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Parkour 2.0 Is Absolutely Breaking My Heart In Disappointment. And I'll Tell You Why.


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Coptering haters said : But parkour 2.0 will give us more control!


More control? No way, 99% of time when I try to bullet jump forward I just hit the roof of the tile; 99% of things I do toggles off my sprint; bunny hopping still gets me stuck when climbing most walls; and in general, parkour 2.0 is soooo damn slow.


I wish they could keep both systems, coptering and parkour 2.0, so everyone would be happy.

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Coptering haters said : But parkour 2.0 will give us more control!


More control? No way, 99% of time when I try to bullet jump forward I just hit the roof of the tile; 99% of things I do toggles off my sprint; bunny hopping still gets me stuck when climbing most walls; and in general, parkour 2.0 is soooo damn slow.


I wish they could keep both systems, coptering and parkour 2.0, so everyone would be happy.


Coptering (with the "sudden physics disaster" bug removed) should be the "ground-only" BulletJump, and both should be single-button actions instead of combos. That way people with hand conditions can perform those moves as easily as possible.

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I have no IDEA what you Parkour 2.0 haters are screaming about.


I hated coptering with a burning passion. It limited me to specific melee weapons if was running a slow frame like Frost or Saryn when in a fast moving party. Also, wonky momentum. I'd sometimes slide->frontflip->slide-frontflip and go exactly nowhere, loosing 80% of my momentum and dropping right in the midst of a heavy mob, dying there and forcing my team to double back to rez me.


Other times, I'd slide->frontflip->slide-frontflip, OMGWTFSOFAST, twitch wrong and miss the door, then spend upwards of five seconds waiting on the wall for my misbegotten "momentum" to bleed off so i could move again.


Oh wait, that heavy mob just downed me while stuck to the wall. Rez plz.



So, yea. I have some issues with the ugly animations, but Parkour 2.0 is SO MUCH MORE RELIABLE. As soon U17 hit, i was in the obstacle course in the dojo. I spent over an hour there, gauging bulletjump distances and figuring out the ballistic arcs for different aimpoints, and feeling like a real ninja for the first time in this game, just on account of the movement controls.


Then I went to start farming the new frame. Tyl Regor? Grineer, ok. Hek, Lex Prime, Anku. I took Saryn as my frame... Oh S#&$, its the underwater lab tileset. I thought to myself that i was going to be stuck rotating PUGs, because every mission i'd be lagging behind everybody else, and so they'd all leave, and then I'd have to find another PUG...


Bulletjump. Slide. Run. Fall behind. Slide, run, bulletjump, bulletjump. Hey, that actually chains pretty well. Bulletjump. Bulletjump. Bulletjump. Bulletjump. Bulletjump. Bulletjump. Bulletjump. HOLYS#&$ I'M KEEPING UP WITH THE LOKI NOW!


Voice chat kind of exploded at that point.


"Dude, you have rush on that Saryn, right? I mean, I know I'm not running my speed Loki, but... dayum!"

"Aw, nah! I'm not even touching my sprint key! Just chaining bulletjump, CTRL+SPACE once a second or so. DE, my carpal thanks you."

"Srsly? I gotta try this..."

"Don't spam it, just TAP, TAP, TAP, yanno, like that."

Bulletjump. Bulletjump. Bulletjump. Bulletjump. "OMG this is hilarous! Too bad it's not as fast as the old Tipedo copter..."

"Hey, why would you want that? Ok, sure you can speed past anything and everything... including your not-as-fast-teammates... which means you're stuck waiting at the extraction point for them to catch up."

"Hey, let's all coordinate bulletjumps. Yanno, like that ninja squad anime where they is always long jumping through trees and S#&$?"

"S#&$, why not? Sounds like a challenge to me."


The Loki player was pretty clearly a proponent of the old copter, but he was chill enough to try something new. In the end, we all had a lot of fun bulletjumping into or through crowded mobs and laying them all out as a group.


Personally, I much prefer the new Parkour over the old. It's far less likely to spread a fast moving team out over a long line across the map as they move, which pretty much guarantees better player synergy.



Now, if only that pesky Kubrow-in-the-electrified-water bug could get patched on the Regor assassination...

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This is a fairly new system so it really shouldn't be surprising that there are some things that feel a little off. I was also a user of coptering, but was never really a fan of it cause it looked awkward. The new parkour is really promising, and i don't feel any slower using it (though I feel like superman since i bullet jump a lot now). Thing is, this new system of movement is great IMO, but could really use some tweaking to make it really good. Though i wish that the wall hopping was instead used as an animation alongside wall running. 

