runs.

It took me 65 runs(I counted) to get Volt Chassis

All my runs for the Volt chassis were 40-80 mins long. I got it on my last T3S runs where i got a Ash systems at the 20 min mark and i go the Volt chassis at the 60 min mark. I know your frustration i even took a 3 month break from warframe and played other games. 

Edited by PyralisTT
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I got 4 ash systems in about 15 runs.

It took me 65 runs(I counted) to get Volt Chassis

All my runs for the Volt chassis were 40-80 mins long. I got it on my last T3S runs where i got a Ash systems at the 20 min mark and i go the Volt chassis at the 60 min mark. I know your frustration i even took a 3 month break from warframe and played other games. 


If you counted, is it by chance that you and everybody thus far, have a number that is a multiple of 5?


You're all exaggerating, go play the game more.

Edited by ivlr3vil
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The desire sensors are in effect Tenno... I know your pain. Good luck to you. ;)

Finally, it's catching on.

Nobody believed me. Just saying, if someone managed to be genius enough to code a desire sensor algorithmic sub program, it would be the best F2P model ever, if you could figure out how to get people to buy stuff using it. Terrible game play and morals... but it would be the cruelest form of beauty.

Edited by CruelCrow
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just run 1 mission 40 mins per day and you'll get it someday, that's what I did with mine, and I got it on day 3 or 4, but I haven't got the Ash Prime BP, I'm gonna run 20 waves or 40 waves T3D each day until I get it, I'm not gonna rush it.

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If you counted, is it by chance that you and everybody thus far, have a number that is a multiple of 5?


You're all exaggerating, go play the game more.

I also found that to be weird. In the game i was playing i told the guys i did 64 runs and i got it on my 65th.

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Got it first try, now stop complaining like I said in another thread which was absolutely the same as this one. RNG is RNG and rng is a b*tch.

People seem to believe that the word "RNG" existing automagically explains away every single result of a loot roll.


Also... I notice it's mostly the people who get all their items the first time who say "Stop complaining, it's just RNG".


Hmm, I wonder why.

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I've had terrible luck with rng my whole Tenno life, but ash prime access was my first ever lucky streak. I got the Ash set and Carrier set all 1st tries, and most vectis. The stock I did over 100 t3 ms keys and still never got it. Traded an extra receiver for it instead. Sometimes rng loves you...but that's only rarely.

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What are 40 tries? Nothing.


I don´t know why so many people think they need to make a thread because it takes a little longer to obtain an item.


I know, shame on me for bumping this thread.

Dude, you could play Warframe as a full time job and still not get drops. Kinda takes the fun outta it. Then again, I work a full time job and I'm gonna get Prime Access, so yeah.

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