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Coptering Removing


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Why DE don't listening the community? In January 16th: Community Hot Topics 41% voted for keeping coptering as it is. Why this unique mechanic should be removed? Instead we get some monkey jumps which transformed game into another mobile runner. Press 'W' harder?


So i suggest to don't removing it completely. How about make utility Coptering mod? Everyone will be happy i guess.

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59% represents more than half the game, even if a certain percentage does not have a position to take in the poll. Now imagine the backlash DE would receive if it were the other way around.


Ninjas play free. Emphasize "Ninja", not a gyrocopter with legs.

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As the devs explained, and i agree with: melee weapon choice was being persueded by mobility, aka coptering, and not by combat use. This shouldnt be the case. So the best answer is to make a natural movement ability thats similar to coptering, but is not influenced by the choice in melee weapon. Lets not judge the new system before its released.

(I bet new parkor mods will come out that im sure will beef up the new jumps too)

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Why DE don't listening the community? In January 16th: Community Hot Topics 41% voted for keeping coptering as it is. Why this unique mechanic should be removed? Instead we get some monkey jumps which transformed game into another mobile runner. Press 'W' harder?


So i suggest to don't removing it completely. How about make utility Coptering mod? Everyone will be happy i guess.

ok so..

first: "Monkey jumps".. so you're trying to make a joke out of the new mechanic as to make it easier to attack? That's sad. Also: I didn't know monkeys could hop through large distances on the same wall... even less bulletjump. If you're going to offer criticism I suggest dropping the analogies or using something that doesn't try to demean in order to properly evaluate something.

Second: Community hot topics, yes? Well, it's assumed that the players who actually use the forums are the minority, plus 41% is still a minority even if it "wins" the poll.

If you consider the following options which are in favor of change:

-Yes, they could use a slight change (post your opinion below).

-Yes, they should have their acceleration removed and sprint should be improved.

U'll get 42,97% .. so what's your point?

They are removing it regardless of suggestions, they seem to wish to release U17 next week for PC.

And last but not least:

Please watch this.

Edit: What Mr. AUTOPHOX said up there too ^

Edit(2): Also.. it doesn't make sense that u're pro-coptering (aka, spin your melee weapon = fly 1000m in a glitchy position) but are against aiming while midair (with a bit slowmo-focus and reduced enemy accuracy)


Edited by (PS4)Dan_Aria
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Multiple reasons.


1. Most people don't like or don't use coptering. A small, very vocal minority does. If you actually watch people play, really not as common a thing as that minority makes it out to be. If you actually watch most people play, they slide jump more than anything else. Forum users are a minority to begin with, so those numbers are skewed.

2. It's difficult and annoying to do, which is exactly why most people don't use it or dislike it even if they do.

3. It messes up Spin Attack and essentially renders it useless on certain weapons because you're going too far, too fast and not hitting targets.

4. It's technically a bug. And devs don't like bugs... The only reason it was allowed to stay this long is because they didn't have a better plan or higher priorities at the time.

5. It looks stupid. We're supposed to be badasses, not spinning toys out of Happy Meals.


Removing it in favor of vastly superior, infinitely easier, and much more reliably systems to use systems benefits more players and the overall health of the game than leaving it in.

Edited by Ceryk
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So is wall bunny hopping.  Actually, coptering looked a lot better.


Abusive: Wall hopping is basically a wallrun that moves in bursts and doesn't glue u to the wall magnet-style... it is intended and, therefore, not an "abuse". Whereas coptering required you to have certain weaponry in order to be able to maneuver because your ninja is incompetent otherwise and melee mechanics weren't being used for their purpose because they are broken.

Glitchy: Bulletjump and the new movesets are INTENDED and were made for mobility reasons. Whereas coptering and air attack used features intended for melee that were so broken they had more uses for mobility than melee.

Ugly: this is a matter of opinion, however, what game dev wants their game's main mobility system to be a glitch? This doesn't look good for a game.

Regardless, we've had this whole thread happen in another thread, opinions don't change but the game will change, possibly next week on PC.

Edited by (PS4)Dan_Aria
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Abusive: Wall hopping is basically a wallrun that moves in bursts and doesn't glue u to the wall magnet-style... it is intended and, therefore, not an "abuse". Whereas coptering required you to have certain weaponry in order to be able to maneuver because your ninja is incompetent otherwise and melee mechanics weren't being used for their purpose because they are broken.

Glitchy: Bulletjump and the new movesets are INTENDED and were made for mobility reasons. Whereas coptering and air attack used features intended for melee that were so broken they had more uses for mobility than melee.

Ugly: this is a matter of opinion, however, what game dev wants their game's main mobility system to be a glitch? This doesn't look good for a game.

Regardless, we've had this whole thread happen in another thread, opinions don't change but the game will change, possibly next week on PC.

GMag was intended, and they still called that an abuse/exploit.


The bunny hopping looks glitchy as hell, I don't care if they claim that was always their intent.  It looks horrible.


The fighting game genre is generally considered the most skill based of any genre of video game, especially when you bring in things like Evo.  That entire genre's main basis (combos) are based off of what was originally a glitch in Street Fighter, so don't try to give me that "doesn't look good for a game" excuse.