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I agree. Parkour is slow, clunky and useless. Time to move on from Warframe lol, everything that DE disappoints me and i'm thoroughly done with it. 


The whole "free to play" ninja game is 100% a cash grab, and yes I have made hundreds, maybe thousands of Platinum due to trading, but that still doesnt account for everything else DE does to us to grab all of our platinum. -Insid

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As much as I agree with you (wholeheartedly), it's a big update and the chances of them reversing it is pretty slim.


Wallclimbing is basically the infinite wallclimb glitch but uglier. Wavedashing is awful now and bullet jumping is cramping up my hand hard. Hopefully, it's still being looked at because of it's early stages.


I'm also sad that they won't really revise it


I like this parkour but it needs to be easier more fluid and maybe just maybe faster. I want to be able to combo double jump and bullet jump one after another in any order instead of having to think what I want to do beforehand and getting stuck trying to do it and failing at it...

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You can spam it consistently sure. but you do not move very fast. Especially compared to the slide double jump slide.

I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time understanding this slide > double jump > slide you refer to.


As far as I know, pressing jump while sliding initiates a bullet jump. How does one double jump while sliding?

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Coptering haters said : But parkour 2.0 will give us more control!


More control? No way, 99% of time when I try to bullet jump forward I just hit the roof of the tile; 99% of things I do toggles off my sprint; bunny hopping still gets me stuck when climbing most walls; and in general, parkour 2.0 is soooo damn slow.


I wish they could keep both systems, coptering and parkour 2.0, so everyone would be happy.

If you're hitting the roof of the tile, then your aim is off. Seriously. If you're aiming slighlty down from level, you'll go almost horizontal with your bullet jump every time. It's extremely consistent with respect to your aim. It just takes practice to keep your aim at the correct angle to consistently perform it. If you're looking too much into the floor you'll go up higher than you intended, same if you're aiming too high. Practice makes perfect.

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I also hate it for many of the same reasons and more. I have lost vast freedom of movment. It doesnt look better, it doesn't feel better, it works much worse. We have gone from parkor 2.0 to parkor 1.0. If I had the option to roll back this patch i would take it. Best case scenario for me would be just the parkor aspects roll back.

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If you're hitting the roof of the tile, then your aim is off. Seriously. If you're aiming slighlty down from level, you'll go almost horizontal with your bullet jump every time. It's extremely consistent with respect to your aim. It just takes practice to keep your aim at the correct angle to consistently perform it. If you're looking too much into the floor you'll go up higher than you intended, same if you're aiming too high. Practice makes perfect.


Thats stupid, we should be able to aim at enemies when we run around the levels, instead of making sure every second we aiming corectly when bullet jumping.


One of my fingers hurts  much more then when I was coptering around(I wasnt doing "super" coptering like some people could be I was good enough to keep up with team. Now I must leave game frequently to let my fingers rest. I was really happy when I found about copter because I had exactly same problem with finger when I first "sliding" around for maximum speed(it was before I known what copter was, and even had weapons useful for coptering)

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We lost infinite wallruns, we lost leap slam, and we lost wall slinging.  Then we get this?  This is just mobility creep in a less situational package that encourages spam.  You don't even really use your environment anymore; now you just fly with bullet jumps and the technique described by the OP.

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To start with, parkour 2.0 is much, much better than 1.0. Faster movement, with rush and even armored agility, my exca can basically fly through the map, rocket jump, then double, bullet and double jump. If you bullet and double jump, you get more momentum and travel further, not to mention aim in mid air. My setting is toggle sprint on and off, so I have to press shift occasionally, while keep ctr + space and do what ever crazy ninja stuff I want while aiming and shooting at the same time. Now compare to the old copter, it's significantly faster, much more fun to use. I can rush Alad V boss in like under 2 minutes, while copter I cannot rush that fast. Plus 1 more things, I recognize my APM (action per minute) get much higher when parkour around, and yes, I'm a Starcraft II player, so I like that feeling of fast typing the key.

Copter was initially a bug, DE never intended to add it to parkour 1.0 system. It makes player only choose melee for copter, which is a S#&$ty reason to. Now parkour 2.0 came, copter should be gone, Instead of complaining, try to explore it, give it a try.

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To start with, parkour 2.0 is much, much better than 1.0. Faster movement, with rush and even armored agility, my exca can basically fly through the map, rocket jump, then double, bullet and double jump. If you bullet and double jump, you get more momentum and travel further, not to mention aim in mid air. My setting is toggle sprint on and off, so I have to press shift occasionally, while keep ctr + space and do what ever crazy ninja stuff I want while aiming and shooting at the same time. Now compare to the old copter, it's significantly faster, much more fun to use. I can rush Alad V boss in like under 2 minutes, while copter I cannot rush that fast. Plus 1 more things, I recognize my APM (action per minute) get much higher when parkour around, and yes, I'm a Starcraft II player, so I like that feeling of fast typing the key.