Yes, the game is apparently changing for the worse next week. I can't stop it, but I can share my discontent.

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Just as a basic math lesson, because apparently some people need one, 41% < 59%. The majority of the community wants coptering removed.


You also claim the new movement system is even more abusive and glitchy than coptering, but haven't pulled up any tangible arguments to back up that statement other than "it looks ugly", which I should remind you is a PERSONAL OPINION. Trying to deny the entire community the new movement system because you personally think it looks ugly is extremely selfish and entitled. It implies that you think your personal opinion is more important than the opinions of 59% of the community.


I really can't take this topic seriously.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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GMag was intended, and they still called that an abuse/exploit.


The bunny hopping looks glitchy as hell, I don't care if they claim that was always their intent.  It looks horrible.


The fighting game genre is generally considered the most skill based of any genre of video game, especially when you bring in things like Evo.  That entire genre's main basis (combos) are based off of what was originally a glitch in Street Fighter, so don't try to give me that "doesn't look good for a game" excuse.


Yes, the game is apparently changing for the worse next week. I can't stop it, but I can share my discontent.

Gmag was intended, not "the entire party will clutter in one spot and spam pull + peacemaker", this is something for another thread.

Again, that's an opinion, IMO the wallrun we got looks glitchy and looks like you're glued like a magnet, the controls are horrid too. I'm not demanding that you agree with it.

Maybe for Street Fighter, but if the WF devs want change that is NOT what they think look good for a game, ist it?

You seem awfully dismissive of other people's opinions and of CHANGE. The only argument you bring is "I don't care, IMO it looks like crap" which is your opinion, GG sir.

You can share your discontent all you want, change is coming, the Devs don't want glitches to be the main maneuver system in the game and a lot of people are happy with the change.

Edit: + what Mr. Orange said.

Edited by (PS4)Dan_Aria
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So is wall bunny hopping.  Actually, coptering looked a lot better.

If you're referring to the traditional method of "Bunny Hopping" then yes it is; but that's not what we're getting.


And you're saying that an animation meant to be used on the ground being used in the air that can propel you a few hundred meters into the distance and often leaves you literally stuck to a wall from the excess momentum looks better than a set of animations built with the intent of movement.

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Just as a basic math lesson, because apparently some people need one, 41% < 59%. The majority of the community wants coptering removed.


You also claim the new movement system is even more abusive and glitchy than coptering, but haven't pulled up any tangible arguments to back up that statement other than "it looks ugly", which I should remind you is a PERSONAL OPINION. Trying to deny the entire community the new movement system because you personally think it looks ugly is extremely selfish and entitled. It implies that you think your personal opinion is more important than the opinions of 59% of the community.


I really can't take this topic seriously.



To be fair, the poll was not a binary option, as Dan_aria noted above.


14% wanted a slight change, 28% wanted it removed, 13% had no opinion, and the others categorized themselves as "other".  The majority don't want coptering to stay, but the majority also don't want it removed. 


Not that it matters.  Game design is not a democracy.  If DE's ever changing priorities decide that melee weapons being used first and foremost for their movement speed, and that's not what DE wants, nothing we say will matter.

Edited by Phatose
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And you're saying that an animation meant to be used on the ground being used in the air that can propel you a few hundred meters into the distance and often leaves you literally stuck to a wall from the excess momentum looks better than a set of animations built with the intent of movement.

Yes, I am, because coptering does look better than the wall bunny hopping.

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To be fair, the poll was not a binary option, as Dan_aria noted above.


14% wanted a slight change, 28% wanted it removed, 13% had no opinion, and the others categorized themselves as "other".  The majority don't want coptering to stay, but the majority also don't want it removed.

I wanted it balanced. Bullet Jumps are a fair balance to coptering, imo, but those wall hops are horrid.

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Yes, the game is apparently changing for the worse next week.

With new parkour we can finalle be fast without Tipedo. Is it bad for you? Because very often I want to use other melee and be fast. Now I can't. 


The bunny hopping looks glitchy as hell, I don't care if they claim that was always their intent.  It looks horrible.

Maybe you've seen bunny hopping from old Devstream. For me it looks good and it's fast as wall running. 

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Yes, I am, because coptering does look better than the wall bunny hopping.


Jump slide and attack then by some mystical means propel yourself half way across the map. But wall hopping looks silly.


Coptering looks ridiculous as a mobility method and performed as bad as a form of parkour, which is about control and being able to travel regions.

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Jump slide and attack then by some mystical means propel yourself half way across the map. But wall hopping looks silly.


Coptering looks ridiculous as a mobility method and performed as bad as a form of parkour, which is about control and being able to travel regions.

I am not sure what you are trying to say.


Just FYI though, that wall hopping is just as physics breaking as coptering was.

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I wanted it balanced. Bullet Jumps are a fair balance to coptering, imo, but those wall hops are horrid.


It's not especially pretty from what I've seen.  But does it matter all that much?  Right now Wallrunning looks good...but it's not especially useful, and where it is useful the level geometry was clearly intended particularly for that use.


Hopping seems like it will be useful in a vastly larger number of situations then wall running actually was.  It's a trade off, but on the surface it looks like extra utility.

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