Copter was initially a bug, DE never intended to add it to parkour 1.0 system. It makes player only choose melee for copter, which is a S#&$ty reason to. Now parkour 2.0 came, copter should be gone, Instead of complaining, try to explore it, give it a try.


tried and my fingers(pinky finger especially) hurt more then ever, must take a lot of breaks from playing, and also bullet jump  is annoying to use in small corridors, it always send me my flying slightly upward when I want to move forward.

Edited by Culaio
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set your sprint key to toggle on and off, just shift once and you can run for a long time. I used my pinky for shift, control while thumb for space. feel great, fast. Bullet jump is effect by your camera, move it while pressing directional key WASD and bullet jump is much more manageable in close corridor. I rush through corpus map like nothing, especial Jupiter, you know how the map is full of small corridor right ? 

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I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time understanding this slide > double jump > slide you refer to.


As far as I know, pressing jump while sliding initiates a bullet jump. How does one double jump while sliding?

Ok. So the second you get momentum from sliding. Let go of sprint, jump, double jump, then slide again while holding sprint. Takes a moment of practice but it sends you sailing if done right.

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bullet jump can be performance when stand still, moving, sprint, and 1 jump, then ctr + jump again, bullet jump in mid air, of course, it consumes the double jump. Right now I get the habit of press shift 1 to toggle sprint on, then ctr and space to bullet, sprint help a lot with the jump distant, then space again to double jump. I can cover great distance with little time, of course, more buttons pressed but fun as hell. Not to mention when I hit the wall, and space again, the whole bullet + double jump reset, so I can even accelerate even further.


Or if you are not familiar yes, timing when you hit the wall, aim or block with melee, then look at where you want to go next and jump off the wall, that will also reset the jump. 

Edited by Harrycan
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It's still better then letting jesus take the wheel when you copter or fling off geometry with the previous system.

They did internal testing with this with many rework builds. Now that it's in the player's hands feedback is what they need, not people wanting the system utterly destroyed and reverted back to on-rail garbage with horrible momentum control.

I'm not phased by the cap of speed on the Air Melee.

It is feedback. We are stating exactly what we think is wrong with it. If it is broken enough to warrant it being completely reworked then so be it.

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set your sprint key to toggle on and off, just shift once and you can run for a long time. I used my pinky for shift, control while thumb for space. feel great, fast. Bullet jump is effect by your camera, move it while pressing directional key WASD and bullet jump is much more manageable in close corridor. I rush through corpus map like nothing, especial Jupiter, you know how the map is full of small corridor right ? 

This could actually work except for some reason after toggling it on it mysteriously goes off... that's not a toggle, it "toggle" means it is on for like 10 seconds... no. lol.

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After playing around with parkour 2.0 a bit more, I really do like it, the one problem I have with it is that I think bullet jump really needs to be sprint+jump not crouch+jump. It makes more sense that high velocity/high mobility is all tied to sprint, if you want to normal jump, you let off the gas (let go of sprint). Switching from sprint to crouch for this maneuver doesn't make any sense and I can feel the stress developing in my pinky over it.

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Coptering (with the "sudden physics disaster" bug removed) should be the "ground-only" BulletJump, and both should be single-button actions instead of combos. That way people with hand conditions can perform those moves as easily as possible.

This is hilarious. New system is HARDER for people with hand conditions? Unless your hand condition is having several extra fingers that's patently untrue.

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Let me put it this way...


Now I can run into the room, immediately rocket into the air shoot enemies as a fly over them and finish with a stylish jump attack dive straight on the heads of the surivors.


Could I do that before? No.


Hence it's an improvement for me!


And I don't find it slower at all. The control makes up for the speed as copter will just fling you into the wall where you lose precious seconds with your face pressed against whatever it is you slammed into. With some thinking and skill I can clear rooms much faster and I can kill stuf while doing it. I used to copter, with daggers, with tipedo and I never found it fun. I did it automatically when there was a gap (aka my stamina drained)... but I didn't think about it, I didn't enjoy it... now I have fun.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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Then you've clearly never used the forward somersault. You eat up distances at blisteringly fast speeds. Now with the bullet crap, you move like a wallowing pig through muck.

No. Lol. No not at all. You make bold exaggerations to try to bolden your point but it only makes you look stupid. Try again.

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